Friday, September 16, 2022

Got Balance?

In light of my ever advancing age, my love of four-inch stilettos and my recent tumble down the stairs in heels, I am rerunning this story about the benefits of wearing high heels.

According to a story in the Daily Mail, “When it comes to high heels, surprisingly, experts believe that wearing them into our 70s may actually help protect us from falls, by maintaining our sense of balance.

“‘Most high heels have a very small surface area to walk on, so you need a good sense of balance and proprioception [a sense of how various parts of the body move relative to each other] to be able to walk in them,’ explains Christopher Walker, a consultant in trauma and orthopaedic surgery at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital.

“‘This means that because of wearing high heels, women have a very good sense of balance.’

“Balance involves the brain processing vast amounts of information from different areas, including the eyes, muscles and balance mechanisms in the ear.

“Heels challenge your sense of balance which, over years, hones these mechanisms.

“If women stop wearing heels, their sense of balance can actually deteriorate, adds Mr Walker, who also works at the Bone and Joint Centre, Spire Liverpool Hospital.”

Read the rest the Daily Mail story here.

Source: ShopBop

Men at work, circa 1955
Femulating men at work, circa 1955

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Susanna’s Casa is Our Casa

Relaxing at Casa Susanna

I’ve written here about Casa Susanna many times. (Just use the Search Femulate option to see how many times.) 

In case you missed what I wrote, “Casa Susanna was a popular weekend destination in Jewett, NY for cross-dressing men and transgender women in the early 1960s. The bungalow camp was run by Susanna Valenti and her wife Marie, who also ran a wig store in town.” (Source: Wikipedia)

Casa Susanna, a documentary by French filmmaker Sebastien Lifshitz, vividly brings the past to life through archival footage, photographs and the memories of those who stayed at Casa Susanna.

Click here to view the film’s trailer, click here to view Cineuropa’s clips from the film and click here to read IndieWire’s review of the documentary.

The film is “in production” according to the PBS International. Since it is a PBS International production, I hope that means it will appear on television via PBS. In any case, this is a film I will not miss. 

(Thank you, Gary, for alerting me about the film.)

Source: Rue La La

Jim O.
Femulate reader Jim O. dress shopping at Macy’s last Wednesday

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Crossdressing May Be Hazardous to Your Health

Yesterday, I had a luncheon date with my lady friends. I was all dressed up (see photo) and ready to drive to the restaurant a half hour away.

Before I left, I checked myself out in the mirror and noticed some hairs that I missed while shaving. So I went upstairs and used my electric razor to remove them.

On my way down the stairs, I slipped with three steps to go and landed flat on my face on the rug at the bottom of the stairs. Blood exited my nose and a small gash on my forehead. There were bad rug burns on my nose and below my nose. I also bloodied my good knee. I no longer resembled the accompanying photo.

No way could I look presentable for the luncheon, so I called Diana that I would be a no-show.

I cleaned myself up and applied band-aids where needed. 

I was very upset that I missed a day out en femme. And it may be awhile before I can go out again. (How long does it take rug burns on your face to heal?).

Update: I was wearing heels when I fell, but I don’t think that was the cause. I had already been up and down the stairs a half dozen times in heels before the fall. However, by then I was running a little late,  hurrying to get on the road ASAP and was not as careful as I should be going down the stairs.

Source: Bebe
Wearing Bebe

Another modern couple
Another modern couple

Monday, September 12, 2022


Nathan Janak on Nickelodeon’s All That
Commenting on Friday’s The Iceberg post, Paula wrote that the Crossdressing Subreddit has over 235,000 subscribers – mostly younger, late teens to 20’s. What’s interesting is the taboo seems to be lifting. Many are out to friends; even more out to their girlfriends. The other thing I noticed is these crossdressers are really good at what they do – very pretty and passable.

I occasionally visit the Crossdressing Subreddit, but not too often because viewing the girls there makes me consider turning in my Official Femulator membership card. 

For starters, all the girls are young (much younger than I) and as a result, their femulations are exquisite (they all pass).

Many of the girls have no inhibitions regarding their crossdressing. They go out crossdressed everywhere, all the time and don’t think twice (it’s alright).

I read about one girl who was going clothes shopping and needed something that could be easily removed in the fitting room, so he/she borrowed a front buttoned dress from his/her wife! Remarkable!

Makes me wonder if the mainstreaming of crossdressing inspires young femulators to crossdress. Of course, there is the RuPaul franchise, but youngsters are more likely to watch Nickelodeon and that network’s All That, which includes some excellent young femulators.   

Anyway, visit the Crossdressing Subreddit and be inspired by the young femulators you will find there.   


I checked the online Google dictionary to make sure I spelled exquisite correctly in the above piece and found this archaic definition for the word: a man who is affectedly concerned with his clothes and appearance; a dandy. 

A Milestone

On Friday, the blog’s daily hit count reached an all-time high of 16,798! The previous all-time high (15,042) was recorded the day before.

By the way, 25,810,329 is the total hit count since this blog went live. 

Source: Bebe
Wearing Bebe

Ryan Alessi
Ryan Alessi femulating on Nickelodeon’s All That.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Friday, September 9, 2022

The Iceberg

I am fascinated by the number of crossdressers on the Internet. It seems that everyone is crossdressing – kids, teens, young adults, the middle-aged and senior males are all crossdressing and documenting their feminine side with photos posted all over the Internet.

However, the tens of thousands of crossdressers on the Internet does not translate to the numbers of crossdressers out among the civilians. If the numbers correlated, you would be running into crossdressers everywhere, but the sightings of crossdressers in public are rare (which does not take into account those crossdressers who pass and as a result, fail to be counted in the crossdresser census). 

One can assume that most of the crossdressers on the Internet are closeted and don’t mix it up with the civilians.

And one can also assume that the various estimates of the crossdressing population are low. You can’t count them if you can’t see them, although there are plenty to see on the Internet.

My guess is that there are a lot more crossdressers out there than most people believe. The Internet might just be the tip of the iceberg. 

After all, most males want to crossdress (don’t they?) and the mainstreaming of crossdressing today gives reluctant crossdressers the courage to do so. The majority may stay in the closet – so far back in the closet that they will never post photos anywhere. And those that do post photos are in the minority, but the numbers of that minority are huge as evidenced by the Internet, so can you imagine the numbers below the waterline of the iceberg!

Wearing Venus

Paul Dano
Paul Dano femulating in the 2020 film The Extra Man

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Really a He

I wear many hats in my amateur radio organization. One hat I wear is to compose and distribute announcements regarding our organization. I make the announcements via five email lists that my organization sponsors. Typically, the announcements get re-posted on other email lists.

Last week, I distributed an announcement calling for speakers for our upcoming annual conference. The announcement traveled hither and yon and ruffled some feathers on one email list because someone considered it to be spam. A half dozen posts were exchanged on the subject and someone asked why I even made the announcement.

Someone Else replied to the question as follows, “Because she (really a he) is desperate for content for the conference.”

I don’t know Someone Else, but he obviously knows about me. 

I have no problem that people know about me. After all, I voluntarily outed myself in the amateur radio world, but was the “(really a he)” necessary?

I was annoyed, so I asked Someone Else that very question in a private email. So far, I have not received a reply.

Source: NameBrandWigs
Source: NameBrandWigs

Eddie Shields
Eddie Shields femulating on stage in Casa Valentina