Monday, September 28, 2009

August 1967

During the "Summer of Love," I was 16 years old and constantly experimenting with the wardrobes of my mother and sister whenever I was home alone. Always mindful that someone might come home at any minute, I dressed, painted my face, posed in the mirror, then reversed the process as quickly as possible.

I was confused as can be, but I knew what I liked and I liked dressing up and making up and becoming a young woman even for a few fleeting minutes. I cherished my girl-time alone, but I had no idea where it would all lead.

One day, I thought I found the answer in the August 11, 1967, issue of Life magazine.

In the news section of that issue was a short article titled "Now the Mini has a man in it." According to the article, "In a 'spontaneous' fashion happening miniskirts for men have begun showing up in Paris, Munich, London and Tokyo." The article included photos of miniskirted men (see above) in Europe and Japan

I was surprised, but I was also very happy because I naively assumed that the fad would catch on and it would not be long before boys in the USA would be wearing miniskirts, too. Then, I could go public wearing the skirts and dresses I loved.

It didn't happen. I waited patiently, but that fad never caught on. However, eventually, I did go public wearing the skirts and dresses I loved.

C'est la vie.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

gray Sunday

The weather is gray and wet and I am staying indoors fighting a head cold.

I have an invitation to go out en femme Wednesday evening, so I hope to be rid of this cold by then.

It should be an interesting evening out Wednesday attending a seminar where the majority of attendees will be civilians, i.e., non-trans-people. So, I am looking forward to it.

The silver lining in the yesterday's cloud (where I ruined two dresses in the wash) is that I have to shop for new dresses to replace the ones I ruined. So, if I am out of the house early enough, I hope to get in a little shopping en femme, too.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

good luck raising that gender-neutral child

In this interesting Salon article, Lise Eliot explains how slight biological differences in boys and girls can turn into a yawning divide in adults.

Friday, September 25, 2009

a dream come true

Yesterday, I wrote about my dream from the previous night.

As you may recall, I wrote that during my dream, "I noticed a large orange-colored stain in the lap area of my dress, but I was perplexed as to the source of the stain."

Today, I laundered five dresses. When I pulled the dresses out of the washing machine, two were ruined with large orange stains.

I assume that there was still some bleach in the washing machine from the previous load of clothing and that the bleach did the damage.

What a nightmare!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

last night's dream

I seldom remember my dreams and when I do remember a dream, it is usually trans-related.

Overnight, I dreamed I was out en femme. I cannot recall where I went or what I did. However, I do recall wearing a black sheath dress.

At the end of my outing en femme, I noticed a large orange-colored stain in the lap area of my dress, but I was perplexed as to the source of the stain. I wondered if maybe I went out with the dress already stained.

And so it goes.

traveling exhibit focuses on transgender people

From today's edition of the San Luis Obispo Tribune:

"Arthur Robinson Williams wants his fellow medical students to know more about the unique challenges of patients who are lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual."

"So he has produced a traveling documentary exhibit, "My Right Self: Transgender Considerations." It's composed of 25 photos and personal stories. Each photo is accompanied by the subject's words. Each person and their partner tells their intimate story about their decision to change gender and how it affected their lives and relationships."

Read the rest of the story here and visit the My Right Self Web site here.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

dressing Jude Law in drag

The headline reads:

"Jude Law in Drag! 'Rage' Costume Designer Talks About the Actor's Custom-Made Wedding Gown"

Read all about it here.

5'10" x 2

Lately, one of the cable movie channels has been playing the 1971 film Cold Turkey incessantly. The female lead in the film is Pippa Scott (above left) and in a few scenes of the film, I noticed that she was right up there height-wise with the male lead Dick Van Dyke. Upon further investigation, I discovered that Ms. Scott is 5'10" and deserves a spot on the Famous Females of Height List.

Just as I was dotting the I's and crossing the T's on the previous paragraph, a missive from Peaches came in over the DSL informing me that television actress Roma Maffia (above right) of Nip/Tuck and Boston Legal fame was also 5'10" and deserves a spot on "the List."

