Friday, July 5, 2013

Out of the Mouth of Babes

2013-07-05-1 Julia and Rhonda asked almost identical questions when I suggested that Femulate readers "ask me anything."

How do people who don't know Stana react when they first hear your voice? In other words, how female do you think you sound to strangers you interact with?

I am soft-spoken. I do not have anything approaching a deep, manly voice.

More importantly, I have a feminine vocabulary. I use phrases and words that females are more likely to use than males. And I use them in a feminine manner.

For example, a man placing an order at a coffee shop will typically say, "I want a large coffee with cream and sugar."

A woman placing an order will typically say, "I would like a medium coffee with cream, no sugar" or "May I please have a medium coffee with cream, no sugar."

The man is demanding ("I want"); he is being aggressive, assertive, whereas the woman is asking politely ("I would like" or "May I please"); she is deferential, unassuming.

I have always been soft-spoken, deferential and unassuming in the way I speak. As a result, my voice often "passes" without further feminization.

When I am out, civilians address me as a woman without balking. Usually, they call me "Ma'am" and occasionally "Miss." I can count on two fingers the number of times I have heard "Sir."

I am sure that some of the time the civilians are just being accommodating. They see a man or perhaps they are not sure if they see a man or a woman, but since I am presenting as a woman, they treat me as a woman.

Other times I am sure that my voice passes. Admittedly, my voice is along for the ride with the rest of my presentation, but I have seldom had situations in which I think I am passing until I open my mouth.        

What voice training, if any, did you do and how long did it take?

I am never satisfied and always want to do better, so I looked into voice training and bought Melanie Anne Phillip's How to Develop a Female Voice videotape.

I copied the audio from the videotape to a cassette tape and took Melanie's course in my car during my half-hour commute to and from work every day for weeks.

One day during week three, everything clicked and a voice I had never heard before came out of my mouth. Wow! It was actually a little scary to hear that woman's voice --- was that really my voice?

To maintain the voice, I have to practice using it, so I recently purchased Melanie's course in MP3 format to load into my iPod.

The only problem is that since my naturally feminine voice seems to work for me most of the time, I am loathe to practice. But I am trying to be more conscientious and have been practicing more often. As they say, "Practice makes perfect" and I always strive for perfection.




Femulate reader Rhondasocks at the VooDoo Lounge in Las Vegas during WildSide week. She is wearing a dress, JB by Julie Brown, that I posted here earlier this year and challenged readers to femulate the model wearing it. Good job, Rhondasocks!



Source: DressBarn

Wearing DressBarn.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Independence Day

on the beach The Fourth of July is just a reference to a calendar date. No matter how much they try to brainwash us with "Fourth of July," remember it is really Independence Day, the day that the colonists thumbed their noses at the British and said we will do it our way, not your way.

Independence Day was the precursor of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights that some of our current leaders and fellow citizens are trying to amend to better fit their idea of what this nation should be: a nation under their “god.”

Well, their god is not my god. Their god does not have compassion for anyone that does not follow what they consider to be their self-defined "norms." There is no room for transpeople, as well as the other segments of TLGB in the nation under their god.

Our forefathers separated from Britain to get away from people like these so-called theists and it is time we reclaim the real meaning of Independence Day here before it is just a fond memory.



B. Scott

American television personality, radio show host and Internet celebrity B. Scott.



Logan Neitzal

Wearing Logan Neitzal.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Naturally Effeminate (or Naturally a Woman)


I proffered, "Ask me anything" and Pat asked, "Were you naturally effeminate as a kid and ever called a sissy while going to school?"

Yes - I was naturally effeminate as a kid. I know it was "natural" because at the time, I was not aware that I was effeminate.

I was not intentionally acting effeminate, I was acting as me, myself, and I, and as luck would have it, me, myself and I was very effeminate. So much so that my peers let me know it by calling me names like "sissy," "twinky," "fairy," and worse.

At my first summer job, which was in a very macho environment, my nickname was "Zelda" in honor of my feminine ways.

