Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Good News, Bad News

My wife is improving, but is not ready to come home yet.

My knee is a mess according to the MRI I had on Friday, so I will be going to an orthopedic doctor to fix it one way or another. Worst case: knee replacement surgery.

Annual check up showed a high PSA, so I went to a urologist yesterday and he scheduled me for an MRI to see what’s wrong with my prostate. Worst case: prostate cancer. After seeing the urologist, they tested my PSA again and it was in the standard normal range. Go figure.

All this is so depressing, but I guess things could be worse. To cheer myself up, I bought a drop-dead gorgeous cocktail dress from Venus that I hope I will have an occasion to wear out once this all blows over.

Source: ChickWish
Wearing ChickWish

cisgender female happily hanging out with her femulating significant other.
I love photos like this one – a cisgender female happily hanging out with her femulating significant other.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Jumping to Conclusions

Comments suggest that wearing a jumpsuit is not an ideal garment to workaround when nature calls and a visit to the ladies’ room is necessary.

And I remember purchasing my first jumpsuit and being warned that I will regret my purchase when I repair to the restroom.

I don’t get it.

Never have I had a problem using the porcelain plumbing while wearing a jumpsuit. It is no more difficult than wearing a dress or skirt in the same locale and much easier than wearing a suit in the stall.

It’s like wearing an adult onesie. Easy peesy.

Source: Moda Operandi
Wearing Carolina Herrera

This is The Army
U.S. soldiers femulating in the stage production of This is The Army (Papua New Guinea, 1945)

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Status Update

My wife is improving and is now in a different facility for rehab. I am visiting her everyday while trying to fit my “normal” activities into the remaining free time. As a result, some activities have suffered including blogging and answering related emails.

To add to my wife’s issues, some new health issues for myself have arisen and I will be dealing with those issues in the coming days.

And on top of that, Photoshop has become unusable. Whenever I start it up, I get a message that the software is unable to contact the Adobe servers in order to confirm my Photoshop subscription. I have tried many things to correct the problem, but so far I have been unsuccessful. (I use Photoshop for much of my online work including this blog.) 

So if I am scarce here online, you now know why.

Someday Funnies

Source: New York & Company
Wearing New York & Company

Vassar College, 2010
Womanless fashion show at Vassar College, 2010

Monday, June 27, 2022


A “keeper”
Thank you all who prayed and sent positive words regarding my wife’s health. 

She has been in the hospital for eight days and is likely to be there for a few more days as the hospital staff tries to pinpoint the cause of her problem. The meds they are giving her seem to be working, so I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Hospital visiting hours are noon to 8 PM, so I spend mornings puttering around the house and afternoons visiting my wife. “Puttering” includes doing things I have been meaning to do for awhile. For example, going through my wardrobe and deciding what to get rid of – basically clothing that is too large as a result of shedding 35 pounds, as well as clothing that I purchased that are now in the “What was I thinking?” category.

Good news is while modeling outfits to determine whether they stay or go, I discovered that my knee problem has lessened so much so that I can wear high heels again!

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

Modern males girl-talking
Modern males girl-talking

Friday, June 24, 2022


Please say a prayer for my wife. She is in the hospital emergency room with a yet to be determined health problem.

Source: Bebe
Wearing Bebe

U.S. soldiers
U.S. soldiers femulate Carmen Miranda, Betty Grable and Hedy Lamarr on stage in the South Pacific in 1945.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

My Secrets

Paula recently commented, “Love your style; please share your secrets with us!”

I had to think about my “secrets” because most of what I do style-wise comes naturally to me. I don't think about it, I just do it. And this is what I do. 

Emphasize your assets.

My legs are my best assets, so I show them off by wearing short skirts and high heels. Heels make my legs even more shapely and short skirts reveal the results.

And there is some truth when I say, “My skirt’s not too short – my legs are too long!” I have resigned myself to the fact that the styles I prefer are going to be on the short side due to my leg length.

Dress for your body’s age, not your calendar age.

My arms are svelte enough for sleeveless sheaths and my legs are toned enough for short hemlines, so I show off what I've got (while I’ve still got it).

When in doubt, wear nude pumps.

Matched to my skin tone, they're a safe bet and they make my legs look even longer.

If it works, keep working with it.

When I find a style that looks good on me, I become a fan of that style and populate my wardrobe with more examples of that style. For example, I discovered that I look good in wrap dresses and as a result, I now own an assortment of wrap dresses.

On the other hand, keep an open mind. When you are shopping, try on styles that are not in your style book. You never know – it may look great on you. That’s how I discovered that jumpsuits belong in my style book.

Never buy a boring coat.

“Outerwear should never be an afterthought,” says Holmes & Yang co-designer Jeanne Yang. “So many people only see you in your coat—if you’re not wearing something great underneath your trench, they’ll never even know!”

With that thought in mind, fur coats are never boring. I own two full-length fur coats and a fur jacket. And I love animals, so all my furs are fake.

Own something in animal print.

Animal prints are timeless, racy enough, and always glamorous. I own a variety of animal print clothing and accessories.

Scarves are not for hiding.

Scarves are recommended for girls like us to hide our Adam’s apple. I don’t have much of an Adam’s apple, so I never wore scarves... until about five years ago, when I came across my dear departed Mother’s stash of scarves. One girls’ night out, I wore one of her scarves in her honor; I liked the look and began collecting and wearing my own stash of scarves.

Bigger jewelry is better jewelry.

Most girls like us are proportionally larger than cisgender girls. As a result, some of the jewelry designed for cis-girls is proportionally too small for us. So when I shop for jewelry, I shop for jewelry that is bigger rather than smaller.


If you have any questions about my secrets or anything else, please ask (stana-stana at

(Thanks to for helping me bring out my secrets.)

Source: New York & Company
Wearing New York & Company

Diether Krebs
Diether Krebs femulating in West Germany's television series Sketchup.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Doing Something Write

Everyday, I  receive email related to this blog. Most of it is positive and occasionally the email indicates that I hit it out of the ballpark like the following email from Faye.

Dear Stana,

May I tell you how much I have always enjoyed reading the Femulate website. Many a working day was brightened by the Someday Funnies or your down to earth approach to the ups and downs of being the women we are.

I did say how many’s working day had been brightened by reading Femulate, because after 30 years working for the same company, of which five years I worked as Faye and winning employee of the month and then employee of the year on two occasions over those five years I have finally retired.

I was presented with some lovely gifts by the other ladies, and from the head office in Hamburg I received a very generous monetary gift, this woman will be hitting the shops big time!!!

In contrast to my office wear, today my high heels remained in the wardrobe and business dresses on their hangers. I could not pull myself down to wearing leggings to do the top to bottom house clean that I would so often have to do on my day off ( the weekend ), hence the skirt and top!!, and on completing the bedrooms and bathroom I sat myself down and took the enclosed pic.

I am humble enough to know that if not for you and your own experiences in and out the office , I would never have achieved the acceptance and confidence I received from my Supervisor, HR and the other women in the office. Thank you Stana and thank you on behalf of every one of us whose heels have followed on the path created by yourself.

Though an ocean separates us, our sisterhood will always bring us together.

Faye xx

Source: Bebe
Wearing Bebe

Another office femulator
Another office femulator