Friday, October 7, 2011

Transgender Fashion Show Tonight


If you are in the area of central Connecticut tonight, I invite you to the transgender fashion show at Tommy's Restaurant in Middletown at 7 PM. The event is a fundraiser for the Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition; admission is $10.

I will be modeling in the show, but I am not sure what I will be modeling. My "business" outfit is picked out and ready to wear, but I am unsure about my "casual" outfit.

The cocktail dress I wanted to wear arrived in the mail yesterday. I had another engagement after work last night, so I only had time to quickly slip the dress on without my shapewear and it seemed just a wee bit too small.

When I get home today, I will try again wearing shapewear and maybe it will fit. The dress is gorgeous, so I am hoping that will do the trick. If not, I will resort to Plan B and wear my other new dress from Ideeli.

I am taking a half-day off from work this afternoon to get ready for the show. I want to look my best and that takes time especially since both "casual" dresses show more skin than I've shown in awhile, which means some extra hair removal will be necessary.

But it’s worth it... it's all for a good cause and it will make me feel that much more womanly.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

I Erred

I arrived at work yesterday and noticed that the seam on one of my walkers was broken exposing my sock-covered toes.

Since the weather was wet, I decided that I needed a new pair of walkers as soon as possible. (I hate wearing wet socks, don't you?)

Payless is having a BOGO sale, that is, buy one pair of shoes and get a second pair at half price. So, I decided to go to Payless during lunch, replace my broken walkers and buy something in the women's aisles of the store.

Before I went to Payless, I swapped my socks for a pair of knee-highs so when I tried on women's shoes, I would get a better idea how they fit.

I arrived at Payless and perused my size in the women's section and found absolutely nothing of interest. I did find walkers in my size in the men's aisle and I took advantage of the sale and both two pairs.

Back at work, I swapped my knee-high for my socks and swapped my broken walkers for a new pair. Whereas the walkers fit comfortably when I tried them on in the store wearing knee-highs, they were uncomfortably tight wearing socks.

So I go back to Payless today wearing socks.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wednesday Wanderings


Your Halloween Photos

Thank you all who sent me your femulating Halloween photos for display in THE FEMULATED slot during the month of October. There is room for more, so send me yours if you haven't already.


I had a wrestling match with YouTube last night and I lost as you can see by the broken video in the AND HER, TOO slot. I will attempt to fix it as soon as I can.

New Cocktail Dress

Looks like I will get my new cocktail dress in time to model at the fashion show on Friday, that is, assuming it fits. Ideeli shipped it yesterday and according to the UPS tracker, it arrived at the local UPS facility this morning, so I will probably get it tomorrow.

Back to Reality

I was on vacation last week. Stayed up late most nights and slept in late most mornings.

So getting up at 5:30 AM Monday morning was difficult. To make matters worse, I now find Orion peeking through the bathroom skylight instead of rays from Mr. Sun.

Day Three of reality and I am still not acclimated to my normal schedule!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Halloween and The Femulated

Twenty-six days until Halloween and my intention is to feature a femulator in Halloween garb in THE FEMULATED: slot of this blog through the 31st of the month.

I assure you I have an adequate number of images to complete the task, but I would love to use Femulate reader Halloween images in THE FEMULATED: slot instead of the images of strangers. So if you are so inclined, send me a femulating image of you from a Halloween past and I will use it before the month is over.

By the way, there have been no announcements at work yet concerning any Halloween doings on the job. It is probably too early; most announcements of that sort arrive in our mailboxes two weeks or so before the event, so there is still time for that. Nevertheless, I plan to work en femme on Halloween whether anything is doing or not. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Dress-Up Friday


Friday evening, I dress up to model a couple of outfits in a transgender fashion show for the benefit of the Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition (CTAC).

The event starts at 7 PM at Tommy’s Restaurant (825 Saybrook Road, Middletown, CT 06457), just off Route 9 Exit 11. Admission is $10 at the door; you must be 21 or older to attend.

