One of the primary goals for writing this blog is to encourage my trans sisters to get out of the closet and go out in public amongst the other beautiful women who populate our world.
I occasionally receive e-mails from my trans sisters that my efforts are having some success. Over the weekend, I received the following story that I want to share with you.
Stana it's been about a year since the last time I e-mailed you. I have been so impressed with the way you handle yourself in public, I decided to take a chance.
My wife left for a two-week stay with her sister.
One of our close friends, a very beautiful women and very close friend of my wife, started talking on the phone the night my wife flew out. One conversation led to another and before you know it, we were talking about how comfortable I was to talk to almost like girl-to-girl.
She had been drinking wine and started telling me her fantasy about me. She has always admired my sexy shapely legs and wanted to see them clad in seamed stockings and stiletto heels, leather skirt, lace top. She stopped and said to me that she really wanted to dress me up to the nines the next evening.
She is a clothes horse and loves everything feminine. I never told her about my occasional dressing alone when my wife is gone. The interaction that took place over the next few minutes set the ground work for the next day and a Sunday afternoon of wine tasting.
Saturday morning, I shaved down completely and crossdressed under my jeans and short. The underdressing was in case my neighbors saw me leave the house.
I did my make-up, which totally surprised her when I arrived at her home. I had my clothes, shoes, and wig in the back seat of the car. Once at her house, the transformation only took an hour, exactly what she fantasized about, seamed nude stockings, black leather pencil skirt, 4-inch black pumps, gold ankle bracelet, red lace top, black belt, and black leather jacket. She did my make-up and styled my blond shoulder length wig. Revlon glue-on red nails, and eyelashes.
She was turned on and totally supportive about what we were doing. She had made reservations at a local bistro for dinner and drinks. It was absolutely amazing!! My first time out in public with a beautiful genetic woman as a well put-together crossdresser.
My God! Did we get the looks! Matter of fact, midway through the dinner, our waiter brought us wine care of a group of admiring businessmen.
She told me to dangle my shoe under the table and watch the looks we would get. Very interesting. Occasionally, I would follow her lead and take out my compact and reapply my lipstick and powder my nose. The group of businessmen that bought our wine bought our dinner. Wow --- what a night! We left at 11:30 and headed home.
She wanted to go to the vineyards on Sunday and she said she wanted to see me again as a female. Casual dress, women's blue jeans, red mock turtleneck, red 2-1/2-inch heels, pearls (hers), long blond wig (hers), and a red purse (hers), full makeup, lipstick matched my shoes and purse. Wow --- what a Sunday!
No sex, no kissing --- just two girls enjoying life.
Thanks to you Stana, I gained the courage to step into this great experience. Thanks!,