Friday, November 7, 2014


Fantasia Fair: Friday, October 24, 2014

melissa_luna_me_2014-10-24_www Melissa, Luna Maria and I say, “Cheese” during lunch at the Crown & Anchor.

Out the door and to the Crown & Anchor to attend the Authors' Roundtable at 10 AM, I wore black leggings, the multi-color top that I wore with my shorts on Monday and my wedges. I wore a scarf and my trench coat over that — it was such a raw day that I often kept my coat and scarf on indoors.

As a transgender blogger, I was very interested in attending the Authors' Roundtable. (Natalie suggested that I deserved to be on the Author's Roundtable panel as I probably have more readers than all the panelists combined.)

According to the Fantasia Fair program, "Fantasia Fair has an astonishing number of authors. Come meet some of them, view their works, listen to brief readings, and get your books signed. Panelists include Miqqi Gilbert and Dallas Denny from the Fair planning committee, keynoters Mariette Pathy Allen, Jamison Green, and Julia Serano, and Leslie Fabian."

I lost count, but there were other authors on the panel, too, including Darryl Hill, Christine Howey, and Moonhawk River Stone. Each spent 5 to 15 minutes discussing their work and afterwords, the plan was to mingle with the audience.

Just as the mingling was about to begin, I raised my hand and Miqqi recognized me.

"While I have you all here together, I would like to ask a question of you all.

"I am a professional writer and blogger. I blog, which is kind of popular (with a minimum of 5,000 hits per day.) Professionally, I have freelanced a half dozen books. Five of them sold 4,000 to 6,000 copies each, while one of them sold 60,000 copies."

That got the attention of everyone in the room. One of the authors asked me to repeat the name of my blog.

"I mention my success because I think it indicates that I am doing something right, that is, I write well. And I was wondering if it would be worthwhile to do something I have thought about doing for a long time — write a transgender book."

Some of the panelists encouraged me to write a book. Moonhawk River Stone was very encouraging; he said I needed to tell my story, whether it is a best seller or not. After the roundtable, other people encouraged me to write that book.

I was psyched!

The idea of writing a book was on my mind the rest of the day. I even mentioned that if I write it ASAP, I could introduce the book at the next Fantasia Fair.

Lunch followed the Roundtable at the Crown & Anchor. It was one of best meals I have eaten at that venue: New England clam chowder, cole slaw, beer-battered fish and chips, etc.

Following lunch was the keynote address: "Waging a Culture War on Two Fronts" by Marci Bowers, the transsexual surgeon who performed transsexual surgery in Trinidad, Colorado aka the "Sex Change Capital of the World." Her address was interesting, but I was anxious for it to end because the weather had finally improved and I wanted to get in some shopping because I was returning home Saturday morning.

I had two shopping goals: to buy an oriental-style dress at Global Gifts, where Natasha has bought her dress and to buy vintage clip-on earrings at Yesterday Treasures, where I scored some very nice earrings last time I was in P-Town.

Blue was the color of the dress I wanted and I was in luck; the saleswoman showed me two dresses in different shades of blue in the largest size she had for sale.

There was no dressing room, so the saleswoman had me try the dress on over my leggings and top while standing in the middle of the sales room floor. I stepped into the dress and it fit fine below my bust, but it would not fit over my bust. Perhaps it would have fitted if I was braless, but I could not remove my bra in the middle of the sales room, so I gave up.

I had better success at Yesterday Treasures, where I bought two pairs of vintage clip-on earrings. (I am wearing one pair in the photo posted here last week.)

The girls did not want another $45 dinner, so we opted for pizza and I volunteered to organize dinner again. Clueless again, I again asked Chris, my B&B host, for his advice and he recommended George's, a hole in a wall that made great pizza and had a bar.

I contacted all the girls to meet at George's at 6 PM. Meanwhile, I changed into my new blue dress — the killer dress I wore on Monday during my photo session with Bandy. Since it was a short walk to George's, I wore my favorite black pumps and carried my wedges. I also wore my white faux fur to keep the chill off.

We all met at George's at 6, ordered two pizzas and libations.  

While eating pizza, the subject of passing came up and someone (maybe Natalie?) mentioned how naturally feminine I was and almost everyone agreed enthusiastically that I easily pass as a cisgender woman.

That made my week! 

The always excellent Fantasia Fair Follies and late night dancing at Club Purgatory that followed pizza did not matter. Acknowledgement by my peers means more to me than anything else I took from my week in Provincetown and I still felt the glow as I wound my way down Route 6 Saturday morning.





