Friday, January 20, 2012

New Heights

Lindsay Ellingson Dayita sent me a link to an interesting article that discusses the meaning of the "statistical" differences between men and women (and transpeople). As it turns out, height is a pretty bad predictor.

Nevertheless, Andee Werthma and Carlos Chavez added a slew of Famous Females of Height to my collection.

5' 9" - Lily Aldridge - model - Victoria's Secret - source Andee

5' 9" - Stephanie March - actress - television, "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit"

5' 9" - Michaela McManus - actress - television, "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit"

5' 9" - Tamara Tunie - actress - television, "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit"

5' 10" - Sutton Foster - singer, dancer, actress - Broadway, "Anything Goes"

5' 10" - Savannah Guthrie - host - television, "Today" - source: Carlos

5' 10" - Chanel Iman - model - Victoria's Secret - source Andee 

5'10" - Diane Neal - actress - television, "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit"

5' 10" - Behati Prinsloo - model - Victoria's Secret - source Andee

5' 11" - Lindsay Ellingson (photo above) - model - Victoria's Secret - source Andee

5' 11" - Erin Heatherton - model - Victoria's Secret - source Andee

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Flattering Flats

This girl bought a new pair of flats from Avon. A "Cushion Walk Exotic Print Loafer" in faux snakeskin with patent leather-like trim, wave-molded footbed, and skid-resistant sole. It is available in sizes 6 to 11, half sizes up to size 10. The shoes are on sale now for $24.99, but they will be $29.99 in the near future.

They are a comfortable fit and are very nice looking, too! It is not often that I buy flats, but I could not resist these.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

She-Boying in Sheboygan

The January 2, 1939 issue of Life contained an article about Boy Scout Troop No. 1 of the Grace Episcopal Church in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. The troop performed in a womanless burlesque version of Romeo and Juliet by Episcopal minister, Father William Elwell, who rewrote Shakespeare’s prose using modern slang.

The play "began with a chorus dancing the Big Apple. From then on, taking all the female parts themselves, the boys interrupted the tragic drama at every possible point to dance the can-can or the Lambeth Walk, or croon the newest song hits."
The all-male cast (aged between 9 and 17) raised money for local charities.

As was typical in a Life story, there were a lot of photos including the following.
Boy Scout "Romeo" embraces and kisses Boy Scout "Juliet."
High-kicking Boy Scout can-can dancers flaunt their petticoats to the delight of the audience.

Zooey & Co.

Zooey Deschanel One reason I watched the Golden Globes awards show Sunday night was to see the ladies dressed to the nines.

By far, my favorite dressed-to-the-nines lady was Zooey Deschanel. I also liked (in alphabetical order) Angelina Jolie, Stacy Keibler, Maria Menounos, Emma Stone, Reese Witherspoon and Evan Rachel Wood, but I thought Zooey was to die for.

On the other hand, there also were ladies on the red carpet who lacked fashion sense, for example, Lee Michele, Emily Watson, Kyle Richards, and Julianna Margulies. But hands down, the worst of the lot was Kelly Osbourne, who looked like she was carrying a 1959 Cadillac on her back.

By the way, The Huffington Post has a slideshow of 97 dressed-to-the-nines ladies from the Golden Globes.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

In Bed En Femme

2012-01-17_asleep-1 No, I did not wear my baby doll nightgown to bed last night. But maybe I should have because it was one of those rare nights when I remembered my dreams and in one dream after another, I was a woman.

Crossdressing was not a component of any dream last night. Instead, I was a woman from the beginning to end of each dream. This is in contrast to dreams of old, where getting dressed or trying to get dressed en femme was a component, if not the primary plot of the dream.

In the last dream of last night's set, I was dressed for work. The outfit was similar to one I own, but the hairdo was something completely different for me: very loose, medium brown spiral curls that flowed to the shoulder.

I had been thinking about getting a new hairdo that was shoulder-length or longer, but I was not considering loose spiral curls. Maybe my dream was trying to tell me something.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Brian Dresses for Work

Poking around the Internet, I discovered a large collection of photos on flickr belonging to a male-to-female crossdresser named Brian McCloskey. I was very impressed with Brian's huge female wardrobe and fashion sense, but my curiosity piqued when I noticed that there were many photos showing Brian in what looked like a work environment (a library was my guess) with what looked like a variety of co-workers.

