Tuesday, December 10, 2024

A Christmas Karen and other femulations

A Christmas Karen
is a 2022 film about a self-entitled “Karen,” who gets the full Dickens’ A Christmas Carol treatment.

The film is now playing on Amazon Prime. It was amusing, but I doubt that I would watch it again except to re-see the following things.

👠 Gary, the Ghost of Christmas Past, is dressed over-the-top wearing a white diaphanous trouser suit, strings of pearls, chunky high heel shoes, makeup, etc. – not your typical Dickens’ ghost ensemble.

👠 While Gary is revisiting Karen’s past, we find her as a teen yelling at a long-haired girl wearing Karen’s training bra. The “girl” is actually Karen’s gay brother and I had no idea “she” was a boy until he removed the wig. He passed well.

The average viewer would probably gloss over these things and forget about them. But being a hard-core femulator, I saw them and will remember them until they pry my miniskirt from my cold, dead hands.

I never forget the femulator events that cross my path. I can even recall the first femulation I ever encountered over 60 years ago: an Our Gang episode titled “Crazy House.” In that episode, a rich girl invites the gang to her elegant home for a party and all hell breaks loose. The girl wants to be a boy and convinces one of the male gang members to switch places with her and they crossdress in each other’s clothes. 

I will never forget seeing the boy in the little girl’s short dress and thinking that he looked just like a little girl with short hair.

Click here to view the film on YouTube. The crossdressing begins at the 15:15 minute:second mark.



Lena, 1959 vs. 2018
Lena, 1959 vs. 2018

Monday, December 9, 2024

1 x 2

Hannah posted her 2024 Performance Review last week and enumerated her blog’s 2024 ranking according to Feedspot. Her blog did very well ranking 7th, 5th and 10th place in three categories listed below. 

My narcissist side, which is closely related to my feminine side, had to see how Feedspot ranked Femulate.org in 2024. Here are the results:

Femulate.org is ranked number 1 of the 45 Best Crossdressing Blogs and Websites in 2024.

Femulate.org is ranked number 1 of the 35 Best Trans Woman Blogs and Websites in 2024.

Femulate.org is ranked number 7 of the 70 Best Transgender Blogs and Websites in 2024.


And so it goes!

Wearing Shein
Wearing Shein

British professional femulator Terry Dunham, circa 1974

British professional femulator Terry Durham, circa 1974

Gloria sent me a newspaper clipping from 1978 about Terry Durham. According to the article from Reveille, Terry “reckons he has another six years in the business but there is one thing he will never leave behind – his 40-inch bosom.”

It seems that Terry took a course of hormones circa 1950 “and his shapely figure helped him become a top-line act in the clubs.”

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Variations on a Theme

A few weeks ago, I found a random photo on the Internet and thought it was femulate-worthy. So I did my thing and the result is below.

A few days ago, I was resting after dealing with six inches of snow for two hours and wondered if I could duplicate the above image with AI. So I did my thing and the result is below.

And so it goes!

Wearing Shein
Wearing Shein

Lionel Jeffries femulating in the 1957 British film Blue Murder at St. Trinians.
Lionel Jeffries femulating in the 1957 British film Blue Murder at St. Trinians.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Stana short

On Wednesday, Unknown commented, “It's always nice to be noticed by men, but when they start following you around, it becomes worrisome. I remember giving my high-heeled legs a break in Montreal sitting on a park bench. A guy walked by, then came by again and on his second look he commented, “Nice legs honey, we need more women wearing short skirts and heels.” I mumbled thank you and then became concerned if he came by again. I got up and left and yeah it was Stana short…”

I resemble that remark! LOL

Seems like I have a reputation for wearing short hemlines.

My excuse is that my skirt’s not too short – my legs are too long! 

There is actually some truth to my excuse. At my height, most skirts and dresses that fit me are going to have hemlines above the knee. Even midi dresses fall above my knees. 