Source: ideel 





Luiss San Murguia

Male model Luiss San Murguia


Thursday, November 6, 2014

I have to catch a train

Fantasia Fair: Thursday, October 23, 2014


My second presentation, "Things You Can Do When You're All Dressed Up" was at the Boatslip at 10 AM.

Many months ago, Jan Brown had asked me to do the presentation with her. She suggested that we show photos of our various outings and describe what we did in order to encourage our audience to get out, too.

I can do that, so I agreed to present with Jan.

I arrived at the Boatslip an hour early to help set up. I wore my Avon Mark "Edge" dress, silver jewelry, and remembered to switch to my black pumps after walking from my B&B to the Boatslip in my wedges.

One of the computers we intended to use to display our photos was not working properly, so I went to find for the program chairwoman, Dallas Denny, for assistance.

image3_wwwMe and Jan Preparing to Present
Photo shot by Melissa

When I found Dallas in the lobby chatting with a few other girls, I said, "Dallas, we have a problem," but no one got my “joke”! And Dallas fixed the problem despite my attempt at humor!

About a dozen girls showed up for our presentation, which exposed a contrast between each presenter's take on going out en femme.

Jan is more conservative than I when she goes out and takes some precautions that I don't take. For example, she always has male clothes in her car in case she has to change modes for some reason or another. She also carries a whistle with her to ward off any troublemakers she may encounter.

I, on the other hand, throw caution to the wind when I go out. The only precaution I take is to make sure I have my compact and lipstick in my purse in case I have to touch up my makeup while I am out.

After introductions, we did show and tell using the photos we had collected for the presentation. I did mine first and I think Jan was a little surprised about all the things I have done en femme because after I was finished, she commented, "There's nothing you won't do, is there?"

That says it all!

After our presentation, I hurried to Bayside Betsy's to collect lunch tickets (Emily had volunteered me for the job when I picked up my registration package on Sunday).

Andrea saved me a seat and when I was done, I joined her and Jamison Green. While I ate a delicious lunch (seared ahi tuna burger on ciabatta) and chatted with Andrea and Jamison, it turned out that Jamison had been a technical writer in the past, so we exchanged technical writer war stories.

After lunch, I attended Moonhawk River Stone's keynote address "The Adventurous Evolution: The Life and Times of Trans* Over the Past Century or So..." and then I attended Natasha Wilkie's presentation "Planning Your Transition."

I thought Natasha's presentation would be useful because lately I have been planning my transition. Whether I transition or not is something else, but at least I might be able to plan with a little more wisdom after listening to the presentation.

Some things I already knew, some things I had guessed correctly about and some things I was clueless about, so the presentation was worthwhile. Perhaps, the most important thing I took out of the presentation was that you do it at your own pace... a pace that you are comfortable with.

Natasha left us with a metaphor... Transition is like riding a train. You can get off at any stop and you can get back on the train whenever you wish and in some cases, you can go back to a previous stop.

When the presentation ended, I was the first to leave. I thanked Natasha and excused myself by saying, "I have to catch a train."

No one reacted to it; second time that day that my attempt at humor failed!

I was in a hurry to leave because I volunteered to find a place to go for dinner and then notify all the parties scattered around Provincetown where we were going to dine. I had a few ideas, but wanted some expert advice, so I asked Chris, the Chicago House owner what he would recommend that was nearby in consideration of the persisting wet weather.

He suggested Ross's Grill, so I looked at their menu on the Internet, was sold on his suggestion and contacted all the parties involved to meet at the restaurant at 6 PM.

Ross's Grill is a classy place with a beautiful view of the Bay. It was nearly empty when the six of us arrived for dinner and we were seated immediately. Our waitress was wonderful and unlike the waiter at Lobster Pot, punctual and knew how to use the correct pronouns.

I had a codfish dish and it was very good. We split the bill again and like the Lobster Pot, we each paid $45 again!

After dinner, we went to the Crown & Anchor to view a documentary about transgenders titled Just Gender. The film was well done, but it was intended for a general audience, so for us, it was like preaching to the choir.

The weather was not conducive to walking around town to partake in whatever it had to offer, so after the film, we all called it a night and returned to our respective temporary homes.





Source: DailyLook

Wearing Line & Dot Scarlett.






Professional femulator, Mr. Jackie Hayes, circa 1950.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wednesday's Weather Was Wet!

Fantasia Fair: Wednesday, October 22, 2014


My umbrella was a key accessory on Wednesday as it rained off and on throughout the day and night.

I wore my black print dress from Fashion to Figure and my black wedges from Payless.

In the morning, I made a beeline to Boatslip to look for my black heels. My fingers were crossed as I entered the empty room where the Femulate Blog Party occurred and there were my shoes still in the black plastic bag I had carried them in! I was very happy.

