Sunday, February 18, 2018

Saturday, February 17, 2018


The flu symptoms started Thursday morning. By Friday evening, I felt so lousy that my daughter took me to the ER.

The ER diagnosed me as having the flu (first time in my adult life that I have had the flu), wrote me a prescription and sent me home.

My temp is normal this morning, but I still feel lousy. And I don't feel much like doing anything including blogging, so this blog will be absent for a few days until this blows over.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Femulating Friday

Your Turn Dept.

Thank-you! So far, I received 22 comments and 12 e-mails in response to the Your Turn post.

One commenter complained about how I tag/label my posts. That is a legitimate complaint and I will try to do better in that regard.

Another commenter agreed with the person whose complaints precipitated the Your Turn post, i.e., that my skirts are too short.

Except for a few amusing tongue-in-cheek complains, everyone else disagreed with the original complainer about the way I dress ("if you got it, flaunt it"), my name and my use of the word "bird."

By the way, the 64-year-old woman in the Femulatee spot in the You Turn post was fashion model Christie Brinkley and the 66-year-old transwoman in the Femulator post was me.

Upcoming Events Dept.

TransGuys have the 2018 Trans Conference Guide up and running on their website. Here is the link: (For future reference, the link also appears under my Tool Links in the right column of this blog.)

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus (Source: Venus)

Carollyn Olson
Carollyn Olson

Thursday, February 15, 2018

War on Transgenders Marches On

Sadly, Trump's War on Transgenders continues...

Education Dept. Officially Says It Will Reject Transgender Student Bathroom Complaints

The Education Department says it won't investigate or take action on any complaints filed by transgender students who are banned from restrooms that match their gender identity, charting new ground in the Trump administration's year-long broadside against LGBT rights.

Read the rest of the story here.

Read the Los Angeles LGBT Center's excellent response to the Education Department here.

Trump Not Done Trying To Ban Transgender People from of Military

President Donald Trump‘s attempts to ban transgender people from the military have failed at every turn, but he isn’t done yet. The Trump administration will unveil and defend a new anti-trans policy on February 21.

Read the rest of the story here.

GOP Defines Being Transgender As 'A Disqualifying Psychological and Physical Condition'

The Republican National Committee voted to support Trump's August order that defines being transgender as “a disqualifying psychological and physical” condition.

Read the rest of the story here.

Transgender Rights Targeted by Multiple Ballot Measures Across the United States

Emboldened by Trump's War on Transgenders, discrimination is on the ballot in Massachusetts and Anchorage, Alaska, with signatures currently being collected for a third anti-transgender ballot measure in Montana.

Read the rest of the story here.

Source: Moda Operandi
Wearing Rebecca de Ravenel (Source: Moda Operandi)

Kamil Bijos femulating on Your Face Sounds Familiar on Polish television.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentine's Day Greeting

I have posted this image here on Saint Valentine's Days in the past. I don't recall where I found the image, nor do I recall its history. I don't believe it's a fake, rather I think it's a genuine vintage greeting card.

That being said, what is the context of the card's message? My guess it was related to women's suffrage.

During that era, there was a genuine fear among males that if women got the vote it was the beginning of the end of the patriarchy. That fear was reflected in ephemera of the era.

The big question on everybody's mind 100 years ago was asked by this anti-suffrage postcard.

Another postcard answered the question.

Wearing Bebe (Source: Bebe)

Faye's "bird" femulation

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Heavenly in Heels

I love high heels and own over 100 pairs. On occasion, I have joked that I am not transgender... I just like to wear high heels!

Whether I wear a dress, skirt, shorts, jeans or slacks, I always wear high heels. The only exceptions are sometimes when I drive and sometimes when I walk.

I use both feet when I drive because my automobile has a standard transmission. Most of the time I drive wearing heels, but I switch to flats when my heels are greater than 4 inches in height because it becomes difficult to maneuver my feet under the dashboard without tangling up my sky-high heels.

I also switch to flats if I have to walk on areas of the planet that are not high heel friendly. Malls are never an issue, but in places like Provincetown with its mishmash of cobblestones, asphalt and uneven sidewalks, flats are a must. (Heel maven that I am, I always tote my heels when I have to wear flats and switch to them when I reach my destination.)

Call me "old fashioned," but no matter what else a woman may be wearing, I believe she looks nicer wearing heels.

When I am typing away on my laptop, I always have the TV on to keep me company. I often tune to QVC if they are selling fashions for milady to check out the women selling QVC's wares. No matter how unattractive (to me) the clothing they are selling may be, if the woman is wearing high heels, it makes the clothing less unattractive. This is especially noticeable when there are two or more models wearing the same clothing, but different shoes. The model wearing heels always looks better, so I assume I look nicer in heels, too, no matter what I am wearing.

And so it goes (in heels, not flats).

Source: Nine West
Wearing Nine West (Source: Nine West)

Paolo Ballesteros and Martin del Rosario
Paolo Ballesteros and Martin del Rosario in the 2018 Filipino film Born Beautiful.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Your Turn

I received an e-mail from a "fan" a few days ago who had a laundry list of complaints about me and the blog.

First, she complained about my name.

"You've said that your ex-colleagues named you Sandy; I much prefer this name-less derivative and more feminine than Stana."

Then, she complained about the way I dress.

"My female friends all say that however good one's legs are, there is an age when the mini ceases to be attractive. I have to agree, so may we have a cover picture of Sandy in a longer skirt please."