At another summer job working in the receiving department of a department store where I unpacked and sorted women's clothing all day long, one of my co-workers suggested that it must be my dream job because I got first shot at all the new dresses and lingerie before it went on the floor for sale to the public. He even showed me a private backroom where I could try on the clothing that I might like to purchase.

At my high school graduation, some of the jocks asked aloud why I wasn't wearing a gold-colored graduation cap and gown like the other girls.

In college, the guy in the dorm room next door said I could borrow his girlfriend's bra that she left behind after one of their evening rendezvous.

Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

I never changed my feminine ways even when I figured out what was going on. I knew how to fix the problem, but I rejected manning up and becoming macho because doing so was so incompatible with my nature.

On the other hand, dressing in woman's clothing was a perfect fit. I already acted, moved, and spoke like a woman, so the clothing just completed the picture.




British television personality Louis Walsh femulates British television personality Cheryl Cole.




Wearing Cheryl Cole.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Best and Worst Times

2004_September I asked you all to "ask me anything" and you responded with a boatload of questions. I thank-you and want to add that you can ask me anything anytime. Now on to your questions...

One of my BFFs, Jan Brown, asked three unique questions; here they are with my responses.

What's been the best and worst times femulating?

I always say that "a bad day femulating is better than a good day not femulating." Honestly, I have not had many bad times femulating, but one occasion sticks out in mind.

When I attended my very first support group meeting, it was my first encounter face-to-face with other transwomen and when I entered the meeting hall, all my overly critical eye could see was men in dresses. I was sickened by the sight because what I thought I saw was a reflection of myself, that is, a man in a dress and that is not what I wanted to be. I could not get out of Dodge fast enough.

The best time occurred while I was doing outreach at a local university. After the class, a female student approached me. She said that when I entered the class, she thought I was a woman, not a transwoman, but a born woman.

Thank you, I thought to myself, but then she added that besides thinking I was a born woman, I was also the most beautiful older adult woman that she had ever seen in person!

I thanked her profusely as she examined my presentation real up close now. She thought I was about 45 years old and even up close she was very surprised when I revealed that I was 60.

Then she told me something very personal that I will not repeat here. I thought I detected her eyes beginning to well up.

The encounter became so emotional for me that I cannot remember if I gave her hug or not. (If I didn't, I should have.)

Those few minutes with her were priceless to me and I will remember her forever.

Who is your role model?

All those gals who are completely open about being trans. I am referring to the likes of Michael/Miqqi Gilbert and Grayson Perry, who are well-known in their respective fields as guys, but occasionally (or often) present as gals and damn the torpedoes. I want to be just like them when I grow up.

What's on your femulating bucket list?

• Dress en femme more often than not... ultimately 24/7

• Write a book about my femulating life

• Attend my high school reunion en femme

• Grow my hair out and let my hairdresser have her way with me

• Get rid of my varicose veins

• Permanent facial and body hair removal

• Get my ears pierced


Thank you for all your questions!

Your response has been fantastic and it will take me awhile to answer them all. In fact, it will take me awhile to sort through them all and categorize them so that I can respond to similar or related questions with one answer.

If my plans go according to plan, I will post the first questions and answers later today, so please stop by later.



Actors femulating on stage as beauty pageant contestants in Pageant — The Musical.


Source: ideeli

Wearing Jill Jill Stuart.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Still Keep On Asking Me Anything

Thank you --- I have already received some thoughtful questions and I plan to begin answering them on tomorrow.

As I mentioned yesterday, if you used the Comments option to send me a question, I am not going to post your Comments, but I will save your questions to be answered along with the ones that came in via e-mail.

This is your opportunity to ask me anything and I promise to respond honestly. So, don't wait. Click on the "send me e-mail" link under my photo in the right column and ask away.




Young femulator, circa 2013.





Source: Daily Look

Wearing Daily Look.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Keep On Asking Me Anything

Some readers have already sent me questions, which I plan to answer in the upcoming days. Thank-you!

If you used the Comments option to send me a questions, I am not going to post your Comments, but I will save your questions to be answered along with the ones that came in via e-mail.

To repeat yesterday's post, this is your opportunity to ask me anything and I promise to respond honestly. However, I reserve the right to respond to snarky questions with snarky answers.