The dress I planned to model in the casual wear portion of the show has not arrived from Ideeli yet, so I may have to resort to Plan B and model the dress I previously received from Ideeli. But the week is young and if they ship in a day or two, I should receive the dress by show time.

If you are in the area, I hope you will consider attending the show. The venue is very diverse and you will have no issues fitting in and being accepted by the other attendees, so come on down!

Friday, September 30, 2011

At the Movies

Thora Birch in Ghost World

I am a big film fan (maybe too big). I have over 700 films on DVD and probably 100 or more films on videotapes that I have not upgraded to DVD yet.

Synecdoche, New York is one film I have on DVD. I added it to my collection because it looked like an unusual film and it starred one of my favorite actors, Philip Seymour Hoffman.

The film was weird and I was disappointed. I assumed I would never watch the DVD again. That is, until I received an e-mail from Gwen today.

Gwen wrote, "I saw this film yesterday and it was really weird in many ways.  The strangest being that at the end of the film, the main character, a man, takes on the persona of a woman, called Ellen.  She's a cleaning lady, so he cleans.  And his role is taken by a woman.  No male to female cross dressing involved.  But there's a definite gender bluring going on, that you don't often see in mainstream films."

I totally missed it. My guess is that the film was so weird that I tuned out mentally by the time the transgender scene(s) occurred. So, I guess I will be watching Synecdoche, New York again real soon now.

A film I can watch again and again is Ghost World, which I happened to catch on the dish last night. It is another unusual film (based on a comic book) and stars another of my favorite actors, Steve Buscemi. It also includes a great performance by Thora Birch, who plays the female lead in the film.

There is nothing transgender in the film, but it is definitely worth watching if you have never seen it.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Beauty expert, Louis Licari, wrote about blurring on Huffington Post... not gender blurring, but age blurring. It is an interesting blog post and includes tips on how you too can blur your age and look "young" despite how many birthdays you have celebrated (or not).

You can read Mr. Licari's post here. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Viewing "And Her, Too" in Full Screen Mode

Yesterday, I added the following note below the And Her, Too image: (Viewing in Full Screen mode is best!)

The Full Screen mode provides a big enhancement to the video. It is like the difference between night and day --- I highly recommend it.

To enter the Full Screen mode, click on the button (image above) in the lower left corner of the And Her, Too window.

To exit the Full Screen mode, press the Escape key (ESC) on your computer's keyboard.

Big Delivery

Saw the mailman make a delivery, so I took a break from my housework to see what he brought.

Opened the mailbox and among the usual collection of junk mail was a thick catalog. It looked about the size of the old Sears catalogs, but I knew it was not from Sears and I could not imagine what it was.

I pulled the hefty book out of the mailbox to discover that it is the September issue of Vogue --- 758 pages of fall fashionista heaven.

I can't wait to finish my housework so I can peruse it!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

They Ban Books, Don't They?

"The week of Sept 24 - Oct 1 is Banned Books Week, a time when libraries, schools, and bookstores celebrate our First Amendment freedom to read while drawing attention to the harms that censorship does to our society and our individual freedoms," so wrote Molly Raphael in today's edition of HuffPost.

"...far more often than we may realize, individuals and groups have sought to restrict access to library books they believed were objectionable on religious, moral, or political grounds, thereby restricting the rights of every reader in their community. For example, this summer the Republic (Mo.) school board voted to remove Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five and Sarah Ockler's Twenty Boy Summer from the school library as a result of a complaint that the book 'teaches principles contrary to Biblical morality and truth.'

You can read the entire article here.

And remember, after they ban books, people (like us) are next.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Femulating at the Atlanta Cotillion Ball

"Annually, a group of gentlemen from the Atlanta gay community participate as 'debutantes' in a unique fundraising concept to benefit HIV/AIDS charities.  Each participant is given a financial goal; how they reach and, almost always, exceed that goal depends on their creativity, resources and passion for helping those affected by HIV/AIDS.  Since 2002 the Atlanta Cotillion has not only donated over $750,000, but has also become one of the single largest donors of unrestricted funds to AID Atlanta, the largest AIDS service organization in the southeast.

