Tuesday, January 8, 2008

guess my age

I am getting older all the time, but I still think and act like a kid.

In that regard, being a crossdresser is a blessing. If you are adept at applying makeup, you can look younger than your actual age.

Wigs help a lot, too. A nice wig can subtract a decade from your real age especially if your hair is gray and/or thinning.

You can try dressing younger, too, but I think you can only go so far with that. For example, let’s say that you are a 45-year-old crossdresser. With the proper wig and makeup, you may be able to look like a 35-year-old woman, but don’t think that dressing like a 20-year-old will make you look like a 20-year-old woman. Instead, you will look like a 35-year-old woman trying to dress like a 20-year-old.

If you are successful in knocking off a decade with the proper wig and makeup, be satisfied and dress appropriately for your new age, i.e., if you look like a 35-year-old woman, then dress like a 35-year-old woman.

My problem is that when I look in the mirror, I see a young woman, who can wear anything and get away with it. Sometimes I do get away with it, but sometimes I don’t. The proof is in my photos. For some reason, I can fool myself when I look in the mirror, but I am not so fooled when I look at my photos.

Which brings me to my new poll: How old do you think I look? Don’t try and guess my actual age, but give me your opinion on how old do I look when I am en femme? You might want to consult my photos before you vote.

The poll lasts a week and when I post the results here next week, I will reveal my real age. (Isn’t that exciting!)

Monday, January 7, 2008

new stuff

I added two new links.

In the Tools Links, I added a link to the "How to Walk in High Heels" video (see the previous blog entry below).

In the T-Girls Links, I added a link to Kathryn Cleve's "Longing to be a woman" Web site. Kathryn's story is interesting, inspiring, and proof positive that there are supportive wives out there if you look hard enough!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

How to Walk in High Heels

Linda S suggested that I check out this video and I suggest you check it out, too.

Jodie's fishnets

Believe It or Not! Jodie posted this photo on the Internet (a legshot of herself wearing fishnets) and she is not a tranny!

Friday, January 4, 2008

you're "it"

From today's Southern Voice comes this...

It was only two letters, but said a lot more. The lead paragraph of a Dec. 19 Associated Press article reported "Southern Utah University says a transgendered student must prove its gender in order to live in an all-male dormitory." Language can be tricky when discussing transgender issues, but referring to a human being as “it” is beyond demeaning. The AP should FOLLOW its own stylebook, which instructs reporters to refer to transgender people as the gender they prefer.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

femme dans le pantalon

When I left the house today at 7 AM, the temperature outside was 2° F. Two hours later and the temperature climbed to 3° F.

When I dress en femme, I prefer to wear a dress or a skirt, but I think that if I was in girly mode today, I would wear leggings or slacks.

Afterall, my favorite Victoria's Secret model still looks feminine despite wearing slacks, and so maybe I would, too.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

how to put on the glitz

In this article from Sunday's Daily Mail, make-up artist to the stars, Kay Montano, shares some excellent tips for a fabulous party look.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

pantyhose vs. tights

There is an interesting article about pantyhose and tights in today's local paper.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I like the look of tights and have been wearing them whenever I go out en femme these days.

Happy New Year!

May all your femulating wishes and dreams come true in 2008!

Monday, December 31, 2007

day at the beach

Went to the shore for a seafood dinner Sunday afternoon. After dinner, we strolled along the beach until we were chilled.

During the stroll, I found a dollar bill wrapped up in the shells and dead plants washed up along the high tide line. I looked for more money, but found none. I put the dollar away in my wallet and will hold onto it. Maybe it will bring me luck.

At the end of the stroll, I noticed this sign at the edge of the beach. It was so weird I had to take a photo.

I wonder who brought what wild animal to the beach to cause the city of West Haven to pass such an ordinance?

Also, somebody needs to inform the seagulls they are breaking the law.

Friday, December 28, 2007

women resembling trans-sisters, part 3

While we are on the subject, I must pass these old postings along to you from my good friend Jodie's blog:

women resembling trans-sisters, part 2

Occasionally, I come across a photo of a woman, who looks like a man crossdressing as a woman. When I come upon such a conundrum, I will share it here for you to see (how catty of me!), as I did in my March 21 blog posting.

Today, I give you Mr. Jessica Simpson. In this photo, Jessica looks like he is wearing a cheap wig. Also, the cleft in Jessica's jutting jaw gives him such a masculine countenance that must make it difficult for him to deny his birth gender.

As I wrote here back in March, "I have nothing against women, who look like trans-sisters. They help us real trans-sisters to blend in society. They obfuscate the line between males and females, which makes it easier for real trans-sisters to pass."

Thursday, December 27, 2007

maximum speed no more

I use Revlon Maximum Speed pre-glued press-on nails. There is no bottled glue mess, I can put on a set in less than five minutes, and they usually stay on until I want to remove them. And they look good and have been the object of many compliments from other girls.

I have been buying my Max Speedies on eBay at prices that are half list price or less. However, they have not been showing up on eBay lately, so I went to the local drug emporium to buy a set. There were none to be had! There were other Revlon nail products (all requiring glue), but no pre-glued Max Speedies.

