Saturday, January 28, 2023

Someday Funnies: Ginny is my friend!

Source: Bebe
Wearing Bebe

Antti Vare femulating in a 2018 episode of Finnish television’s Uusi päivä (A New Day)Although this is not a new femulation (I first mentioned it here in 2020), a lot of people are discovering it for the first time via recently posted video clips on YouTube.

Friday, January 27, 2023

See You Later

This will be my last original post until after I return home from my Monday surgery. At a minimum, I will be staying overnight at the hospital Monday night and if all goes well, I will return home on Tuesday.

The hospital said that I could bring my iPhone and charger, but I decided not to (two less things to worry about). SoI will not have Internet access until I return home and as a result, your emails and comments will go unanswered until then.

The blog will continue during my “absence” with some Someday Funnies and original columns that a couple of readers generously created to help me while I recover. 

And so it goes.

Source: Rue La La
Source: Rue La La

Claude Brosset
Claude Brosset femulating in the French film Le corps de mon ennemi (Body of My Enemy).

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

That Could Have Been Me!

I have been accused of being a pedophile when I post photos of young femulators participating in womanless beauty pageants. If that makes me a pedophile, then the civilians who posted the pageant photos originally are guilty, too.

I assure you I am not a pedophile. But I do enjoy viewing photos of young womanless beauty pageant contestants because it reminds me of what I missed as a young femulator. That could have been me!

But growing up, there were no womanless events in my neck of the woods. The only opportunities I had to crossdress among the civilians was on Halloween. And in my “youth,” I only selected the crossdressing option once and by then the bloom was off the rose. I was already in college and at the end of my teen years. And no one helped me with my costume – not like today’s pageant contestants, who have their mothers and sisters fine-tuning their feminine presentation.

If I had asked for help, I like to think that my mother would have lent a hand. After all, one time she willingly made my face up as a girl when she misunderstood my desire to do my face up as a clown. She might have even provided me with proper women’s underwear (bra and girdle) rather than the boy’s underwear I wore my first time out.

But I missed the boat, so all I can do is admire my young fellow femulators. 

Source: Rue La La
Wearing Stella McCartney

Garry Moore and Durward Kirby
Garry Moore and Durward Kirby femulating on television’s The Garry Moore Show, circa 1960.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Please Sign This Petition

Please Sign This Petition

Shawna Wegner, the mother of two transgender sons asked me to ask you to sign her petition to stop Arkansas House Bill 1156 which would require students to use the bathroom of the gender on their birth certificate. Any school that does not follow this law will be punished with a decrease in government funding. 

Click here to visit the webpage where you can sign the petition.

Trans Library Collections

Katherine wrote:

As an elderly (80’s) member of the community, I need to donate or discard trans/femulate related books and magazines. Do you or any readers know where they could be donated to instead of shredded and discarded?

I replied:

There are a number of college/university libraries collecting trans literature. I Googled the topic and Google returned the following: 

🔎 libraries of transgender collections - Google

Depending on where you live, you might want to select the library closest to you to facilitate shipment of what you have.

Source: Ann Taylor
Wearing Ann Taylor (a verified Stana purchase)

Pol Simon
Monsieur Pol Simon, professional femulator, circa 1904

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Friday, January 20, 2023

Friday Foundations

On Wednesday, I wrote about acquiring wigs and a dress during the Jurassic period of my crossdressing life. Acquiring foundation garments during that period was even more fraughtful.

The first bra I ever purchased was acquired at the same time I acquired a wig at Frederick’s of Hollywood. I recall not being fitted for the bra – I assume that the saleslady was not concerned that it fit correctly since I was only going to wear it as part of a Halloween costume. I do recall the cheap pair of foam inserts that she sold me to fill out the bra. I tried to resist, but she was insistent that I needed them

My first girdle purchase (actually an all-in-one) was more interesting. I was working in Kingston, New York, and visited an old-school lingerie shop in boy mode to get fitted for an all-in-one.

I found the store in the Yellow Pages and I checked it out one evening after work. It was located in downtown Kingston, not in a strip mall or shopping plaza, and it looked tiny and inconspicuous… the antithesis of Victoria’s Secret.

For days, I thought about the store and finally gathered up the courage to visit it during a lunch hour. I drove to the store, parked on the street and sat in my car waiting for minimum pedestrian traffic to avoid anyone seeing me entering the store. When all was clear, I exited my car and entered the store as quickly as possible.

A middle-aged lady greeted me. She probably had seen it all, so when I mentioned I needed some foundation garments for my Halloween costume, I don't know if she believed me. And when I suggested that I might need an “all-in-one,” that probably tipped my hand immediately – how many guys knew what’s an "all-in-one?"

Nevertheless, she was very helpful and after measuring me up, she handed me two heavy-duty all-in-ones to try on and said, “Take these to the dressing room, try them on and call me so I can see if they fit properly.’

I did not expect such a hands-on sale, but was glad to have it. I went to the dressing room, quickly stripped down to my briefs and zipped myself into the first all-in-one, but it did nothing for me. However, the second one did wonders and I summoned the proprietor to examine me wearing the second all-in-one.

“Wow, that was quick,” she remarked. I assumed that her other male customers were not as fast as I when trying on their “first” foundation garment.

She checked me out and gushed about my great girlish figure. I tipped my hand again when my face turned beet red in embarrassment. I could not pay for my purchase fast enough and get out Dodge.

By the way, I loved that all-in-one. It was constructed with spring-like metal stays and it gave me a figure like no other. It was my go-to foundation garment for years. I wish I could find one like it today!  

For Your Entertainment 

With my mobility limited by my bad knee, I have spent a lot of time sitting on my dupa lately browsing the Internet discovering items of interest related (or not) to my life as a femulator. Here are two of my latest findings.

What dressing up with my Mom looks like::” is a short TikTok video that I think you will enjoy. Be sure to check out the creator’s other videos – she is amazing. (Ah... to be young again!)

The Who Beatles Medley 82” has The Who of 1982 play two iconic Beatles’ hits. 

Rock on!

Source: Bebe
Wearing Bebe

Keith Moon
Keith Moon, femulator and drummer extraordinaire

George Santos
U.S. Congressman George Santos also known as Kitara Ravache