Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Monday, December 12, 2022


Mondays have a bad reputation. To counteract Mondays’ notoriety, I invite you to view this remarkable Christmas-themed commercial from J&B. (Thank you Anna María for alerting me to this ad.)

Source: Rue La La
Wearing Rue La La

Leslie Langford
Leslie Langford sighs, “I wish I had a Christmas party to go to where I could wear this dress. I think it really suits me.” (Yes, it does, Leslie!)

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Thursday, December 8, 2022

So what did you become when you grew up?

I did not become a mommy, a fashion model or a singer in a rock 'n' roll girl group. Although I continued to dress like one whenever I could.

Meanwhile, I got through high school, college and law school still not sure what I wanted to do when I grew up. I had no love of the law and only went to law school because I did not know what to do after I graduated from college. My father suggested I follow his brother/my uncle's footsteps and become a lawyer. Although I got my law degree, I never practiced, but I did follow my uncle’s footsteps because he was a crossdresser, too.

My father worked at the comic book factory and brought home comic books and Sunday funnies that the factory produced. That influenced me to write and illustrate my own books, culminating is a Mad magazine copycat called Crazy

My drawing skills were OK, but my writing skills were very good and many of my teachers and professors complimented me on my writing. So I took a journalism course in college and it did not take long to realize I did not want to be a journalist (although, as a class assignment, I got to see and report on Christine Jorgensen’s appearance at UCONN).

I continued to draw and write through law school and after graduation, I got a job writing for the ham radio organization, ARRL, and its prestigious magazine QST, a job I held for over three decades! 

After two years on the staff at ARRL, I was recruited to work as a technical writer for General DataComm or as I called it “Modems ‘R’ Us.” So I freelanced for the ARRL and technically wrote manuals for various companies until I retired in 2017.

My writing for ARRL (including best selling books) made me well known throughout ham radio world... a “ham radio legend,” which is what a fellow ham called me right to my face one day.

All during that time, I crossdressed. Eventually joining a support group where, of course, I edited the group’s newsletter. And eventually doing outreach and mixing it up with the civilians in public with me en femme and them en whatever.

Then I became a blogger. Invented the word “femulate” to give my blog a name and have been writing it for the past 17, going on 18 years! 

I’m still not sure what I want to be when I grow up, but I do enjoy being a femulating blogger, so maybe that is what I want to be when I grow up. 

And so it goes.

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

Rhonda Williams
Rhonda Williams in the lobby of the Palm Beach Hotel. 
(Rhonda blogs at Rhonda's Escape)

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

What else do you want to be when you grow up?

Femulating The Supremes
Besides playing mommy in kindergarten, I occasionally played fashion model at home. After waking up, I would strip off my pajamas, wrap a bedsheet around my body simulating a long evening gown and strut down the imaginary catwalk in my bedroom. (I completely forgot about playing fashion model until I started writing this post!)

A little older, I became a 1960s rocker and The Supremes was one of my favorite groups from that era. In my opinion, their sound epitomized Motown in the 1960s. I bought most of their 45s and some of their LPs during the singing group’s heyday.

In addition to their music, I loved their style. (I think I loved their style before I loved their music.) The gowns they wore on their television appearances were fab and I dreamed about starting my own singing group just so I could dress like them.

One thing holding me back was my singing voice or lack thereof. It may have prevented me from performing as the lead singer of “Stana and the Starlites,” but it did not prevent me from buying and wearing fabulous evening gowns. On a couple of occasions, I even lip-synced while wearing one!

Source: Rue La La
Wearing Alexia Armor

Melody Scott
Melody Scott enjoying some holiday cheer.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

What do you want to be when you grow up?

On Monday, the local morning television show had a report about a local toy store. The story began in the Disney princess department where you can purchase princess dresses and accessories for your own little princess. 

The reporter intimated that girls and boys would enjoy shopping in that part of the store! Then the reporter became excited when she spotted a toy cleaning playset (broom, dustpan, mop, etc.)... the perfect gift for her son, who loves to clean up!

Reminded me of my year in kindergarten.

For play time, my kindergarten class of about 30 boys and girls was divided into five unisex groups. Each group took turns each day playing in different play areas: sandbox, toy blocks, art, play house, etc. 

When it was my group’s turn to play house, us boys played at being mommies, never daddies. Some of the male mommies donned frilly aprons and “cooked” in the play kitchen, while other male mommies tended to the babies ― bottle-feeding Betsy Wetsy dolls and changing their diapers after they wet. When Betsy was dry, male mommies could push their babies around the classroom in doll carriages.

In addition to the frilly aprons, there was a toy box containing pocketbooks, high heels, lady’s hats and adult-sized dresses. There were not enough items to completely outfit each mommy, so we would select just an item or two for our femulations. (I usually tried to get a pocketbook and a pair of high heels.)

None of the male mommies rebelled at being feminized (by our two female teachers) and some of us really got into it by affecting “female” characteristics, such as speaking in a higher pitch and using fabulous mannerisms.

Initially, I felt embarrassed playing a mommy, but it did not seem to bother the other boys, so I played along like a girl with the rest of the boys.

I wonder if any of my fellow mommies became femulators like me.

Wearing Nine West

Nancy Ng
Nancy Ng Santa’s Helper HO photo