Tuesday, March 18, 2014

News from Abroad

Carmen e-mailed me over the weekend with femulating news from France.

The Femultor image that I posted here yesterday was the result of Carmen's e-mail, that is, Alexandre Styker's portrayal of a transwoman in a French television movie, Belinda et Moi, which aired on Saturday.

Carmen also mentioned that on March 8, her and some girlfriends visited Chenonceau Castle and Gardens.

These days, it is not that unusual for transwomen to go out and see the sights, but what happened to Carmen and her friends was very unusual --- a local newspaper (La Nouvelle Republique) publicized their visit in print and on the newspaper's website!

How cool is that!

By the way, Carmen is second from the left in the photo the newspaper published.


Source: Female Mimics
Bambi, a professional femulator, in French street style, circa 1965.


Wearing 10 Crosby Derek Lam (dress) and Joie (booties).

Monday, March 17, 2014

Statuesque Stars

Elizabeth_Debicki Most of my free time this weekend was spent working with Turbotax. I finally buttoned up my tax return about 5 PM last night and crashed in front of the television.

The 2013 version of The Great Gatsby was on HBO, so I gave it a look. Visually, it was beautiful --- recreating New York City of the 1920s. And the actress playing Jordan Baker was stunning.

I did not recognize her, so I looked her up. She is Elizabeth Debicki, who happens to be half Polish and half Irish (Happy Saint Patrick's Day) and is 6 feet 3 inches tall!

With that I guess it is time to update my Famous Females of Height List.

Besides Ms. Debicki (photo right), I have two other additions to the list:

5’11” Toni Tenille, the singer of Captain and Tenille fame. (Source: Peaches)

5’8” Vanessa Angel, a model and actress, best known for the film, Kingpin.

Have a stunning week!






Actor Alexandre Styker (right) femulating in Belinda et Moi, a 2014 French television movie.(Thank you, Carmen, for the heads-up concerning this film.)





Source: Madeleine

Wearing Madeleine.

Saturday, March 15, 2014


stanley-i'm-home-3 As a teenager, I dressed in my mother's and sister's clothing whenever I was home alone.

One day, I was all dressing up in my parent's bedroom when I heard the garage door open. That meant that my mother and sister had arrived home.

I high-tailed it to my bedroom upstairs, stripped off the feminine attire and returned to boy mode as quickly as possible. Then I stashed the girly stuff in a hiding place so I could return it to its proper place later whenever  the opportunity arose to do so.

Then I went back downstairs as if nothing happened.

"Why are my shoes out?" my mother asked from her bedroom.

Nuts! I forgot to grab her high heels when I high-tailed it upstairs. I had to think quick and come up with an excuse.

One of my hobbies was cartooning, so my excuse was, "I had to draw a high heel shoe and needed a real shoe as a model."

"OK," she replied.

I don't know if she bought my excuse or not, but it was clues like that that made her suspicious. Eventually, she figured out what was going on, but she never let on that she knew.

By the way, the cartoon above is pretty accurate. That dress is the style that my mother wore when I was in my early teens and white gloves were a must, so much so that I always wore white gloves when I femulated back then.





Source: TG Forum

The Bigwood Twins, professional femulating brothers, circa 1930.





Source: Madeleine

Wearing Madeleine.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Clip-Ons Redux

a-year-among-the-girlsFollowing-up on my earring transition post on Wednesday, some readers wrote that one reason they prefer pierced earrings to clip-on earrings was because of the pain that clip-ons inflicted on the ears.

I too have suffered the pain and agony of clip-on earrings, but I have found two solutions.

  1. Sometimes the clip-on earrings are too tight and need adjusting. Loosening the earrings’ grip on your ears differs depending on the style of the clip, but usually requires only a little bending of the offending clip.
  2. Even after loosening the clip, I have had earrings that persist in torturing my ears. In that case, I resort to slipping pads (like these) over the clips to soften their grip. That solves the problem in most cases.

Have a beautiful weekend!






The talented Harvey Lee, professional femulator, circa 1945.





Source: ShopBop

Wearing Haute Hippie.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Who Likes Shorts Shorts?

IMG_0300_web Aunty flickrs Womanless

Regular Femulate contributor Aunty has posted a slew of womanless images on flickr. Check it out if you like that sort of thing (and who doesn't?).

