Friday, October 7, 2022

Future Dressing Redux

I don’t get out much. First, it was the pandemic, then some health issues, then I became a housewife, which included being caretaker for my spouse. So I was a little surprised when I discovered that out in the world males using makeup and wearing feminine clothing was more prevalent than I imagined. 

This revelation occurred while watching a British reality program called 100% Hotter in which men and women off the street receive makeovers. There were mostly women in the episodes that I watched, but the few males that appeared on the show all used makeup to one degree or another and all borrowed clothing from milady’s closet.

This got me thinking about a blog post I wrote (“Future Dressing”) back in 2014 and reposted in 2018, in which I predicted what men will be wearing 25 years into the future. I decided to revisit my predictions which are now only 17 years into the future. But before I do that, I want to briefly revisit the past for those readers who pooh-poohed my predictions.

Go back to 1962. Who in 1962 would have predicted that 60 years in the future, men would: 

• Use makeup

• Remove all body hair

• Use perfume (or “colognes” as the manly men prefer to call it)

• Go to salons (and abandon barber shops) for their hair needs (styling, coloring, etc.)

• Wear purses, jewelry, shapewear and undies in a variety of colors, styles, and fabrics

• Stay at home to perform housekeeping tasks, while their wives were breadwinning

• And on and on and on... You’ve come a long way, baby! (I hesitate to use the word “feminization,” but what would you call it?)

So, what will life be like for us in 17 years?

It will be completely acceptable for males to dress however they please. Just as it is acceptable for females to wear male clothing today, it will be acceptable for males to wear female clothing in 2043. (There are a reasons for this that I will address in a future post.)  

There will be different degrees of how males adopt womenswear. At one end of the spectrum are guys who may on occasion wear a macho skirt, a manly pair of high heels and a little foundation, while at the other end of the spectrum will be the femboys (you know who you are), who will dress in womenswear all of the time from head to open toe pumps. And nobody will hassle anyone for what they wear except maybe scolding those gentle men wearing white frocks after Labor Day.

There will no longer be women’s and men’s restrooms; there will just be restrooms.

Clothing stores will no longer segregate their wares between women and men or girls and boys. Instead, the stores will have adult, young adult, and children’s clothing departments.

Sex reassignment surgery (SRS) will be very common in 17 years because folks will be able to get SRS on demand just like cosmetic surgery can be had on demand today. Folks with and without gender dysphoria will be able to change genders and the results will be more satisfactory because of advances in the surgical procedures.

All health insurance plans will cover gender-related procedures, either as basic coverage or as an option like some plans offer vision and dental coverage as an add-on expense today. For example, if you were contemplating SRS, you could opt for gender coverage and it would not be an expensive add-on because the procedure will be so common in 17 years.

By 2043, you will be able to live in whatever gender role you prefer. When someone asks a child, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” the anticipated answer will be “girl” or “boy” and not a career choice. Females can be as macho as they want to be and males can be as feminine as they want to be.

What a wonderful world it will be!

Source: Boston Proper
Wearing Boston Proper

Prom-bound sister and brother
Prom-bound sister and brother

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Kill yourself you tranny faggot

“Kill yourself you tranny faggot” was the contents of an anonymous comment I received the other day. I seldom receive comments like that, but when I do, they typically come from anonymous sources, who do not have the guts to stand behind their words.

I’ve been called worse to my face, so it does not bother me.

In fact, I find it a little amusing that a gutless coward is slipping into their anonymous big girl panties to find the nerve to call me a “faggot.”

I also find it sad that comments like that represent the feelings of some civilians out there, who are literally trying to kill us (dial up my good friend Diana’s blog any day of the week to see what I mean).

And that’s all I have to say about that.

Source: New York & Company
Wearing New York & Company

Charley Chase
Charley Chase (right) femulating in the 1934 film Four Parts.

Monday, October 3, 2022

David Foley: Femulator or Civilian?

Yesterday’s post with David Foley in the Femulator slot resulted in a few comments wondering whether David is a civilian or a femulator. His numerous television and film appearances en femme, not to mention his drop-dead gorgeous femulations would seem to indicate that he is a femulator. On the other hand, he may be a civilian who has been typecasted because of his excellent femulations. 

