Tuesday, February 18, 2014

He Wears a Dress; She's Fine With That


“When Brian and Debbie McCloskey got married two years ago, Debbie wore a lovely little neutral-colored dress. So did Brian. It was, perhaps, the happiest day of both of their lives. Brian is a transvestite, which means he likes to wear women's clothes. His wife is totally fine with that.”

Read the rest of the great story about this happy couple in LA Weekly.





Source: Women In Revolt

Candy Darling in the 1971 film Women In Revolt.





Source: ideeli

Wearing C. Luce.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Weather Wearied

Source: Avon My cold is pretty much gone. Thank you all who wished me well and a quick recovery.

The cold peaked Saturday and squashed my plans to go out Saturday night.

I was supposed to go to dinner with my friends Diana and Krista and Krista's friend Amanda. And after dinner, we were going to attend an LGBT Valentine's Day dance. I even purchased a new red dress for the occasion (see photo). So I was very down and out about missing a girls' night out because of my cold, which I attribute to being worn out by the weather.

Last week was a winter wonderland in my neck of the woods and I saw way too much of the rear end of my snow thrower. I probably put in close to six hours moving snow, which wore me out and lowered my resistance to whatever bug was in the neighborhood. At least it wasn't the flu bug!

I thought i would improve my attitude by watching a film Saturday evening, so I put on a DVD of Woody Allen's latest, Blue Jasmine.

Bummer! The film was very good, but was not your typical Woody Allen fare. I was not amused; I did not laugh once and went to bed doubly disappointed by the turn of events.

It snowed again Saturday evening and I found out this morning that the Valentine's Day dance was cancelled at the last minute due to the weather. The group plans to reschedule the dance real soon now.

And so it goes.





Source: Female Mimics

Femulators in street style circa 1965.





Source: Madeleine

Wearing Madeleine.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Time Out

I am ill. I came down with a very bad head cold that started Thursday night and has gotten progressively worse. Meds are not helping much and I am going back to bed after I post this.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

When Nature Calls, Where You Gonna Go?

refuge_restrooms If you are uncomfortable using the public restroom of your gender or the gender you are presenting as, there is some good news: an online tool that locates gender neutral restrooms.

Refuge Restrooms "seeks to provide safe restroom access for transgender, intersex, and gender noncomforming individuals." Refuge is trying to fill the gap left by the Safe2Pee website, which departed from the Internet recently.

You can contribute to the success of Refuge by submitting gender neutral restrooms that you are aware of that are not already listed by Refuge. Monetary contributions will also be helpful.

For what it’s worth, I have never had an issue using the ladies’ restroom. So far, I’ve patronized ladies’ rooms in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Ohio and Pennsylvania and I no longer hesitate when I have to go no matter where I am. And by the way, ladies’ rooms are typically much nicer than men’s rooms; try it, you’ll like it!





Source: Pinterest

A woman in menswear and a femulator in 2004.





Source: Madeleine

Wearing Madeleine.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Fabulous Four

I am a big fan of The Beatles, so I am enjoying all the nostalgia about the group's first visit to the USA 50 years ago.

After seeing The Beatles first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show replayed countless times over the past week, I am surprised no one mentioned that John's microphone was dead during the performance. You never hear him sing that night. You only hear the voices of Paul and George. John mouths the lyrics, but you can't hear him!

Anyway, two things are stuck in my memory about those days.

--- Being a budding radio hobbyist, I had a transistor radio by my side 24/7 and I remember being impressed that The Beatles had taken over rock radio. It seemed as if all the rock stations were playing wall-to-wall music by the Fab Four for weeks, perhaps months on end back in 1964. I had heard nothing like that before (and nothing like that since).

--- Being a novice femulator, I was impressed that the Beatles wore "long" hair and high-heeled footwear... just like girls wore! Were skirts and makeup next? Will boys be dressing like girls real soon now? 

I had high hopes and thought, "Don't let me down." But I should have known better.

Source: Femulate Archives

Prisoners of war femulating on stage during World War I.

Source: Belle & Clive

Wearing Ali Ro.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Play Drag Ball

Yesterday, we learned about Geschlechtertausch (Gender Swap) thanks to Aunty Marlena. Today, thanks to Aunty Marlena again, we can view photos on flickr from one of the better womanless beauty pageants this school year: the Jackson (Alabama) High School Baseball's "Dude Looks Like a Lady" pageant.

UPDATE: Sorry, but the photos of the pageant were removed from flickr. The flickr link now only displays the cover of the program for the event. And so it goes. 


500-Jackson-AL-HS-baseball-team-wbp-2014-02-01 423-Jackson-AL-HS-baseball-team-wbp-2014-02-01-01






Source: Aunty Marlena

Actor Alex Grelle femulating on stage in Scarrie: The Musical in 2012.





Source: ShopBop

Wearing Ramy Brook.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Aunty Marlena discovered that Geschlechtertausch (Gender Swap) is a popular event among students in German high schools and she sent me a load of links showing examples of German boys and girls as girls and boys on Gender Swap Day. Instead of listing all those links, Google Geschlechtertausch yourself and Google will turn up hundreds of images for you just like the ones below.

452-Geschlechtertausch-2006 450-Geschlechtertausch-2012
450-Geschlechtertausch-2010-01 446-Geschlechtertausch-2010
406-Geschlechtertausch-2014-Frauenlobstraße-High-School-01 402-Geschlechtertausch-2009
402-Geschlechtertausch-01 400-Geschlechtertausch-2009-02
398-Geschlechtertausch-2009-01 405-Geschlechtertausch-2014-Frauenlobstraße-High-School





Source: Female Mimics

Femulators competing in the 1974 installment of the National Cotillion.





Source: La Redoute

Wearing Delphine Manivet.