After recovering my shoes, I attended Erica Anderson's presentation titled "Being Gendered: From the Inside Out and the Outside In; How the Social Construction of Gender Affects Self." She was highly recommended by the girls and I was not disappointed.

Fashion Show Intermission
Photo shot by Melissa

Erica is a few years younger than I and began living full-time later in life, so I felt I had a lot in common with her. If she had a book to sell, I would have bought it on the spot.

Bayside Betsy’s is one of my favorite places to eat and that is where lunched on a delicious "grilled chicken sandwich on brioche roll, topped with sautéed spinach, Swiss cheese, avocado, roasted red peppers, mayo and served with house side salad topped with champagne vinaigrette."

After lunch, I attended the keynote address "Evolution of an Activist: How to Keep Busy Helping Others for Fun and (almost no) Profit" by Jamison Green.

After Jamison's address, I returned to my B&B to rest and change outfits for the evening switching to my blue print Sofia Vergara wrap dress and blue Avon jewelry. Since we were not straying too far from the B&B, I wore the dear-to-my-heart Payless black patent heels.

I promised myself that I would never eat at Lobster Pot again. The food is good, but I think they are living off their reputation, not up to their reputation. Yet lacking any better venues for dinner, the girls decided to eat at the Lobster Pot and so we went.

The dining room was far from full... probably less than one-quarter full, yet it took the waiter over 20 minutes before he took our order. He also referred to us as "guys" and called me "brother" at one point in the evening.

You can crossdress freely and safely in Provincetown, but passing is very difficult during Fantasia Fair because the locals know what's up. However, most of the locals play along and use the pronouns we want to hear, but not our waiter!

My meal was OK... nothing special. We split the bill and each paid $45. (Remember that number.)

We arrived early at the Crown & Anchor for the fashion show and scored excellent seats up front next to the catwalk. Each model modeled two outfits  —  first, a more casual daytime outfit and second, a more formal evening outfit. In between was a brief intermission. The models were beautiful as were the outfits they wore.

Natasha modeled a to-die-for long "oriental style dress" that she bought in a store on Commercial Street. I always wanted an oriental style dress and since Natasha is tall like me, I thought there might be a chance I could buy one that fit me while attending Fantasia Fair, so I added "shopping for an oriental style dress" on my to-do list.

After the fashion show, my feet were sore, so I switched to my wedges and walked back to my B&B.

My week at Fashion Fair was more than half over and I started to feel a little disappointed over that fact.





Source: Light in The Box

Wearing YGR.






A 1920’s femulator.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Blog Party and More

Fantasia Fair: Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Shaved, showered, makeup applied, I was dressed and downstairs for breakfast by 8:30 AM. I ate a full breakfast and chatted with which ever of my Chicago House sister(s) were also breakfasting (sorry - I can't remember who – I actually know who, but I cannot sort out which days I chatted with which who).

That was the routine for the entire week, so I will not repeat it again in the remainder of my Fantasia Fair memories.

The weather looked bleak, so I wore black leggings from Macy's, gold cropped sweater from Fashion Bug, and since I had to walk a half-mile to the Boatslip Resort, I wore my 1-1/2-inch black Payless wedges and carried my black Payless heels. My blue trench coat from Fashion to Figure topped my ensemble.

Pink is not my color!
Photo shot by Diana (I think)

Due to an error in the printed schedule, I was the only person to show up for Heather Verdui's “Guided Vocal Warm-up Exercises.” One-on-one, Heather provided excellent guidance and I went away knowing how to warm-up my voice, which is key to speaking as a woman though male.

Next, I attended Luna Maria's presentation titled "Style Your Wigs." Luna is a proponent of wearing wigs made of real hair. The proof is in the pudding; her hair is gorgeous and looks authentic.

Most of the attendees wore synthetic wigs and Luna graciously styled every wig in the room. She pointed out two things that were wrong with my presentation.

  • My wig sat too low on my forehead and should be seated higher to match my hairline (before it receded).
  • The combination of my blonde wig and gold sweater was a wash-out and she recommended wearing a top in a color that contrasted with my wig color.

For the rest of the week, I made sure my wig sat higher on my forehead. Also, I never wore the gold sweater again.

Lunch was at a new venue, the Post Office Cafe. The meal was excellent and I regretted not choosing the Cafe for other lunches during the upcoming week.

After lunch, I returned to my B&B to change and get psyched-up for the Femulate Blog Party at 3 PM. My party outfit consisted of a black sweater dress from DressBarn, black tights from Hue, and silver jewelry from Napier. Again, I wore  my 1-1/2-inch black Payless wedges and carried my black Payless heels to the Boatslip.

