Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Sleepless in Minneapolis

sleepless1-1_www By Jeanine

If only every week could be like the one I spent in the Twin Cities of Minnesota in early November. Dining out, shopping, going to the theatre, visiting the Minneapolis Institute of Arts and culminating as a presenter and attendee at the Minnesota Out Campus Conference at Century College near St. Paul over the weekend made me one very happy girl! Making it ever better was enjoying the company of my lovely wife who went everywhere with me and then did some things on her own while I attended the conference.

Needless to say, I did not get much sleep, but I'm certainly not complaining. We had a great time and will do so again in mid-December when she flies out of Minneapolis-St. Paul for the holidays. We're planning on attending a murder mystery dinner Friday at the Spaghetti Factory before she leaves on Saturday and get some holiday shopping in as well.

Our extra-long weekend began on Thursday night. After checking into our hotel she went swimming leaving me to get dressed and ready to go to the theater. I chose my maroon skirt with a black ruffled bodysuit blouse and black pumps. I like bodysuits because they stay tucked and look trim and this one was a great find because it was a size Tall. I'm always searching for Tall items as I'm 6 feet tall with long arms and prefer to wear long sleeves.

My wife got herself ready and wore a colorful pleated stretch dress with her black high heel boots and looked fantastic. We definitely looked like two girls dressed for an evening out on the town. Off we went to downtown where we took in a performance of Disenchanted at the Illusion Theatre, a mildly risqué play about the "real" stories of Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella --- the story that Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse did not tell you! It was very funny and the audience was mostly other women, so we fit right in.

We then went off to Crave Restaurant for some drinks and the late night happy hour where the bartender said "Hello Ladies" when we sat down at the bar, crossed our legs and took in the ambiance. When my wife went to the ladies room, I watched the male chefs and waitstaff check her out as she walked past and I couldn't blame them!

At 11pm, we walked a few blocks back to the parking garage and made our way back to the hotel. Our first night made me feel like I had gone to some womanly heaven and I looked forward to the next day and our trip to the Art Institute.

On Friday, we slept in a bit and then got ready to go to lunch first and make our way to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. It's a beautiful three-story building filled with art from all over the world, but we would only have time to tour the third floor which was filled with art representative of Europe and the America's for the past three centuries.sleepless1-2_www

I chose a new outfit that combined black and brown color blocking, which is a style I really like. I wore a black suede skirt with a black knit top coupled with brown tights and a dark brown suede zippered jacket and my black low heels. It's a dressy casual outfit that works well in Minneapolis where tights and boots our popular with the women who live there.

I really enjoy going to Minneapolis because the women are always dressed nicely and a transgender woman can fit in so much easier. It's a very liberal city with a large LGBT population and hospitality staff who are used to seeing and serving our community. As yet, I don't believe I've ever been called anything other than “Ma’am,” “Ladies” or some other feminine name. It just makes you feel wonderful to know that people accept you for who you want to be.

We first made our way to the Textile Center of Minnesota along the Mississippi River. My wife sews and she was really excited to go there and obtain information about their services and classes, as well as seeing the different methods used in designing textiles and fabrics.

An hour later, we made our way to the Art Institute and had lunch in their cafe before we toured the third floor. We both took each other’s picture with the big plastic dog, whose name eludes me, in the modern art wing.

There were several whimsical pieces of art here and my wife took several pictures of me posing with them. This is a fantastic place to go and just be yourself. It's so easy to blend in and move about freely or to just sit for awhile and people-watch. And the floors were made of marble or a heavy tile, so that walking with heels made that oh-so-wonderful click/click/click that just seems to announce that a well-dressed woman is walking your way.

The Institute closes at 5, so we made our way downtown with the hopes of catching the early dueling pianos show at Shout, but we couldn't find a place to park and the traffic was too heavy, so we abandoned that idea and parked in a garage to go shopping and find a place to eat dinner.

We walked our way through the Skywalk to Macy's where I looked at boots in the shoes section. Unfortunately, the only ones that I liked and weren't over $100 weren't available in my size (11). Oh, when we asked for directions of a saleswoman working in womenswear, we were pretty sure that she was a transwoman. I thought how lucky she was to work in such a great place as I've considered applying for a part-time job en femme as well. I think I'd find working in hosiery to be my ideal department!sleepless1-3_www

On we went and after spending another 30 minutes or so shopping, we made our way out onto to Nicollet Mall where we forgot to have our picture taken by the Mary Tyler Moore statute at 7th Avenue. Mary Tyler Moore was one of my very first female fashion idols, especially the first two years she appeared on her show. I loved so many of her outfits and they made an impression on me that has lasted to this day.