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"new" adventures in femulation

I added two stories to my collection of adventures in femulation:

fantasia fair, a diary describing my experience attending that transworld-renowned week-long event for the first time in October 2008. (That's me in the photo all ready for a Fantasia Fair evening outing.)

womanhattan, a diary recounting my five-day stay en femme in New York City in June 2009.

dining and shopping

I am still tweaking the blog's Web pages.

In addition to fixing things I missed, I updated two of "My Adventures in Femulation," dining out en femme and shopping en femme.

Things have changed for the better since I originally wrote those pieces. I now go everywhere and anywhere to dine and shop en femme without thinking twice. The updates reflect this change for the better.

a half million

Overnight, the hit counter of this blog passed the half million mark!

I enjoy writing this blog and I am honored that so many of you come back to read what I write.

Thank you for your continued support!

Monday, September 21, 2009

a formal in my future

I will be attending a formal, black tie affair this fall.

One Big Event is a "benefit celebration" for the Hartford Gay and Lesbian Health Collective. The event will be held on November 14 at the Hilton Hotel in downtown Hartford.

Some of my trans friends are attending and asked me to join them. This is a big local event and besides the GLBT crowd, there usually are local politicians and celebrities in attendance.

Like I said, it is a formal affair and I have "nothing" to wear. That is not true; I just have to decide what to wear from the "Staci Collection." I have a couple of vintage items I have never worn out and I am seriously considering wearing them. Then again, something new and to-die-for may come along and catch my attention

I have a lot of time to make up my mind!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

the color purple

For the last three weeks, I have been trying to chase down a cable sweater dress that I saw on the Dress Barn web site. None of the Dress Barns around here have the dress in stock yet.

With a 20% off coupon expiring today, I decided to visit Dress Barn again hoping that the cable sweater dress had arrived. No luck, but they had a purple cable sweater dress in stock. It has short sleeves, a turtleneck collar, falls just above my knees, and now is hanging in my closet.

Funny that just yesterday, I mentioned to my friend Patty that I was sick and tired of all the purples I've seen in the fall collections, then the next thing you know, I am adding another purple item to my wardrobe!

Friday, September 18, 2009

under construction

GeoCities, which hosts all of this blog's external pages, is going away next month. As a result, I am in the process of moving all my external pages to Google Sites. So, if an external page does not come up when you click on its link or if you discover a problem on an external page, please let me know so I can fix it.

GeoCities was the place where many trans people (like me) built their first personal Web sites and I feel sad about its upcoming demise.

In addition to moving all of my blog's external Web pages to Google Sites, I made some other changes.

I changed the caption of the FEMULATE THIS: image to FEMULATE HER:

I changed the caption of the THE FEMULATED: image to HE FEMULATED:

I deleted the link to my photos and images and I deleted my flickr account.

I deleted my flickr account because I was sick and tired of flickr users who wanted to be my "contact," who had no images to share or worse, had images to share that displayed private parts. When I logged onto flickr today, I had four contact requests and all four had their private parts on display. Yuck!!! I had it and pulled the plug on flickr.

To replace the flickr account deletion, I plan to add a gallery of my photos and images to my blog's external pages real soon now.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

feminizing menswear for real

This is Fashion Week in New York City.

Again, the catwalks are rife with menswear that borrows heavily on clothing from milady's closet.

Some designers are determined to feminize male fashions, so we see high-heeled male models wearing makeup and carrying their manbags down the runway with lace, ruffles, and bows accenting their pantalettes, kilts, and caftan outfits.

As a femulator and fashionista who loves female clothing and accoutrements, I feel that the designers responsible for feminizing menswear are not going far enough.

Stop pussyfooting around! If you want males wearing feminized clothing, go all the way.

Instead of separating menswear and womenswear, have both male and female models walking down the runways wearing next season's womenswear. Then you'd have something of interest to both fashion-conscious males and femulators.

As a femulator, I would not be caught dead in the current version of feminized menswear, but if they were showing womenswear for males, then I'd open my pocketbook to spend some money.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

girl talk

I do not have a lot of male friends, partly because I do not participate in many male pursuits and partly because I do not interact well with many males. Both reasons have a lot to do with my preference for the female side of life.

