Monday, September 8, 2014

Shopping En Personne


A dressing room selfie.

In light of Paula's post about buying her first dress, I composed some thoughts about shopping for those of you who are venturing out for the first time.

If you plan to try on the clothing before purchasing it, shopping en femme is better than shopping en homme because en femme, you get a better idea how the clothing will fit and look.

En homme, the clothing may not fit at all depending on what shapewear you wear en femme. And even if the clothing fits en homme, you still will see a "man in a dress" in the mirror and may reject purchasing the item because you don't like the way it looks. More than once, I tried something on en homme that was borderline, purchased it anyway and was very glad that I didn't reject it because it looked great on me en femme.

When I try something on in the store en homme, I always ask a salesperson if it is OK and I have never been turned down. (The worst thing that ever happened to me was back in the Dark Ages when a JCPenney saleswoman asked me to use the men's dressing room to try on a girdle.)

When I try something on in the store en femme, I always ask a salesperson where the dressing room is located, even if I know where it is. I always ask in order to protect myself in case someone complains about a male in the women's dressing room. If that ever happens, I can respond that the store gave me permission. FYI, I have never run into this problem, but I always ask anyway.

Here are some of the stores where I shopped recently and used the dressing room (if any) without an issue (an asterisk indicates that I have done so en femme and en homme, while no asterisk indicates that I have only done so en femme) : Claire's*, DressBarn*, Fashion to Figure, JCPenney*, LOFT, M·A·C*, Macy's*, Nordstrom, Payless*, Sears*, Sephora*, Talbots, The Limited, Victoria's Secret*.

FYI, I shop in Connecticut; your mileage may vary depending on where you shop.





Source: ideel

Wearing Nine West.





Actors femulating in the 2014 French film Les nuits d'été.
(Thanks to Aunty Marlena for the heads-up about this film.)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Starting Out

By Paula Gaikowski

Paula_Starting_Out We all started out “borrowing” our sisters’ and mothers’ clothes as we grew up struggling with duality of ourselves. We depart from the designation of youthful curiosity and exploration when a spark inside of us calls out to us louder and louder. I’m speaking of that moment of self-identity when you realize that you want your own clothes.

I was 22 and had just started my new job with a high-tech company in Clifton, New Jersey. There was a dress shop in town that I walked by each day during my lunch time walks. It was an old fashioned kind of place that you don’t see any more, locally owned and operated.

It was the 80’s, so think Designing Women style dresses (sigh). Well, there were all kinds in the window, but one caught my eye --- a blue print dress with a belted waist and lace collar.

After several days, I decided that I had to have it. As it was early October, the Halloween excuse was perfect.

It took several days of trying to even go into the store. I have to laugh now --- like a secret agent I made sure none of my colleagues were out in the area and I doubled back a couple of times in front of the store.

Finally I opened the door and a loud bell deliberately announced my arrival. Sheepishly, I made my way toward the back of the store and a middle-aged lady looked over the rim of her glasses appraisingly. My heart was pounding; my face was red as I stammered out a request for the dress in the window.

She was very pleasant and settled me down. She took my measurements, determined I was a size 16, and pulled a similar dress in my size from the rack. She then proceeded to sell me an expensive bra and then a girdle along with a pair of my first Hanes Silk Reflections, the brand I still wear today. Looking back, I think she saw right through me and was an expert saleswoman.

I walked back to my car and hid my purchase watchfully as if I had just bought something illegal.

I never wore the dress outside my bedroom. The dress and foundations would be lost in one of the Great Purges of the 80’s. However, an important step had been taken in my journey: I bought my first dress!





Source: MyHabit

Wearing MyHabit.





Source: flickr

The always lovely Britney Smith.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Dress to Blend vs. Dress to Empress

Yesterday, I received an e-mail noting that I overdress and suggesting that I should dress to blend in with the other ladies. To support this suggestion, the e-mailer added that when Kate Middleton is off duty, she wears jeans and sneakers.

I never denied that I overdress and replied, "Kate Middleton is only a princess, so she can get away with jeans and sneakers. But I am a queen and must dress like a queen all of the time!"






Source: ShopBop

Wearing Time’s Arrow bag.






Navy hero Don Winslow femulates in this February 1944 installment of his daily comic strip.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Remembering Frederick’s

fredericks-of-hollywood-ad-1959 The image accompanying yesterday's post was a vintage wig advertisement from Frederick's of Hollywood.

Forty years ago, when I began to seriously explore my femininity, I thought Frederick's was the be-all and end-all for femulating. They seemed to carry everything I needed --- exotic lingerie, high heels, sexy hosiery, showgirl wigs, gaudy jewelry, cheap makeup, short skirts, skimpy tops and tight dresses. One-stop shopping for my inner slut!