I was so nervous that I forgot to switch from my wedges to my heels when I arrived at the Boatslip. I also forgot to have photos taken at the event. I don't recall anyone taking photos, but if you were there and did take photos, I would appreciate it if you would e-mail me copies.

There were about a dozen people in attendance  —  most were Femulate readers, a few were not, but may be now. I talked about the blog, answered questions and listened to the comments and suggestions from the attendees. In general, people were pleased with the blog, admitted that the blog had helped them get out of the closet and urged me to "keep up the good work."

A party would not be a party without gifts, so I brought along a shopping bag full of Avon samples (lipsticks, scents, foundations, eye shadows) for the attendees to enjoy.

The 90 minutes flew by and after I said my goodbyes. I hurried back to my B&B to get ready for the The Virginia Prince Transgender Pioneer Award Banquet with its Wizard of Oz theme.

I am not a big fan of the Wizard of Oz. I liked the film as a child, but have not watched it since my own child viewed it over 20 years ago. As a result, I considered not wearing a costume, but at the last minute I decided to get into the spirit of things and bought a Glinda (the "good") witch costume online.

To increase my enthusiasm for the costume, I ordered the "sexy" version of the costume instead of the "straight" version of the costume   —  the main difference being that the sexy version revealed more skin (especially leg) than the straight version.

It is very difficult ordering Halloween costumes online because of the sizing; order on the high side to be safe and that is what I did. The problem is that when the costume arrived, I discovered it was about one size too big, but it was too late to exchange it for a smaller size.

I was also unhappy with the crown that was bundled with the costume. It was a cheap foam concoction that I would not be caught dead in. So I purchased a tiara at a local party store to wear in place of the foam crown.

Shoes were another issue. I had a pair of silver strappy sandals that I had purchased to wear in the fashion show the first time I attended Fantasia Fair in 2008. They were comfortable six years ago and I assumed they would be comfortable now, so I just packed them in my luggage without trying them on.

Something happened to my feet and or those sandals during the ensuing six years! After about 30 minutes, the sandals hurt like heck, so I tried to sit whenever possible to give my feet a break

Dinner was a buffet and being a lady, I will not say anything more about Tuesday evening's fare.

Jamison Green and Mariette Pathy Allen were this year's recipients of the Virginia Prince Transgender Pioneer Award. They deserved the award and I was very happy for them.

The event ended at about 10 PM and I walked slowly back to the Chicago House,

Back at the B&B, I discovered that my black high heel pumps were missing! After searching my room, it occurred to me that I probably left them at the Boatslip after the Femulate Blog Party. As I mentioned, I never switched from my wedges to my heels at the party, so I forgot about them and literally forgot them after the party!

I was upset that they may be lost because they and their nude sister are the most comfortable high heel pumps that I own. I would hate losing them, so I phoned the Boatslip to see if anyone had found them.

No one had, but the gent who took my call said that mine was the last presentation of the day in that room and the room was locked up and alarmed after we were done. So he felt that my heels were probably still in that room.

I was not so sure.





Source: BlueFly

Wearing French Connection.






Karl Allott femulates in the Birdwell Academy (UK) production of La Cage aux Folles.

Monday, November 3, 2014

A Working Woman

I went to work en femme this Halloween. Third year in a row; fifth time in the past 14 years.

The first two times, my workplace was officially celebrating Halloween with a little party during lunch and a costume contest. (I won the contest both times.)

The last three times, my workplace was not officially celebrating Halloween, but most years, a few co-workers show up in costume, so I took the opportunity to dress like a professional woman.


I am out to a few people at work including Human Resources, which has encouraged me to present as a woman at work. I wanted to prove to HR (and myself) that I could do it for a ten-hour stint (8-hour day, 1-hour lunch, and 1-hour commute). Things went so well that I did it again and again to sort of get the troops used to it in case I ever get the go-ahead to do it from my spouse.

Dressing at work with a computer always at hand afforded me the opportunity to record my day contemporaneously more or less and so I did.

10 AM Report

I got out of bed 15 minutes early and was on the road 25 minutes late, so femulating added 40 minutes to my normal get-ready-for-work routine. There were a few things I could have done the night before that would have cut about 15 minutes off that 40 minutes, so I think I did OK.

By the time I sat down at my desk at work, I lost both of my stick-on thumb nails! I have no idea when they gave up the ghost, but I think washing the breakfast dishes in hot water loosened the glue. Luckily, I brought a spare set of nails with me, so all is well. 

My boss and her boss liked my "costume."  My boss was surprised I was wearing hosiery. She would be flabbergasted it she knew what else I was wearing beneath my dress. (I assure you that I am not wearing a stitch of male clothing.)