True Colors Conference

I will attend and present (“Crossdressing Successfully in the Real World”) at the True Colors Conference next Friday (March 21) at the University of Connecticut.

"True Colors is a non-profit organization that works with other social service agencies, schools, organizations, and within communities to ensure that the needs of sexual and gender minority youth are both recognized and competently met."

Harry Benjamin’s The Transsexual Phenomenon

I was looking for a copy of Harry Benjamin’s classic work The Transsexual Phenomenon. It has been out-of-print for awhile. Amazon had a used copy for $300 (hardcover) and $50 (paperback). However, I found a copy for free here.

Replying to Comments

If you are wondering why I have not replied to your Comments for awhile, the reason is that something in some software somewhere was preventing me from doing so. Each time I tried to reply to a Comment, my reply would vanish when I tried to post it.

I was determined to figure out what was going on. First, I thought that it might be a blog setting that was causing the problem, but no matter how I optioned the settings, the problem persisted.

Then I tried using a different browser and the problem went away. Using Safari, I had no problem replying to Comments (and I replied to over a week's worth). Going back to Chrome and the problem returned. Don’t know why, but I do know the workaround: use Safari.





Source: Aunty

Actor femulating in boy’s prep school production of Hairspray in 2013.





Source: ShopBop

Wearing Rag & Bone.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I’m Transitioning

I’m transitioning pierced earrings to clip-on earrings using the converters that Avon sells. After some trial and error, I have the transitioning procedure down pat.

Step 1.

Bend the post of the pierced earring 90°. To avoid snapping the post off the earring, use a small pair of needle nose pliers to grasp the post at its base and slowly bend the rest of the post 90° with your thumb.


Step 2.

Using a glue that will bond metal, apply a dab of glue to the bent post with a toothpick.

Step 3.

Insert the post into the tube of the converter.

Step 4.

Position the earring at a 90° angle with relation to the converter. Let the glue dry thoroughly.


You can skip using the glue, but soon the post will loosen inside the tube of the converter. Then the earring will flop around and fall out of the tube. The glue stabilizes the post inside the tube and I recommend using the glue.

UPDATE: It is early, but I have already received comments and e-mails suggesting that getting my ears pierced is preferable to using clip-ons. My reply is that if I was living as a woman full-time (or nearly full-time), I would consider getting my ears pierced. But since I am part-time and have a big investment in a large collection of clip-ons, I will stick with the clips.






The femulating French Lolita.






She is reputed to be a femulator, but I don’t know for sure.
I love what she is wearing.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tea for Two Times Three

IMG_3944_www After I went shopping at the mall Friday morning, I attended an afternoon tea with five of my friends at Tea Rose's Tea Room in Downtown Cromwell.

My friends included four girls like me and the spouse of one of the girls. I have known these women like forever. (Talk about small worlds... one of the girls is the cousin of one of my best friends from grammar school.)

For over two hours, I enjoyed drinking tea, eating tea sandwiches and mini-desserts and chatting with my friends in a beautifully-appointed tea room. We were referred to as "ladies" and treated as ladies by our hostess. It was all very nice.

My only complaint was that I drank too much tea and had acid indigestion later in the afternoon. A woman's got to know her limitations, so next time I will drink less tea.





Holly Woodlawn femulating in the 1971 film Women in Revolt.





Source: Daily Look

Wearing Daily Look.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Morning at the Mall

IMG_3930_cropped_www Thank you for all the birthday greetings. You helped ease the transition from 62 to 63!

My birthday was Saturday and I spent it with my family, but Friday was a birthday gift to myself: a day out en femme: a morning shopping and an afternoon tea.

Originally, I planned to dress to blend in at the mall wearing leggings and a tunic top, but I reconsidered and dressed up for the tea. I wore my new polka dot dress from Avon, black tights, black bag, and pearl jewelry. I also wore two pairs of shoes: black flats at the mall and black heels at the tea.

The temperature was supposed to be near 40°F, so I wore my black sweater coat, which would be adequate outdoors, but too warm in the mall. My goal at the mall was to shop for a lightweight coat.

I saw a houndstooth coat on the Torrid website that I wanted to check out, so when I arrived at the Meriden Westfield Mall at 10 AM, Torrid was the first store I visited.

At 10 AM, the mall is not busy. Workers are scurrying to their stores to begin the day and senior citizens are shopping or walking for exercise. As I was making my way through the mall to Torrid, a young woman walking faster than I, caught up with me and passed me by. As she passed, she turned back and said, “I love your jacket!”

