Wednesday, July 16, 2014

In My Neck of the Woods

inspiration I am looking forward to attending the ham radio convention in Hartford en femme during the next three days. However, I do have a little trepidation about it.

The last five years, I have attended a ham radio convention in Ohio en femme. Although there are over 22,000 people in attendance, not a lot of people travel from my neck of the woods to attend. And although I am a well-known writer in the ham radio field, most attendees don't match that up with a woman staffing a booth at the convention.

On the other hand, there are likely to be a lot of attendees from my neck of the woods at the Hartford convention including ham radio friends and acquaintances going back nearly 40 years who know nothing about me en femme. Their reactions could be interesting.

Going on past experience, I probably have nothing to worry about, but I do.





Source: HauteLook

Wearing Nanette Lepore.






Professional femulator Margeaux Powell

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Smile for the Day

A lot of my incoming e-mail consists of advertisements including ads from businesses that sell women's clothing.

Monday morning, I smiled when I received my daily e-missive from ShopBop and saw that its subject was "We'll Wear What She's Wearing."

Yes, I will!

Stana wearing Sofia Vergara (dress) and Avon (jewelry)






Summer 2014 Paris street style





Source: flickr

Richie Moo modeling Daniella Kallmeyer (top),
Katrin Schnabl (skirt) and Halo & Co.(earrings).

Monday, July 14, 2014

Like Clark Kent

the-woman-of-steel Like Clark Kent/Kal-El/Superman, I have a secret identity, although it is not as secret as it used to be. And even without Lois Lane snooping around, it can be difficult keeping my identities separate.

I compartmentalize my life in order to maintain my secret and in general, I have done a good job. Femulate readers who are determined to find me out can and have figured out who I am. And that is not a concern.

However, there are friends and relatives who do not know about Stana and  I want to keep it that way for now.

One area where I have come close to outing myself is with e-mails. I have two e-mail accounts - one for him and one for her and on occasion, I used her e-mail account to compose his e-mail and vice versa.

After that happened a few times, I figured out a way to avoid the problem. I simply added a "signature" to her account, so whenever I compose an e-mail en femme, the signature is automatically inserted at the end of the e-mail. If I am composing an e-mail for him and see that the e-mail already has a signature, I know I am using the wrong e-mail account and switch accounts before proceeding. (My signature consists of a jpeg of myself en femme, so I can't miss it!)

Since I added the signature, I have avoided outing myself via e-mail.

Just a thought… imagine if Clark Kent/Kal-El/Superman was transgender, too!





Source: HauteLook

Wearing Robert Rodriguez.






British sailor femulates as Miss Everton in the 1950s.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

MUCH Nicer!





Source: MyHabit

Wearing Cynthia Rowley.






Actor Freddie Fox femulating in British television’s Worried About the Boy (2010).

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Celebration of Women


On Tuesday, Huffington Post published a story by Curtis M. Wong about Marty Thomas (photo above), who is one of the actors performing on Broadway in Pageant: The Musical. The article is interesting and includes a slideshow of photos from the show, however, I take exception to the following quote from the article.

"You can’t just go by the standby strikes or clichés of drag queens. It’s a celebration, rather than a camp mimicking, of women, as can only be told through the voice of gay men."

There are so many things wrong with those words that I don't know where to begin! My panties are duly knotted.



Source: Bluefly

Wearing Nanette Lepore.





A contestant and eventual winner in a womanless beauty pageant (2014).
(She deserved to win just for wearing those amazing shoes. Wow!)

Friday, July 11, 2014

Another Convention

IMG_1454_cropped_bw This year marks the 100th anniversary of the ham radio organization that I worked for over 35 years and have been a member of for nearly 50 years. The organization is based in Connecticut and to celebrate the event, they are having a convention in downtown Hartford next weekend.

The ham radio group I am involved with as  secretary, director and newsletter editor will have a booth at next week's convention and I will be staffing that booth Friday and Saturday. I will also attend the convention's banquet on Friday night.

Needless to say, I will be en femme for the convention.

If you are a ham and plan to attend, I hope to see you in person.






2014 Paris street style.





Comedian David Walliams (center) femulates in an advertisement
for television’s Britain’s Got Talent (2014).

