Thursday, January 11, 2024

Achieve a Passing Level

By Tami Knight

Here are suggestions to help take your presentation to the passing level. If you are intent on enjoying passing well, these matter. I learned them all long ago and have improved my look greatly over time. 


See a cosmetic dermatologist for facial skin improvement, Retin-A, Botox, fillers, collagen building and facial hair removal. Women are all over these products and you should be as well. Little adjustments can make a big difference and there are so many ways to improve.  

Consider a female doctor who specializes in cosmetic work. Your doctor has certainly seen males before seeking a softer, youthful feminine appearance. So be candid. You can build a good relationship and see real progress by sticking with this.  

Over many years I have developed a close friendship with mine. She really enjoys improving and maintaining my look. We share many interests and often meet for a glass of wine and or dinner. Better skin, smaller pores, fewer wrinkles, less brown spots and softer facial contours mean less makeup. Less makeup is a game changer!

Get on the regular email updates from Dr. Brandith Irwin’s Skin Tour. I have learned so much from Dr. Brandith Irwin. With continual advancements in the cosmetic dermatological world, you have to keep up in order to know what products to ask for, where to go and what products or procedures to avoid.  

Don't be afraid to shop around for the best doctor for you. Yes, some, but not all procedures are expensive. So is beauty!


Lash extensions are amazing and you can wear a little or a lot. You won’t need eye liner or mascara anymore and your eyes will pop! Learn about the lengths of lashes available and degree of curl so you get the look you want. You can do a little and wear them full time or go nuts with a full set for that vacation. There is a glue softener for easy removal when you wish.  

I find these addicting and so do most of my friends who have them. The process is so easy, gentle and relaxing! Again, shop around for the best technician who can give you a look you will love. Start slow adding lashes just a bit longer than your own and build them up over time. 

Another alternative to achieving great eyes that I like is eyelash tinting, which is easy and quick. Combine this with an eyelash lift for a nice curl to your natural lashes that lasts a couple months. Again, you can lose the mascara!


Mine grow like weeds. To trim, I first brush down, hold them and snip away. Then I brush them upwards and trim again. Pull those strays.  

A natural brow line is what women go for today so don’t think you have to pluck them pencil thin. Just maintain them and reduce their length, shaping slightly as is appropriate for your face shape.  

Again, there are good wax technicians out there who will help you achieve a feminine or androgynous shape that will take you anywhere. Make certain that your brows match your hair color as well and your salon can color them in minutes.


Lose weight. Nothing can be more meaningful than getting thinner. Can you shoot for size 6, 8 or 10? If so, you are doing well. (I wear size 6-8 or woman’s medium.) 

There is the Golden Ratio (1:1.6) that suits our universal aesthetic sense. Google this ratio and take note! Your shoulders need to be very close to the same width as your hips and your waist in ratio with your hips. One can look passable in larger sizes with the right ratios.  

Getting slim and trim makes taking something off the rack and seeing it fit such a joy. So, start and do yoga. You need to move effortlessly and improve your posture. I often get compliments on mine. A straight back with our shoulders back walking and sitting is the ideal. Never slouch! I have gone to yoga class as Tami for years. The room is small, lighting is low and we do slow movement and hold poses. Simply wonderful once you get in the habit.

By putting all this together, over time, you may even hear a “Yes, Ma'am” when you least expect it.

Source: Cynthia Rowley
Wearing Cynthia Rowley

Julie Slowisnski
Julie Slowinski

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Shopping for Hardware in Softwear

Christina Marie remarked, “So much easier to shop for things when in girl mode, huh?”

Yes, indeed!

You have your shapewear strategically in place, so you know how the item will fit when you try it on and you are in makeup and wearing a do, so you know how the item will look on madam.

Yes, shopping in girl mode is so much easier… even if you are not shopping for girly things!

Which reminds me of the time I visited a Lowe’s home improvement store in girl mode to get a replacement part for a piece of plumbing that failed. I had no trepidation about going to Lowe’s and I found my trip very revealing.

