Monday, February 8, 2021

Monday, Monday, Monday

Zooming Again Dept.

Wednesday evening, I was the guest speaker at the CDI weekly Zoom meeting. CDI (Cross Dressers International) is a Manhattan-based organization that has members throughout the Tri-State Area and beyond. 

There were 23 participants, the most they have ever had at their weekly get-togethers. I had a great time telling my story and fielding questions from the folks in attendance. 

CDI is a very cool organization; check out their website and see what I mean.

Sports Dept.

I am tired of all the malarkey surrounding the “controversy” over transgirls competing with cisgender girls in scholastic sports. 

A Daily KOS article, “Trans women in sports and the myth of ‘male puberty’” refutes all the malarkey. I recommend reading it and saving it as ammunition against the next transphobic cretin you encounter spouting these lies. 

Anti-Sports Dept.

Femulation Beats Super Bowl 10 – 0 !

By Velma

(This is a re-write of a Femulation adventure from almost two years ago – February 2019 – pre pandemic.)

Sunday was the first warm and dry Sunday in weeks, and a round of Femulation was definitely the order of the day. Never mind that this Sunday was also Super Bowl day. At least the shopping traffic was minimal.

Back at Christmas, I had treated myself to a new LBD with belled sleeves purchased from Cato ladies clothiers ( and this day was warm enough to dress in this dress and show some leg. I had also acquired a great new blonde wig at a consignment store for the huge price of $5. I paired the dress with matching gold and black chain and earrings, as well as black open-toed strap pumps.

My second stop shopping was at the west side Value Village thrift store for more shopping. I was met with a considerable surprise. At the check-out line stood a former co-worker; a lady Teamster truck driver,  Wynne, was at the checkout line at the front of the store. The thing is Wynne is totally fun crazy, the kind of co-worker who was a ball to work with.

I had only seen her once since retiring 10 years ago and that last encounter was about 6 weeks ago, when my wife and I (I was not en femme at this time) were shopping at the same Value Village. At that chance meeting with Wynne, I had decided to invite her to lunch; arrive en femme and out myself at some time in the future. It would be first time I revealed my secret to any of my former coworkers.

With that plan totally trashed, I decided to simply walk by and see if she could recognize the new me. 

I walked about two feet from her, where my face was clearly in her line of sight.  Nothing happened-- no response.

I then circled back around for another pass and did same. Still nothing – she nary batted an eye.

I then turned around and stood in the checkout line behind her and tapped her on the shoulder.

Wynne turned and saw me as I said, “Hi, Wynne.” 

My distinctive male voice gave me away.

“Well,  whatta ya think?” I asked.

“Frank?” (not my real name)

Wynne let out a loud exclamatory “Damn!”

“Look at you! You look so good! Your makeup! It’s perfect! You do makeup better than me and your outfit, it’s perfect! You even have matching girl glasses!”

I explained that the glasses were prescription.

“If you had not said anything, I would not have recognized you.”

“I'll bet you didn’t think I had 'it in me? Huh?”

I commented that there was no way I could femulate while working with our fellow rough and tough Teamsters. But now that I was retired…

Wynne commented that you might as well make yourself happy, especially if you don’t have to dodge our old bosses.

By that time, others were in the check-out line behind us, so we waved them on around and talked for about half an hour. Interesting point, was that the customers we waved around us, paid us no attention.

Every once in a while during the conversation, she would let out a “Damn! I can’t get over how good you look.”

At one point in the conversation, she asked about how I held things together. I explained that I was wearing a longline bra, silicone breast falsies and a padded derriere panty. I invited her to check ‘em out. Apparently impressed, she let out another “Damn!”

We said our goodbyes, gave each other a hug, made promises for plans for perhaps a future girl lunch.

The End

Wearing Unique Vintage
Wearing Unique Vintage

Stan Munro, professional femulator, circa 1965

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Someday Funnies


Wearing Intermix sweater, Sablyn skirt and Golden Goose boots.
Wearing Intermix sweater, Sablyn skirt and Golden Goose boots.