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Another Heroine


My transgender heroines are no-surgery, no-hormone transwoman who identify as either transsexual or transvestite, live full time or part time as women, and more importantly, do not hide their male roots. For example, people like Paul Whitehead, Grayson PerryAndrej Pejic, Miqqi Gilbert and Eddie Izzard among others are my heroines.

They are who I want to be.

I recently discovered another: Vladimir Luxuria (photo above) who, according to Wikipedia, "is an Italian actress, writer, politician and television host" and "the first openly transgender member of Parliament in Europe, and the world's second openly transgender MP."

"Although Luxuria lives exclusively as a female, she has not undergone sex change surgery and she remains legally male. She has stated on occasion that she perceives herself as neither male nor female."

Me, too.





Source: HauteLook

Wearing Badgley Mischka.






A womanless beauty pageant contestant (2014).

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Reincarnated into the Opposite Gender


Robin referred me to a thread of messages that put forth the theory that transgender people switched genders during reincarnation and that their gender confusion is due to leftovers from their previous life.

Years ago, when I was trying to figure myself out, those same thoughts crossed my mind. They were brought on by a recurring dream in which I was a female performer in the USO during World War II and died in a plane crash during the war (like bandleader Glenn Miller).

This dream occurred many times during my youth (when I was closer in time to my previous incarnation) and I would awake screaming as the plane went down. I have not had that dream in a long time, but I will never forget it.

I am neither a believer or non-believer regarding reincarnation, but if reincarnation is real, then it makes sense that if you switched genders during a reincarnation, there might be residue from the previous gender in your current incarnation.





Source: MyHabit

Wearing Leota.





Singer Daniel Diges femulating Whitney Houston on Spanish television’s
Tu Cara Me Suena (Your Face Sounds Familiar) in 2012.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Paula Goes Abroad – Part 2

By Paula Gaikowski


My friend Jenny Turner invited to me join her for dinner if I ever came to England for a visit. After my first outing, I couldn’t wait until Wednesday evening. I worked all day and normally I would be dead tired. In fact, I was but as soon as I started getting dressed and putting on my makeup, I was wide awake and excited as a bride on her wedding day.

Sometimes I have to pinch myself when I remember how hidden and buried Paula was. I never thought in a millions years that I could experience the world as a woman, but here I was going out for dinner in my classic Jones New York suit on the Thames River in the English countryside. A spritz of Channel and I was off like a prom dress, out the door and down the elevator.

With my mind racing in anticipation, I was caught off-guard when the door opened and a middle-aged gentlemen in a business suit stood there. I saw his eyes quickly look me over before he smiled and I smiled back. He motioned with his hand “After you Miss.” That was the first time that I had ever been checked out. I’m sure cisgender woman tire of this objectification, but to me it felt very validating.

paula---uk-2 Across the plaza I went and saw Jenny’s black Honda parking in front of the hotel. Jenny and I have been flickr friends for awhile and know each other well. We both felt very comfortable with each other as soon as we met and had an immediate rapport.

Jenny has known she was transgender since she was a child and has been expressing her feminine side since then. She has been married to a wonderful accepting women for many years, has three wonderful daughters and served her Queen and country as a member of the Royal Marines for 27 years.

I often find it ironic that so many of us follow careers that are perceived as macho. Nevertheless, she is quite the lady and has an internal ladylike presence that signals a feminine aura and confidence. She wore a pretty flowered dress and I teased her with my feigned resentment about her girlish size 7 shoes. She had on the cutest sassy Mary Jane’s.

What was especially wonderful about this evening is that I forgot I was transgender and found myself out with another woman like myself as we talked about family, careers and hopes for the future.

We navigated an overcrowded parking lot bustling with commuters, stood in line at the parking ticket machine, strolled the shoreline of the Thames, took pictures, and greeted others, all with a unique and magnificent mundaneness.

paula---uk-1Dinner was served under a covered porch a few feet from the water’s edge. The waiters and waitresses were polite and attentive.

A few tables away a group of rough-looking men were eating drinking and laughing raucously. I am always wary of be read while in public so I always watch out of the corner of my eye for signs and whispers or sideway glances. These fellows were totally unaware that we were transgender women. It’s nice to be perceived as one perceives one’s self to be.

After dinner, we drove to a scenic old church along the Thames and took some wonderful pictures. Jenny was an ideal hostess and guide as we drove through the English countryside pointing out landmark prep schools, cricket clubs, and Tudor villages with thatched roofs that seemingly came to life out a storybook. England is a beautiful land, rich in history, culture and customs that gave much to our world.