So, don't wait. Click on the "send me e-mail" link under my mugshot in the right column, and ask away.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Ask Me Anything

Don't be shy! This is your opportunity to ask me anything and I promise to respond honestly. However, I reserve the right to respond to snarky questions with snarky answers.

So, don't wait. Click on the "send me e-mail" link under my mugshot in the right column, and ask away.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Stonewall was Our Wall

I try to avoid politics here because my very liberal political beliefs piss people off and as you knows, "girls just want to have fun!" But the end of DOMA has brought up an issue that has been stuck in my craw for years, that is, the marginalization of our participation in Stonewall.

Reading some gay histories, you would never know that transwomen were at Stonewall, when in fact, if it wasn't for transwomen, Stonewall may never have happened.

Transwomen fought the cops at Stonewall, transwomen were arrested at Stonewall and as a result, transwomen shined a light on the years of abuse that the TLGB community had suffered at the hands of “the Man.”

My good friend, Diana, who writes a lot about trans politics over on her blog, covered this topic yesterday. I urge you to read what she wrote.

Car Crazy Cutie




A chorus line of femulators performing at the University of Wisconsin – Madison in 1920.




Wearing Jason Wu.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

T Shop


Stan the Tire Man's shop is located in Mount Vernon, Illinois, and Stan's female persona has been standing outside the shop since at least 2002 according to Roadside America. Supposedly, she held a tire in her left left hand, but got tired of that --- bad enough having to stand in those high heel pumps 24/7/365!

Too bad Stan didn’t repair transmissions!




A group of happy femulators, circa 2006.



Source: ShopBop

Wearing L'Wren Scott.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

California Girl


This ravishing beauty is actually a femulating buddy from Downey High School in beautiful Downey, California. Of all the girls in the latest batch of high school yearbook femulators Starla has just sent me, she is my pick for the High School Femulator Most Likely To Still Be Femulating Today Award.

This California girl joins 100 other girls whose images I have uploaded to flickr for your admiration and inspiration, which you may view in two ways:

Method 1: Open one of the Yearbooks sets (A through Z) and you will find the newest uploads at the end/bottom of the set. (The oldest uploads appear at the beginning/top of the set.)

Method 2: Open my photostream and you will find the newest uploads at the top of page 1. The uploads get older as the page numbers get higher with the oldest uploads on the last page.

By the way, the contents of the Yearbook A through Z sets are organized according to school name, for example, the photos from Hard Knox High School would be in the Yearbooks H set.

Another by the way, I want to send a big THANK-YOU to Starla for her continuing hard work digging up these vintage femulations from online high school yearbooks.




Professional femulator in Paris, circa 1955.



Source: Just Fab

Wearing Just Fab.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Mid-Femme Mode Redux


I discussed "mid-femme mode" here on 31 May.

Earlier today, Juan's New Male Fashion posted the accompanying photo of a fashionable fellow on the streets of New York City.

Juan noted the fellow's blouse, black skirt, leather purse and matching wristband. Juan (and I) did not care much for his shoes. Also, I noticed that he is wearing lip color and when I magnify the image, it looks like he is wearing nail polish, too.

I believe this is a very good example of mid-femme mode.

Pink for Boys, Blue for Girls




Actor James Maslow femulating in television’s Big Time Rush in 2011.



Source: DailyLook

Wearing DailyLook.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Scene from This is 40


I watched This is 40 last night and 13:32 minutes into the film, the following short scene plays out.

In a woman's clothing boutique, a saleswoman (played by Megan Fox) speaks with a male (played by Hugh Fink).

Saleswoman says, " deep oranges and browns; maybe some dark greens that would really play up your features."

Male responds, "I'll just take out my AMEX and you pick out what you think is good."

End of scene.

It is a throwaway scene. It has nothing to do with the plot of the film and there are no other references to this scene in the film. It makes one wonder why it was included in a 134-minute film, which is very long for a comedy.

Go figure.



womanless beauty pageant - univ of wisc-madison - 1951

Student femulators compete in the Miss Haresfoot womanless beauty pageant at the University of Wisconsin – Madison in 1951.



Source: DressBarn

Wearing Dressbarn.