Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Boys Just Want To Be Girly

Last week, an article titled "11 'Girly' Things Men Wish They Could Do Without Judgment" appeared on The Huffington Post.

The author of the article, Alanna Vagianos wrote, "A Dec. 17th thread asked the men of Reddit, 'What girly thing do you really want to do or try but it is socially unacceptable?' Responses ranged from cuddling etiquette ('Being the little spoon') to fashion woes ('Toe socks') and showing emotion ('Crying in public without getting judged')"

Ms. Vagianos goes on to describe her 11 favorite answers, which included having more stylish clothing options, carrying a purse, and wearing makeup.

Intrigued, I decided to go to the source and read what other girly things guys wished they could do. 

I was amazed by how many guys want to do girly things and to what extent some guys want to get girly. A few guys admitted that they wanted to dress completely like a woman and a few even admitted to wanting to take on the submissive role and have sex like a woman.

My favorite comment was, "This thread reminds me how lucky I am to be transgender."


My sister baked a boatload of cookies for Christmas. When she was listing the kinds of cookies she baked, I recalled one of the cookies that my mother used to bake and asked her if she had my mother's recipe. 

She said she did have the recipe, but that she was done baking cookies and had moved on to gift wrapping mode. I asked her to email the recipe to me, so she did so assuming that my wife or daughter would bake the cookies.

Recovering from surgery, my wife was in no condition to stand over a hot stove and my daughter was  busy at work, so I decided to bake the cookies myself.

Note well that I have never baked anything from a recipe in my life, but this cookie recipe seemed simple enough for a novice like me.

Christmas Eve morning, I gave it a go and successfully baked a batch.

The cookies contained black pepper and my wife and daughter did not like them, but my sister said they tasted exactly like my mother's cookies. She added that she was very proud of me for doing it.

Note that this is the same sister that is in denial that her brother is a woman, but is "proud" when her brother does girly things.


Stana's Honey Pepper Cookies


1 lb. - rye flour
1 cup - honey
1 cup - sugar
2 teaspoons - black pepper

Combine all the ingredients to the consistency of raw pie crust, then roll the dough out like a rope about the width of a finger. Cut the rope into one-inch pieces and place them on a cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.

The femulating ballerinas of Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo.

Source: ShopBop

Wearing Alice + Olivia.

Happy New Year!

May you achieve femulation perfection in 2014!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Back to School and Back to Skirts

The holidays are ending and the kids will be going back to school. That means young men will be donning dresses to participate in school-sponsored activities in which boys emulate girls. Our friend Starla gifted us with 100 images from past crossdressing school activities that she culled from online school yearbooks. One hundred new images are now in the Yearbooks collection on flickr and you may view them in two ways:

Method 1: Open one of the Yearbooks sets (A through Z) and you will find the newest uploads at the end/bottom of the set. (The oldest uploads appear at the beginning/top of the set.)

Method 2: Open this photostream and you will find the newest uploads at the top of page 1. The uploads get older as the page numbers get higher with the oldest uploads on the last page.

By the way, the contents of the Yearbook A through Z sets are organized according to school name, for example, the photos from Sacred Heart High School would be in the Yearbooks S set.

Coach Ed femulates again at El Reno (Oklahoma) High School, 2003.

Source: ideeli

Wearing Jill Jill Stuart.

Monday, December 30, 2013

What Are You Wearing New Year's Eve?

Source: Playboy, December 1969; thanks to JJ.

Actor Julian Eltinge femulating in the 1918 film Over the Rhine.

Source: Vogue
Wearing Dior.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Look Ma, No Bra

Source: Playboy, January 1971; thanks to JJ
When this cartoon appeared in Playboy, women were shedding their mother's foundation garments with great abandon and there was some truth in the concern expressed by the cartoon transgirl.

Fast-forward 40 years and we find that bras made a big comeback and are available in more styles and colors than ever before. On the other hand, girdles did not follow suit and are only available in a limited number of styles and colors to the chagrin of many transgirls of a certain age.

Andrej Pejic, fashion model, in Paris, 2012.

Wearing Daily Look.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Newly Equipped and Otherwise Occupied

The photo shows me on Halloween morning in the lobby at my workplace, one of the many places where I femulated during 2013. It is also one of the places I am not at this week because I am on vacation until next year.

On vacation, I should be publishing a fresh blog post every day and twice on Tuesdays, but I gifted myself with a new computer and I am occupied transferring apps and files from the old to the new. As soon as I get the new computer up and running properly, I will return to my daily blog schedule. In the meantime, keep your panties on (or not) and I will catch you on the flip side.

Source: Atlanta Cotillion

2009 debutantes femulating at the Atlanta Cotillion.

