Sunday, June 6, 2010

Womanless News

Some readers suggested that I add a sidebar to the blog featuring womanless events.

Your wish is my command and Womanless News now appears in the left sidebar featuring the latest in womanless beauty pageants, fashion shows, weddings, Relay for Life events, etc. that you can view on the Internet.

a dream of a different color

I recalled another dream.

I do not remember the details of last night's adventure in dreamland, but I remember the dream had nothing to do with my trans state. The fact I was en femme throughout the dream was not an issue for me or anyone I encountered in the dream. Dressing en femme was the most natural thing in the world for me!

I call that "progress."

Saturday, June 5, 2010


As I have mentioned here numerous times in the past, I seldom remember my dreams and the few that I do remember are usually trans-related. (For all I know, all my dreams may be trans-related!)

Last night, I had a trans-dream, which made me recall that I had a similar dream the night before.

Two nights ago, I dreamed I was returning home fully dressed after a night out en femme. However, home was the house where I grew up with my parents and not my current residence.

I recall getting out of the car and walking to the house while being concerned that the neighbors might see me. Then I woke up.

Fast forward to last night and I have the same dream, but instead of waking up after my concern about the neighbors, I made it inside the house. To my surprise, the house is full of friends and relatives.

I distinctly remember an aunt looking up and smiling at me, then my best friend comes into the room and warmly greets me. (As far as I know, most or all of these people are unaware of my trans-ness.) Then I woke up.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Do I need a bra?

brashopping I woke up this morning and noticed some minor muscle ache on the sides of my breasts. It was the first time I have ever experienced any aches in those parts of my body and it gave me pause.

Maybe it was due to the way I slept last night. (I wrestled for a comfortable spot between the dogs and cats all night long.)

Maybe it is another sign of old age and I need to wear a bra full-time to support my lady-like breasts. (Won't that be fun!)

yet another womanless beauty pageant

100604 Meadowview Christian School in Selma, Alabama, recently had a womanless beauty pageant (WBP) and the school posted photos of the event on their web site here.

I think we have been spoiled by the quality of femulations at WBPs appearing recently on the net. This one is good and has a couple of excellent femulations, but it is not as good as some other WBPs mentioned here recently.

Thank you Aunty Marlena for alerting me about these photos.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

two tall pairs

I just added four tall ladies to the Famous Females of Height List and they came in pairs: a pair of actresses from the television series Chuck and a pair of tall ladies named Miranda.

Teri e-mailed me about the pair from Chuck: 5'8" actress Sarah Lancaster and 5'9" actress Yvonne Strahovski.

Kawigee e-mailed me about one Miranda: 6'2" television actress Miranda Hart, who appears in a British television series appropriately titled Miranda.

I discovered the other Miranda myself: 5'9" model Miranda Kerr (photo right) of Victoria's Secret fame.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

wives with big breasts

In this day and age, it seems absurd that husbands still want wives with big breasts, but they do.

With that in mind, my parents started me on a regimen of hormone supplements as I approached puberty. The purpose of the hormones was to help me achieve a state of pulchritude that would make me more attractive to the opposite sex and eventually snag me a husband.

When I began taking the supplements, I had big expectations. My budding breasts seemed to outgrow my training bra overnight and I was soon sporting a new A-cup bra.

While all my friends were moving up the bra cup alphabet, my breasts suddenly refused to grow any larger. I was stuck at an A-cup even after the doctor increased the dosage of my hormone supplements.

As I neared my sweet sixteen birthday with nary a date in sight, Mom offered me breast implants as a birthday gift. But I was adamant that no surgeon was going to take a scalpel to my surgically virgin body, so I refused.

Although I lacked bountiful breasts, I had other assets: a pair of long shapely to-die-for legs. To show off those assets, I always wore the shortest skirts and highest heels. On a few occasions, I was sent home from school because my skirts were so short that they revealed other assets, too.

Nevertheless, I built my wardrobe around mini-skirts hoping to attract someone who preferred well-turned ankles over well-rounded breasts.

After graduating from high school, I was a receptionist at a high-tech engineering firm where I attracted a design engineer who was an unabashed leg afficionado. We dated for six months, then she asked for my hand in marriage.

We just celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary and she still likes me to show off my legs. As her obedient and dutiful wife, I willingly comply and wear skirts or dresses and high heels throughout my day as a homemaker.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Stop! In the Name of Love

While perusing the latest videos with a "womanless" theme on YouTube, which turned out to be mostly poorly done men-in-dresses drag, I discovered this gem: three young laddies lipsynching The Supremes’ hit "Stop! In the Name of Love" at a recent Relay for Life event.

The trio was excellent and they must have practiced a lot to get their act together, but the "girl" in the middle was outstanding. Her lipsynching skills, as well as her mannerisms and demeanor were right on. If she isn't already a passenger on the good ship Lollipop, I'll bet she will be coming on board in the future.

Sit back and view the video. I am sure you will enjoy it like I did.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Wow! This blog's hit counter climbed over 1,000,000 early this afternoon.

These days, the blog averages over 4,000 hits per day, which I find amazing.

I am honored that so many people keep coming back here to view my postings. I guess I must be doing something right and I promise to continue on the same track.

One million thank-yous from me to you!

not to mention his bra

Remember, you can click on the image to make it look bigger!

Friday, May 28, 2010

transphobia over the rainbow

tv05 Transphobic behavior from the gay community is a sore subject with me. 

Trans advocate Ashley Love’s recent article in The Huffington Post touches upon the subject again. You can read her article here.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

nothing en femme

I have been visiting our Pennsylvania office for three days and I hoped to go out en femme after work. But I worked late each day and by the time I got back to the hotel, it was too late to go out en femme.

Needless to say, I am disappointed.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

vocalizing en femme

This article is not the be all and end all on transgender voice training. However, it provides a very good summary of the subject and is a quick and informative read.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I have nothing

Arrived safe and sound at my destination in central Pennsylvania at 6 PM, ate dinner at 7 PM, and crashed at 9 PM. And I have nothing new to report on the transgender front.

Monday, May 24, 2010

still more ephemera

I usually go months without adding new items to my female impersonator ephemera collection, so it is unusual that I added two new items in matter of days!

Anyway, I just added the "souvenir" from Finocchio's in San Francisco. It looks like it is from the early 1960s. (You can click on the image to make it look BIGGER!)

You can view other items in my collection on my ephemera web page.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Monday, I visit our Pennsylvania office for three days and I hope to go out en femme at least once, maybe twice, after work.

Friday, May 21, 2010

new ephemera

I have another addition to my female impersonator ephemera collection: a drink menu from Sammy Lee's Show Room in Melbourne, Australia. Going by the hairdos on the "girls," I would estimate a late 1960s date for this item.

You can view other items in my collection on my ephemera web page.

wbp news

fms_wbp Laurie e-mailed me about another womanless beauty pageant (wbp) that has photos online.

This particular wbp took place last month at the Florence Middle School of Florence, MS, and in my humble opinion, the "girls" went all out and there are some excellent femulations among the competitors for the crown of "Miss Eagle Queen."

You can view photos here and there are more photos in the school's newsletter.