I do not participate in many female pursuits either, but I do interact well with females.

Over the years, I have had more female friends than male friends. I always felt very comfortable conversing and confiding with my female friends and acquaintances, but seldom felt that comfortable with other males.

But being a male, my female friends and acquaintances usually seemed guarded to some degree when dealing with me because I was male.

Reflecting on my June NYC adventure en femme and on attending a wedding for the first time en femme on Saturday, I realized that the females I encountered while I was en femme acted differently with me than the females I encountered when in boy mode. In a nutshell, they dropped their guard and interacted with me as if I was one of the girls.*

I so enjoyed participating in "girl talk" in NYC and at the wedding. I discovered that I can be a little chatterbox and that the women I conversed with seemed to enjoy chatting with me.

Girl talk brings a whole new area of enjoyment into femulating for me. It is something that I never expected, but now I relish the opportunity to talk with the girls again.

* Yes, I know in my heart that I really am "one of the girls," but it always surprises me when other people think I am one of the girls, too.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

images of New England Trans Pride

On Friday, I wrote about the upcoming New England Trans United Pride March and Rally on October 3 in Northampton, MA.

Again, I urge every trans person who lives in the upper right corner of the USA to attend the event if they can.

If you never attended such an event in the past, I list some links below where you can view photos and videos from the first New England Trans Pride event of June 2008. If you are on the fence about attending, I hope that viewing these images will push you over the edge.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Now that I am well-rested and able to reflect with a clearer head about attending my first wedding en femme, I recalled something that I did not mention in yesterday's blog posting.

During the evening, I participated in a number of conversations with two or more people and during those conversations, it was such a pleasure to hear someone refer to me as "she."

I know it is such a little thing, a simple three-lettered word, but whenever I hear that word when it refers to me, it makes me so very happy.

Although "She" can mean different things, they are all good things.

"She" can mean that people have respect for the way I have chosen to present myself, that is, as a female, or

"She" can mean that people have accepted my female presentation, or

"She" can mean that people believe that I am female.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

a lovely time

I attended the garden wedding of two of my friends at their home on Saturday evening. It was a beautiful and unique affair and it will always stand out from all the other weddings I have attended throughout my life.

It was a small affair in that the guest list was composed of of only 50 or so family and friends, but it was really a big affair because it was a very family-and-friend-oriented and vibrant event. Vibrant because it was a wedding where the kids were invited and included (most weddings I have attended in the past has excluded kids. Who said "youth is wasted on the young?")

I was very honored that my friends invited me to attend. They did not give me permission to attend en femme and I did not have to ask for their permission to attend en femme. They know me as Staci and expected Staci to attend. Friends like these must be cherished and I will always hold a special place in my heart for them.

Like my friends, their family and friends accepted me into their circle, treated me like an old friend of the family, and I could not have felt more comfortable. Except for the wedded couple and two other friends who were guests, I did not know a soul going in and in such circumstances, I become shy, but the other guests made me feel as comfortable as possible and I had a wonderful time socializing, dining, drinking, and dancing the night away!

I wore a new dress and a new hairdo to the wedding. I received some compliments on how I looked, which just added to the wonder of the evening.

Being a garden affair, I quickly had to learn how to walk in spike heels without sinking into the lawn. The trick is to walk on your toes and not put much weight on your heels.

I had a lovely time attending my friend's wedding en femme and I will remember it all my life.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

get back hair

This morning, I shaved those body parts that should hairless when I am dressed en femme. This was my annual full-body depilation that I perform every September in anticipation of my first time out en femme. (I am going to my first wedding en femme this evening.)

This year, the task was quicker than in the past because it was the first time I used my Mangroomer back hair shaver to remove my back, chest, shoulder, and upper arm hair. The main attraction of the Mangroomer is that it has a extendable and adjustable handle that allows you to reach all areas of your back. I am 5'14" tall and had no problem shaving the far reaches of my back.

The Mangroomer costs $39.99 and is well-worth the price.