Friday, August 7, 2009

yet another dream

I remembered five dreams during the past five days and four contained trans bits. So, I'm beginning to think that most of my dreams contain trans bits, which makes a lot of sense because during my waking hours, there are a lot of trans bits in my life.

Last night's was another with trans bits. I dreamed I was on a cruise with my immediate family and I am en femme the whole time. No one mentioned that I was en femme, no one had any issues that I was en femme; t'was as if being en femme was the most natural thing in the world.

The cruise ends as we dock in New York City. As we leave the ship, I realize I am wearing a dress (a dark green ankle-length peasant dress, a style which is so unlike me) and I panic because the relatives who are picking us up to drive us home do not know about my transness. I awake just as I begin searching through my luggage for something more boy-like to wear.

I hope I am not boring your with my dreams, but I am very surprised that I am remembering dreams night-after-night after years of seldom remembering dreams.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

dreaming and Cousin Serena

I am on a roll when it comes to remembering dreams this week.

Overnight, I dreamed I was back in college. I was good friends with a girl I greatly admired and I finally asked her out on a date. While she was accepting my invitation, she mentioned that she was OK with my trans thing. There were other bits of the dream that I remembered, but nothing else was trans-related.

Last night, I watched The Twilight Zone episode from 1961 titled "Two" featuring Elizabeth Montgomery and Charles Bronson. While watching the show, I noticed that the future Mrs. Darren Stephens stacked up favorably with Mr. Bronson height-wise, so I looked her up and discovered that she was 5'8.5" tall, which rounds out nicely to 5'9" on the Famous Females of Height list.

In my youth, I watched Bewitched a lot until it jumped the shark. I dunno about you, but I preferred cousin Serena over Samantha. Serena was sexier and sassier and I preferred her wardrobe over Sammy's Donna Reed housewife drag. If I had to choose which witch to be, Serena would be my choice.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wednesday's wash

Femulate This (Not):

As a counterpoint to this blog's "Femulate This:" feature (on the left), the devil often prods me to feature females not to femulate. And after seeing Orly Taitz's act, the devil almost pushed me over the brink.

Fall Fashions

The fall fashions are turning up here and there in dribs and drabs and so far, I have seen nothing to die for!

Transhibernation: Month Two

Speaking of fall, Month Two of my annual transhibernation is underway and I am so looking forward to the cooler months when I can go out en femme again especially since I feel so confident now. It is like I had a complete makeover and I am anxious to go out to strut my stuff.

Just What The World Needs...

Sometimes I think about writing a book about all this.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

transdreaming again

(updated below)

As I wrote yesterday, "I seldom remember my dreams, but when I do, it is usually a trans-related dream."

Also, I remember dreams in batches, i.e., if I remembered a dream last night, I am more likely to remember a dream tonight and maybe tomorrow night.

And so I remembered a dream from last night after remembering a dream the previous night, and last night's remembered dream was trans-related.

In last night's remembered dream, I went to work en femme. Nobody in the office seemed surprised by my office girl drag appearance. Everyone acted as if there was nothing unusual about what I was wearing. I do remember having a minor wardrobe malfunction that needed adjustment, but that is all I remember.

I am anxious to find out what is in store for me in dreamland tonight!


I did remember a dream from last night and it was very weird, but was completely unrelated to my trans-ness.

Monday, August 3, 2009


I've mentioned this here in the past: I seldom remember my dreams, but when I do, it is usually a trans-related dream.

I have had a few trans-related dreams lately, but nothing unusual. (The plot of most of them lately is that I am getting dressed en femme somewhere and my dream ends before I finish dressing because I misplaced some of my wardrobe.)

Last night's trans-related dream was completely different.

I dreamed I was watching a film starring Will Ferrell.

Why Will Ferrell? He is not one of my favorite actors, so maybe he turned up in my dream because I just finished reading a book about Saturday Night Live.

For whatever reason, Mr. Ferrell was the star of the film in my dream. The film was a comedy in which he is married and has two pre-teenaged daughters.

I don't recall what happened in the film until the last scene, which occurs outside the front door of the Ferrell's suburban home. In that last scene, the door opens and Ferrell's film wife comes out in her Sunday best. Next, his two film daughters come out, also in their Sunday best.

The two girls line up next to their mother along the front walk and they all look toward the front door with a lot of anticipation.

The door opens and Ferrell comes out in wig, full makeup, heels, and ankle-length silver dress. His wife and daughters are so happy for him.

And so it goes.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

more additional height

The lovely Miss Petra of Voyages en Rose fame wrote, "The other night on Colbert, I fell in love with Kathryn Bigelow, the director of The Hurt Locker. has her at an impressive 5'11.5" and god bless the girl, she had at least 4 inches of strappy joy on her gorgeous legs."

I had a similar experience last night watching The Graham Norton Show on BBC. Actress Jessica Biel was a guest and wore ultra high heels, at least 4 inches high, probably higher.