Next, I checked the Revlon Web site and it did not list the Max Speedies, so I assume they discontinued the product.

There are other pre-glued brands, so I guess I will have to switch brands. Too bad because I was a very satisfied Revlon Maximum Speed customer.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas dream

I had another crossdressing dream overnight.

For those of you who are new to this blog, I've written here before that I seldom remember my dreams and the few that I do remember usually involve crossdressing.

Last night's dream found me getting up in the morning to go to work. Just like real life, as I am getting ready for work, my wife is sound asleep. Unlike real life, after I shower and shave, I put on my makeup, wig, and one of my girly outfits.

In my dream, I know that I had just gone to work recently en femme, but I can't remember how I returned home from work. Did I change into boy mode on the way home from work or did I manage to sneak into the house en femme without my wife noticing me? Getting dressed in the morning is easy because my wife is sound asleep, but I am stumped on what happened at the end of the workday.

The dream ended with me dressed en femme, ready to leave for work, but stuck trying to figure how I am going to get back home.

Monday, December 24, 2007

the holidays

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, I will be busy visiting friends and relatives. I will be doing so in boy mode, but I wish I could make one visit dressed to kill en femme.

All my in-laws know about my crossdressing. It is a long story, but I was outed by my wife's cousin, who we had entrusted with my secret. My in-laws have had long discussions amongst themselves about my crossdressing, but they never mention it to my face. The family rat, my brother-in-law, even convinced my mother-in-law, to write my wife out of her will because I am "unstable." And yadda, yadda, yadda.

As a result, I have minimum contact with my in-laws, but my wife is forgiving to a fault, no matter how they have abused and mistreated her throughout her life, and she bought them all Christmas gifts.

So, Christmas morning, I will accompany my wife to my mother-in-law's home so she can exchange the gifts. I am just going along as bodyguard and will refuse any gifts that they may try to foist on me. (I don't expect any gifts because my wife has forewarned them that I won't accept any, but you never know with these people.)

I'd love to show up at my mother-in-law's tomorrow in my girliest Christmas finery. It is not that I don't have the guts to do it, but I won't do it in deference to my wife. But I can dream, can't I?

I wanted to close on a positive note: Tyra Banks. I have become infatuated with this woman and she is near the top of my list of women to emulate. So, I went to Google to search for a nice photo of Tyra to accompany this blog entry and I learn that Tyra gave limp McDonald's cheeseburgers to her staff as Christmas gifts!

Tyra just fell off my list of women to emulate, so I guess I have no good news this Christmas! But, Happy Holidays anyway!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

crossdressing noted

I saw two crossdressing scenes this weekend, one on film and one on television.

The film was The Rutles: All You Need Is Cash, a 1978 mock documentary film that parodies the rise and fall of the Beatles.

In addition to highlighting the career of the Rutles, the film briefly mentions what each of the band members did after the break-up of the band. The George Harrison character, Stig O'Hara, played by Ricky Fataar, became an airline hostess for Air India and appears exiting an Air India office dressed as an Indian airline stewardess.

The television show was NBC's collection of the best commercial parodies from Saturday Night Live (SNL). I don't watch SNL as often as I used to in my youth, so I missed this parody when it appeared originally in 2005: a mock commercial for Me-Harmony, an online dating service that matches you to a completely identical member of the opposite sex.

The commercial shows five SNL cast members (four guys and one gal) as satisfied Me-Harmony customers. Each one crossdresses to portray their Me-Harmony match. It is very funny and well-done. You can see it here.

Also, I think the parody says something about crossdressing, but I'm not sure what it is!

Friday, December 21, 2007

25 to 1

This interesting advertisement appears in this week's issue of New York magazine. It is an ad for a singles dating service.

I wonder where they came up with the odds that 1 out of 25 women in singles bars are really dudes. Are those odds only applicable to the New York City area or are they applicable everywhere?

Personally, I think those odds are too low, but you never know.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Annapolis "drag" redux

It did not take much Googling to find out that Annapolis "drag" has nothing to do with crossdressing.

According to an article in the November 29, 1948 issue of Time, "drag" was the Naval cadet nickname for a date, i.e., the girls the cadets dated were called "drags."

I guess if a cadet dated a crossdresser, his date would be a "drag in drag."

Annapolis "drag"

I have seen the January 6, 1947 issue of Life magazine on eBay numerous times and I always wondered about the caption on the cover (Annapolis "Drag").

I assume that "Annapolis" refers to the US Naval Academy in that city, but does "Drag" refer to a crossdressing event at the academy. Is that a Naval cadet in drag on the cover?

If anyone can enlighten me, I would appreciate it.

good fit

The two dresses I ordered from Newport-News last Tuesday arrived on Monday*, but I have been so busy that I did not get a chance to try them until yesterday.

They both fit perfectly, but the heather charcoal sweater knit dress looks much, much nicer with a belt.

* I don't know why, but my last three or four Newport-News orders have only taken a week to arrive after I placed the order. In the not too distant past, there was usually a two to three week wait, so pillbox hats off to Newport-News for the improvement.