Whenever I go to Lowe’s or Home Depot in boy mode, I have to find and ask a store employee when I need help. In girl mode, I had a male Lowe’s employee practically at my beck and call without asking. 

When he saw me looking lost in the plumbing department, he asked what I needed and directed me to the exact location where the part was displayed. After I found what I needed, he came over and compared it to the old part I had brought along to make sure I got the right part.

That's the power of a short skirt and high heels!

Source: Paige
Wearing Paige

Richard O’Brien
Richard O’Brien

Monday, January 8, 2024

More Stuff: Accessories

By J.J. Atwell

More Stuff

Let’s talk about accessories in today’s Stuff. In an earlier installment, I mentioned a friend Gigi who I often correspond with about various things.  Today’s installment of Stuff is one suggested by her about items she referred to as “statement accessories.”


First I should explain just what “accessories” are for the purpose of this column. I’m using that term to mean pretty much everything besides the actual clothes/shoes that we wear when crossdressing. Things like a bag, necklaces, earrings, bangles and maybe something in your hair. Selecting the right accessories is something that helps complete your look. Of course, you need to start with the basic outfit, so go ahead and pick that out. I’ll wait.  

OK, Got the Outfit - Now What?  

So now that you have your outfit, how do you accessorize? Of course, this depends on what you have available and where you will be going.

I tend to go for casual, blend-in looks when being JJ. Take a moment to look at my avatar at the top of this page. Notice the lariat-style necklace and how it does several things. It compliments the rest of the outfit, which is a grey cardigan over a white shell and I’m wearing black skinny jeans with it. The necklace is made of a metallic black and silver twisted together. It hangs smoothly from around my neck and dangles down to draw attention away from my face (one of my worst features) and adds to the illusion of a long neck. 

Once I decided on the outfit and the necklace, it was time to finish off the outfit. I didn’t want my other accessories to work against the impact of the necklace. That would result in several different items competing for attention. So instead of big, dangly earrings, I went with a small set of pearls. Instead of big, clunky bangles, I went with a simple bracelet. My watchband might have been a bit too much as it looked like a black hair scrunchie, but I had limited options, so I had to make do. 

At this point I’m sure a lot of you are saying, “I would have done…” Yes, your sense of style is probably different from mine. I tend to be very conservative in my femme look. One of these days though, I’ll go a bit more flamboyant in my look. I intend to talk more about accessories in a future post so stay tuned! And send me your thoughts about accessories please.

I’ll be back

I’ll be back with more Stuff in the next installment. Comments are welcome either here on the blog or by email to Jenn6nov at-sign gmail dot com. JJ is always looking for more stuff, so let me know what you would like to read about.

Source: Boston Proper
Wearing Boston Proper

Tom Smothers
Recently deceased Tom Smothers femulating in a 1965 episode of television’s You're Only Old Once.
Thanks to Trish for this femulation alert.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Better Late Than Never

I have been running late for about a year now. Health issues (mine and my spouse’s) really put a crimp in my life in 2023. Even the holidays did not go as planned as my wife ended up in the ER again followed by a short stay in the hospital. So today’s post is about a week late.

I just want to thank everyone for their support this past year. Your positive comments and emails often made my day in 2023.

Also, I want to thank the readers who wrote posts for the blog. These sure came in handy this past summer when I was running to the hospital everyday to spend time with my spouse. The blog would have been empty otherwise.

I finally want to thank the readers who contributed to my Coffee Break. I really appreciate the monetary contributions from those readers who valued this blog enough to put their money where their mouth was, so to speak. Your contributions helped to keep the lights on.

So good riddance, 2023, and welcome, 2024!

And so it goes.

Source: Boston Proper
Wearing Boston Proper

Friday, January 5, 2024

Finding Your Fabulous

Navigating the Art of Makeup at MAC

By Paula Gaikowski

For many people exploring the world of crossdressing or transgender expression, navigating the art of makeup can feel like a daunting task. Fear not! One of the best resources for beginners is a visit to a MAC cosmetics store. 