My current fashion maven is Kate Middleton. Her style is one that I wish I could afford to femulate every day. Do you know that she was the one that re-introduced wearing hosiery as a "required" item to the wardrobe of women in the U.K? Pantyhose and nylons sales were slipping until she came along and showed how they completed and complimented an outfit. If I could look like her, I think I'd flip the switch!

At 10th and Nicollet, you'll find Zelo, a classy Italian restaurant where we had dined before on previous trips to the big city. We were seated right away by the host with a "follow me ladies" and sat side-by-side at a table along the wall. No one took any undue notice of us. Conversations didn't stop, forks still shoveled food and our waitress greeted us with a "How are you ladies doing tonight? I'll be your server." She was nothing but friendly and accommodating the entire time we were there.

My wife had ravioli and a dark beer and I dined on chicken parmesan with a glass of Riesling. Fabulous! The ambiance was great, the other diners were classy and dignified and the service was what you would expect from a first class restaurant. Oh, and the bread was very yummy!

We passed on dessert and since I had to get up early the next morning, we made our way back to our car, but we did stop in at Target to buy some nylons and some makeup. I almost bought a pair of burgundy suede pumps, but I wasn't sure they'd go with last night's skirt, so I sighed and passed them up (but I'll go back wearing that skirt next month and see).

We joined the after-dinner crowds on the mall hurrying to their own destinations, walked a few blocks to our car and then drove back to our hotel.

Other than a few prolonged questioning (or perhaps knowing) looks, we spent the day in downtown Minneapolis as two women enjoying some of the city's favorite spaces and places. It was another great day en femme and I was looking forward to the conference on Saturday.

Jeanine’s adventure in Minneapolis will continue here tomorrow.





Source: Bebe

Wearing Bebe.






Phil Black, professional femulator, circa 1950.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Yes, that's me!


When I saw this image on Pinterest, I thought that there was a lot of truth to it.

When I am not presenting as a woman and I see another woman who has her act together, I admire her, but I am jealous, too --- jealous that I am not dressed like she is.

High heels always does it for me. In my opinion, if a woman is wearing heels, it is likely that her overall appearance is pulled together.

So whenever I hear the clicking sound of high heels, I look to see where the sound is coming from and I am usually rewarded with the vision of a well-dressed woman. Then I become envious and wish I was in her shoes literally.

I also get crabby when I am in boy mode, but when I present as a woman, I am relaxed, comfortable and generally happy.

So I will admit it: I am a girl!





Source: Bluefly

Wearing Hayden.





Professional femulator Robbie Ross, circa 1965.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Also a Lot More Razor Blades






Source: ShopBop

Wearing Torn by Ronny Kobo (top), Clu (pants) and Jenni Kayne (slippers).






Santa Claus and his six femulating helpers, circa 1950.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Bree’s Favorite Photo (of Bree!)


Bree's Bucket List Pictures

Step 1 - Get Out The Door! (June 2011 - Picture in the orange blouse)

It was only a quick run to a gas station to fill up the tank while on vacation in central Colorado, but it was one of the toughest doors I've opened in my life.

Step 2 - Go Overseas (November 2012 - Picture at the British Museum, London)

I was lucky enough to have my job send me to England for a week and since it was my second trip there, I had just enough confidence to bring Bree along for the ride. I shopped, visited castles, rode the tube, and toured London all while having an amazing experience.

Step 3 - Really Learn Makeup (December 2012 - Picture in the Silver Blouse)

I went to M·A·C and had them teach me how to do my makeup better. They did one side of my face and I repeated it on the other. Getting into the store in the middle of the mall without wearing any makeup other than beard cover was nerve-wracking! I still use almost everything I learned there whenever I go out.

Step 4 - Climb a Mountain (July 2013 - Picture Atop 14,036 ft Mt Sherman)

My alter ego had developed quite the passion for hiking 14ers while I lived in Colorado and Bree was dying to go. I made quite the adventure out of it with camping and climbing. What a view and what a rush!

Step 5 - To the Theatre! (April 2014 - Picture outside the Buell Theatre, Denver)

I'd been to a small and casual theatre with some friends before this, but this was the main attraction. A great friend was in from out of town and we went to see Rock of Ages. The show was fantastic and we had the time of our lives!