So many of my business colleagues cynically wait out their time off in the hotel bar and complain about the inconvenience of business travel. Thanks to this fabulous English lady, I not only saw the beauty of the English side, I got to experience it as something and someone special: a woman!





Source: Daily Mail

Wearing Warehouse (dress), Massimo Dutti (necklace), Kew (belt),
New Look (bangles), Marks & Spencer (bag) and Russell and Bromley.





Young contestant in an unidentified womanless beauty pageant

Monday, July 7, 2014

Paula Goes Abroad – Part 1

By Paula Gaikowski

paula---uk-0 I have been to the United Kingdom before and always was inhibited about going out en femme.

Those of you who know me and have read about my adventures understand that I’ve overcome that initial trepidation of going out in public as a woman. However I was reluctant to doing so in an unfamiliar country.

After receiving assurances from my dear sister Jenny Turner that the UK was safe and a most pleasant place to go out en femme. It was probably years ahead in acceptance of transgender people.

With all that taken into account I accepted an invitation to dinner with Jenny. I’ll have to admit I also could not resist the thought of using the witty title “Going (A)broad.”

I arrived in the UK early morning with no problem. Some have asked about customs, and bringing in clothes, makeup, breast forms and wigs. There were no problems and nor would there ever be since half of all the suitcases had women’s accessories like mine. Besides its 2014, not 1914 and being transgender is not a crime. In fact, it’s kind of cool.

I took a quick nap and when I woke couldn’t resist the idea of a shopping trip en femme. Three cheers for the cool English weather as I wore a long print skirt and dark blazer.

In an effort to weigh my surroundings, I decided to walk two blocks to The Oracle shopping center in downtown Reading. I’ve always felt comfortable in shopping malls and this was no exception. However I first had to navigate the cobblestones streets of this charming English city, passing by bus stops busy with people and sidewalk cafés filled with afternoon patrons.

By the time I got to the mall, my butterflies had flown away and I had slipped comfortably into my natural role as a woman. I did need new eyeliner so I made my way over to MAC and spent some time being treated magnificently by two young and beautiful makeup artists. I received an excellent lesson on applying eye liner.

These two young cuties seemed inquisitive and happy by the diversion I provided on this quiet afternoon. I asked them if they had many other transgender customers and they typically had a few each week. Not all were dressed and “not all look as good as you” (blush).

Thank you girls.

I enjoyed hearing the story about one of their customers who they guided through transition. “It was beautiful to see a person come alive, for them to finally be as nature intended.”

I think I started to tear up a bit when she said this. It was cathartic and liberating to share my trans story with them. They were surprised and didn’t realize that when I was their age, transition wasn’t an option.

Transgender people have become part of the landscape with the younger generation. Thankfully this generation has options. In a way I’m sad I missed having those choices, but I’m glad I am here to see them and also benefit from them.

Encouraged by their support I decided to stop at the market to buy groceries for my small apartment. I made my way to Sainsbury’s, grabbed a trolley (that’s a shopping cart, my American sisters) and proceeded to shop my way around the store asking for help twice looking for coffee filters and yogurt.

I checked out and walked home several blocks with groceries and purse blending into the crowd with other women. The groceries started getting heavy, the purse became bothersome, the wind messed up my hair, the pantyhose and bra were beginning to overheat, and those cute pumps were pinching my aching feet. I thought to myself “Why does our society subject woman to such an absurd standard of fashion and beauty! How impractical this all is!”

I was experiencing to a small degree what it was like to be a working woman. There wasn’t any glamour, allure or mystique to this. Would I want to do this every day? Is this who I really was?

Right about then I turned the corner and passed a government building that was emptying out for the day. A few women leaving work joined in behind me. Like me, they were loaded down with purses and bags and they looked tired. The walkway snaked through a cavernous section of office buildings; as we passed each one, more women joined in as we headed toward the train station. There I was in the middle of it all – I was one of them. A wonderful feeling of compatibility, assimilation, integration, solidarity, and togetherness came over me.

Would I want to do this every day? Is this who I really was?






Source: Vogue





Actor Clark Gregg femulating in the 1998 film The Adventures of Sebastian Cole.