Back then, there seemed to be a Frederick's store in every mall including the one near the apartment I lived in while attending law school. So, when I finally mustered up the courage to buy my own feminine finery (instead of borrowing/swiping my mother's and sister's), I headed to the nearest Frederick's emporium.

As I recall, I bought my first bra with optional inserts, my first waist cincher and my first wig that day. It was in the fall, so I may have used the Halloween excuse, but I don't think so because I recall the saleswoman trying to push all sorts of products on me --- stuff that I would not need beyond a one-time Halloween party.

With my natural B-cups, I surely did not need the optional inserts for the bra I was purchasing, so after she talked me into buying the inserts anyway, I stood my ground and insisted that my pocketbook was only so deep and I could only afford the bra, inserts, cincher and wig.

She finally relented, rang me up and I was on my way down the pink brick road.

So that day, I made my first purchases of “girl stuff” from Frederick's of Hollywood. Where did you buy your first “girl stuff?” Do you have a Frederick’s of Hollywood story?





October 1976

Wearing my Frederick’s of Hollywood purchases.





Source: MyHabit

Wearing Rachel Zoe.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Girl Needs Wig

wigs122 Jackie from Jersey wrote, "How did you buy your wig(s)?  Their is a ladies' wig shop close by and I would so love to see what length and style looks best on me.  Even more, I would love to get a fitting!  I just don't know what to say when I walk in the door dressed as a man. Any advice on how to go about this would be most appreciated.”

I wrote back that I assured Jackie that she will not be the first male customer at the wig store.

A very long time ago, I went to the local wig store for the first time and used the excuse that I needed a wig for a Halloween costume. The proprietor was unfazed and treated me politely and respectfully despite the fact that I was buying a $100 wig for a one night stand!

I returned to the same store about one year later --- same proprietor, but this time I fessed up and said the wig was for me, not for a Halloween costume. Again, she was unfazed and treated me the same way ---politely and respectfully.

I still go to the same wig store and now the owner is the original proprietor's daughter and she is wonderful! She even allowed my support group to host wig parties in her place.

So go for it. I am sure the store will welcome your business... if not, there are plenty of other wig stores that will.

If you have any questions, I will gladly attempt to answer them. I have been at this for over 50 years, so I have learned a thing or two and will gladly share my knowledge with you. Simply write to me at stana-stana @





Source: MyHabit

Wearing Hale Bob.





Actor Freddie Fox femulating in British television’s Worried About the Boy (2010).

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Saturday night is alright for dressing

It is always nice to go back to work after a long weekend off and half way through the first day back you realize it isn't Monday, rather it's Tuesday!

As a birthday gift, my daughter wanted to see the “Legends” show at Foxwood Casino. Specifically, she wanted to see the Elvis impersonator, so we went to the casino Saturday night to see the show.

We had about a half hour to kill before the show, so we played slots and people-watched.  I quickly had a $75 hit on a 50-cent slot machine and decided to quit while I was ahead.

So, I sat back to see what the other women at the casino were wearing.

The girls sure get gussied up Saturday night at the casino! I saw more women in high heels and dresses in a half hour at the casino than I did the previous week.

I also saw a few girls like me in high heels and dresses, assuming my trans-radar was functioning correctly. Regretfully, I was not dressed pretty because I was out with the family.

The show was very good. In addition to an Elvis, they had a Tina Turner, a Johnny Cash, a Michael Jackson and an Adele. They all were excellent impersonators.

My wife thought the Tina impersonator might be a male, but I disagreed and my wife acquiesced to my opinion because of my expertise on such matters!






Professional femulator Larry Edwards as Tina Turner




Source: MyHabit

Wearing Surface to Air top.

Monday, September 1, 2014


I have never underdressed (see Saturday’s post), but I have overdressed on occasion. And on one occasion, I was way overdressed (above). The occasion was the first Avon representative Christmas party I ever attended.

Most Christmas parties I attended in the past were dressy affairs, so I assumed that the Avon Christmas party would also be a dressy affair. It was not and you can read about my uncomfortable December 2006 evening here.


Source: ideel

Wearing Eva Franco.

Two femulators, circa 1930.

Saturday, August 30, 2014







Source: MyHabit

Wearing David Lerner.






Vladimir Luxuria, femulating Italian actress, writer, politician and television host.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Short Femulations

IMG_0645_ps Happy Labor Day! May your weekend be long and your shorts short!

Teen Tidbits

Some of us are late bloomers and are the equivalent of teenage girls discovering the world of feminine fashion and beauty.

