Sunday, October 19, 2014



I finished packing and loading the luggage in the Subaru for a 9 AM departure to Provincetown and Fantasia Fair. The next blog post you read here will come to you from Cape Cod.

Going by my past Fantasia Fair experiences, my days will I be so full that I will not have much time to share words with you here during the Fair, but I promise to post a photo or two or more each day and fill in the details when I return.





Source: ideel

Wearing Philosophy by Republic.






Actor John Hubbard femulates in the 1940 film Turnabout.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Lily’s Favorite Photos (of Lily!)

Lilly-Longlegs-1-www Lilly-Longlegs-2-www

My name is Lily Longlegs.

I like the headshot… one of the best pictures I have of my face. It was taken at a step down. The second is at home. Lots of people say I have the best legs - wish they had them - and this shows them off real good not to mention the rest of my body (not bad for a 62 year old)!

Administrivia: You all have sent me a lot of your favorite photos; thank-you and keep them coming (to stana-stana @ I promise to post them all and I will do so in the order received.





Source: Ann Taylor

Wearing Ann Taylor.





Source: androfeminine.tumblr

Exy Davis, male model.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Trick or Treat?

Another co-worker stopped by my cubicle and asked if I was going to dress for Halloween. My response was non-committal.

I was not being coy. I just really don’t know if I will dress for Halloween this year. And it’s not like I have to plan ahead for it --- I can decide the night before or even the morning of.

By the way, my co-worker plans to dress as a priest for Halloween and suggested that I dress like a nun.

The only nun that I would ever consider dressing like is the Leather Nun of comix book fame, but that would be too way over the top for work.

If I dress, some variation of business woman drag is more likely.







Wearing ShoeDazzle boots.






A Halloween Princess Diane femulation.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ready or Not


Some things never change! I posted this image the last time I went to Fantasia Fair and its sentiments still apply.

Got one packing chore out of the way. I went through the Stana Jewelry Collection and selected what to take to Provincetown. I know I over-packed, but at least I got that done. Now I just have to pack my clothes.

Checked out the Subaru for the roadtrip. Driving lately felt like the tires needed air and sure enough, one tire was short about 6 pounds.

Did I mention that I hate driving? Actually, the trip to P-Town is not bad --- four hours on decent roads without a lot of traffic during midday Sunday.

Accuweather predicts daytime temps ranging from the mid-50s to mid-60s with nighttime temps no worse than the low-40s. The only rain in the forecast is a “stray shower” on Wednesday. I can live with that!





Source: ShopBop

Wearing Theory dress and Clare bag.






Professional femulator Paolo Ballesteros.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Jamie's Favorite Photo (of Jamie!)

In response to my open invitation to send me your favorite photo along with the story behind it and the reason it is your favorite, I received a bunch of photos and stories that I will begin posting in the blog today starting with Jamie. My invitation still stands, so don't be shy, send me your photos!

Here is my favorite photo to date. One reason I love this photo was because finding this dress at the thrift store made my heart leap. It is beautiful and most importantly it fit!!

The second reason I love this photo is that it was taken the morning I went to the Boston Pride Parade with some very close awesome friends. This being only the second time Jamie went out into the broad daylight. A much better experience than my first time because this time I carried a pair of ballet flats in my purse to save my feet from 12 hours in heels. A lesson I learned the hard way previously.







Wearing Ann Taylor.






Carolyn (right), a femulator, appeared in a 2007 episode of King of the Hill.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Presidential Library En Femme

By Paula Gaikowski

Paula - Rena - Kris - Air Force One While traveling around the country on business I have started visiting presidential libraries. No matter what your politics are, those libraries are typically beautiful sites that offer a historical walk through a president’s term. Just be prepared for a favorable view of their legacy.

This day’s plan was to visit the Reagan Presidential Library with Kris and Rene.

I got up early as I had a long ride thru LA traffic to get there. Before leaving I stopped at the morning buffet at the hotel. I always wanted to go en femme to one of these breakfasts. How many times while on business I would envy the business women getting ready for their day.

Today I would be one of them. Then a really cool thing happened. When I came in, an older woman who was running the breakfast greeted me with a pleasant “Good morning!” When I left, I bumped into her outside. She smiled again and said, “Hello” and asked, “You are so beautiful --- what kind of makeup do you use?”

First, I was like pinch me? Is this a joke? I smiled back and said “MAC, thank you very much.” Poor woman probably needs glasses.

Two hours thru LA traffic got me to the Library just in time. I recognized Kris from her photo and we both quickly met up with Rene. I was a bit nervous, but thankfully the girls seemed very composed and relaxed. I had visions of Secret Service agents following us around the Library speaking into their wrist bands. And like all of my fears about going out dressed, these too were unfounded. The people in the Library treated us like any other women. The place was busy with busloads of school kids. But as we made our way thru the exhibits nobody paid us any mind. Understandable since both Kris and Rene are cute, and are super passable.

I do regret passing up photo opportunities in the recreated Oval Office and the recreated White House press room. How cool that would have been having photos of myself in those settings!

One of the more enjoyable events was touring Air Force One. As we made our way up the steps of the aircraft, we noticed there was a Library photographer taking souvenir photos. Once done with your tour, the pictures were available for purchase at the finish. Okay --- this was too good to be true --- three transgender women and someone coaxing us for photos!

As we made our way up the jet-way, the photographer prompted us, “Ladies, forward, ladies to the left, perfect!”

As I walked through Air Force One, I was taken back to my days in the Air Force when I saw this airplane on a regular basis. I would always watch in awe as it flew overhead. Now to be walking thru this historical craft as a woman was gratifying and affirming in a come full circle view of my life.

