Thursday, August 10, 2023


Wednesday, my wife was undergoing tests at the hospital, so I did not visit her because I did not know where she would be at any specific time. Would she be at the hospital or at the rehab center or traveling in between? I was way overdue to go out en femme and decided to do so since my wife was otherwise occupied.

The weather was beautiful, so I wore my Venus faux leather shorts, JC Penney lacy top, Avon blazer and Payless 3.5-inch chunky heel Mary-Janes. I was en femme around noon, then sat around waiting for the test results.

The results arrived by email at 3 PM and it was all good news! With that, I was ready to go, but as I rose from my seat, I noticed that the rubber tip on the heel of one of my Mary-Janes had come loose and was resting on the carpet. These Mary-Janes are an old time favorite and I guess the glue on the rubber tip had dried out after all these years. I put them aside to fix later, grabbed a different pair of Mary-Janes and I was on my way.

I had a 99 Restaurant gift card, so I drove to a local 99 for dinner. 

I walked in and was greeted by a hostess who showed me to a booth. Before she left me, she asked if the booth was a good fit in consideration of my long legs. The booth was OK. (Do they actually have roomier booths for leggy women?)

I ordered mango iced tea (delicious) and baked stuffed shrimp (an all-time favorite that I have not had in eons). There was an older couple (yes, older than me) in the booth opposite me. The man seemed a little odd (early Alzheimer?) and the woman was quiet taking in all that the man was saying. When they were finished eating and figuring out who owed what, the man seemed confused, handed the woman some cash, then got up and left leaving the woman to deal with the bill.

The woman looked at me, smiled and we exchanged pleasantries. I felt sorry for her.

I was tired and returned home after dinner. I did not have a lot of interaction with the civilians, but it was great to go out en femme and I hope to get out again real soon now.

Source: Tory Burch
Wearing Tory Burch

Mari Dekox
Mari Dekox

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Back on My Heels

My wife is still in rehab. I was hoping she would be home for her birthday on Friday, but it looks like we will be singing stolat in the rehab center. She is improving, but she still needs more rehab, so I think she will need another week to ten days before she comes home.

My total knee replacement surgery was six months ago and except for the slowly disappearing scar, it is a non-issue. Using my knee without any pain is a blessing – I don’t even think about it anymore. I am even getting around in heels again and plan to go out en femme in heels real soon now.

Coincidentally, I received an email ad from Vivian Lou extolling the virtues of their high heel insole inserts for people who have had knee surgery.

You don't need to worry about your knee joints or high-heel induced strain if you pair your heels with Vivian Lou Insolia weight-shifting insoles.
Designed by a podiatrist and engineered by a rocket scientist, our Vivian Lou Insolia weight-shifting insoles ever-so-slightly rotate the heel bone up and back to shift weight off the forefoot and stop the feet from slipping forward in shoes.
This shift in weight correct the center of balance and shift body weight to the heel resulting in proper knee extension and significantly less strain on the knees.

The ad concludes with reviews from people who had knee surgery and were able to get back on their heels by using the Insolia inserts.

I have been using Insolia inserts for years and I am a satisfied customer – before and after knee surgery. 

Insolia inserts are different from other inserts I have tried (and discarded). Instead of adding padding to the shoe, which is basically what those other shoe inserts do, Insolia inserts shift weight off of the ball of the foot back to the heel by placing the foot in the optimal position for high heels.

As a result, high heels are comfortable longer than they would be sans the inserts. They really work and since that time, I automatically buy a new pair of Insolia inserts whenever I buy a new pair of high heels.

Source: Ann Taylor
Wearing Ann Taylor

Jared Leto
Jared Leto femulating in the 2013 film Dallas Buyers Club

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Monday, August 7, 2023

Stuff 4

By J.J. Atwell

Hello All

JJ is back with more stuff!  I have much appreciated the feedback I’ve seen about my previous stuff. Please keep it coming. 

For those that missed the previous installments, I’ll recap. The column is called “Stuff” because I couldn’t think of a more descriptive title. I’m covering a wide range of things and this column is a place for my stuff. So on to installment number four.  

Hair - How to get it and how to lose it

Remember the play Hair from the 60s? No? Well, you might remember the song that went with it. I’ll give you a few minutes to search for it before you continue reading my stuff.

Hair is one of the most enjoyable and yet troubling aspects of being a CD. First we need to get rid of hair in places that most women don’t have any – face, arms, legs, torso. Then we need to add hair where most women do have it – on their head.  

