Wednesday, July 29, 2015

My Dream Job

A reader wrote recently, "Something of interest: just came off a big construction job where the project manager, superintendent and all the assistants were women. Times, they are a changing."

I responded, "The times have changed. When I started working back in the late 1970's, women were rare in my profession. Fast-forward 35 years and today my boss is a woman and her boss is a woman and they both are OK about me working as a woman... if only my wife was as agreeable!!!"

Wouldn't it be nice if my bosses issued a new dress code?
In order to promote equality and fairness and maintain a professional image, the dress code will be the same for men and women, i.e., all employees must wear female attire.
I'd come home after work, break the news to my wife and be delighted to dress in office girl drag for the rest of my working days!

Which reminds me of a story I found on Fictionmania years ago that describes a similar scenario. Titled "A Welcome Transformation" and written by Wendy H, it is one of my favorites and I think you might enjoy it, too.

Smile Pretty When You Dress Pretty

Yesterday, Daily Makeover had "25 Ways to be More Photogenic." It is a worthwhile read for girls like us who never saw a camera we didn't like!

Jerry Van Dyke Fans

Femulate had over 8500 page views (hits) on Monday, which is almost twice the number of hits the blog usually gets. I guess there are a lot of Jerry Van Dyke fans out there!

Source: Tory Burch
Wearing Tory Burch.

Amaury Nolasco
Actor Amaury Nolasco's office femulation in television's Work It!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Happy Birthday, Jacqueline Kennedy

Today is Jacqueline Kennedy's birthday. She died young  64 years old (my current age  yikes!)

All the girls and boys like me wanted to be Jackie when we grew up. She was my first female idol.

I remember that she caused a sensation wearing miniskirts. Before her, only teenagers and 20-somethings wore miniskirts; she was one of the first prominent mature women to wear mini's. That made it OK for all mature women to wear above-the-knee hemlines and I thank her for that!

Call for Cover Girls

Monica asked that I post this here, so here it is:
Hi All,
This is a call out for photos (a montage of photos to go on the cover of my new book  Me! The gift of being Transgender). I want to cover the front of the book with photos of T's and TG allies. Unless you specifically ask for your name to be on there, it will all be anonymous. 
The idea of the book is that all people should be treated equally TGs and non-TGs. We do not need the kind of artificial division which has arisen. We are all people an entitled to our own journey. These photos need to be 300 dpi so that I can size them correctly. 
Please send to my e-mail: monica.mulholland @

You may have noticed that things have been a little erratic here lately.

I do not want to go into details... suffice to say that a family member is very ill and that has consumed a lot of our time lately ("our" as in family and I).

So if I am late publishing blog posts, publishing short blog posts, publishing rerun blog posts, publishing no blog posts, or slow and/or short when answering your e-mails, please understand.

Source: ShopBop
Wearing 3.1 Phillip Lim top and Blaque Label culottes.

Pete Burns
Rocker Pete Burns circa 2010

Monday, July 27, 2015

Happy Birthday, Jerry Van Dyke

Did you know? In real life, Jerry Van Dyke and Dick Van Dyke were brothers!

Source: Nine West
Wearing Nine West (shoes and bag).

Nick Morrett
Actor Nick Morrett (right) femulating on stage in
Fabulous! The Queen of the New Musical Comedies (2014).

Friday, July 24, 2015

TGIF (Thank Goddess, It's Femulate!)

When I need a break from the action, I often visit the Internet for a distraction. One website I find very distracting is DeviantArt, which according to Wikipedia, is an online community showcasing various forms of user-made artwork.

There are a lot of trans-related works on DeviantArt and you can find them by using the usual collection of search words (crossdresser, transvestite, transgender, drag, etc.). However, I recently came across a DeviantArtist who has collected a lot of the best DeviantArt trans works all in one place in her Favourites folder. She is known as MariaSki on DeviantArt and you can find her Favourites here stored in the various Collections folders stacked on the left side of her Favourites webpage.

And by the way, Maria's Favorite Photo (of Maria!) appeared here in January, so I assume she is a Femulate reader, as well as a DeviantArtist.
Honest Children by pseudocide335 from DeviantArt

Source: HauteLook
Wearing M Missoni.

Source: Pinterest
Femulating: a popular pastime for 21st Century American males.

Thursday, July 23, 2015


A lot of stories came over the mojo wire yesterday regarding a study that claims that hormonal imbalances do not cause transgenderism.

This story from Tech Times is representative:
Claims that gender dysphoria is the result of some sort of imbalance in sex hormone levels have long plagued transgender people looking for acceptance of who they are by suggesting that being transgender is an ailment that can be fixed, rather simply an intrinsic part of one's identity.
Scientific support for such claims has always been lacking, and now, a new study provides solid evidence that hormonal imbalances are not what the transgender experience is about. The study, published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, examined the sex hormone levels of 101 transyouth patients at Children's Hospital Los Angeles and found that they did not differ significantly from those typical for the gender they were assigned at birth.
But what if you do have a hormonal imbalance? What if your hormonal imbalance weighs so heavily on the female side that you have female physical and psychological characteristics? And as a result, you live as a woman because it is a better fit for who you are.

Are you not transgender, too? If not transgender, than what are you?

Source: Ralph Lauren
Wearing Ralph Lauren.

Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon
Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon femulating for the 1959 film Some Like It Hot.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Where to Find Shoes Over Size 10

The best brands for larger-footed ladies

It’s one thing to covet a killer pair of heels only to discover they’re sold out. It’s an entirely different thing when said pair isn’t even made in your size. Thus is the plight of ladies who wear shoes above a size 10 (two PureWow editors included). Luckily, there are a number of brands that cater to larger sizes without sacrificing style. Here, 13 of our favorites.

Read more: Where to Find Shoes Over Size 10 | PureWow National 

Source: Nordstrom
Wearing St. Johns Boutiques.

Lori Voice
Lori Voice, professional femulator circa 1970

Monday, July 20, 2015


I pass the ESPN campus every morning during my daily commute (Routes 229-84-691-91-68, hike). It is an impressive site ― beautiful modern buildings with a large array of satellite dishes (more than 20 dishes by my last count).

Don't know if you can find a more testosterone-laden atmosphere than you will find at ESPN ― I'm sure it's near the top of the list. Yet this male-centric operation honored transwoman du jour, Caitlyn Jenner, with an ESPY award!

The times have changed, to say the least, so what more can I say?

I think my work is done here.

Source: Boston Proper.
Wearing Boston Proper.

Jerreme Rodriguez
Actor Jerreme Rodriguez femulating on stage in I Like to Be Here:
Jackson Heights Revisited or This Is a Mango