But with my so-called shapely legs, is there anything wrong with that?

Personally, I think that my legs are ok, but other people have convinced me that they are more so. My legs have always received good grades. My mother often said I had beautiful legs (and that “you should have been a girl with legs like yours”). My wife and other genetic women have admitted that I have nicer legs than they do. Friends and strangers have praised my legs. A friend’s spouse even nicknamed me “Legs,” which is quite a coincidence because when she was an office girl, my mother was nicknamed “Leggy” in recognition of her shapely gams (like mother, like son). 

Who am I to argue? The consensus is that I have great legs, so they meet the qualification to be shown and height is not a cause for disqualification. 

But does my age disqualify me?

For starters, I don't look (or act) my age. Even in boy mode, I look younger than my age. In girl mode, with makeup and a wig piled on, I look even younger. But what’s age got to do with it?

I honestly think I look good in short skirts despite my age, real or apparent. Until I am convinced otherwise, my skirts will be short... Stana short.

While I was preparing today’s post, I was watching NBC’s The Today Show and noticed that host Savannah Guthrie was wearing a dress that was extremely Stana short! (Savannah is 52 years old and 5'10" tall.)

Brini Maxwell AKA Ben Sander
Brini Maxwell AKA Ben Sander 

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Mistresses of Disguise

Wearing Bebe
Wearing Bebe

Nikola Rokvic femulating Christina Aguileraon Serbian television’s Your Face Sounds Familiar.
Nikola Rokvic femulating Christina Aguileraon Serbian television’s Your Face Sounds Familiar.
Click here to view this femulation on YouTube.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

A New Tradition is Born! (Continued)

By Norah Blucher

Day 2

When we last parted I had just ended Day 1 of my Black Friday outing. Now, without further adieu, we’ll pick up where I left off.

A New Day Begins!

Ending a day and beginning the next en femme is always a special experience and this was no different. I went through my routine and the hardest thing is getting a good facial shave the second day, but it all ended in a decent job, so I guess I had no excuse but to head out again. This time around I went with the same suede boots, a black turtleneck sweater with ¾-sleeves and a green, tan, and black plaid wool A-line skirt, which came a respectable length above my knees. I specifically chose this as I had a new green tote bag I was using that day. I have a lot of green in my wardrobe, so I splurged a bit on a bag that was not black or brown. It all looked right cute and I can’t believe in my excitement I did not get a picture! Oh well, I packed up and headed out the door, mixing things up a bit for fun. This time I actually made a point of stopping at the front desk to check out! 

The day was quite brisk, but clear and bright and I decided to stop at a Marshalls I saw the previous night. I made a quick stop for petrol on the way and just for the record, I always pay cash for this, so it involves parking at a pump, going inside to pay and then heading back out to pump. I previously did this en homme, upon arrival into town, but am incorporating more daily tasks while en femme. I almost skipped Marshalls, but it ended up being big win as I finally found some comfortable ballet flats which were much needed. I know they do not have the appeal of a nice heel, but I can tell you that driving in heels long distances gets to you, especially after a long day, so having something flat, but still stylish enough to hop out of the car with is needed. Being out and about is definitely changing a few things about me as I adapt.

Heading back to the outlet center found it much busier than the previous evening, but still thankfully not crazy. I actually found most of the staff in the stores to be much friendlier this time around, probably because they had not endured being to work at 6 AM for the attack of Attila the Hun like the day before. 

I must say that being a well-dressed lady in a sea of jeans and yoga wear certainly commands some attention when you enter a store, but this is a two-way street as well. On several occasions I chit-chatted with the ladies working in the stores and commented how tired they must get this weekend. This was always followed by an instant look of relief that they were talking to a real person who acknowledged this, followed by an outpouring of willingness to help me in any way as I browsed around. In many ways, acknowledging them as a person and not just a drone to wait on me led to a much more open acceptance of who I am as well. Some stores had staff running around like mad hatters, but others actually took an interest in if I had been here before, how my holiday went and so on.