“Thank-you,” I replied. “Good way to start the day,” I thought.

Entering Torrid, a saleswoman welcomed me and asked if I needed any assistance. When I told her about the houndstooth coat, she gave me a blank look and said that they did not have any houndstooth coats. She showed me a handful of jackets they had for sale, but they did not interest me, so I thanked her and departed.

There was a new store next door called Fashion to Figure that I noticed before I entered Torrid. The clothes on display in their storefront looked attractive and plus-sized, so after leaving Torrid, I entered Fashion to Figure. Turns out Fashion to Figure is in direct competition with Torrid focusing exclusively on clothing and related accessories for women and teenagers sized 12 to 26.

Two saleswomen greeted me as I entered the store and asked if I needed any help. I told them I was looking for a coat and one saleswoman showed me a rack of blue trench coats. I liked the color and style, tried on two sizes, found one that fit and loved how the coat looked on me.

The houndstooth coat on the Torrid website was on sale for $108, so I held my breath when I looked for the price tag of the Fashion to Figure trench coat. I was astonished when I saw that the coat only cost $32.50! Wow! I told the saleswoman that I would take it and would like to wear it out of the store.

Before she would let me go, she insisted that I try on a body shaper that they sold: a Squeem Miracle Vest. I had never heard of that brand before. It turned out to be unlike any body shaper I had ever worn. Read the description for the low-down about the shaper.

It was amazing!It gave me a new figure that was curvier than ever before and I was sold. I don't know why I didn't wear it out of the store like the trench coat, but for some reason, it did not occur to me to do so.

As I was getting ready to pay, I mentioned that it was my birthday and the saleswoman said I qualified for 25% discount during the month of my birthday if I joined their e-mail list. So I joined their list and as I opened my bag to fetch my wallet to pay for the coat and shaper, I noticed a beautiful black and coral peplum mesh dress on display that I had to try on.

I took two sizes to the dressing room and the first one I tried on fit like a glove and looked great. So I added another item to my shopping bag, paid for my purchases, and moved on. By the way, I loved the selection and prices at Fashion to Figure and plan to shop there often.

I had a 25% birthday discount coupon for Payless shoes and there was a store right across the way from Fashion to Figure, so that was my next stop.

I was so happy with the wedges that I bought last spring at Payless that I was looking for another pair. I perused the women's size 11-12-13 racks and found a half-dozen wedges to try on.

Only one pair fit: a mid-heel black pair, which was perfect because I was looking for something dressier than the casual wedges I already own. I paid for my purchase and wore them out of the store.

I walked around the mall, looking here and there, but I did not find anything else to buy. No one paid me much mind except for saleswomen who smiled and greeted me in various stores and a pair of 30- or 40-something guys, who were walking the mall for exercise. The two guys made no attempt to hide the fact that they were checking me out. I appreciated what they were doing, but feigned ignorance about what they were doing.

Next stop, the tea room.





Source: Pinterest






Source: Madeliene

Wearing Madeliene.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Friday, March 7, 2014

Is she or isn’t she?

Source: DragFEST My trans radar has been on the fritz lately. Every woman I see looks like a femulator!

For example, referring to the Femulator image that appeared here on Monday, Shukun commented that "After some extensive searching I came across a cast listing from that femulator's play. She's actually a genetic girl."

Who knew! The image came from a stage play at an all-male school. Other images from that school showed males en femme who were obviously males en femme. So I thought that Monday's Femulator was also a male en femme who had cranked it up a notch or two. 

There are so many images on the Internet of purported femulators who turn out not to be femulators that I am always hesitant to proclaim someone a "femulator" when the proof is sketchy.

For example, the image above came from the DragFEST website of North Carolina State University. The person in the photo is named "Claire McKnight" and when I first saw her photo, I thought she was a cisgender female who participated in the DragFEST by emulating a drag queen (a "dragulator").

But other photos on the website that indicate that Claire is using duct tape to create her impressive bust. I have achieved similar results, so I know that it can be done, but is that evidence enough to declare that Claire is a femulator?

Hard to say.

It is a tough job, but someone has to do it. And if I am wrong on occasion, sobeit; I will just try to do better next time.





German femulators, before the Nazis and after the Commies.





Source: ideeli