Monday, July 28, 2008

just for fun

I added a bunch of images to my just for fun Web page.

Have fun!


I added more images today (July 29, 2008).

being tall & famous females of height

being tall & famous females of height is a new entry on My Adventures in Femulation Web page and it includes an updated list of tall women of notoriety.


I added more tall women to the list today (July 29, 2008).

Saffron Burrows

The Bank Job is a 2008 British film that recently became available on DVD. I watched the DVD last night and enjoyed the film a lot.

The film stars Saffron Burrows, who has cheekbones to die for. I was not familiar with her work, but after I looked her up on the Internet, I discovered that she was a regular on the television show, Boston Legal this year. (I never watched Boston Legal.)

I also discovered that she is 6 feet tall!

It comes as no surprise that she is a former model and coincidentally, plays a former model in The Bank Job.

Friday, July 25, 2008

still fat after 18 days

So far, my diet has been a disaster.

I lost four pounds the first day and came down with an intestinal bug that stuck with me for nearly two weeks. Then, I got on the scale this morning to discover that the four pounds I lost had now become one pound.

But, I am not giving up and will continue to try and lose 16 pounds by Labor Day.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

how to talk to a transperson

Is it okay to call someone a transvestite? How do you determine a transgender person's preferred pronoun — he or she — without being offensive?

Read all about it here.

femulations by Jack Benny

I watched Jack Benny: Comedy in Bloom on PBS last night. It was a documentary about comedian Jack Benny's career.

I enjoyed Jack Benny's television show when I was a kid and I also enjoyed listening to recordings of his radio shows.

Benny had feminine mannerisms and some people claim that he was gay. I dunno about that (I have feminine mannerisms and I am not gay), but I do know that Benny crossdressed on occasion.

He crossdressed in the film Charley's Aunt, which is billed "He's funny enough in pants! In skirts he's terrific!"

I never saw Charley's Aunt and I don't believe it was mentioned in the documentary I watched last night. However, they did show a clip of Benny crossdressing on television, in which he played the Gracie Allen role with George Burns.

His femulation was perfect! Benny was dressed to pass and not for laughs, although he received laughs anyway. And I loved his retro-1950s outfit!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dear Staci

Reversing Roles When En Femme?

Dear Staci,

I was curious if as Staci you tend toward assuming/fulfilling the traditional female role in your relationship with your partner? Does your partner then assume/tend toward the traditional male role?

I have been seeing a woman who likes me as Hanna, likes me dressed as Hanna, but is not so sure she likes me assuming the female role if it means she assumes the male role. I am probably stuck in the "one of us has to be the man and the other the woman" relationship model. I know from what you have said you have a very successful relationship and I am curious about what works for you and your partner.



Dear Hanna,

The success of my relationship is that I have compartmentalized my boy life and my girl life. Therefore, I am the guy in my marriage and my wife is the gal. My wife tolerates my girl life, but does not want to be a participant and I am ok with that.

Best Wishes,


Do you need advice concerning femulation or other crossdressing-related matters, then e-mail me and I will happily give you my opinion on the matter. My e-mail address is staci-staci at

Maggie Gyllenhaal V. Gwyneth Paltrow

A Jumpsuit Fashion Faceoff (POLL)

Just for fun, read all about it here.

(By the way, I voted for Maggie.)

Monday, July 21, 2008

the beauty prescription

Why others see you as 20 per cent more attractive than you think you are

Research shows that others see you as 20 per cent more attractive than you think you are. That's because, when you look in the mirror, you're simply judging yourself on looks. All you can see is your reflection - but none of the personality.

Read all about it here.


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Christine Baranski

Christine Baranski was in the film Mama Mia, which I saw yesterday.

I have seen Ms. Baranski on television and in other films including the gender-bending The Birdcage and I usually enjoy her performances.

Only yesterday, did I notice that she is tall, but I was not sure how tall, so I looked her bio up on IMDB and discovered that she is tall indeed (5' 10").

In addition to being a tall woman, we have other things in common. We are approximately the same age (she is one year younger), we are both of Polish ancestry, we both live in Connecticut, and we are both drop-dead gorgeous... well, maybe me not so much on the last count .

Friday, July 18, 2008

chick flick

I am taking my wife to see Mama Mia this afternoon. We both enjoyed seeing the musical on Broadway and look forward to seeing the film.

Yes, it's a chick flick and a musical to boot, so I should go en femme, but I won't in deference to my wife.

By the way, I like most chick flicks and musicals, too. How femme is that?


I just returned home after seeing the film. I laughed, I cried, and I sang along to the music. I thought the film was very good and worth the price of admission.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

do I still look fat?