I had recently watched some videos on YouTube about walking like a woman and though I had no way of seeing myself, I actually felt it working. I do not think I was that off before, but it gave me a few tweaks that really helped up my game. No dramatic runway walks or anything like that, but just how to move your legs, turn around, swing your arms and move in a fluid and feminine fashion. It did a fabulous job of explaining how men are more linear in their movements, while women are more circular and fluid in their movements and gestures. I felt I was firing on all cylinders strolling about this day.

The tote bag was working splendidly as well. Not for everyday and I still love my purse, but a medium size tote bag was exactly what was needed for days like this. See why we need so many bags! Just big enough for a few extras like a water bottle, some snacks, my gloves and sunglasses.

Food and Other Business

Halfway through the mall I reached the food court and got something to eat. The indoor seating area was packed, but the outdoor area was less busy. Perhaps being cold and breezy had something to do with this. I found a table outside and as I ate, two young ladies sat at a table across from me. They gave no notice to me, but I noticed one was wearing a sweater and a very short denim skirt so I was not the only skirted bird out that day. It actually reminded me of something 20 me wore a lot and would have worn out if I was braver back then. She was bolder than I that day though with bare legs and low cut shoes and I had resolved to comment to her on her bravery when I went to throw my rubbish in the bin, but she did not last long before heading inside with her friend. I did not think any less of her though as the chairs were metal and she had no possibility of sitting without bare skin touching the chair. I had the luxury of a silicon bum pad, and a layer of wool and I still felt a chill up my skirt, so I did not last long myself, LOL. I hurriedly ate and moved on.

As to bathrooms, we always have the perception that the ladies’ room is cleaner than the men’s room. Not so on this weekend. I’ve no idea how the men’s rooms fared, but most of the ladies rooms were quite trashed. What’s so bloody hard about getting your paper into the bowl! I digress. I will say I had no issues with anyone, but picked my battles. I did not utilize bathrooms with lines or if I had just seen large groups of women heading in. Perhaps this will change over time, perhaps not. I do not hesitate to use the facilities en femme, but I do not make a point of drawing attention to it either.

I was in one store that had single occupancy bathrooms and as I was finishing my business I heard a knock. I acknowledged I’d be done in a minute and upon my exit was met with a very eager lady. She made no fuss over me whatsoever, not even a cold glance. As I passed her I turned and warned her that there was not a bit of tissue paper in there. Her face dropped before giving me a very approving look as she genuinely thanked me for the warning. So there you have it, outreach in its most primitive form! Oh, and before you think me a heathen or were wondering, I always carry tissues in my purse. Now, on to a new subject.

Dressing Rooms

I shop as much as any girl, but actually do not buy a whole lot. I’ve a ton of clothes alread, and am very picky about what I need or what I’ll use now, so I browse a lot and wait for something to “hit me” if you will. I’ve passed up bargains that looked alright, but did not scream “Norah.” I also spent way too much on a holiday dress recently because I thought it looked amazing and I’ll probably actually wear it out this year, so that’s just me. Again, I know how sales people are trained, but I had more than one sales associate swooning over it at the checkout desk, so take it for what it’s worth.

Anyway, I was browsing Bloomingdale’s and I came across a paisley dress by Sandra Darren that just said “you know you want me!” I certainly did and it was a light breezy thing I am lacking and will need in warmer times. I’m not familiar with this brand and it was sized in medium and large and I was not sure what would work, so off to the dressing room! There was only one dressing room area and I only saw women entering and exiting, but I think it was meant for anyone. I went in and found an empty stall and tried them both on.

Changing was a bit of a hassle as I had to remove my wig to get my sweater off, but I discovered that the dressing room is a marvelous place to regroup during a long day en femme. No one is anxiously pounding the door like the bathroom and you can take a minute to adjust everything and comb the tangles out of your wig. I think I’ve dropped a size as well as my skirt kept slipping from my waist to my hips. I had no fear of losing it, but it just needed some periodic adjusting during the day. I felt revived upon exiting.