Our receptionist said I looked better in a dress than she does.

Two female engineers said I looked "beautiful." One of the two, who is new to the company and unfamiliar with my Halloween past said she had no idea who I was, nor that I was cis-male until I spoke to her.

My boss said I looked like a former female co-worker  someone who left the company shortly after I started, so I have no recollection how I compare.

The administrator to the president of our group said I looked "so different" and "loved my outfit."

One of my biggest fans here, a male engineer, said, "You rock!" He also uses the correct pronouns when I am en femme. (After a previous Halloween at work en femme, he commented that he preferred my female presentation to my male presentation.)

More co-workers are in costume this year than in the past, but there were no other femulators.

1 PM Update

I went out during lunch.

First stop was CVS to return an item I bought, but did not need. The cashier was very pleasant and after we finished with business, she complimented my nails and we had a short discussion about faux nails.

Next stop was Dress Barn... one where I shop in girl and boy mode. I was greeted by Liz, the store manager, who was the person I worked with when we arranged in-store parties for the girls in my old support group years ago. She asked if my support group would be interested in doing it again. Since I am no longer active in the group, I volunteered to pass the word along to the group's current leaders. Then Liz asked if I would like to meet her district manager.

Of course I would like to meet her and she got the district manager from the back of the store, who seemed very happy to meet me. We had a little tête-à-tête about DressBarn, past store parties and Fantasia Fair. I think I made a good impression

Next, I perused the racks and found what I was looking for. A belted cowl-neck black and gray colorblock dress that I had seen on the DressBarn website. They had my size and when I tried it on, "my size" fit like a glove! 

I had a DressBarn 25% off coupon, so the $56 dress only cost me $42.

But while I was trying on the dress, my left thumb nail fell off. The glue was so weak that it would not stick back onto my finger, so I put it in my wallet to deal with later.

Next door to DressBarn is Stop & Shop and that was my next stop to buy some nail glue. After entering Stop & Shop, I perused the cosmetic aisle forever trying to find the faux nail section. I was just about to give up when I found it - a tiny rack with a few packages of faux nails and one tube of glue. I took the glue to the register, checked out and when I got back to my desk at work, I fixed the nail.

I am wearing my most comfortable high heel pumps and my feet are fine six hours in.

4 PM Update

Quiet afternoon.

The Director of Engineering stopped by and commented that I looked "amazing" and he "doesn't know how I do it every year."

One of my long time female co-workers stopped by and said I looked great. She is very supportive and probably suspects the truth.

Most people gave me positive comments about my "costume." No one gave me a hard time. A few people commented with tongue in cheek about the fact I have done this so many times that they are beginning to wonder --- I am sure some people do actually wonder.

My feet are still holding up after 9 hours. Forgot to mention that I did bring my wedges as backup but I have not needed them so far. I even drove to work driving a manual transmission in my heels, did so during lunch and will probably drive home in my heels, too. With some shoes I have worn in the past, this has not always been possible... my feet would not stand for it.

Final Thoughts

I did wear the heels while I drove home and I was so impressed with them that I got on the Payless website and ordered additional pairs of the same style (Karmen) in different colors.

Would I do it again?

In my heart, I hope to be dressing full-time by the time Halloween rolls around next year, but in my head, I am not so sure. So, either way, I will be dressing en femme next Halloween.

Source: Diane von Furstenberg

 Wearing Diane von Furstenberg.

Professional femulator Adrian Ames, circa 1955.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Over the Brink

First photo after arriving at work today.
All week long, I had Friday on my mind. I was undecided whether to femulate at work for the third Halloween in a row or not... until mid-morning Thursday when my boss stopped by my cubicle.

She asked if I was dressing for Halloween because her boss wanted to take a "before" photo on Thursday and an "after" photo on Friday. (Her boss also plans to costume up at work for Halloween.)

Needless to say, that pushed me over the brink and I went to work en femme today. (I will post a photo as soon as possible.)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Some Mondays Aren’t Monday Mondays

Fantasia Fair: Monday, October 20, 2014


I slept well, which is atypical when I am not home. Except for the night of the thunderstorm, I slept well the whole week. Busy days and the cozy environs of my B&B probably helped.

Shaved, showered, makeup applied, I was dressed and downstairs for breakfast by 8:30 AM. With brunch in my near future, I ate lightly and chatted with which ever of my Chicago House sister(s) were also breakfasting (sorry - I can't remember who).