Source: ShopBop

Wearing 10 Crosby Derek Lam.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Today is Monday

Over the weekend, I finished Christmas shopping. I created, printed, addressed, postaged and mailed the Christmas cards. I wrapped all the Christmas gifts. I put up the Christmas decorations. I am late accomplishing these tasks because nursing my wife back to health ate into the time to get those things done. In fact, I was considering not doing the cards and not putting up the decorations, but my wife is much better this week and did not require as much attention, so it freed up time to do it all.

Helen’s Interview

I want to draw your attention to an excellent interview of Helen Boyd, my friend and author of My Husband Betty and She’s Not the Man I Married. The interview appears in Bluestocking Blue, a blog I was not aware of until Helen mentioned the interview in her own blog, En | Gender.

Vivienne’s Bluestocking Blue

Bluestocking Blue is written by Vivienne, a New Zealand girl, who bills herself as “a forty-something a married heterosexual male crossdresser.” The blog is well-written and very interesting; I recommend taking a look at it.

Monika’s Back

Back in August, I mentioned Monika Kowalska’s blog My Transgender Heroines, in which Monika interviewed well-known and lesser-known transgender women and girls from around the world.

Shortly after I wrote about Monika’s blog, it disappeared from the face of the Internet. Well, the good news is that Monika’s blog is back with a new name (The Heroines of My Life) and new URL.

Source: Celebuzz!

The 2013 Christmas card of Howard Stern (left) and his wife, Beth Otrosky (right).  

Wearing French Connection.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas Shopping Lila-Style

When I went Christmas shopping for myself at Sephora on Wednesday (above), it reminded me of  Tuesday's installment of The Meaning of Lila (below).

Source: Femulate Archives

Actor Noel Fielding femulating in British television's The Mighty Boosh, circa 2006.

Wearing 10 Crosby Derek Lam.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

I Was Out

IMG_1234_web I did not sleep well Tuesday night and when I rose Wednesday morning, I felt so tired that I considered cancelling my day out en femme. But since my day off from work was already approved, I stuck to my plans.

Shave, coffee, shower, coffee, makeup, coffee, dress-up, coffee --- all in slow motion. I wore my new DressBarn dolman sleeve hunter green sweater dress, Hue black tights, Nine West black patent stiletto pumps, and lots of colorful bling (see photo).

I was out the door at 9:45 AM and at the casino at 11 AM. The selfie accompanying this post was taken just minutes before I slipped into my coat and car and drove to Mohegan Sun.

There was not much traffic in the casino gaming rooms, so there was no problem finding unoccupied slot machines. I expected that the casino would be a little busier considering it was the holiday season, but I was wrong. The "crowd" that did show up was an odd mix: guys in their 20s and 30s and little old ladies with walkers. There also were a handful of women of various ages who were dressed-up, so I did not feel out of place.

The lighting in the Mohegan Sun gaming rooms is dim, so from afar, I look like a big blonde of the female gender. As a result, guys check me out and that was the case on Wednesday. I noticed some guys checking me out from afar and a few that made a close approach for a better look, but no one got any closer.

The slot machines were not very cooperative, so after an hour of putting money in and not getting money out, I took a break and did some window-shopping in the mall that connects the two huge gaming rooms.

I visited a few stores, but did not find anything of interest to gift to the occupants of my Christmas list.

I did buy some makeup for myself at Sephora and I had accumulated enough points to add some "free" makeup to my shopping bag. Sephora is my favorite makeup store --- the sales reps are very helpful and the young woman who greeted me on Wednesday stuck to my side until I found exactly what I needed. She also graciously accepted my request to take my photo.

I returned to the slot machines and had better luck in the afternoon, but overall, it was not a profitable day. And the lack of sleep was taking its toll, so I decided to make my exit at 3 PM.

When I got in my car, I realized that my gas tank was low and I might not make it home on what was remaining. So the last thing I did en femme on Wednesday was pump gas!

Any questions?





Source: Femulate Archives

Actor Stephen Dorff femulates actress Candy Darling in the 1996 film I Shot Andy Warhol.





Source: ideeli

Wearing Maggy London.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I'm Out

I am spending a day out en femme today.

It snowed here yesterday and it is literally freezing today, but Mother Nature is not keeping this girl under wraps any longer. I plan to go to Mohegan Sun and spend the day Christmas shopping and playing slots. (I hope the latter covers the cost of the former!)

As usual, I will reveal all the details about my day out  as soon as possible.

Wish me luck!

Source: Femulate Archives

Professional femulators Issan Dorsey aka Tommy Dee (left) and
The Party of Four troupe of pro femulators, circa 1957.

Source: ideeli

Wearing Chetta B.