Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Mother’s Day Again

Fernanda and her Mom on a movie night
Fernanda, a regular Femulate reader from Mexico, related a wonderful Mother’s Day story. 

Fernanda was out to her mother and on Mother’s Day in 2003, her mother asked if she could accompany her “daughter” to a concert.

Fernanda wrote, “I opened my eyes in surprise and said ‘yes,’ it would be an honor if my mom accompanied me to the concert, especially on Mother's Day. That day was incredible for me, even though my mom had accepted my crossdressing for 15 years, now I could go out with my mom presuming to be her daughter.

“From that date on, almost every time I went out, my mother accompanied me until she died. We had many adventures and anecdotes that I remember with great affection. Now that I’m walking out the door, I realize I miss her a lot.”

By the way, Fernanda has dined en femme with her daughter on Father’s Day!

Source: Elisabetta Franchi
Wearing Elisabetta Franchi

Veit Alex
Veit Alex

Monday, May 15, 2023

Thanks Mom

A toast to Mom

I stopped by my hair salon (where I get my boy mode haircuts) to pick up an order for my sister. 

The receptionist is the mother of the owner. After I paid for the order, I said to her, “Have a happy Mother’s Day.”

She replied, “You have a happy Mother’s Day, too.”

Just as the words left her mouth, she realized she erred in wishing a happy Mother’s Day to a male and she blushed.

I quickly replied that I happily accepted her holiday greetings.

I believe that my feminine persona shows through even in boy mode and was the cause of the receptionist’s error. I dunno if that was true or not, but it was a nice start to the Mother’s Day weekend.

Then, overnight I received the following e-mail from Michelle, which just sweetened the holiday weekend.

“Now that I have had time to look over your blog and read some of your writings, thank you for the blog. I don’t know where you found the courage to start the blog and share your journey, but I am very glad that you did. You are an inspirations to all of us men that love feminine clothing.

“I don't know if I will ever be able to go out in public en femme like you, but I now know there are other men that appreciate being free to dress like they please.

“You look so much like a real women when you are en femme. When I first looked at your blog I thought you were a women that was running a site to help men that dress en femme. In all the pictures I have seen of you, you are dressed like a beautiful lady... hair, makeup and dress... anyone would think you are a real lady.

“Thank you for having the courage to be Stana and inspire the rest of us. Someday, we will be able to dress as we like openly and freely.”

Thank you, Michelle, for the very kind words and thank you, Mom, for inspiring me to be the woman I have become.

Source: Bebe
Wearing Bebe

Muxes, the third gender of southern Mexico
“a muxe is any person who was born a man but doesn’t act masculine”

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Breaking News!

I went out among the civilians yesterday – first time en femme since my knee replacement surgery 14 weeks ago.

On Tuesday, my wife commented on the nice weather we are having and suggested that it would be a good time for me to go out en femme. Now that I am getting around without difficulty on my new knee, I agreed to her suggestion and planned to go out on Wednesday.

So after breakfast with Morning Joe on Wednesday, I began to get en femme

I was a little concerned that since I had not put on my face in a long while that I might be a little rusty. But it’s like riding a bike and I had no problems with my makeup. However, I had to add a new step to my makeup routine. 

My knee is not completely healed and there is a thin six-inch long red scar where the surgeon cut my knee. I covered the scar with the foundation that I use on my face followed by translucent powder. That did a good job disguising the scar and under my hosiery, it was less noticeable. 

I wore my new blazer mini dress that I have been dying to wear ever since I bought it from Venus as a self-gifted birthday present back in March. I accessorized with white pumps, white bag and gold jewelry including my deceased mother’s gold serpentine necklace.

I decided to drive to my favorite Italian restaurant and have lunch. I arrived at 1 PM and found a full parking lot, but managed to find a spot to park my Subaru. I walked in, noticed a few people noticing me, asked for a table for one and was quickly seated in the main dining room.

To start me off, I had a glass of white sangria and ordered a vegetable panini sandwich. My waiter Alex was very attentive and was happy to take my photo when I asked him. The sandwich was very good, but it was very filling and I took half of it home. I left the restaurant about 2:15 and took the scenic route home.

Not many highlights. Minimal interaction with the civilians. But it was wonderful to be out en femme again after a long hiatus. And the very good news is that my new knee did not give me any problems – no pain, no stiffness and wearing heels was a non-issue.

Source: Rue La La
Wearing Max Mara shirt and Frances Valentine skirt.

Richard O’Brien
Richard O’Brien

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Ask Me Anything

In the past, I promoted a series of posts called “Ask Me Anything,” in which I answered questions submitted by readers of the blog. Although I am always willing to answer readers’ questions, I have not promoted that fact lately, so consider this an invitation to ask me anything again.