Teeth brushed and lipstick fixed, I exited the B&B and walked two blocks to the Crown & Anchor for the Fantasia Fair Orientation Brunch. I wore JCPenney white shorts, Dress Barn multi-color top, Avon white blazer, Avon pink scarf, Payless nude high heels, Napier jewelry and Avon nude bag. Over it all, I wore my Fashion to Figure trench coat.

        Luna photographing me; photo shot by Diana.

I planned to wear the shorts outfit weeks ago weather permitting. According to the forecast, Monday looked to be a best day of the week temperature-wise, so I figured it was probably the best day for my leggy outfit.

My friends and I sat at a table near the front of the room, but I only paid half attention to the orientation presentation because it would be the fourth time I heard it and it seemed to be very similar to the previous three. Instead, I was more interested in socializing and brunching.

I am a lover of history, so at noon, I joined the throng taking the "Walking Tour of Historic Provincetown." Our guide, Robert Anderson, is an architectural historian and his commentary was revealing as we toured the "heart" of Provincetown.

Most revealing was his assertion that the Chicago House B&B was the birthplace of the International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE). After the tour, I asked around and some people disputed that claim, while others seemed to support it. For what it's worth, the IFGE's fundraising project, the Winslow Street Fund, is named after the street where Chicago House is located, so go figure!

The tour ran long, so by the time I hoofed it to the Crown & Anchor for the keynote address, I missed about half of it. Titled "Yellowed and Fading: Searching for Transgender Identity in Vintage Photographs of Crossdressing," it was a fascinating show and tell of Ms. Bob Davis' huge collection of vintage crossdressing photography.

Since I also collect vintage crossdressing images (the more economical digital versions rather than the expensive print versions), I spoke with Ms. Bob after her address. I was curious about her take on the images of World War I and II prisoners of war putting on elaborate shows that included beautiful costuming of the female variety.

Since my idea of a POW camp comes from the film depictions of the World War II camps of Stalag 17 and The Great Escape, I always wondered how the POWs obtained the costuming for their femulations. Did the German military budget include line items for dresses, wigs and makeup for their POWs?

We never came to any conclusions regarding this mystery, but I enjoyed spending over an hour exchanging stories with Ms. Bob and viewing her collection, which included Casa Susanna photos that I had never seen.

I returned to my B&B to freshen up for the Fantasia Fair Town & Gown Dinner. Freshening up included a few minutes napping before I actually freshened my makeup and changed outfits.

For the evening, I wore a dress I had been dying to wear ever since I bought it from ideel a few weeks earlier: a Tahari Arthur S. Levine sheath in royal blue. I accessorized with my black patent high heels from Payless, vintage gold earrings from eBay and a beautiful gold herringbone necklace that I inherited from my Mother. I thought I looked fabulous  —  whether I did or not, I know I felt fabulous!

I donned my white fake fur jacket, met up with the girls and walked two blocks to the Crown & Anchor for dinner and a show.

I have no recollection of the dinner menu! (Does anybody remember?)

I do remember that I asked Diana to take some photos for the blog and while I was posing for the leggy photo posted here on Wednesday, Luna Maria, Fantasia Fair photographer extraodinaire joined the photoshoot. Luna used a digital SLR camera and I bet her shots came out better than the shots Diana took with my iPhone.

After dinner, there was a one-woman show titled Exact Change performed by Christine Howley. It told the story of Chistine's life-long journey from male to post-op transwoman. It was interesting, at times amusing and I was able to identify with some aspects of it.

After the show, we walked back to the B&B. Since it was early in the week, my feet were still in good shape and I was able to walk the walk in heels.

By the way, every night after slipping on my nightie and before turning in, I massaged my feet with Foot Works Beautiful Overnight Renewing Foot Cream from Avon. I think that regimen helped my feet stand the rigors of walking in Provincetown.





Source: Diane von Furstenberg

Wearing Diane von Furstenberg.






American soldiers femulating in a German
prisoners of war camp during World War II.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Forking Sushi

Fantasia Fair: Sunday, October 19, 2014

People ask me if people recognize me when I switch between boy and girl modes. And I answer that I am positive that they don't unless they have seen me in both modes.

Sunday, after I arrived in Provincetown, I registered while still in boy mode. Old friends Jamie and Barbara staffed the registration desk and have seen me in boy mode when I registered in past years  — so they recognized me and greeted me as old friends do.

On the other hand, Marybeth and Emily did not recognize me. Marybeth, who reads this blog regularly, was handing out forms for folks who wanted to be in the fashion show and/or follies. Emily, who stays at the same B&B as I do during Fantasia Fair, was looking for volunteers for various things. Neither Marybeth or Emily had a clue who I was in boy mode on Sunday afternoon.