How to lose it

Getting rid of hair on the face is fairly easy – most of us just shave. The trick is to get a really close shave before putting on your makeup.  

For special outings at night, I’ve gone to my local massage/spa shop for a facial in the morning. In the afternoon, it’s time to shower. At this point, it’s getting the face clean before shaving with a new blade. Then I shave again to make sure I’ve gotten it all. After getting out of the shower, it’s time for a color correcting moisturizer. Usually at that point, I need to cool off before starting to apply makeup. 

But what about unwanted hair elsewhere? I’ve tried shaving, epilating, waxing and hair removal creams. They all work to some extent or other. I think whatever works best for you is a matter of trial and error. In terms of ease, shaving the legs in the shower seems to be the easiest for me. I especially love the feeling of applying lotion to my smooth legs when I get out of the shower.  

Waxing is an interesting option. If done right it will leave the area hair free for a week or more. Repeating it over time will greatly reduce the regrowth. Just be warned – it hurts!!!  After a few sessions, you’ll get used to it, but we must suffer for our beauty.  

Epilating is also a bit painful, but the pain is something you have a little control over. Of course, waxing and epilating both yank out the hair at the root so regrowth should eventually lessen over time.  

I’ve never tried electrolysis or laser hair removal, so I can’t comment on either of those options. 

That’s all the stuff I’ve got about loosing unwanted hair.  

I’ll be back

That’s it for today. I know I just covered the part about loosing unwanted hair. Getting feminine hair will be the subject of the next installment. I hope my stuff gives you something to think about. In the meantime I’d welcome comments here on the blog or by email at Jenn6nov at-sign gmail dot com.

Source: New York & Company
Wearing New York & Company

modern couple
Yet another out and about modern couple

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Someday Funnies: Church Ladies

I welcome all Femulate readers to submit Before and After photos for publication here.
Just send your photos to stana-stana at-sign

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Friday, August 4, 2023

Is My Skirt Too Short?

I have lost count the number of times I have gone out en femme and wondered about the length of my skirt (or lack thereof).

I am tall. The selection and availability of skirts and dresses in “tall” sizes is limited; even more so if you prefer something that is fashionable.

I am a fashionista and I prefer fashionable over practical, so most of the skirts and dresses I buy are cut for females of average rather than tall height. As a result, a hem above the knee for a female of average height turns out to be way above the knee on me. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

I have shapely legs, or so I’ve been told. My mother often said I should have been a “girl” because I have such nice legs. The SO of a trans-friend of mine calls me “Leggy.” Countless other people claim that I have great legs. So, a short skirt on me is nothing to be ashamed of. And as they say, “If you’ve got it, flaunt it.”

On the other hand, I don’t want to expose everything. So I go by the rule that my hemline should be no shorter than where the tips of my fingers reach down when standing upright . I will admit that at times, I have violated that rule, but most of the time, I try to be a good girl and follow it.

And so it goes.

Source: ShopBop
Wearing Theory
Rose / Finn / F1NN5TER
Rose / Finn / F1NN5TER / Before / After

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Wayback Wednesday

This post from the past chronicles a wonderful day out en femme.

Sunday in New York and I dressed up for the day: my purple dress, jewelry, mid-heel Mary-Jane pumps, suntan pantyhose, etc.

My workshop ended about 2 PM and I returned to my hotel room to freshen up. After touching up my makeup, I went outdoors (the weather was perfect) and hailed a cab.

A cab stopped, I got in and told the driver to take me to Rockefeller Center.

The driver told me he could not take me there because the Puerto Rican Pride Parade on 5th Avenue blocked the path to the Rock. So, I got out of the cab and decided what to do.

I had fallen in love with a perfume sample that I received at Sephora, so I decided to walk the six blocks to their West 34th Street store to buy the perfume.

It was my first time out wearing the mid-heel Mary Janes I bought a few weeks ago. When I paid for the shoes, the cashier commented that the shoe was popular with dancers because they are very comfortable and I was discovering the same thing as I walked from my hotel to Sephora.

In Sephora, I walked around the store looking for the perfume. During my hunt, I passed an older gentleman and as I walked by him, he turned to me and said, “I want to give you a kiss” and then he blew me a kiss!

Flabbergasted, all I could do was whisper, “Thank-you.”

I found the perfume, paid for it and exited with my heels never touching the ground!