Frank Thornton femulating in a 1972 episode of British television's Are You Being Served?
Frank Thornton femulating in a 1972 episode of British television's Are You Being Served?

Friday, February 5, 2021


The great thing about being a woman is the power of reinvention. – Sharon Needles

People say I am courageous for doing what I do. 

Maybe yes, maybe no. I sure don’t feel courageous when I present as a woman. Rather, I feel exhilarated that I am no longer pretending to be a man and am living as a woman.

The people I find courageous are the women in our community who do not hide the fact from the public that they were born male and go about living their lives as women part-time or full-time. Some use female names, but some even go by their male names, like today’s Femulator (below). (The latter get extra points on the courage scale in my opinion.)

There are a lot of people who knew me as Stan before they knew me as Stana and in most cases, it made no difference to them. I was still the same person, but with a better fashion sense. So by default, I joined those women who do not hide their male birth origin from the public. 

Today is the fourteenth anniversary of this blog and in honor of that occasion, I am reinventing myself a little bit. Instead of hiding behind a secret identity called “Stana,” I will also go by my male name “Stanley.” 

Ying and yang. 

So, you can call me “Stanley” or you can call me ”Stana” – just don’t call me late for the shoe sale!

Source: William Helburn

Tom Hulme
Tom Hulme

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Read All About It!

By Gina

As a result of contributing to Femulate as an author, I felt it my duty to peruse the blog all the way back from its humble beginnings in 2007. 

It was a fascinating exercise to see it transform from the sapling planted by “Staci” to the mighty oak it is today and while I didn’t read every entry word for word (so I’m not quite the completist I thought I was, ha ha), I at least got the gist of them all. 

Perhaps, not surprisingly given the vast amount of entries and the limited scope of the subject, there is a fair bit of repetition. Plus Stana is the queen of recycling, but that might be for the benefit of more recent followers as opposed to being short of ideas (both actually – Stana). I have enjoyed making my way through it all anyway though, not just for the above reasons, but also as a means of whiling away the living hell of lockdown/cabin fever/Groundhog Day!

But this post particularly resonated with me as I actually remember seeing the newspaper cutting in question when it was first published in the 1980’s in one of the “red tops” printed to entertain the British lower classes (with a bit of actual news reportage thrown in as an aside). 

It was most likely in the Sunday publication News of the World, that delighted in titillating its readers with mildly shocking exposés of sex and scandal. As such, transvestites were fair game and would crop up in it from time to time as a source of amusement for its readers. And of course, a source of fascination for me.

That reminds me of around the same time, when one of the daily red tops published a photo of a young, attractive and extremely convincing transvestite on the front page dressed in a white miniskirt suit, who was causing some kind of kerfuffle as a result of dressing in public. And also of the fat and ugly middle-aged woman that went around the huge office I was working in that day, showing it to all and sundry while guffawing away in contempt of what she saw as a freak show. It may not surprise you to learn that my thoughts on the matter were along the lines of “Well, I certainly wouldn't climb over her to get to you!” But sadly, of course, I never got to speak my mind in that regard, as back then, I was still terrified that anyone would think of me as anything other than a red-blooded skirt-chasing geezer!

Like Stana I am a devoted collector of all things trans in print and other media, but sadly didn’t have the forethought (or perhaps the nerve?) to acquire and keep the article at the time. I have since tried to find it on the Internet, but alas, in vain so far. 

So in the meantime, readers will have to make do with this much more recent edition of the soaraway Sum that shows that the British red tops’ stance on transgenderism has barely changed since the 1980’s!

John Inman femulating in British television's Are You Being Served?
John Inman femulating in British television's Are You Being Served?
You can view this femulation on YouTube.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Made for Walking

Ever since they appeared eons ago, I considered purchasing over-the-knee boots, but did not for one reason or another. 

After reading a blog post by Gee, who wrote about her night out pairing over-the-knee boots with a miniskirt, I was motivated to purchase a pair for myself. Coincidentally, JustFab was having a boots sale and I ordered a pair for $20. I chose the “Aubriana” style because it had the longest “shaft,” which I needed for my long legs and it had ties on top to deter slippage. I was just unsure whether to get the “regular” or “extra wide” calf model, but after taking a few measurements, I opted for the regular width calf and waited for the boots’ arrival.