IMG_2156_www Photo shot by Melissa or Natalie

Full disclosure: I wear eyeglasses 24/7 in boy mode, but seldom wear them in girl mode, so that probably has some effect on the lack of recognition.  

By the way, Emily volunteered me to collect lunch tickets at a restaurant later in the week.

The previous week was "Women's Week" in Provincetown. There were still a few stragglers strolling through town Sunday afternoon and suddenly I became a little paranoid.

Last year, my aunt and her cousin attended Women's Week and I was concerned that they might have done the same this year. They are clueless about me being a woman, but if they saw me in boy mode walking down Commercial Street, I would have a lot of explaining to do. So I ducked down a side street and walked back to my B&B via Bradford Street, which has very little foot traffic as compared to Commercial Street.

Returning to my B&B, I made the transformation into girl mode for the rest of the week. For the evening, I wore my black jump suit from Fashion to Figure, nude high heel pumps from Payless and jewelry from Avon.

After checking myself out in the mirror more times than I can remember, I grabbed my nude handbag from Avon and walked two blocks to the Saki Restaurant for the Fantasia Fair Welcoming Reception.

The weather was pleasant and I hoped it would hold for the next seven days, but it was not meant to be.

I encountered so many peeps at the reception that it is a blur now, but through the blur I do recall meeting Davina, another Chicago House B&B sister from the UK by way of Brazil (and I thought I had a long trip). Another Chicago House sister, Natalie, arrived along with my ham radio sister, Melissa, and sister blogger Diana. We sisters grabbed a booth before all the booths were grabbed.

For over an hour, the waitstaff served a variety of Japanese finger food that we munched on while discussing a variety of girly and not-so girly topics. Then we all got in line to sample the sushi buffet. Unsuccessful with chop sticks, I asked for a fork and was able to enjoy all the sushi I had buffeted.

Things were winding down and I was tired from the four-hour roadtrip and loading/unloading the luggage, so I said my goodbyes and returned to my B&B at 8:45 PM.

After I removed my makeup, moisturized and slipped into my nightie, I fell fast asleep with visions of femulations dancing in my head.





Source: Le Redoute

Wearing Le Redoute.





Mummers Parade 1909

Femulating in the 1909 Philadelphia Mummers Parade.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Not Singing in the Rain

IMG_2250_www It was a dark and stormy night.

Actually, it was a dark and stormy week… at least the meat of Fantasia Fair week. Tuesday through Friday, a Nor’easter blew through Provincetown — not the best weather for strolling around town, but that did not stop the girls from getting out and strutting their stuff up and down Commercial Street.

I was prepared bringing an umbrella and three types of outerwear to keep me warm and dry throughout the week. I probably could have gotten by with just two types of outerwear because I only wore my black sweater coat once. Most evenings, I wore my white fake fur jacket and most days, I wore my blue trench coat.

The trench coat got rave reviews. My B&B owner, Chris, loved the coat and I received unsolicited comments about it (“nice blue”) from strangers while walking around town.

Over-packing, I brought the following items that I never wore: two sweaters, two tunics, one blouse, one corset, one pair of leggings, one pair of shoes and way too much jewelry. I also brought too much makeup and too many boxes of stick-on nails; the set of nails I stuck on Sunday afternoon survived the whole week. I relied on my iPhone for photos, so my Canon camera, its charger, tripod, and computer cable could have stayed home.

On the other hand, I left my light-up makeup mirror at home and missed it, but managed to survive using the mirror and lighting in my bathroom.

My schedule was very full because there were a lot of things that interested me at Fantasia Fair this year and I tried to take in as much as I could. About half the things were at the Boatslip Resort, which was a half mile from my B&B. The other half was at the The Crown & Anchor, which was two blocks from my B&B.

For things at the Boatslip, I carried my heels and wore my 1-1/2-inch Payless wedges for walking and switched to my heels at the thing. For things closer to my B&B, I wore my nude or black patent Payless heels and carried my wedges just in case.

That shoe strategy worked for me most of the time. The only just-in-case times occurred after a couple of particularly busy days walking up and down Commercial Street — my feet could not even stand the short two block walk in heels back to my B&B.

If you have been following along so far, I posted words about my first day, Sunday, at Fantasia Fair and mostly photos for the rest of the week. A lot of interesting things occurred during the week and I plan to to cover them all over the next few posts. And as a preview, I leave you with a list of all the things I did during the week.  