Who knows? 

Probably only David, but to make a case as a femulator, I have collected all of his appearances en femme and list them below (according to date). If you know any that I missed, let me know and I will add them to the list.

👩 The Soup television series, “Grownup Pageant Princess” episode, 2010

👩 Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town television mini-series, 2010 (photo left)

👩 Employee of the Month film, 2004; David plays Eric, a crossdressing dentist

👩 NewsRadio television series; “Halloween” episode, 1996, a 5-star femulation (see it on YouTube)

👩 It's Pat: The Movie film, 1994; David plays Chris, a person of indeterminate gender

👩 “Heterosexual Man” by Odds music video, 1993; a must-see music video (see it on YouTube)

👩 The Kids In The Hall television series, 1988-2011 and 2022; David makes numerous appearances en femme in most episodes of this series as do the other members of this comedy ensemble (see it on YouTube)


1. The Soup entry above is based on an educated guess. Can anyone confirm David’s femulation in that episode? 

2. David appears in the 1996 film Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy, but I believe he does not appear en femme in that film. 

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

David Foley
David Foley en femme in the famous “Halloween” episode of television’s NewsRadio.

Friday, September 30, 2022

Sit to Pee When Pretty

Cyrsti’s blog post yesterday on bathroom etiquette inspired me to rerun the following updated post today.

Your mileage may vary depending on where you live, but here in Connecticut, the courts say to use the restroom that matches your gender presentation. So Stana uses the ladies’ room and Stan uses the men’s room.

Under such a policy, I feel completely safe using the ladies’ rooms in Connecticut. I don’t give it a second thought.

Actually, I use the ladies’ room wherever I find myself ― New York, Ohio, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, West Virginia ― in locales that do not have Connecticut’s diverse restroom policy. There is no way I am going to enter the men’s room in those states dressed to the nines in a skirt and heels! So I take a deep breath, gird my loins and use the ladies’ room.

The average civilian does not examine every person they encounter to try to determine if they are trans or not. Unless the transperson presents in a way that alerts a civilian that something is amiss (or not a Miss), the transperson will blend into the background of the civilian’s daily routine.

The same thing occurs when a civilian uses a restroom. They assume that all the ladies in the ladies’ room are cisgender females. In fact, a non-cisgender female in the ladies’ room is so foreign to civilians that it takes some doing to make them think otherwise. So if they see a tall woman in the ladies' room, they are likely to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Some girls recommend getting in and out of the ladies’ room as fast as possible, but in my opinion, a woman using the ladies’ room in a hurried and perhaps furtive manner may raise a few eyebrows. When I use the ladies’ room, I always put my best high-heeled foot forward. I walk into the ladies’ room as if I belong, do my business, wash my hands, primp in the mirror and exit when I am done. All the while, I try not to bring attention to myself by acting inappropriately. 

For what it’s worth, all my visits to the ladies’s rooms have never raised an eyebrow – no one has ever complained that there is a lady with a willy using the facilities. On the contrary, my appearance in the ladies’ room occasionally attracts attention in a positive way when another women compliments me on my appearance or asks me where I bought my shoes or whatever and I find myself engaging in a conversation with a lady in the ladies’ room. How affirming is that?

Actually, I dread using the ladies’ room for its intended purpose. Usually, the stalls are too tight for an Amazonian like me and it is difficult to get half undressed in that confined space, which is essentially what you have to do in order to do what you have to do; raise your dress or lower your slacks, lower your pantyhose, lower your panties and if you are wearing a girdle, you have to deal with that, too.

After you do your business and wipe yourself, you have to get dressed in that confined space. That’s why I closely check myself out in the mirror after exiting the stall to make sure everything is where it is supposed to be.

And while you are in the stall, don’t put your bag on the floor ― yuck! Hang it on the hook that is usually mounted on the inside of the stall door.

And most importantly, remember to sit to pee!

Source: Rue La La
Wearing Gracia

Niharika Nerurkar, femulating in India