I looked her up and there is some dispute regarding her height, but at some time she admitted to being 5'8" tall, so I have added her (above right) and Ms. Bigelow (above left) to my world Famous Females of Height list.

Friday, July 31, 2009

additional height

Yvonne x mentioned that actress Alana de la Garza (left) of Law and Order fame, is 5'9" tall.

And today, I noticed leggy actress Ashley Scott (right) on The Bonnie Hunt Show and turns out she is 5'9", too, so both Ms. de la Garza and Ms. Scott join the Famous Females of Height list.

winsome, lose some

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Are you a Peggy or a Joan?

Today's installment of Salon's Broadsheet asks "Are you a Peggy or a Joan?"

After reading Broadsheet, I had to find out for myself and generated my own Mad Men paper doll here.

On the right, are the results, i.e., the way I would have looked circa 1960 working for a Madison Avenue advertising agency. To tell you the truth, except for the hem line, it is very similar to the way I look today en femme.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

look femme, feel femme, be femme

Click on the image to enlarge it.

first Korean trans model

Choi Han Bit, a Korean transgender, has advanced to the finals in the SBS 'Open Hall' supermodel contest. According to, "A spot in the finals is an almost guaranteed ticket to becoming a supermodel, regardless of the outcome of the contest."

You can read all about it here.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


While digging the Internet yesterday, I viewed some photos of the costumed attendees at this past weekend's San Diego Comic Con. As an old comic book and science fiction fan, as well as a costume maker and wearer, I find the work that some of the attendees put into their costumes amazing.

Looking at the hundreds of photos online, my T-Dar kicked in and I believe I spotted a few males in female cosplay costume.

I have seen males in female cosplay costumes on a handful of occasions in the past, but it seemed to be more prevalent at the Comic-Con. This piqued my interest, so I decided to investigate and it did not take long to find out about the phenomena called "crossplay."

According to Wikipedia, "crossplay is cosplay in which the person dresses up as a character of the opposite gender." It is more popular with female cosplayers, but it is has picked up momentum among male cosplayers, too.

I poked around the Internet to find out more and a simple search of flickr on the word "crossplay" turned up 1200 photos like the one of Steve (above) dressed as a maid (note the convincing cleavage).

I also found a forum on that reminds me of the forums I've seen on crossdressing Web sites covering such topics as how to tuck (for guys) and how to bind (for gals), how to add curves (for guys) and how to hide curves (for gals), and for guys and gals both, which bathroom to use?

Sometimes, it seems like I live in a cave and have to get out more. I knew nothing about crossplay until yesterday and now I am fascinated by the subject.

Although teenagers and young adults seem to represent the majority of cosplayers/crossplayers, older adults are participating, too. So, my age would not prevent me from crossplaying and the best part is that I would not have to dress my age!

Monday, July 27, 2009

New England Trans Pride On October 3

The New England Trans United Pride March & Rally has an additional community organizing meeting to help with the planning of the upcoming regional transgender rights march on October 3, 2009, in Northampton, MA.

The Community Organizing meeting, open to all trans people and our allies, will be at Tapestry Health, 365 Bay St. in Springfield, MA 01109 this Thursday, July 30 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

We need lots of volunteer hands to help with a march and rally of this size -- the hottest event of the year! We are looking for folks to help with security, fund-raising, rally setup and cleanup, outreach to contingents, sign-making, blogging, social media networking, videography, photography, and more.

Come out with your good ideas and energy to lend a hand to build your trans rights movement! Join us ... and please spread the word to your friends and lists!


Bet Power
Steering Committee Member
New England Trans United Pride March & Rally


Yours truly attended the first Trans Pride March & Rally in June 2008. The "Big T" was an amazing day and I plan to attend this year's installment, too, but this time, I will bring comfortable shoes!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ladies or Gentlemen

A few months ago, a new bookstore opened in the vacated Linens 'N Things store nearby. It sells remainder books at 75% off list price.

I bought a stack of books there for $30 when I visited the store shortly after it opened earlier this year and I returned Friday to see if there was anything new of interest to buy.

I walked out with three books for $25. Two books were excellent buys, but my big score was Ladies or Gentlemen: A Pictorial History of Male Cross-Dressing in the Movies.

Published in 2005, Ladies or Gentlemen is a coffee table size book that lists for $65, but I bought it for $16.50. (What a deal!) According to, the 407-page book is a "pictorial history" that "examines the grand tradition of male cross-dressing in the movies through more than 700 photos, more than half of which are previously unpublished."

The book is very comprehensive and seems to document every noteworthy appearance of an actor appearing en femme in a film, both foreign and domestic. I have followed the en femme film genre very closely over the years, yet there are films in this book that were new to me, for example, the comely Robert Livingston appearing in the 1944 film Goodnight Sweetheart (pictured above right).

I know I would not have paid list price for this book or even the discounted Amazon price ($45), but at $16.50, I could not resist. If you can make a similar score, I highly recommend adding Ladies or Gentlemen to your library especially if you are a big film fan like I am.

