Thursday, December 20, 2012

Work, Shoes and Vacation


I wrote here awhile back that my manager, a male, was let go in the fall of 2009. A female replaced him and she reported to a male VP.

That male VP announced that he will retire December 31. His replacement is female.

As a result, starting January 1, I will report to a female who also reports to a female.

The boys' club is becoming a girls' club. Either way, I fit in.


The chatter about my Halloween day en femme at work has died down to zero.

Some blog readers commented that since I have done three Halloweens at work en femme, my co-workers probably suspect something is up.

I am sure that they do, but no one has said so out loud to me, although, one fellow made the following comment in a feigned sarcastic manner, "Yeah --- you just happened to have that outfit handy to wear." 


Nine West, my go-to shoe store, is having an excellent sale. I just bought a pair of $89 platform pumps for $48.


Starting today, I am on vacation until January 2. I don't expect that my time-off will affect the daily blog postings here, but if I miss a day, don't worry --- I am just vacationing and will be back real soon.

The Femulated / Femulate Her



Actor Michael Fassbender (right) femulating in a deleted scene from X-Men: First Class, 2011




Wearing Alice and Olivia.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What’s “feminine” anyway?

Andrej Pejic

Man Carrying Purse

Whenever I recount my trans biography (like at outreach), I usually mention that as a youngster, I participated in sports (baseball and football) and played "boy games" (cowboys, war, spacemen, etc.). I felt that I was a typical boy and I enjoyed doing "boy things," unlike many of my trans sisters, who as children, hated "boy things" and preferred "girl things."

I also mention in my bio that despite my participation and enjoyment of those boy things, other boys called me names like "sissy," "fairy," "faggot," etc., which indicated to me that I was not necessarily all the boy I thought I was.

This was not just a case of bullies using random offensive names to raise my ire. Even a few of my friends told me that I was not acting like a boy at a 100% level and that I should do something about it.

I wondered if there was something in my mannerisms or speech that caused their reaction? I was not intentionally acting or speaking in an affected manner. Rather, I was speaking and acting in my natural manner, which I did not feel was feminine.

The fact that even friends told me that something was amiss indicated that something really was amiss, but I was clueless. I had no idea what I had to do differently to be more boy-like. So, I continued acting the same way I always acted and if someone called me a name, I hit them with my purse.

Even in high school, college, and law school, I occasionally ran into guys, who commented on my particular flavor of masculinity, but I just shrugged them off and kept on truckin'. By then, I was crossdressing in secret and only coming out en femme for Halloween including an appearance in drag at a Halloween party in law school.

I will never forget a friend of mine at that party telling me that he never realized how feminine my speaking and mannerisms were until he saw me in drag. He indicated that my female costume was a perfect fit for my normal mannerisms and speech.

After mentioning this story at outreach one time, one of the students said that my mannerisms were feminine and that my friends and acquaintances had been in the ballpark in their estimation of me.

Yet, nothing has changed. I still do not affect a feminine persona. I still act naturally and no differently whether in boy mode or girl mode.

I admit that I do try to walk more like a woman when I am en femme and I talk more softly when I femulate, but most of what you get is the genuine me. And I am not changing a thing.

The Femulated / Femulate Her

Rockers Freddie Mercury (left) and Roger Taylor (right)
femulating for The Great Pretender video, 1987

 Wearing DressBarn.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Like Father, Like Daughter


There is some truth to the above cartoon on a personal level.

Doing the laundry Sunday, I found a load of clothes in the dryer that belonged to my daughter. As I was sorting and folding her clothing, I noticed that she and I wear the same style of Victoria's Secret panties. Hers are a size smaller than mine, but some of the colors and patterns of her panties matched mine exactly!

We both also wear Victoria's Secret bras, but our bras are not an exact match like our panties.

My daughter also has a penchant for high heels. I guess she takes after her Daddy!

The Femulated / Femulate Her


keith-moonThe Who drummer and femulator, Keith Moon.



New York & CompanyWearing New York & Company.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Does this photo make me look tall?

I took over 100 photos Tuesday afternoon trying different poses and camera angles as suggested by Reva. In the above shot, the camera was on the floor. It resulted in a good view of my shoes and a lengthening of my legs (as if I needed longer legs).

I had a lot of fun doing the photoshoot and will continue to post the results, which may have been better if it was not a self-photoshoot!

The Femulated / Femulate Her


freddie-mercury Rock singer Freddie Mercury femulating.



Spiegel Wearing Spiegel.

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Femulation of Vasiliy Makarov


View this video; you will not be disappointed.

Miss Eng’g (She’s Back!)


The 2012 installment of the Miss Eng'g (Engineering) womanless beauty pageant will take place Saturday evening at the College of Engineering, University of Philippines-Diliman.

This year, the pageant's Internet presence is on Facebook. There are a lot of photos of the pageant contestants in male and female garb (more of the former than the latter) on Facebook now and I am sure there are more female garb photos to come this weekend. So visit the page and revisit it often.

The Femulated / Femulate Her


u2-one-3 Rock group U2 femulating for the One video, 1991


ideeli Wearing Young by Yo Yo Yeung.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

My Dream Marriage


I have mentioned my dreams here a few times in the past. I seldom recall them when I wake up, but the ones I do recall always have a trans theme.

Over the years, my dreams have gone through a few stages.

The first stage, which lasted for many years were dreams about getting dressed en femme or trying to get dressed en femme and not being able to do so because something prevented me or because I woke up before I was got dressed.

The second stage, which lasted a year or so were dreams about getting dressed en femme, then going out and encountering friends and family who approved of my dressing.

The third and most recent stage, which has lasted for a year or so are dreams where I am dressed all the time, that is, I do not get dressed in the dream, rather I am dressed as a woman from the get-go. Getting dressed is not part of these dreams because I am living as a woman full-time or I am a woman in these dreams (it is unclear which is the case).

Last night, I had an unusual dream. I don't think it is a new stage, but it is an interesting twist to my dreams. In last night's dream, I was married to a male and we attended the "Big E" as a husband and wife (the Big E, also known as the Eastern States Exposition, is a huge annual state fair for all six New England states).

In real life, I often go to the Big E, but never en femme. Also, in real life, I am not attracted to males. So go figure!

The Femulated / Femulate Her


French-POWs-in-German-POW-CAMP-Cottbus-1916-2012-11-20 French soldiers femulating on stage in a German POW camp, 1916.



SpiegelWearing Spiegel.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Femulated / Femulate Her


69565090 Grayson Perry, femulating artist, 2012.



ShopBopWearing Torn by Ronny Kobo.

Christmas Party Style


Wearing DressBarn (tank top), Macy’s (leggings), Nine West (shoes), Avon (jewelry).

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Out Now


When this is posted this evening, I will be attending the Avon representative Christmas party.

I promise to post a full report about the party real soon now!