While I wait for your questions, here are three questions I answered in the past.

1. Do you dream that you are a woman or do you dream that you are crossdressed and wake up wishing you had dreamed you were a genetic woman instead or something else?

Up front, I want to state that I seldom remember my dreams.

That being said I used to have dreams that I was crossdressing. Sometimes I would complete the transformation, but usually my transformation would be interrupted and never completed.

Eventually, my dreams transitioned and now I dream that I am a woman. Crossdressing no longer plays a part. Once I even dreamed that I was breastfeeding!

2.  What type of “normal” activities do you do en femme?  For example, do you go to salons?  Get you nails done?  Anything else “girly”?

I have never gone to a nail salon mainly because it would be a waste of money since most of my en femme outings are single days or nights out. For those short outings, my pre-glued stick-on nails are more economical.

I have thought about getting my nails done for multi-day outings and since you brought it up, I made a promise to myself to get my nails done the next time I am out for an extended stay.

Shopping is probably my girliest activity. I love doing the malls, browsing the racks, trying on clothes, trying on shoes and putting outfits together.

I also enjoy getting makeovers. I seem to average one a year and I love having a cosmetics professional have their way with me as I relax and take it all in.

3. Were you naturally effeminate as a kid and ever called a sissy while going to school?

Yes, I was naturally effeminate as a kid. I know it was “natural” because at the time, I was not aware that I was effeminate.

I was not intentionally acting effeminate, I was acting as me, myself, and I, and as luck would have it, me, myself and I was very effeminate. So much so that my peers let me know it by calling me names like “sissy,” “twinky,” “fairy” and worse.

At my first summer job, which was in a very macho environment, my nickname was “Zelda” in honor of my feminine ways.

At another summer job working in the receiving department of a department store where I unpacked and sorted women’s clothing all day long, one of my co-workers suggested that it must be my dream job because I got first shot at all the new dresses and lingerie before it went on the floor for sale to the public. He even showed me a private backroom where I could try on the clothing that I might like to purchase.

At my high school graduation, some of the jocks asked aloud why I wasn’t wearing a gold-colored graduation cap and gown like the other girls.

In college, the guy in the dorm room next door said I could borrow his girlfriend’s bra that she left behind after one of their evening rendezvous.

Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

I never changed my feminine ways even when I figured out what was going on. I knew how to fix the problem, but I rejected manning up and becoming macho because doing so was so incompatible with my nature.

On the other hand, dressing in woman’s clothing was a perfect fit. I already acted, moved and spoke like a woman, so the clothing just completed the picture.

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

Linda Zoe
Linda Zoe

Monday, May 8, 2023

Be Pink

By Bocha Blue

Pink is such a sweet color. When one thinks of pink, one often thinks of softness, of happiness. Pink often conjures up images of the color of sprinkles on a freshly baked cupcake, of the color of a young girl’s room. Yet pink has also emerged as a political color — the color of activism, victory, and voters.

Pink is widely known as the color of fighting breast cancer. In those fights, the pink ribbon is widely seen as an homage to the future — of a time when one won’t have to worry about breast cancer, because it will have been defeated. Pink is also the color of political power and grace. Don’t forget Hillary Clinton’s stunning pink suit.

And pink is also the color of voters — of the votes cast by Gays and Lesbians. This is called the pink vote. (It is also called the lavender vote.) The pink vote is most prevalent in Britain, yet it has spread to the United States. Millions united in pink. Millions joined against the GOP.

And the GOP would be wise to listen. Because the pink vote is now considered a voting BLOC. And they will have significant influence at the voting booths. And the pink vote is getting mighty pissed at the underhanded tricks Republicans are attempting to play.

In Florida, Desantis is trying to expand his repulsive “don’t say Gay” law.

Also, all over this country, republicans are passing bills, particularly in red states, to forbid drag shows, prohibit classrooms from even saying the word “GAY,” and trying to stop gender-transition treatments.

And if anyone stands against them? They call said person an insurrectionist and try to ban them from speaking. We’ve seen that just these last few weeks in Montana and Tennessee.

But the GOP should wise up. Because people are getting angrier and angrier at them. And the pink vote isn’t playing. They’re serious, and most of them are damned pissed at the GOP for sticking their busybody noses where they don’t belong.

(Source: Palmer Report)

(My thoughts exactly. – Stana)

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

Taylor Gray and Dillon Lane
Taylor Gray and Dillon Lane femulating on television’s Bucket And Skinner's Epic Adventures.
(Thank you Zoe for the information about this femulation)