The campus was delightful and we wandered the grounds taking in the picturesque view of the Simi Valley, stopping off in the gift shop and of course taking photos. We chatted with a several people, nobody seemed to take notice anything but three women.

This was my first time out to a museum en femme and also my first time out with a group of transgender women. It was a great way to get out into the world as a woman. Don’t be afraid to go from chrysalis to butterfly, you have nothing to fear. If I can do it you can too!

Our last stop was a visit to Ronald Reagan’s grave. It was a serene and tranquil spot. Politics aside, it made me reflect about Reagan’s amazing journey from Dixon, Illinois, to this very spot. In turn, I too considered my passage of time, in some ways just as amazing when I think back to a time when I thought I’d never experience any part of my life as a woman. Guilt, shame and self-loathing now replaced with positive feminine energy.

As we parted I believe I could hear Ronald spinning in his grave.






Wearing Cameo.






One female (center) and two male high school students participating
in Geschlechtertausch (Gender Swap Day) in Germany, 2014.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Michelle’s Favorite Photo (of Michelle!)

Today’s “Your Favorite Photo (of You!)” features Michelle, the lady whose e-mail inspired me to feature your favorite photos and their stories.

Send me your favorite photo along with its story (long or short). Include why the photo is your favorite and I will publish it here for all of us to see, read and enjoy.

Yes, the best pics do seem to be from when you are doing something you really like, doesn't it? This is my all-time favorite pic, from earlier this year. I was at a meeting of the Art Deco Society of California in the San Francisco Elks Hall. I've been a member of this group for year, and they know me only as Michelle there. All the better, it's sort of candid, although I suppose I am posing a bit nicely crossing my ankles.

But it was taken with someone else's camera and by a non-T at that. And it was just so great being there, everything seemed to be working, hair, makeup, duds, the works. Would that every time out could be so good.





Source: MyHabit

Wearing Jason Wu.






Members of the Dumont Club femulating in the 1931 Mummer’s Parade in Philadelphia.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

A Week of Mentions

I already mentioned my mention in Joanna's "Musings from my everyday life..." on Wednesday. Her kind words were followed by more mentions on Thursday.

Cyrsti dropped my name a few times in her WassssuP? post on her Transgender Condo blog.

And Calie dedicated Thursday's T-Central to Femulate and recalled my post from 2009 titled "I Am My Own Girlfriend."

I had forgotten that post and had to revisit it. Wow! Those words from five years ago still accurately portray me today!

Thank you all for all the mentions.





Source: Ann Taylor

Wearing Ann Taylor.






Bill femulates in television’s King of the Hill, 1998.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Your Favorite Photo (of You!)

IMG_2846_cropped_web On Wednesday, Femulate featured Michelle's personal favorite photograph of herself along with the story behind the photograph and why it is her favorite.

In response, I received an e-mail from another Michelle which included her favorite photograph along with the story behind her photo. (I will post her photo and story here if I receive her permission to do so.)

A lot of us take a lot of photos of ourselves. I admit it and I do it for a number of reasons including to see how I look in the outfit I am wearing, to document my progress, to remind myself how I look when I am not presenting in my true gender and to feed the blog.

You may have other reasons for being a prolific self-photographer, but whatever the reason, you and I do take a lot of photos. And like both Michelles, you probably have a favorite photo.

So I invite you to send me your favorite photo along with its story (long or short). Include why the photo is your favorite and I will publish it here for all of us to see, read and enjoy.

To keep the ball rolling...

My favorite photo of me is the one above that I self-took after I got dressed to kill to attend my law school class reunion in 2012. I like the photo for a number of reasons: I love the outfit I put together and I don't look bad for a 61-year-old woman.

But also, the photo is my favorite because attending the reunion was probably the most daring thing I ever did. Unlike other outings where I forewarned my friends and acquaintances, I went into the reunion cold. My name was on the guest list, so my classmates knew I would be attending, but they had no idea I would be attending in my true gender.

By the way, as I wrote here back in 2012, "I had a wonderful time to put it mildly!" There was not a discouraging word and if you are interested, you can read about my reunion experience here and here, but don't forget to send me your favorite photo.





Source: Leggs

Wearing Leggs.





Actor Sean Kaufmann femulating in the 2008 film titled Stiff Luv.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

On the Internet

Halloween at work, 2012 "My job is to make men look like women" is an interesting interview with Jodie Lynn, a London makeup artist "who has dedicated her career to helping men reveal the woman within..." Written by Cassie Powney, the piece appears on the Cosmopolitan UK website.

I found the article personally interesting because I have been following some of Jodie's femulation techniques for years. For example, I thought she was channeling me when she talked about wigs and her lip-plumping procedure is exactly the same procedure I use to femulate my lips.

Wednesday morning, I did not need coffee to start me up when I perused my favorite blogs and noticed the title of Joanna's daily post, "Stana of Femulate."

Wow! Joanna was very kind in her description of me and the blog and I only hope I can live up to her kind words.

By the way, the photo Joanna used in her post was me at work on Halloween two years ago. Coincidentally, I have been mulling over whether or not to femulate for work again this Halloween.

I have femulated for work on four occasions. The first two times (in 2000 and 2003), my workplace had something going to celebrate Halloween including a costume contest. The last two times (2012 and 2013), there was nothing going on at work Halloween-wise. I just femulated and had a wonderful time.

Do I do it again? Three years in a row!

It has almost become a Halloween tradition and some of my co-workers expect it. A woman asked me a few weeks ago if I was dressing up for Halloween. I replied that I had not made any plans and her retort was, "Sure you will."

Enough said!





Source: Vogue

Street style during Paris Fashion Week for Spring 2015.





Lori Shannon, also known as Don Seymour Mclean
femulating on television’s All in the Family in 1975.