Wednesday, June 16, 2021

T Pride

At Trans Pride
LGBTQ Pride month is half over.

I have never attended an LGBTQ Pride event. I just don’t feel like I belong.

On the other hand, I did attend Trans Pride in Northampton, Massachusetts, and I was thrilled to participate. Those were my peeps and you could feel the love of the trans community. And I would go again if there ever is another local Trans Pride event.

Source: Paige
Wearing Paige

Lily Roberts out shopping

Monday, June 14, 2021

Wigging out at QVC

Is that a fella wearing a QVC wig?
Occasionally, I watch QVC if they are selling fashions (and there is absolutely nothing else on TV that I want to watch). Although I have been tempted a few times, I have never bought anything from QVC. I just enjoy seeing what they are showing and the pretty models that are wearing what they are showing.

A few days ago in the 1 AM slot, I was surprised to see products I had never seen QVC sell before: wigs and hair extensions. They showed some nice wigs that I would not mind wearing, but I was scared off by their price – the prices were too low, which indicated that they were cheap wigs. (The most expensive wig was $109 or thereabouts.)

In my opinion, QVC’s normal prices are high. If $109 is the price of the most expensive wig they sell, it is a very cheap wig – equivalent to the $39.99 wigs you can buy from Paula Young and elsewhere. And it is not a wig you will ever see me wearing.

I could be wrong. Maybe these are great wigs at bargain basement prices. So I was wondering if any readers have any experience with QVC wigs, specifically the Toni Brattin brand. Please comment below or email me at stana-stana (at sign) and give me the low-down on QVC wigs.

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

Fernanda dining with her daughter on Father's Day.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Fridays are for Femulating

In Your Dreams Dept.

My Father’s Day Wish will only be my Father’s Day Dream.

I mulled this over for days and concluded that yes, it would be wonderful to dine en femme with my family to celebrate Father's Day, but even if my family agreed to fulfill my wish, I know that they would feel uncomfortable doing so. And I would feel bad knowing that they were uncomfortable and no one would have a good time.

As an alternative, I will dine en femme on another day – maybe with some other femulating fathers or at least, with some femulating friends.

Out and About Dept.

Encouraging you to femulate out and about among civilians is what this blog is all about. With that in mind, I started the new Femulating Out and About slot below, which features photos of girls like us out in public.

If you have a photo of you out and about en femme in public, I would be happy to feature it in the Femulating Out and About slot. 

By the way, “out and about” does not mean femulating in your home, your back yard or in a hotel room. Rather, I am looking for photos of girls shopping, dining, partying, sightseeing, etc. – doing things that women do out among the civilian population. 

Hopefully, your out and about photos will encourage other girl to go out and about, too. 

Source: New York & Company
Wearing New York & Company

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Still Too Good To Be True

There is a lot of trans stuff on the Internet that is the product of people’s imagination, wishful thinking and Photoshop.

Spend a few minutes viewing a few trans pages on Pinterest and you will see photos of purported transwomen who look too good to be true. Same thing on YouTube. 

For example, the photo on the right was on Pinterest purporting to be a young fellow en femme, when in fact, the “fellow” is a cisgender female, not a femulator.

I smell a rat when the whole video has a musical soundtrack that masks what is really going on; you cannot hear any conversations that might reveal the truth, nor can you hear the voices of the “girls.” Another giveaway is when the video does not permit comments (no news is good news).

A little research can also reveal fabrications. A video from an academy in Peru showed male students getting dressed to kill as girls to pose for the school’s fund-raising calendar.

I was suspicious because the calendar was dated 2014, but the video did not appear until 2016, not to mention that the whole video had a masking musical soundtrack and comments were disabled. 

I did a little Googling and found a handful of other videos from the academy. Turned out that the boys in those videos were youngsters, whereas the “boys” in the calendar video were high school or college-aged.

This issue came up again recently when a reader commented about an impressive male-to-female transformation video on YouTube and I called it out as a fake. 

Another reader wrote questioning my conclusion, “...did he hire about 75 people for this ‘phony’ ceremony? The person who was his mother is really an actress? She is shown with him in both male and female mode. Are you implying that the girl is not the boy but a female?”

My conclusion was that the video was originally a shoot of a girl’s Quinceañera and that the person faking the video edited and added captions to tell his “story.” 

The tells:

👎You never see the boy being transformed from a boy to a girl; you just see the finishing touches being applied to the girl’s makeup. 

👎When the boy appears next to his grandfather, he is noticeably shorter than grandpa, but when the girl dances with grandpa, she is noticeably taller. No high heels are that high!

👎A musical soundtrack masks the whole video so you cannot hear what is being said. If the video was really what it was purporting to be (i.e., a boy’s Quinceañera), it would have been interesting to hear some of the things being said about this role reversing event, for example, the mother’s introduction of her transformed son.

By the way, I have been guilty of publishing trans fabrications, too. I try to weed out the fakes, but sometimes I miss the obvious. For example, an old post about boys wearing bras contained references that revealed its obvious fakery. When a few readers pointed out what I had missed, I removed the fake immediately. And just yesterday, I deleted a photo that had an obvious head replacement – not so obvious to me until someone alerted me to the fakery.

Other times, people have written first person accounts that have elements right out of trans fiction. I took the writers at their word, but some readers wrote to me that the stories were “too good to be true.” Without proof, I find myself between a rock and a hard place, so I let those posts live on in infamy with a promise to myself be more careful in the future.

Source: Unique Vintage
Wearing Unique Vintage

Monday, June 7, 2021

Father’s Day Wish

Father’s Day is fast approaching and my daughter and wife keep asking what do I want for Father's Day.

I shrug and say, “I dunno.”

But in reality, I do know what I want for Father's Day, but I am afraid to say that I want them to take me to a nice restaurant to dine en femme.

My daughter would probably go for it, but my wife, not so much. She would probably be happy to get a day off from cooking a meal at home, but is that a big enough incentive to be seen in public with a man in a dress?

It would be a grand outing since I have not been out and about en femme post-pandemic. Guess it won’t happen unless I take the first step. 

As Chauncey Depew once said, “The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.” 

I’ve stayed where I am too long.

Source: Rue La La
Wearing Yumi Kim

Out & About
Girls just wanna go shoe shopping