Was Brian going to work en femme?

I had to know, so I e-mailed Brian and asked. A few hours later, Brian wrote back and confirmed that he did indeed dress en femme at work:

I *do* dress to work.  It was something I always wanted to do - and my coworkers always encouraged me - but I didn't have the nerve until quite recently.  In September of last year I took part in a Living Library event at the library where I worked - I was a "book" that people could "check out" for a short conversation about being a transvestite - and that gave me the courage to dress on a more regular basis.  I had thought I might mix it up between boy and girl modes, but....after a couple of weeks I moved all my shirts and ties to the back of the closet and it's been frocks only since then!

Brian has a supportive fiancee and circle of friends who don't care how he dresses.

I very much care how Brian dresses and applaud him for doing so.

Brian can be found online on flickr, Facebook, and Blogger (Brian's current blog and Brian's old blog).

Saturday, January 14, 2012

ABC Had It with Work It!

ABC has cancelled the controversial cross-dressing comedy Work It after two episodes.

Read the rest of the story here.

Forced Feminization at the Olympics

This story is so outrageous in this day and age that I cannot believe it! Please sign the petition to stop this nonsense.

Can't Get Enough of Miss Eng'g

The Miss Eng'g (Engineering) womanless beauty pageant at the College of Engineering, University of Philippines-Diliman is one of the best, if not the best womanless pageant conducted at an educational institute or anywhere else for that matter. Femulate readers agree with that assessment because whenever I post something about Miss Eng'g here, you readers voice your approval.

Oak, a Femulate reader and Miss Eng'g fan, combed the Internet looking for more on Miss Eng'g and was very successful. I have a four-page list of links compiled by Oak that go back as far as 2001 that document the Miss Eng'g pageant in photos. The quality of some of the photos is not the best, but the quality of the femulations depicted in those photos is excellent.

Without further adieu, here is a link to photos from the 2001 installment of the pageant.

Friday, January 13, 2012


Sean-Bean---BBC's-The-Accused-2012-01-12 British film and television actor Sean Bean plays a transsexual in the BBC television court room drama Accused, which will air later this year.

Specifically, Bean “plays an English teacher called Simon and his alter ego, Tracie, whose quest for love leads to the courtroom,” according to Daily Mail.

Read all about it here.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

One Liners (More or Less)

2012-01-12_cookies Remember that 75% off dress sale that Spiegel had one day last month; the sale in which I bought this $159 dress for $39?

The dress arrived, but it is too small or my bust is too big (or actually both).

I returned it for a refund (and not an exchange because I had ordered the largest size available.)

Although it won't help much fitting into that dress, I urge you to buy mass quantities of Girl Scout cookies because of this.

Olympic track and field star Bruce Jenner has been outed as a crossdresser.

I received an e-mail inviting me to a reunion of my law school graduating class in June and I plan to attend en femme (like her).

And so it goes.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Both Sides Now

2012-01-11_crocker People can't understand that someone can have both sides of themselves and switch back and forth. And a lot of transsexual people have gotten really mad at me and said, "You're really misrepresenting us as a community because you're not sticking with the 'girl look.'" I'm representing myself. I never claimed to be the spokesperson for anything other than myself. I just so happen to be gay or trans or gay and trans or whatever. I don't know. I'm just content with myself and I think that makes people discontented.

I thought the whole point of being transgender was being what you feel on the inside. For me, I wonder why do you have to just feel like a woman trapped in a man's body? Or vice versa? Why can't you identify with both genders and tap into those without being accused of dressing up as a girl for attention? I'm fulfilling whatever vibe I want to go with at that time. I try to block out people's voices in my head and just go with how I feel.

---from the Chris Crocker interview on The Huffington Post, which in my humble opinion, is must reading. Here is the link.