My diet has stalled. I have only lost four pounds in ten days.

On the eve of the diet, I caught some kind of stomach illness that is still with me today. I won't go into details ("too much information"), but I will say that I have been on a roller coaster ride with this bug and I think it has had a negative effect on my weight loss.

I feel better this morning and maybe this bug is about to depart. Then, maybe I will make some progress with my diet.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

be size myself

My Newport-News order arrived yesterday.

The black patent Mary Janes were lovely and fit. The dresses did not and I returned them today for a refund.

I ordered both dresses in my size du jour (16) and nine out of ten times, 16 works, but this time, 16 was too small.

I did not bother exchanging them for a larger size because one dress was sold out in size 18 and the other was so small in size 16 that I was not sure that even a size 18 would fit.

I was very disappointed.

Sizing is always an issue when buying clothing online or via mail order. It is a crap shoot in which I can accept inconsistent sizing when you buy from different stores, but inconsistent sizing from the same store is inexcusable.

It is very frustrating and causes me to consider swearing off future online/mail order purchases.

Monday, July 14, 2008

good call

After a busy weekend, I sat down in front of the television to vegetate for the hour before I usually go to bed.

One million channels and there was nothing much on for 60 minutes that piqued my interest, so I watched the Miss Universe pageant.

I tuned in late and missed the introduction of the 80 contestants, however, I tuned in just as they paired the 80 down to 20. The first of the 20 was Miss Venezuela Dayana Mendoza.

Without seeing another contestant, I thought that Miss Venezuela should win. The other 20 were knock-outs and Miss Colombia Taliana Vargas was my second choice, but Miss Venezuela was outstanding in my opinion. By the way, I will mention for readers of my previous blog posting that another of the 20, Miss Mexico Elisa Najera, is 6 feet tall.

By the way, whenever I watch a pageant, my picks usually lose, so I did not have much hope for Misses Venezuela and Colombia. When the judges paired the 20 down to 15, I figured my losing record was intact because after announcing 14 of the 15, Miss Venezuela was not among the 14 (although Miss Colombia was). I was very surprised when Miss Venezuela was the last of the 15 to be announced.

Then, I went to bed and just missed Miss USA's trip down the catwalk in her evening gown.

After I woke up this morning, the first thing I did was check the results of the pageant. I was shocked: Miss Venezuela won and Miss Colombia was 1st runner up!


Saturday, July 12, 2008

being tall

I am over six feet tall, so when I femulate, I am a tall woman.

About the time I started femulating in my early teens, I became interested in tall women because they affirmed my existence as a tall woman, i.e., I was not the only tall woman out and about in society. Few were as tall as me, but maybe there were enough out there so that I could blend in more easily as just another tall woman.

In the past, tall women tried to blend in with their shorter sisters, so they dressed down (pun intended); instead of celebrating their height, they tried to hide it (to appear less intimidating to men).

Also, tall women did not have a lot to choose from clothes-wise. Few clothiers catered to tall women, so tall women had to make do with what was available, which typically did not celebrate tall women's height.

Today, tall women are out and proud and celebrate their height. They have more clothing to choose from now that more clothiers recognize their potential as customers. They no longer dress down to hide their height. They wear high heels and leg baring skirts and dresses. They don't care if they are intimidating. They've come a long way!

It is a great time to be a tall woman, or a tall femulator. If you are interested in the celebration of tall women, check out the Web site.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

dress code

a little online shopping

Yesterday, my daily e-mail from Newport-News informed me that they were having a dress sale and shipping was free if your order was at least $75. I could do that, so I rushed to their Web site and did some shopping.

Like Joe McCarthy, I was on the hunt for reds and found two that I liked, as well as a pair of red Mary Janes that were also on sale. After consulting with Patty, my fashion consultant, I got her thumbs up and went back online to order my choices, a scoopneck dress with fitted bodice and full, pleated skirt (a classic "Staci dress") and a "sophisticated" red floral-print shirtdress.

By the time I got back online to place my order, the scoopneck dress and shoes were no longer available in my size. Patty advised me to wait and they might return later in the day.

I started working on a Plan B for the red shoes and went to the Payless Web site to see what they had in red.

I hit pay dirt! They had an "online exclusive" on a pair of red platform pumps for $13.99. They also had the same shoe in black and white two tone for the same price. I ordered both.

Back to Newport-News and hour later and the dress was back in my size again, but the shoes were not. Since I had implemented Plan B for the red shoe, I was not concerned about that. But my order was still $21 short of free shipping, so I ordered the same shoes in black patent, which was still available in my size. Like Patty said, "The black patent are a staple and should be in everyone's closet." Soon, they will be in mine.