With that in mind, I often pass along tidbits that I hope will help us get through those awkward teenage years and become beautiful young woman ASAP. So here is a tidbit from this week's Daily Makeover: 7 Makeup Mistakes You're Making.

Opera En Femme

Aunty Marlena wrote, "I think your readers would be blown away at the amazing femulations done in an opera by two  counter-tenors some years ago. They were performing in an 18th Century Italian opera called  Artaserse which had been performed originally with castrati in the female roles (because the pope at the time decreed no women could perform in any opera in Rome). When the opera  was revived in 2012, it  was done with the counter-tenors playing the parts of the king's daughter and her friend, the top general's daughter."

See for yourself here and here.

Deal Breaking Heels

Commenting on the short suit I wore last week, Pat wrote, "I simply love your outfit and thinks your legs are gorgeous! I’m also a tall girl and reluctant to wear heels because of it, but you’ve now given me courage!"

I wrote back, "Thank you for the kind words. My mother often remarked that with my shapely legs, I should have been a girl! (Guess what, Mom?)

"Anyway, my attitude regarding heels is that being 6 feet 2 inches tall, wearing flats or heels is not going to be the deal breaker as to whether I pass or not."

As a result, I wear the highest heels that I can stand!






Wearing Bebe.






Singer Arturo Valls femulates Shakira on Spanish television’s
Tu Cara Me Suena (Your Face Sounds Familiar) (2013).

Thursday, August 28, 2014

What took so long?

plain_vanilla Most of my life, I knew I was trans-something. In fact, I was trans-something even before I knew all the trans terminology (transvestite, transgender, transsexual, etc.).

And most of my life, I professed that I was a "plain-vanilla crossdresser," that is, someone who crossdressed for the joy the of wearing women's fashions... not someone who crossdressed because they identified as a woman.

Heaven forbid! That wasn't me. I wasn't one of those people!

Despite a lot of evidence to the contrary, I was afraid to make the great leap that I was a woman, too. That would be a big leap and would rock the foundation of my existence.

In retrospect, I would have probably felt pretty pretty good if I had made that leap way back then, but I worried about what they would think! I always worried about what they would think and I led my life to please them, not me. So I denied all the evidence and stuck to my "plain-vanilla crossdresser" story.

Over five years ago, after months of counseling, a life coach finally helped me to make that leap. Instead of denying all the evidence, I embraced it and accepted the fact that I was a woman.

And I was proud to be a woman and not ashamed of it. I began coming out to my friends and colleagues and I began living authentically whenever the opportunity presented itself.

And it didn't hurt a bit!





Source: MyHabit

Wearing Eva Franco.






Students femulating at the 2014 University of North Carolina Asheville drag ball.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A Happy Camperette

Afternoon Play


By Paula Gaikowski

Hot sunny days, cool clear lake waters, peanut butter jelly sandwiches washed down with Kool-Aid for lunch. These are reminders of my summers spent at the lake. Mixed with these halcyon days of summer are memories of angst and confusion growing up transgender.

I remember at 7 or 8 feeling so awkward that I always wore a tank top with my bathing suit. We were in the water constantly and played all kinds of games, Marco Polo, Hide and Seek, and predictably, there would always be a round of “pushing the girls in the water.” I recall the odd look my best friend Jimmy gave me when I asked him to push me in.

In the midst of all these summer memories, I was thrilled to read a recent article in The Huffington Post about Camp Aranu’tig. It is a camp for transgender youth that has grown from one New England camp and about 60 campers in 2010 to the addition of a West Coast camp, a family camp and a leadership camp with 400 campers in 2014.

I’m sure this camp will not only save lives, but will also change lives for the better. Regrettably support like this wasn’t available when I was growing up. However the summer of ‘74 was a summer of discovery and could perhaps be called my ad hoc version of a transgender summer camp.

I was 15-years-old when my parents planned a three-week trip across the country to visit a cousin and her new baby in California. Our itinerary took us by air to my Aunt Natalie’s in Chicago. From here my parents and Aunt Natalie, who was afraid to fly, would travel by car to Los Angles for a two-week visit with my cousin Helen.

I would stay behind in the Avondale section of Chicago and house sit my Aunts two dogs and one cat. By today’s standards leaving a 15-year-old alone for two weeks may seem odd, but taken in the context of the my family, it was not.

My grandparents had come to this country alone at age 16, my father was orphaned and living and working alone at 16. Both my Mother and Aunt began apprenticeships in Manhattan’s garment industry at that age traveling each day into Manhattan from Brooklyn. As many boomers will tell you, we grew up in age that allowed us a lot more freedom. However, with my two weeks of freedom came responsibility in the form of a list of odd jobs that included yard work, tending a giant vegetable garden and painting.