Step 6 - Out with Mom (July 2014 - Picture at the Mall of America)

This is otherwise known as "You can go home again." In the middle of my family's move from Denver to DC, I had a rare occasion to spend a few days at my childhood home while my wife and kids were at her parent's cabin. My mom had known about Bree for about eight months and we took the opportunity for a day of shopping at the Mall of America (where I worked during college). Mom bought me a few things and we had a wonderful day. 

Future Steps?

Who knows where I'll go, but I've been awfully fortunate to be where I've been and where I'm at. There are plenty of great opportunities for once-in-a-lifetime events here in DC and we'll just have to see what I can take advantage of!





Source: Light in the Box

Wearing Light in the Box.






Wife and husband dressed up to attend husband’s company Christmas party. (Wow!)

Friday, December 5, 2014

More Outreach Words

IMG_2426_cropped_www Professor Schildroth has only one human sexuality class this semester rather than two, so  I only had one class for outreach. I was joined by four other transwomen --- MaryAnn, another no-op, no-hormone woman like me and three post-op women, Amanda, Kailey and Michelle. I've done outreach with MaryAnn and Michelle many times; Amanda and Kailey were new to me.

As usual, there were a lot more women than men in the class... about 25 women and exactly three men.

Our "outreach" starts off with each of us telling our biographies in a nutshell --- about five minutes each. Then the class is divided between the no-ops and the post-ops so that the students can ask questions. Half way through the class time, the no-ops and post-ops switch sides so that each half of the class gets to question all of us.

I am not sure how effective this is as "outreach" because if the students don't ask the right questions or if we don't touch upon a particular point in our bios, then there will be holes in the students' understanding of what it means to be a transgender person.

However, reading the students' written comments after each session, I think we are making some progress. We usually are able to leave them with the knowledge that we are not freaks. Rather that we are just like they are, that is, human beings just trying to get along in the world.

Most of the students' questions asked of me were typical.

  • How did you choose your female name?
  • Do you present as a woman all the time?
  • Does your spouse support you? Etcetera.

Then there were a couple of atypical questions.

  • What was your favorite time growing up? (The late 1960s.)
  • What was the weirdest question you were ever asked at outreach? (You just asked it.

Sometimes, I am a little nervous when I do outreach and come across as "sad" and/or "up tight," but on Tuesday, I was very comfortable and as a result, I was humorous and very effusive.

One student commented that I was "cute" in the way I told my story. Another commented about my prowess for walking in heels --- something she has yet to conquer. Still another came up to me after the class, gave me a big hug and said I was "very pretty."

So I guess I did good.





Source: DailyLook

Wearing DailyLook.






Contestants femulating in the 2014 Mr. CC-E womanless beauty pageant in Spencer, Iowa.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Outreach Words

IMG_2420_cropped_www I have no problem driving my standard/manual transmission Subaru wearing high heels. But lately, I have been switching to flats when I drive unless it is a short ride to here or there.

The reason being that I discovered that driving scuffs up and scratches my heels more than when I drive wearing flats or shoes with a small heel. And unless I am trying to show off how fashionable I am, I don't necessarily switch to heels when I reach my destination.

For example, Wednesday, I drove the 30 miles to New Haven wearing my short wedges. When I stopped at CVS to buy a package of makeup wipes and other sundry items, I did not switch to my heels. (By the way, here is a tip for the frugal femulator: use baby wipes in place of makeup wipes. Baby wipes are cheaper, but just as effective as makeup wipes.)

After CVS, I continued on to the University and after parking my car, only then did I switch to heels.

There is a big construction project at the University that is eating away at the parking lot that is next to the classroom buildings where I do outreach. As a result, there was no room for my car in that lot, so I had to park at the next nearest parking facility --- a half-mile away from the classrooms.

So when I switched to heels, I considered carrying my short wedges (just in case) because I had a long walk on pavement ahead of me and my feet. But I decided against it because I was wearing my comfortable Karmen pumps from Payless.

It was a good test for my Karmens and they passed with flying colors. My feet were painless after the half-mile trek, as well as after the return half-mile.

By the way, in addition to my Karmens, I wore my black/dark gray/light gray color-block cowlneck belted sweater dress (from DressBarn), black opaque tights and for outerwear, my white fake fur jacket and a green fun fur scarf that my wife knitted for me.

Tomorrow, I will post more outreach words.





Wearing Kallia (footwear).





Actors Vic Ford  and Chris Sheen femulating in the 1949 British film Skimpy In The Navy.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Outreach Photo


The photo above shows me with the students of the Human Sexuality class at Southern Connecticut State University where I did outreach yesterday. I will post my words about yesterday shortly.