In the past, JustFab orders took forever to show-up, but they recently improved their shipping operation and the boots arrived four days after I placed the order.

I tried them on and they fit perfectly. The size 12’s felt comfortable on my feet, the regular size calf width was just right and the chunky 3.4-inch heels were made for walking. I was happy with my purchase and plan to pair it with a miniskirt real soon now.

By the way, the JustFab boots sale is still on, so it is not too late to go for it. And had a good article on topic, “How to Wear Over the Knee Boots.”

Wearing Bebe
Wearing Bebe

Femulating son and proud mother on television's Real Housewives of Orange County
Femulating son and proud mother on television's Real Housewives of Orange County

Monday, February 1, 2021

Buttons Jumping Ship

My JustFab coat (and boots) purchase
In December, I purchased a beautiful winter coat from JustFab. It looked good, fit nicely and the sleeves were long enough! I was very happy with my purchase until a button jumped ship as I was trying on the coat for the first time. 

I examined the other buttons on the coat and noticed that they were just hanging by threads, too. So I took out my sewing kit, reattached the fallen button and added threads to the remaining buttons.

Same thing happened to a dress I purchased from Venus last year and a dress I purchased from JustFab last month. 

Out of the box, never worn and the buttons just fall off!

An electric snow shovel I ordered from Amazon arrived yesterday just in time for the big snowstorm. Assembling the shovel was frustrating, as described in my Amazon review.

 “This was very difficult to assemble for a number of reasons. The installation instructions did not match some of the parts. Some of the parts did not fit together properly and/or easily. In one case, I had to use a file to widen a hole for a bolt to fit properly. Two parts broke, but I worked around that problem. Also, there was a part leftover that did not seem to belong anywhere. Assembly essentially was a matter of putting three assemblies together and it should have been a 10 minute task, but because of the problems I encountered, it took over two hours!”

I had a similar experience assembling a floor lamp from Wayfair for my sister a few weeks ago.


Wearing Unique Vintage
Wearing Unique Vintage

Alex Newell femulating on television's Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist.
Alex Newell femulating on television's Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist.

Saturday, January 30, 2021


Just doing some blog housekeeping.

•   I recently rejected a Comment because it contained the N-word. Please do not use the N-word in your Comments – I will just reject it if you do. Also, I would appreciate it if you not use gutter talk, for example, the F-word, etc., in your Comments. Thank-you.

•   Wednesday's Femulator photo of Dávid Hartl femulating Ariana Grande was not Dávid Hartl! It was a photo of Marek Kaliszuk femulating Ariana Grande on Polish television's Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo. I have since replaced Wednesday's photo with one of Dávid Hartl's femulation of Miss Grande and moved the Marek Kaliszuk Ariana Grande femulation into today's Femulator slot with the appropriate YouTube link. (Thank you, Roxanne, for alerting me.)

•   I am always willing to listen to and act on suggestions regarding the blog. Also, I am willing to answer your questions regarding femulating and other girly matters. So, don't be shy – click on the “send me e-mail” link in the blog sidebar and write away. 

Wearing Venus
Wearing Venus

Marek Kaliszuk femulating Ariana Grande on Polish television's Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo.
You can view this femulation on YouTube.

Friday, January 29, 2021

“In My Room” Again

Performing “In My Room’
Diane commented on my In My Room post, “I saw you perform “In My Room live at that ball. You were great.”

The “ball” Diane was referring to was my support groups' annual banquet in March 2012.

After dinner, there were awards and the annual Follies. I usually lipsynced a song or two during the Follies, but that year,  instead of lipsyncing I decided to sing The Beach Boys’ song “In My Room.

I own The Beach Boys’ Stack-O-Tracks album, which contains the instrumental tracks (no vocals) to 15 of their hits including In My Room, so I had the perfect musical accompaniment to my not-so-perfect singing voice.

I copied the song onto my iPod and began practicing during my daily commute. After a few days of that, I concluded that singing that song with my inadequate voice would bore the audience, so I decided to change the lyrics to make it more interesting.