While I admit to a personal bias here, my experiences across the country, from Massachusetts to California, have been consistently positive. The staff at MAC is known for their genuine support and understanding of the transgender and crossdressing communities.

To delve deeper into this welcoming environment, I recently embarked on a research mission for the Femulate community, specifically focusing on makeup consultations and makeovers at MAC stores. I contacted locations in Boston, Chicago and Los Angeles, and here is what I discovered to help make your own makeover exploration a breeze!

Service Options for Every Need

MAC caters to a variety of desires, with service options to suit individual preferences.

  • Makeup Lesson: Learn the basics or refine your technique with a one-on-one session. Prices range from $75 to $100, depending on the location and duration.
  • Makeover: Let the professionals work their magic! They'll create a personalized look using MAC products tailored to your preferences and features. Prices range from $75 to $100.
  • Night Out: Glam it up for a special occasion with a dazzling makeover that will have you sparkling! Price: $100.

A Welcoming Atmosphere

As a transgender individual, my biggest concern was feeling comfortable and accepted. I'm happy to report that every makeup artist I spoke with was incredibly welcoming and reassuring. They expressed excitement about working with me and emphasized their desire to make me feel confident and beautiful as a transgender woman.

Private Rooms and Personalized Service

MAC stores typically have a dedicated private room tucked away in the back, offering a comfortable and discreet space for you to relax and chat with your makeup artist during consultations and makeovers. This privacy allows you to feel at ease while discussing your preferences and trying out different looks.

Tips for Planning Your MAC Makeover

  • Book your appointment in advance especially if you’re interested in a specific service or makeup artist.
  • Come prepared with photos or ideas. Share your desired look with the artist to ensure you’re on the same page.
  • Be open to suggestions. The pros know their stuff! Trust their expertise and let them guide you towards a look you’ll love.
  • Relax and have fun! This is a chance to explore and experiment with your makeup. Enjoy the experience and embrace the transformation.

Invest in Yourself

The price tag might raise an eyebrow at first, but consider it an investment in yourself, not just an expense. Think of all the money you've wasted on makeup that wasn’t the right shade, formula or simply never got used. 

The MAC artists will create a personalized list of products they used on you. You can buy them all at once or spread it out over time. The quality and longevity of MAC products make them worth the initial investment. Treat yourself to a new item every couple of weeks and slowly build your own go-to kit for stunning looks every time you step out the door.

Remember, exploring your makeup journey is about having fun and expressing yourself. With welcoming staff, personalized service options and high-quality products, MAC can be a valuable resource for anyone navigating the art of makeup, especially those in the crossdressing and transgender communities. 

Go forth, experiment and embrace your femininity!

Source: Rue La La
Wearing Rue La La

Tony Curtis
Tony Curtis femulating in the 1959 film Some Like It Hot.

Thursday, January 4, 2024


By Tami Knight

Did your sister help?

The recent question posted, “Did your mother dress you?” prompted this big sister history.

Nancy, my older sister and I dressed up and played sisters in our early years. I don’t recall whose idea it was, but it started very early and I loved it. Our frequent dress-up sessions were after school and could only last until just before Dad came home for dinner.

Mom would tolerate this provided it didn’t happen too often as she preferred us playing outside. On the other hand, there were times when Mom played along and made her “girls” a snack, dolled us both up or took us out in the car on an errand.

Through grade school, Nancy would offer me anything (mostly school clothes) she had outgrown or just didn’t like. She had no hesitation in sharing these hand-me-downs as she knew well that I idolized her. I loved her gifts, too, and she knew it.  

I recall one shopping trip for school clothes, when in the girls’ department, Mom held a couple dresses up to me to make her decision to buy for Nancy or not. I think she knew I enjoyed that.