(Thank you MaryAnn for the photography!)





Wearing Jay Godfrey.





Actors Bradley Whitford and Jeffrey Tambor femulating in television’s Transparent (2014).

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

I’m Back

Welcome back as we return to our normal programming schedule!

I hope your holiday (if any) was pleasant. I had a molar extracted the Friday before Thanksgiving and my jaw ached for over a week, but I managed to enjoy turkey with all the trimmings nonetheless.

I have been taking advantage of the holiday sales --- updating some of my wardrobe and adding to it as well.

Today, I will be at Southern Connecticut State University to do outreach at a human sexuality class, which is always interesting. And I plan to do a little holiday shopping for my family and friends before and after the class.

You can expect a full report on my day out as a woman in a day or two.






Source: Light in the Box

Wearing Thicken.






Comedian Zach Cregger femulating in television’s The Whitest Kids U' Know (2007-12).

Monday, December 1, 2014

Your Favorite Photo (of Yourself!) Marathon

TV stations like to run marathons during holidays and this TV is no different, so I hope you enjoy the Femulate Your Favorite Photo (of Yourself!) Marathon through the holiday weekend.

Carollyn’s Favorite Photo (of Carolyn!)

Like you, Stana, I have so many pictures when I'm out and about at my favorite places, but here are two photos for your use.

The first is from earlier this summer at a lovely park near my home. I love going to this park to relax, read a book or watch the wild turkeys. 

The second is from earlier this year at my favorite up-scale outdoor mall, The Fountains in Roseville, California. I love wandering through the shops and enjoying the eateries. This is one shopping area where one can dress up a bit and fit right in with the other shoppers.

Thanks for all you do.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Your Favorite Photo (of Yourself!) Marathon

TV stations like to run marathons during holidays and this TV is no different, so I hope you enjoy the Femulate Your Favorite Photo (of Yourself) Marathon through the holiday weekend.

Mimi’s Favorite Photo (of Mimi!)

Attached is a photo of me; I would be honored if you posted it on your blog. It was taken by Katie Wannabe, who used to run a TG/TV/CD makeover studio north of Philly. She has since moved to Florida. I went to her for makeovers whenever i could, even though she was quite a distance from me. Her salon was upstairs from a 'regular' salon and she also had GG customers.

On this particular visit, she did my nails (acrylic tips and polish), makeup and wig-styling. Then we went to a fashion show that she was hosting for all of her clients and I was one of the models, who were all Femulators.

I wish I had photos of the show itself; I must have modeled about four or five outfits. The audience was other TG/TV/CD Femulators and a mixed crowd.

This was taken in October of 2003, but it's still my favorite photo of me en femme. I have a few others that are also among my favorite from that day: one full-figure, outside holding a purse in a very lady-like manner. It's in my photo album on flickr.

In response to my open invitation to send your favorite photo along with the story behind it and the reason it is your favorite photo, I received a lot of photos and stories that I am posting in the the order I received them. My invitation still stands, so don't be shy, send me your photos!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Your Favorite Photo (of Yourself) Marathon

TV stations like to run marathons during holidays and this TV is no different, so I hope you enjoy the Femulate Your Favorite Photo (of Yourself) Marathon through the holiday weekend.

Nancy Ng’s Favorite Photo (of Nancy Ng!)

Just me in the quintessential little black dress, though blinged up with sequins. I'm at our TG support club, Xpressions in Toronto annual Christmas party back in 2002.

I like that my smile is subtle, ‘cuz I'm usually grinning like a Cheshire cat in most of my other photos. Our Christmas parties have always been great since you get to really dress up… from gals wearing cocktail dresses to full ballroom gowns. A few club members will bring out their spouse and families to join us. Lots of dancing is involved too.

Always a great time.

In response to my open invitation to send your favorite photo along with the story behind it and the reason it is your favorite photo, I received a lot of photos and stories that I am posting in the the order I received them. My invitation still stands, so don't be shy, send me your photos!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Your Favorite Photo (of Yourself) Marathon

TV stations like to run marathons during holidays and this TV is no different, so I hope you enjoy the Femulate Your Favorite Photo (of Yourself) Marathon through the holiday weekend.

Jane’s Favorite Photo (of Jane!)

Here is a photo which came out better than I expected. I wore this to protest the city council passing a law requiring landlords to take a class on how to run their rental properties. Never mind the fact many of us have been doing it for years.

They decided to have the local police department conduct the class at the local college. I decided if I had to attend this asinine class I would do it as Jane. If anyone was to object, I would tell them I am properly dress to get ****** by them.