Transgender Business Woman Runs for Office

2012-01-11_duncan Gina Duncan is running for commissioner in District 5 in Orange County, Florida. If Duncan won she would be the first transgender commissioner in Orange County history.

You can read about here – the comments following the article are disheartening (so far).

Teaching an old bra wearer new tricks

2012-01-11_bra I have worn bras for nearly 50 years, yet I still learned something new from this short slide show by Daily Makeover.

Maybe you will learn something new, too.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Femulating at Queer Music Heritage

2012-01-10_qmh JD Doyle collects recordings and other stuff related to LGBT music. He has a radio show that features queer music and he has a website where his collection is on display.

His collection is vast (1700 webpages) and it gets vaster every day.

While searching for female impersonation information a few years ago, his website came up in the search engine results and I have been visiting his site regularly ever since.

Being a collector of various stuff, I am in awe of his collecting prowess, particularly in the realm of female impersonation. He has collected a lot of stuff from the professional femulation world and I highly recommend that you visit his site and see it all for yourself; you will be amazed.

Queer Music Heritage is JD Doyle's website and his “Drag Artists & Female Impersonators” collection begins here.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Seven Feet of Courage

Lindsey-Walker-2012-1-9 If you think it is tough being a 6-foot-tall transwoman, try 7 feet!

The Huffington Post tells the gutsy story of Lindsey Walker (photo right), a 7-footer, who came out as a transsexual despite her height.

Her story is an inspiration for all of us who are afraid to come out and/or go out just because we are tall.

Thank you Reva for alerting me to this Lindsey’s story. Her story also appears in other venues.

He's Everywhere! He's Everywhere!


"He" being femulators. "Everywhere" being back-to-back television shows on Showtime.

I was away from the computer most of the weekend and was trying to catch up with my e-mails last night with the laptop in my lap sitting in front of the telly with the channel selector stuck on Showtime.

Shameless came on at 9. I had never seen the program before, but I like the star of the show, Bill Macy, so I left it on.

A sub-plot involves one of Macy's sons who works in a convenience store owned by a couple from the Middle East. The husband is gay and sneaks his lovers out of the store disguised as Middle Eastern women in long black dresses and head scarves.

Near the end of the episode, the husband disguises himself in the same manner to runaway from his wife and I assume, to live with his gay lover.

House of Lies came on at 10. It is a new show starring Don Cheadle, who I always enjoy watching, so I left it on even though it was past my bedtime.

A sub-plot of the show involves Cheadle's school-aged son who wants to try out for his school's production of Grease.

The big deal is that he wants to try out for the role of Sandy, the role Olivia Newton-John made famous in the film version of the musical. He succeeds in getting the role.

When the school suggests that his son step down and let a female handle the role,  Cheadle defends his son's gender choice. Cheadle also agrees to his son's desire to go shoe shopping over the weekend.

I lasted about 20 minutes into the show and went to bed, so I don't know if anything else transpired trans-wise. I will try to watch the rest of the show when it is replayed later this week.

Happy Monday to you all!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Trisha van Cleef: A Heroine of Femulation

2012-1-6_trisha_van_cleef Paul Whitehead is a painter and graphic artist known for his surrealistic album covers for artists on the Charisma Records label in the 1970s, such as Genesis and Van der Graaf Generator. (source: Wikipedia)

His alter ego is Trisha van Cleef, who is also a painter with a few CD covers in her portfolio.

Paul is very public about Trisha and as such, is one of my heroes/heroines.

Trisha has a webpage on Paul’s website and Zagria wrote her up on her A Gender Variance Who’s Who website. Read all about her; she is very interesting.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Like it’s 1968


If you have been following along here for awhile, you know that I express myself with graphics as well as with words.

I can create a cartoon or fumetti relatively quickly once I come up with the words or punch-line for a joke. On the other hand, Photoshopped artwork can take hours, but I enjoy doing it, so the time flies by when I do it.

With that introduction, I present a new piece of Photoshop artwork. Titled Stanley Getting Dressed, Circa 1968, it represents the undergarments I was femulating with back in the late 1960s. (The image started out as a vintage bra and/or girdle advertisement that I found on the Internet.)

I hope you like it!