I will be attending the True Colors Conference today. In light of that, I leave you with an appropriate article that my friend Jila sent me: "5 Shocking Realities of Being Transgender the Media Ignores" by Amy P.
The article may be preaching to the choir here, but I think it is worth reading and a good article to pass on to anyone you are trying to enlighten about being transgender.
Also in light of that article, I want to mention that although Hollywood often does a lousy job of portraying transgender people, they usually do a good job making-up and dressing the actors who portray transgenders.
So when I post a photo here of an actor portraying a transgender woman, please realize that I am posting it to show the quality of the physical presentation and I am not endorsing the film itself and how it may portray transgenders.
And so it goes. And may you go forward this weekend with spring in your step!