Since my new shoes were cooperating, I decided to walk a half-block to Herald Square and take a few photos. After taking a few shots, I saw an empty chair and sat down to take a break. While I sat, I took a few photos of myself. They turned out OK, but I could only stretch my arm so far and I wanted something better.

Seated next to me was a older gentleman with a camera case in his lap. I tapped him on the shoulder and with a big smile, I asked him to take my photo. He smiled, I handed him my camera and he took a photo of me.

After resting for five minutes, I decided to walk eight blocks up Broadway to Times Square. I took photos along the way and with no complaints coming from my feet, I decided to head east towards Rockefeller Center.

While waiting for the traffic light to give me the go-ahead to cross Broadway at West 45th Street, I took some more photos of Times Square. A trio of women joined me at the crosswalk and one asked me if I’d like her to take my photo. Of course I accepted her invitation.

Five more blocks and I was in the middle of Rockefeller Center. Foot traffic was light, so I thought it might be a good time to go to the Top of the Rock. I entered the RCA Building (you call it what you want, it will always be the “RCA Building” to me) and found the ticket counter for the Top of the Rock.

My timing was good; there were no lines and I was on my way. Before getting on the elevator to go to the top, I had to go through a the metal detector and I set it off. The guard looked at me, then waved me on with the words, “Must be your bracelets, hon’.”

That was a new one! I've been called “miss” and “ma’am” before, but never “hon’.” I smiled at the guard and got on the elevator.

Seventy stories later, I was on top of the RCA Building and the weather was perfect. Visibility was virtually infinite and the view was spectacular. To the south, the Jersey shore was visible, to the north, Catskill peaks poked over the horizon, to the northeast, I could see the Connecticut shoreline, and all around me was The City.

I spent about an hour atop, taking a lot of photos and taking it all in. I asked a couple of people to take photos of me and more than a couple of people asked me to do the same for them.

Next, I wanted to go to Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, which is just across the street from Rockefeller Center. I took the elevator back down and walked to 5th Avenue. During this short walk, a young man cut me off and immediately apologized, “Excuse me, hon’.”

Second “hon’” in an hour. I started to wonder if “hon’” was a New York thing, but I didn’t care. A blown kiss and two hon’s meant I was passing, however, I was about to receive another term of endearment that would seal it.

As I walked up 5th Avenue toward Saint Pat’s, a small group of high school boys were heading towards me. As I passed through the group, I heard one of the boys say, “Dyke.”

Now I knew I was passing!

I crossed 5th Avenue and entered Saint Pat’s. There was a Mass in progress and the priest was just finishing the sermon.

This was a big deal for me. I was a Roman Catholic and my religion was the source of much needless guilt about crossdressing throughout my life. I overcame the guilt years ago and now I was entering the church for the first time en femme.

When I planned this visit, I thought it would be like spitting in the eye of the Church of Rome. “Take that for all the pain and suffering you brought down upon me for so long.”

But instead of feeling vengeful, I felt wonderful. The prodigal son has returned, but now he is your daughter!

I decided to attend the Mass. I remembered and recited all the prayers and when it was time for the Sign of Peace, I exchange handshakes and “peace be with you’s” with all the folks around me, or so I thought.

From behind me came an anxious voice, “Peace be with you, Ma’am. Peace be with you, Ma’am.”

I realized I missed someone, so I turned around and exchanged another handshake and “peace be with you” with a fellow two rows behind me.

During the Mass, I noticed a reproduction of the famous painting, the Black Madonna of CzÄ™stochowa in one of the side altars of the cathedral. Being a Pole, I checked it out and discovered that that side altar was dedicated to the saints of Poland. It included biographies, paintings and sculptures of all the saints. After saying a prayer for all my deceased relatives at the side altar, I exited the cathedral.

It was now 7 PM and the last meal I had was breakfast, so I was hungry and decided to treat myself by having dinner at the Rink Bar, the outdoor bar/restaurant that resides in the Rockefeller Center ice skating rink when it is too warm for ice skating. My table for one was immediately in front of the fountain, so I did not feel lonely eating solo because Prometheus was right by my side.

I had peach sangria, watercress salad, rissota crab cakes and coffee. They were all excellent and they were all only $50 and change!

After dinner, I hailed a cab and enjoyed the ride down 5th Avenue while reflecting on my wonderful day out en femme.

Source: Best Wigs Outlet

Vesna Prague
Vesna Prague, before and after

Tuesday, August 1, 2023