"After months of creative individual fundraising efforts, the Atlanta Cotillion social season culminates in the lively and entertaining Atlanta Cotillion Ball. In keeping to tradition the escorted debutantes are presented on stage to celebrate their fundraising successes.  As the highlight of the evening, the debutante who has raised the most funds is crowned Queen of the Atlanta Cotillion Ball."

The dress requirements for the event are interesting to say the least.

"Women’s formal evening attire is required for invited guests who have made donations of $75 or more (regardless of gender or sexual orientation). Guests who have made donations of $150 or more may attend in formal evening attire (Black Tie). Please note that  no table may have more than five guests in Black Tie.

"Those attending in formal female attire are required to be free of visible facial or body hair and appropriately dressed for a formal event. Thank you for adhering to these dress requirements, which will be strictly enforced for admittance."

Sounds like my kind of place.

Photos from the 2009 and 2010 Balls are on flickr here and here. The femulations are fabulous!

Thank-you Aunty Marlena for this fine femulation find.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

She Gets It

My wife and I seldom discuss my transgender. I never bring up the subject because whenever I attempted to do so in the past, my wife said she knew enough and did not want to discuss it further.

Today, she mentioned that she was tired of people giving Chaz Bono a hard time. She said he was born that way; no one would choose the hard way of life of a transgender voluntarily, so leave him be.

Then she said, "Just like you were born that way."

I guess that means she gets it.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Anybody Else See This ?

Wednesday evening, I was sitting in front of the television while I was answering e-mails on my computer. I was not paying close attention to the television, which I think was tuned to ABC.

An advertisement came on for a new television show, a situation comedy. The ad showed a male and female in conversation. The female said something (sarcastic?) about the male's clothing choice. Next thing you know, the male was wearing a dress, and the female said something sarcastic about him wearing a dress.

It happened so fast that I missed the name of the show and I am not sure what I really saw.

Anybody else see this? Or was it just my 'magination?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Help Femulating


Since most us played on the other team most of our lives, femulating can be challenging. We try to be mature women, yet we are still learning the basics that young women take for granted.

Personally, I willingly accept all the help I can get. One source of help I find very useful is Ginger Burr, an image consultant, who I had the pleasure of meeting last fall. Ginger runs Total Image Consultants, an image consultant business  in the Boston area and has both cis and transgender women as clients.

Ginger also has an online presence. She writes a blog and sends out sage advice via e-mail.

Today her blog asks "Do You Have a One-Dimensional Wardrobe?"

Ginger writes, "Here’s something to ponder: There’s a fine line between ‘knowing’ yourself (for instance, feeling genuinely confident that harem pants are not for you) and ‘limiting’ yourself, and your style when it’s not necessary.

"Many women pigeon hole themselves into a prescribed way of dressing and thereby limit their options and often squelch their sense of delight. Their wardrobe becomes functional and one-dimensional — devoid of any personal style and their boredom level escalates."

I highly recommend reading the rest of the article; you can find it here.

You can also subscribe to Ginger’s e-mails here.

And may your weekend be femulating!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Three Things

Thing One

I could not help noticing in his recent photo shoot for designer Chris Benz that Andrej Pejic is femulating Warhol Superstar Candy Darling.
Candy Darling and Andrej Pejic

Thing Two

Who would have thought that Gwyneth Paltrow wore Spanx shapewear, but according to this Daily Makeover article, she is not the only "sexy" celebrity that dons shapewear. Jennifer Garner, Tyra Banks, Jessica Alba, Cate Blanchett, Katherine Heigl, and other svelte stars are big proponents of that line of shapewear.

Now I don't feel like such a fatty when I squeeze into my shapewear!

Thing Three

After my first successful purchase from Ideeli, I made a second purchase from Ideeli yesterday: a black and gold brocade "pull through" cocktail dress (photo right) from R&M Richards.