I was glad to be free of my parents watchful eye and the tortuous car ride and visit out west. By this time in my life I had been crossdressing in my mother’s and sister’s clothes after school since I was 9-years-old. My cousin Helen was married and out of the house and lived in California. I was given her old room and was astounded by the opportunity I found. The closet was packed tightly with clothes and dresses from my Aunt and both my cousins. The dresser contained an assortment of lingerie, slips, bras, girdles and even an old bullet bra that would become a favorite. But best of all was my cousin’s old vanity, still used by my Aunt daily to do her makeup. There was an assortment of cosmetics and accessories that lay out across an art deco vanity with a huge circular mirror. To say this got my attention would be an understatement.

I’d like to say I exercised restraint; however, my parent’s car hadn’t been out of the driveway 5 minutes before I was upstairs trying on a lavender bridesmaid gown that peered out at me the past two days. The rest of the day was spent relishing my new found freedom of gender expression. I tried on dozens of different outfits and began experimenting with makeup. The painting project started early that morning was forgotten and it was dusk by the time I found a cute set of pajamas and called it a night.

Over the course of the next few days I developed a routine. I would wake up in a pretty night gown or pajamas and have breakfast. Then I would put on a skirt and blouse and spend a few hours playing house. Lost in a dream world, I would saunter through the house caring for the dogs and cat, cleaning and sometimes cooking. It was easy to fantasize and visualize myself grown up as woman and a wife. Some days filled with guilt and shame over these feelings, I would become disgusted with myself, rip the clothes off and pack them vowing to change.

But like a moth back to a flame, each evening found me down in the coolness of the basement where my Aunt had her sewing room. There on racks and packed away in boxes was a collection of dresses and gowns accumulated during her career as a seamstress.

Things got even better mid-week when I uncovered a wig and a box of size 10 shoes. My size!

My Aunt was the type of person who didn’t clear out her old clothes. Add to that the fact that she worked as a seamstress and raised two girls, there were boxes of clothes, shoes, hats, and lingerie stored throughout the house. Each night I would get lost in the revelry of it all, so much so that one night after collapsing in bed I saw the early gray dawn filtering through the curtains.

I remember spending hours styling that wig and trying to master eye makeup. Some nights I looked like Mrs. Doubtfire, others like Milton Berle. Nevertheless, with practice and patience came progress. Slowly in the mirror she began to stare back at me, not a 15-year-old girl, but more a young woman. Like the ones who caught the bus in the morning on Milwaukee Avenue, going downtown to work in the offices. I lost myself in the dream of someday joining them. No wonder I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I didn’t want to be an engineer, accountant or fireman. I wanted to be a woman!

My parents and Aunt were due back Friday evening. My idea was to wake up early and act as if I was one of those young professional women that I admired and envied so. What was it like to wake up and get ready for work like they did?

I woke early, showered, did my makeup and then hair. After that I put on my dress, I still remember how wonderful it felt as it fell down around me. I primped then added jewelry. After that selected a purse. As I preened in the mirror, I saw that I had come a long way in the two weeks.

It was about 7 AM and the neighborhood was slowing coming to life, dogs barked in the distance, and delivery trucks roared by on Milwaukee Avenue. I walked over to the door, opened it and stepped out. A stylish handbag in the crook of my arm and a pair of white gloves held delicately in the other. For a few seconds I experienced pure joy, and then at the stop sign on the corner I saw it: a 1968 Dodge Coronet. My parents! I turned inside and raced for my room. Nothing was ever said. Camp was over.

My Camp Avondale surely was beneficial and came at impressionable time in my life. I learned how to dress completely as a woman. Yet instead of feeling joy and hope in light of myself discovery, I went home that summer feeling shame, disgrace and filled with anxiety and confusion. There was nobody to ask for help. If I did I would be branded “sick” and a “pervert.”

Today, we are seeing that change and programs like Camp Aranutiq are helping lead. Nowadays schools are starting to assimilate transgender students and counselors are being trained to understand and help students.

We are seeing transgender homecoming queens and prom queens. Transgender college students are given support and medical benefits. Still far from perfect, today transgender youth have options.

Remember that you are part of a community and share a common core of experiences with your sisters and brothers. Take pride in who you are and what you have been a part of until now. Support the fight for transgender rights anyway you can.

Gradually people are being educated and feelings are changing. No longer will transgender people have to feel the ridicule, guilt, shame and have to struggle as many of us did searching for answers all alone with a borrowed prom dress in our Aunt’s basement.





Source: MyHabit

Wearing Tahari.






The late great Robin Williams femulating Barbra Streisand in the 1993 film Mrs. Doubtfire.