One babysitter thought my dressing up was fun, too. I recall being paraded out of the bedroom in front of one who laid on the couch as I tried on several of Nancy’s better dresses with a bow in my hair. Compliments came with each outfit and I was told how pretty I was. On this occasion, Dad learned about it and Nancy got scolded badly. Thankfully, Mom didn’t share much with him about my history of after-school dressing and Nancy and I continued as best as we could in secret.

There came a time when we moved to northern Michigan, but Dad still had work 250 miles to the south. This period freed up some weekends for spending most of Saturday with my sister as a sister. It was also a time when Nancy’s circle of girlfriends was expanding and she was most interested in spending time with them. 

More than once when she was out, I was home alone in my room in a dress. She would bring a friend over and they would discover me. Sometimes her friend would laugh and tease me or compliment me and show interest. Yes, word among the kids spread that I might be a girl.

As we became teens, all this changed. Only occasionally did my sister and I have instances to talk of these memories and she would ask if I still wanted to be a girl despite knowing the answer.

Source: Boston Proper
Wearing Boston Proper

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Stuff #24

By J.J. Atwell

Hello Again

I’d like to write about something that cis women deal with all the time and most haven’t yet found the solution. And if cisgender women haven’t found the solution, is there any hope for crossdressers? Yes, there is lots of Stuff to cover today.

The Big Question

How do you find jeans that fit properly and show off your “girlish” figure. I guess that depends a bit on how you like your jeans to fit and what the current fashion trends are. 

I personally like the skinny jean look. I know that’s going out of style, but I still like it.  

Skinny jeans are very difficult to match to your figure because there can be so many variations in people’s bodies. Think first about cisgender women. How many of them have the same kind of curves around the hips, butt and down the line of the leg? Not to mention the actual length needed so they don’t wrinkle up at the foot. Even with those constraints, each manufacturer of jeans has different size standards. That forces a cisgender woman to try on jeans from different brands to find the one that fits her body best. And even then, they will find differences in fit between styles from the same manufacturer. For instance, one of my cisgender woman friends, Alicia, can wear a size 8 and a size 12 from same manufacturer, but in different styles of jeans. 

There is also a thing often referred to as “Vanity Sizing” in the clothing industry. That’s when a manufacturer purposely makes the clothing larger but labels them in a smaller size. That way the buyer can say to herself, “Yay! I went down a size!!!” I recently did that myself having gone down to a size 8 skinny jean from a 10 or 12. Well, actually I’m going to stick with the I’m losing weight story and not the vanity sizing story.  

But what about us?

Now let's talk about crossdressers. How do we find jeans that fit our body best? We do the same thing that cis women do, we try various brands and styles. But we have a complication: how to make our typical male body look more female in jeans. Many of us, JJ included, use hip/bum padding to fill out the seat of the jeans. 

But some padding solutions leave an even worse problem… you can see where the padding ends on the leg (the dreaded “visible padding line”). So those typical oval foam pads that many of use to enhance our lower body work just fine when we are wearing a skirt. But when wearing skinny jeans or leggings, they can leave us looking like the snake that swallowed a ball! So it is important to get padding that tapers down the side of the leg to give the illusion of a smooth line.  

Fortunately, most skinny jeans are made with material that has a fair amount of stretch. That helps the jeans hug the contours of the wearer without being too constraining when you move.  In fact, some jeans are really comfortable.  

I’m partial to the Gloria Vanderbilt line of jeans. I get their “comfort curvy” skinny jean because they do best on my augmented figure. After many different attempts to find the right fit, I now really understand women’s frustration with clothing sizes.  

I’ll be back

Yes, there will be more Stuff. In the meantime comments are welcome either here on the blog or by email to Jenn6nov at-sign gmail dot com. JJ is always looking for more stuff, so if there is something you would like to read about please let me know!

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

Donovan Leitch Jr.
Donovan Leitch Jr. femulating on television’s The Job.
Click here to view this femulation on YouTube.