After a few writing attempts, I came up with new lyrics and I practiced every day even during my drive to the banquet that night. But as I sat waiting for my turn to perform, I began to get stage fright. Going over the lyrics in my head, they suddenly did not sound right. I was close to breaking out in a cold sweat when I was called me up to the front of the dance floor to perform.

I pulled myself together and was ready to give it a go, but then there was a malfunction with the DJ's equipment. She could not get audio from the track I had given her and suggested using the karaoke version of the song, which she had on hand.

I was unsure about using the karaoke version, but I had no other choice, so being a trooper, I said, “On with the show.” But then she discovered the error of her ways and got my track to work. I was relieved and sang my heart out with the following lyrics:

    There’s a place where I can go and try on women’s clothes,
    In my room,
    In my room.

    In this world I wear a bra and fishnet pantyhose,
    In my room,
    In my room.

    Do my nails, wear high heels, even shave my back,
    Do my hair up and my makeup, I’ll wear basic black.

    Now it’s dark and I can sneak out dressed just like my Mom,
    From my room,
    From my room.

I got laughs from the audience after singing the very first line. That knocked the stage fright out of me and I received a nice applause at the end.

Wearing JustFab boots
Wearing JustFab boots

Dávid Hartl femulates Kylie Minogue on Slovakian television's Tvoja Tvar Anie Povedome
Dávid Hartl femulates Kylie Minogue on Slovakian television's Tvoja Tvar Anie Povedome
You can view this femulation on YouTube.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Call Me “Sissy”

According to my recollection, the first negative word ever hurled at me was “sissy.”

“Sissy,” according to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition, is “a boy or man regarded as effeminate.”

To illuminate that definition, the dictionary defines “effeminate” as “having qualities or characteristics more often associated with women than men; characterized by weakness and excessive refinement.”

Yes – that’s me. The dictionary could print an image of me next to the printed words to illustrate the definition.

The thing is that the first time I was called a sissy, I had no idea that I was one. All I knew was that I was “me” and I was not intentionally emulating females. I did not go out of my way to be a sissy, rather I was just acting naturally. My personality directed me to do things a certain way. The problem was that that way often did not meet the expectations of how a “man” would do things.

When I realized that something was amiss (yeah, me), I began forcing myself to do things the way a “man” does things in order to be accepted in society and not be shunned for being effeminate.

Often, I felt uncomfortable when I forced myself to be a “man.” As time passed, I learned that being accepted in society as a “man” was not worth the effort. So as I grew older and wiser, I forced myself less often and let my personality act naturally more often.

I also began crossdressing more publicly at that time in my life* and my open crossdressing went hand-in-hand with my decision to stop forcing myself to act like a “man.”

I enjoyed dressing as a woman and my normal personality did not conflict with the way I dressed, i.e., I was not a “man in a dress.” Again, this is not an assumption on my part; I have been told more than once that when I crossdress, my personality is a natural fit for the way I am dressed.

I realized that the natural way for me was often the the feminine way, but so what? Why was I forcing myself to be something that I was not? So, I stopped acting like a “man” and instead, acted like “me,” picking and choosing what I liked from the masculine and feminine aisles in that big department store called “Life.”

But the name-calling continued. But I eventually ignored the taunting, learned to embrace my self, and became my own man or should I say “woman.”

Actually, I am somewhere in between. Circumstances prevent me from being a woman all the time. Some of the time, I am a feminine man and some of the time, I am a feminine woman, so you can call me “sissy” – it’s a good fit.

* FYI, I began crossdressing regularly in my early teens, but I had a keen interest in crossdressing much earlier and probably crossdressed for the first time when I was about 8 years old. I crossdressed in public (Halloween) for the first time in my late teens and I crossdressed in public (not Halloween) for the first time in my mid-30s.

Wearing JustFab dress and boots
Wearing JustFab dress and boots

Vo Tan Phat femulated Blackpink on Vietnamese television's Guong Mat Than Quen.
You can view this femulation on YouTube.
And thank you again, Cheryl, for finding it.