If it arrives in time and fits, I plan to model it in the fashion show on October 7.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Very Out in Public

On Friday, October 7, I will walk the runway in a trans fashion show to raise funds for the Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition (CTAC).

The fun begins at 7 PM at Tommy’s Restaurant (825 Saybrook Road, Middletown, CT 06457), just seconds from Route 9 Exit 11. Admission is $10 at the door; you must be 21 or older to attend.

I modeled in this show four years ago and Tommy’s was packed and rockin'. I had a great time and it seemed that most of the attendees did, too. So come early and please say, "Hello" ...I'd love to meet you all in person!

By the way, we will be modeling "business" and "casual" outfits. For business, I will wear the purple retro skirt-suit that I also plan to wear to work on Halloween. For casual, I will wear one of the new dresses I purchased from Ideeli.

I hope I will see you there!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Thinking Tall on Tuesday

heidi-watney--2011-09-20 Time to add to the Famous Females of Height List with a bevy of beauties who are “famous” and at least 68 inches tall (without high heels).

(Thank you Meg and SoCalSecrets for your input.)


Catherine Keener – actress – film, The 40-Year-Old Virgin – source: SoCalSecrets

Minka Kelly – actress – television, Parenthood; Friday Night Lights – source: SoCalSecrets


Joy Bryant – actress – television, Parenthood – source: SoCalSecrets

Rachel Taylor – actress – film, Transformers – source: SoCalSecrets

Odette Yustman – actress – film, Cloverfield – source: SoCalSecrets


Cody Horn – actress – television, The Office – source: Stana

Khlo̩ Kardashian Рne'er-do-well Рsource: SoCalSecrets

Leila Lopes – Miss Universe 2011 – source: Meg Winters

Stacey Oristano – actress – television, Friday Night Lights – SoCalSecrets

Heidi Watney (photo above) – sports reporter – NESN / Boston Red Sox – source: Stana


Monique Ganderton – stunt woman – source: SoCalSecrets

Ivanka Trump – ne'er-do-well – source: SoCalSecrets


Kendall Jenner – ne'er-do-well – source: SoCalSecrets

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day of Hearts: Day of Femulations


“Originally, Hartjesdag (Day of Hearts) was a festival celebrated on the third Monday in August in the Dutch areas of Haarlem and Bloemendaal and in various parts of Amsterdam, particularly around the Haarlemmerplein, in the Jordaan, and in the Dapperbuurt. On Hartjesdag fires were kindled and children collected money.

“Later it developed itself into a type of cross-dressing carnival, where men dressed as women, and women dressed as men. A typical scene was captured in the oil painting entitled Hartjesdag, by the artist Johan Braakensiek in 1926.

“During the German occupation in 1943, the Hartjesdag was prohibited, and after the war it eventually became obsolete.

“In 1997 a local committee in the Zeedijk, Amsterdam, decided to see if they could revive the tradition. Each year since then, the festival has flourished into a two-day event on the 3rd weekend in August.”

Perry “Meteorry” Tak posted the previous description from Wikipedia to introduce a collection of his 2011 Hartjesdag photos on flickr.

Also, there are over a thousand other Hartjesdag photos in the flickr Amsterdam Hartjesdagen Zeedijk Group Pool.

(Thank you, Aunty Marlena for alerting me about Meteorry’s photos.)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

In the News

Two stories appeared in Saturday's Mail OnLine that may be of interest to you.

Why I let my son live as a girl: Mother of boy who returned to school in a skirt bravely tells her extraordinary story

He walked out of the school gates in July as a boy wearing trousers, polo shirt and trainers, and returned in September, with the school’s agreement, as a girl.

Read the rest of the story here. (Thank you, Accro, for alerting me to this story.)

'I always felt more feminine than male': Poland's Next Top Model favourite tells judges how she was born a hermaphrodite

With her flawless skin and versatile look, it is little surprise that Michalina Manios is a favourite to win Poland's Next Top Model.

Read the rest of the story here.