Sunday, October 19, 2014

3:00: Registration and Check-in - Boatslip Lobby

6:00 - 9:00: Welcoming Reception - Saki Restaurant

Monday, October 20, 2014

9:30 - 11:30: Orientation Brunch - Miqqi Alicia Gilbert - Crown & Anchor Paramount Room

12:00 - 1:30: Walking Tour of Historic Provincetown: The Heart of Ptown - Robert Anderson

1:30 - 2:45: Yellowed and Fading: Searching for Transgender Identity in Vintage Photographs of Crossdressing - Ms. Bob Davis - Crown & Anchor Cabaret Room

6:30 - 8:00: Town & Gown Dinner - Crown & Anchor Paramount Room

8:00 - 10:00: Town & Gown Show: Exact Change - Crown & Anchor Paramount Room

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

9:00 - 9:45: Guided Vocal Warm-up Excercises - Heather Verdui - Boatslip Room 110

10:00 - 11:30: Style Your Wigs (Bring Your Wigs if you Got 'Em) - Luna Maria - Boatslip Room 114

11:45 - 1:15: Lunch - Post Office Cafe

3:00 - 4:30: Femulate Blog Party - Me - Boatslip Downstairs

6:30 - 10:00: The Virginia Prince Transgender Pioneer Award Banquet 'Wizard of Oz' Theme - Jamison Green & Mariette Pathy Allen - Crown & Anchor Paramount Room

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

10:00 - 11:30: Being Gendered: From the Inside Out and the Outside In; How the Social
Construction of Gender Affects Self - Erica E. Anderson - Boatslip Room 110

11:45 - 1:15: Lunch - Bayside Betsy’s

1:30 - 2:45: Evolution of an Activist: How to Keep Busy Helping Others for Fun and
(almost no) Profit - Jamison Green - Crown & Anchor Cabaret Room

6:00: Dinner: Lobster Pot

8:00 - 10:00: Fashion Show - Crown & Anchor Paramount Room

Thursday, October 23, 2014

10:00    - 11:30: Things You Can Do When You're All Dressed Up - Jan Brown & Me - Boatslip Room 112

11:45 - 1:15: Lunch - Bayside Betsy’s

1:30 - 2:45: The Adventurous Evolution: The Life and Times of Trans* Over the Past Century or So... - Moonhawk River Stone - Crown & Anchor Cabaret Room

3:00 - 4:30: Planning Your Transition - Natasha Wilkie - Boatslip Room 110

6:00: Dinner - Ross’s Grill

7:30: "Just Gender film" - Crown & Anchor Cabaret Room

Friday, October 24, 2014

10:00 - 11:30: Authors' Roundtable - Crown & Anchor Cabaret Room

11:45 - 1:15: Lunch: Crown & Anchor

1:30 - 2:45: Waging a Culture War on Two Fronts - Marci L. Bowers - Crown & Anchor Cabaret Room

3:00 – 4:00: Shopping

8:00 - 10:00: Fantasia Fair Follies - Crown & Anchor Paramount Room

10:00 - 1:00: Late-Night Dancing In Purgatory - Club Purgatory





Source: ShopBop

Wearing Club Monaco.






Actor Stanley Baxter femulating in the 1962 British film Crooks Anonymous.

Monday, October 27, 2014

My Friend Bandy

Bandy is the resident canine at The Chicago House B&B in Provincetown. She spends a lot of time resting on a couch in the common area of the B&B. Whenever I saw her last week, I would stop and visit her for a few minutes and rub the back of her ears. We became fast friends.

While I was posing for photos Friday night before going out, Bandy was off the couch for the first time in my memory and walked over to me. She wanted me to rub her ears and I happily complied while Melissa photographed the event.

Source: ShopBop

Wearing ASOS.

Professional femulators at Andy's in Newburgh, NY, circa 1958.

Monday, October 20, 2014

I Can See Truro From Here

(Photo shot by Natalie)
On the road at 9:15 AM, the traffic to Provincetown was very cooperative and I arrived at my B&B at 1:30 PM, 17 minutes sooner than the Google iOS Maps estimate. 

After I moved the bags into my room, I walked to the hotel where the registration for Fantasia Fair was located, picked up my registration package, and ran into old friends Jamie and Barbara. Then I trekked back to my B&B to unpack and femulate.

I Veeted my body hair, showered, shaved and made up my face, and dressed. I wore my black jumpsuit and nude heels. 

At 6 PM, I walked two block to the Japanese restaurant for the Fantasia Fair welcoming reception. Met up with my old friends Diana, Melissa, and Natalie. I also met Davina, a girl from Brazil who reads Femulate and has exchanged e-mail with me on occasion.

We grabbed a booth and spent the evening exchanging girl-talk while eating delicious hors d'oeuvre and sushi. 

I was very tired and called it quits at 8:45 PM, returned to my B&B to face the explosion that occurred in my room when I unpacked. After dealing with the contents of my luggage, I began this blog post and here we are!