Since there is no place to go these days, I only femulate about once a week. (That’s about how often USPS, UPS, FedEx or Amazon delivers something new and girly for me to try on! LOL)
Although I don’t femulate every day, being a part-time girl is a full-time job. Daily maintenance is a big part of it.
Every morning, I shave a different part of my body in addition to my face. For example, this morning I shaved my shoulders and breasts. Tomorrow, I’ll do my arms. Next day, my legs.
By shaving different body parts every day, I am not overwhelmed by the task of shaving everything at once on those days when I finally do femulate.
(By the way, I don’t have much leg hair to shave anymore. It wasn’t always that way; I guess that all the years of using Nair and Veet on my legs must have killed most of the hair.)
Back to daily maintenance...
After I shave, I apply three different products to my face and neck: moisturizer, eye cream and neck cream. To my appendages, I apply leg cream and hand cream.
Besides daily maintenance, there are other things I do to ingrain my femininity.
In boy mode, I will wear female clothing whenever possible. For example, today I am wearing women’s denim shorts and of course, I wear panties every day. Flyless shorts and panties ingrains another feminine habit – sitting to pee.
New shoes means I will walk around in heels for a day or two to break them in. During the secluded portions of my daily walks, I practice walking and talking like a woman. (I wish it was secluded enough so I could break in my heels during those walks!)
It's a full-time job – good thing I like my job!
Wearing Venus |
N is for Not a Civilian, as these Southern Belles from Northside (TN) High School fill the bill. “Have you girls done this before?” asks the yearbook caption.
Gabriel Sanches femulating in Brazilian television’s Pega Pega. |