Finally, she complained about what I wrote.

"Finally, from a feminist (I hope) I was mildly upset by your use of the expression 'Birds' for the girls of the King's Road generation."

So now it's your turn to get it off your chest.

Send me your complaints and I will consider them. And after I consider them, I may take them to heart or ignore them completely (as I did with the three enumerated above).

64-year-old woman dressing her age
64-year-old woman dressing her age

66-year-old transwoman dressing her age
66-year-old transwoman dressing her age

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Someday Funnies

Source: Lustige Blatter
"Careful, I'm not a man!"
"That's okay, I'm not a woman."
(Source: Lustige Blatter, 1932)

Source: Dress Barn
Wearing Dress Barn (Source: Dress Barn)

Fred Kovert femulating in the 1925 film Chasing the Chaser.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Three time's a charm

The next three months will find me presenting at three conferences.

March 16, I will present a workshop at the True Colors Conference at the Storrs campus of the University of Connecticut (my alma mater).

April 28, I will give a similar workshop at the Transgender Lives Conference at the University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington.

May 18, I will make a presentation at the Hamvention in Xenia, Ohio.

"Out Among the Civilians" is the title of my workshop at the March and April conferences. Since their audiences are different (True Colors is primarily a student audience, Transgender Lives is generally an adult audience), I will adjust my workshop accordingly.

"Old School Radio with New School Tools" is the title of my presentation at Hamvention. This will be a first for me. I have made many presentations at ham radio conferences in the past, but this will be the first time I will be presenting as a woman, so I am excited about doing it.

Source: Bebe
Wearing Bebe (Source: Bebe)

Dalibor Gondik
Dalibor Gondik femulates Dolly Parton on the Czech Republic's version of television's Your Face Sounds Familiar.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Jean Shrimpton, birds and miniskirts

Surfing the net, I came across the name Jean Shrimpton. Do you remember her? I do.

In the 1960s, Jean Shrimpton was a supermodel long before they coined the term "supermodel." She was English, part of the swinging London scene, and I was infatuated with her. In fact, I was so infatuated with her that I wanted to be just like her, which was kind of difficult for an overweight 16-year-old guy.

About that time, my cousin dressed up as Twiggy for Halloween. He was a perfect Twiggy because he and she both had freckles and stick-thin pubescent figures. (I was so jealous and wish I had crossdressed for Halloween.)

Fast forward a few Halloweens and I dressed, more or less, like Jean Shrimpton. I certainly was not stick-thin and in my opinion, nether was Jean... well, not as stick-thin as Twiggy. Also, in my opinion, Jean was prettier than Twiggy and I was prettier than my cousin, so dressing like Jean Shrimpton certainly made sense to me.

Another British bird, Jacqueline Bisset, became one of my crossdressing models. I believe that my fascination with British girls had something to do with the miniskirt.

The mini was invented in Britain by fashion designer Mary Quant and it became the defining fashion symbol of "swinging London" in the 1960s. All the British "birds" wore miniskirts, more so than American girls, and I wanted to wear miniskirts just like the girls in Britain did.

When I made my first Halloween outing en femme as Jean Shrimpton, the dress I wore was just not short enough, so I used safety pins to shorten the hem, thus, my knee-length dress became a thigh-high mini.

Anyway, my attraction to the British distaff side continues to this day with Elizabeth Hurley and Kate Beckinsale at the top of my wish (I was she) list. And I still like to wear short skirts!

Wearing Adam Lippes coat (Source:

Young men femulating young women, circa 1965
Young men femulating young women, circa 1965

Monday, February 5, 2018

Monday Mash

Stephen Sayaegh in the 2016 film The Comedian

I Resemble That Remark Dept.

Saturday night, I watched The Comedian, a film about the life of an aging insult comic played by Robert De Niro. The comic was famous for starring in a popular television situation comedy and a clip from the TV series appears in the film.

The clip shows a young boy (actor Stephen Sayaegh) dressed in a white ballet tutu and leotard. His father (De Niro) becomes upset and complains to his wife that when his 11-year-old son dresses up as a ballerina, it's no longer about trick or treating!

In My Dreams Dept.

I had back-to-back dreams that I clearly recall for a change (usually I don't).

Dream #1

I was doing the weekly grocery shopping. I unload, scan and bag the groceries at a self-service cash register. The total was $94.

The woman behind me in queue seems annoyed with me and hands me an iPhone.

“Is this yours?” she asks.

“Yes, it is — thank-you,” having no idea that I had lost my iPhone!

I rummage through my pocketbook and cannot locate my wallet. I look at the woman behind me sheepishly and tell her I have to go to my car to retrieve my wallet… assuming that it is even there.

I go to my car and find my wallet on the driver’s seat. I return to the cash register and discover my groceries are gone as is the woman who was behind me in queue.

I go to the customer service desk and they tell me, “Sorry, Ma’am.” They thought I had abandoned the order, so they returned all the items to the shelves.

I wake up.

Dream #2

I am getting ready for a formal affair of some sort.

My evening gown is a sexy revealing number that displays most of my bare back (from my shoulders to the top of my derreire).

I need someone to shave the nether regions of my back. I spend a lot of time trying to find someone to do it, but I cannot find a volunteer.

I wake up.

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus (Source: Venus)

Rob Lowe
Rob Lowe femulates a nurse in the 1984 film Hotel New Hampshire.