While on the topic of books, please read and consider responding to my Book Report posting below. So far, seven thoughtful comments follow the post and I hope you will add yours, too.

Friday, July 24, 2009

book report

Over the years, I have bought enough non-fiction books on the topic of transgender to fill a library.

I started reading every book I bought, but I finished reading few.

Maybe it's just me, but I found the majority of transgender-related non-fiction books to be boring. I read a few from cover-to-cover, but most did not hold my interest and I added them to my tall stack of unfinished books.

So, I'm curious which transgender-related non-fiction books you liked and why?

I'm also curious about what would be your "ideal" trans non-fiction book, i.e., what would you like to see in a trans book that you have never or seldom seen before?

Please answer using the Comments feature of this blog or by e-mail.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wednesday's wash

Lots of stress around here these days, but none of it is trans-related.

I have not femulated in over five weeks; a day out en femme would sure take my mind off all the mundane matters that are a bother these days. But I am in transhibernation until September when the weather is more compatible with with the wig, makeup, and the variety of foundation garments I wear in order to present as a member of the distaff side of the family of man.

To tell you the truth, this summer has been unseasonably cool and most days, I could have gone out en femme without working up much of a sweat. But I know if I plan a day out en femme next Tuesday, Mother Nature will crank up the temperature and humidity to 99 and I will be a wet tranny mess. So, I will play it safe and continue hibernating until Labor Day.

Actually, I lucked out with the weather last month. When I planned my Womanhattan trip, I worried that it might be too hot for Staci in The City in mid-June. But the weather has also been unseasonably cool in Zip Code 10001, so Secret had me covered for my NYC adventure.

Meanwhile, I await the mail order catalogs and the fall fashions to keep me in a femulating mood for the next five weeks.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the fall fashion mail-order catalogs late this year? By now, I am usually drooling over all the fall stuff I'd like to buy and narrowing my choices down to a few must-have to-die-for items. But nothing.

My favorite on-line coutures (Spiegel, Newport-News, Metrostyle) are still pushing summer stuff (at some great prices, by the way). I assume sales are down as a result of the hangover from the "Bush Era of Prosperity" and they want to get rid of as much old stuff as they can before they bring in the new, but I am getting a little anxious.

I hope you like today's cartoon. (Actually, I hope you like all my cartoons.) There actually is a little truth buried in today's 'toon. Halloween 1983, we were invited to a costume party and the Missus and I reversed roles; I went as she and she went as me and we helped each other fine tune our costumes. I passed, she didn't, when a young lady in a cat costume at the party asked me why I was not wearing a costume.

And so it goes.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

companies succeed with more women in charge

Make room for transwomen in the board room, too.

According to a Washington Post article, recent research reveals that companies are more successful if they have more female participation in their management.

Here are some key points from the article, but I urge you to read it all yourself and you will be impressed with the findings:
  • New research says a healthy dose of estrogen may be the key not only to our fiscal recovery, but also to economic strength worldwide
  • All those right-brain skills disparaged as soft in the roaring '90s are suddenly 21st-century-hot, while cocky is experiencing a slow fizzle.
  • Adding to this debate is the fact that the laid-off victims of this recession are overwhelmingly men.
  • Gender stereotypes aren't politically correct, but the research broadly finds that testosterone can make men more prone to competition and risk-taking. Women, on the other hand, seem to be wired for collaboration, caution and long-term results.
So, doesn't this put us in the driver's seat?

Transwomen bring the best of both worlds to the table and should make us a highly prized employee in the corporate world.

Instead of being afraid of being outed at the workplace, we should flaunt our diverse personalities and wear a dress and heels to work on the days of the week ending with the letter "Y." Show them we are not testosterone-poisoned guys, but that we can be just as estrogen-driven as the women in the boardroom.

Is this a little tongue in cheek?

Maybe, but if your job is on the line and you are grasping for a lifeline to avoid the unemployment line, showing up at work cloaked with a feminine wardrobe and feminine attitude may not be a bad idea.

Monday, July 20, 2009

looking fab in photos

Whereas diamonds are a girl's best friend, photos are a crossdresser's best friend.

Old joke: How many crossdressers does it take to change a lightbulb?

Three: one to climb the ladder to change the lightbulb, one to hold the ladder, and one to take photos of the event.

Before digital cameras, I took photos... usually Polaroids to avoid having them processed and handled by strangers. But Polaroid film was expensive, so I did not do as much photo-documenting of my early crossdressing life as I do today now that I have an endless supply of free "film" in my digital camera.

Dunno about you, but one reason I take a lot of photos is that maybe one in five is any good. The other four out of five are not good for one reason or another.

Readers Digest has an article online that may improve my one to five success ratio. Titled "10 Ways to Look Good in Photos," the brief article is must-reading for any "girl" who expects to be on the business end of a camera.

Say, "Cheese."