Strangely, no one protested my manner of dress; I think they were afraid to protest. I did get many compliments and I think I did relieve the boredom of the class which lasted all morning. There was over 300 people at the class.

I did fill out a questionnaire and I was not complimentary. I even got a call from the police department about it; they were not too happy with my comments.

In response to my open invitation to send your favorite photo along with the story behind it and the reason it is your favorite photo, I received a lot of photos and stories that I am posting in the the order I received them. My invitation still stands, so don't be shy, send me your photos!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Your Favorite Photo (of Yourself )Marathon

TV stations like to run marathons during holidays and this TV is no different, so I hope you enjoy the Femulate Your Favorite Photo (of Yourself) Marathon through the holiday weekend.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Stephanie’s Favorite Photo (of Stephanie!)

Like you have mentioned, we girls love pictures. They capture a moment in time when everything comes together as we had hoped with our look, a dress, make-up, and sometimes a great experience.

I always dress to pass in public and have been doing so since 1979. The reason I picked the picture of me on the couch in the beige chiffon cocktail dress is simple for me. It is from a Connecticut Outreach Society Holiday Party In Avon (CT) around 1998 and you were also there, as pictured. It’s amazing but you still look the same after all these years.

I had arrived early and was sitting just outside the dining area for our private party when others started to arrive. Eventually, a couple had arrived and it was somewhat obvious that it was a wife with her crossdressed husband. She looked a little uneasy, but I was also impressed that she had made the effort to accompany her husband to support him. She scanned the waiting area and when her eyes met mine, a big grin crossed her face.

She said something to her husband and then left his side and headed toward me. She sat down beside me and introduced herself. I did the same staying in my character as Stephanie. She chatted that she was so nervous being here, but she wanted to support her husband. Then she said she was so happy that I was also here because she thought that she would be the only GG (genetic girl) at the party.

Then it hit me that all this time she thought I was also a GG. Before I could reveal myself she asked me which “gurl” was my husband. Well, I have to tell you I was incredibly flattered, but I also felt bad because I was going to have to let her know that she was still alone in that category unless another GG showed up. So I simply said in my lady voice, “I came alone.”

At first she looked at me as to say, “Why would you come alone?” And then the realization of what I had said hit her.

At first she was stunned and then she said, “I’m so sorry. I thought you were a real woman.”

I must have had the biggest smile ever when I replied, “What are you sorry about? You just gave me the best compliment ever.”

She put her hand on my leg and started to laugh. “I guess you’re right. You really do look lovely and that dress is perfect.”

I do think another wife came, but whenever there was a break in the festivities, she would come my way and simply do girl talk. It was a wonderful night and I wish I knew her now to say thank you for a great evening.”

In response to my open invitation to send your favorite photo along with the story behind it and the reason it is your favorite photo, I received a lot of photos and stories that I am posting in the the order I received them. My invitation still stands, so don't be shy, send me your photos!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Your Favorite Photo (of Yourself) Marathon

TV stations like to run marathons during holidays and this TV is no different, so I hope you enjoy the Femulate Your Favorite Photo (of Yourself) Marathon through the holiday weekend.

Amber’s Favorite Photo (of Amber!)

Amber wrote, “This may not be the sort of thing you are looking for. Not exactly street friendly sort of photo. You and the other ladies all would seem to pass quite easily. I am so jealous. Let's just say that I hide my face for the betterment of all.”

In response to my open invitation to send your favorite photo along with the story behind it and the reason it is your favorite photo, I received a lot of photos and stories that I am posting in the the order I received them. My invitation still stands, so don't be shy, send me your photos!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tuesday Tip: Keep Your Makeup Where It Belongs

IMG_2369_www One of the dresses I bought at Fashion to Figure last week had a very narrow collar (see photo). Sans zipper or buttons, it was impossible to put the dress on without transferring some of my makeup onto the dress.

I loved the dress and bought it despite the collar issue. But I did mention the problem to the sales rep and she offered a solution.

Put the dress on before doing your makeup. Then put on a smock or old loose shirt over the dress to prevent the makeup from getting on the dress during application. 

In the past, I tried something similar with a towel, but the towel kept falling away. Now I can put some old boy mode clothes to good use. 

By the way,  hand-washing the soiled part of the dress for about three minutes readily removed the makeup.





Source: Madeleine

Wearing Madeleine.





Actor GerardMcCarthy (left) femulating in British television’s Hollyoaks in 2006.