Oh, the dress you ask? I’m glad I tried them on as I would have bet on the large, but not so. Finding a dress for $35 – Fabulous. Fitting into anything that says Medium on the tag – Priceless! I had a less-restrictive corset on as I did not need it with my sweater, so I did not have the full curvature I’d need to wear it out, but it looked good nonetheless. See below and tell me what you think.

When all was said and done I cleared town with a dress, two black tee shirts and some flats. It was well worth the trip though and I would certainly go back again. Maybe not to the same exact place on Black Friday, but I may give some consideration to making Black Friday an annual outing in the future. I need some new traditions in my life and this seems as good as any.

The Check-Out Girl

Heading toward home I stopped at another Applebee’s for dinner. Everything was fine, though I was not the object of attention like the previous night, but was not disappointed. Tired as I was. I headed into the nearby Market Basket, a chain of grocery stores, for a few things before heading home. It was not crowded at all, but as I headed down the tea aisle there were a few patrons walking my way and a bloke sitting on the floor stocking a bottom shelf. The patrons seemed to pay me no attention as I passed by (an older couple), but I had to maneuver around the bloke on the floor and a display. As I passed him, I turned my head slightly and dropped my gaze down toward him so as to avoid smashing the basket on my arm into his head and saw his head swiveling as he checked me out going by! I told you that walk video worked, didn’t I?

This actually did not bother me in the slightest and I silently laughed to myself as my heels clicked down the aisle (probably what caught his attention to begin with) and I turned the corner. He did not wolf whistle or do anything inappropriate and I would honestly have done the same thing. Come on, tell me most of you wouldn’t either? 

This has happened before, more than I expected it to honestly, and I just take it as par for the course with life as a female. It is certainly not something I’m seeking. I do not bat my eyelashes at anyone or act flirtatious in any way and I would certainly put the brakes on everything, and let them know what I was if anyone started pursuing me further. I do acknowledge though that a well-dressed woman in any sort of heel is a bit of a rarity, so we do stand out a bit and I take this as a sign of approval or acceptance.

Final Thoughts

Arriving home late and utterly knackered, I was able to scurry inside without being seen before washing up and changing to unload the car. Such an inglourious end to another smashing adventure en femme

What comes next is a bit of a mystery for myself. Certainly more outings and I assure you all that I do so much more than just shop and eat, LOL. I’ve a holiday party approaching at the end of the month and aside from that, a holiday symphony and a Christmas light show are possible if I can line things up. I’ve a few museums I want to visit as well and perhaps dinner with one of my ever-expanding list of friends. I must say, being out is more fabulous than I expected, but being able to share some of my more memorable experiences with everyone here has truly been a joy I did not expect and I’m so thankful Stana lets me share it and you seem to enjoy it so much. We will see where life leads next and until then, please leave questions or comments below, or e-mail me at nblucher at-sign proton dot me.


Wearing Venus
Wearing Venus

Rory Kinnear and Joseph Quinn crossdress in television’s Catherine the Great.
Rory Kinnear and Joseph Quinn crossdress in television’s Catherine the Great.
Catherine regularly hosted parties in which the males and females had to attend crossdressed.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

A New Tradition is Born!

By Norah Blucher

Day 1

The holidays are a special time of year. As of late, in the U.S. at least, I feel this begins now with Halloween or right after, and this is the year’s greatest holiday for femulators anyway, so why not. Thanksgiving is truly the kickoff to the Holiday season though. We gather with family and friends for meals and parties and celebrate our own little traditions and rituals throughout the season. Nestled into that time between Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year among the togetherness and decorating, there is an undeniable force many would like to avoid, but many embrace: Shopping! Lots and lots of shopping and the start of it has it’s own official day: Black Friday.

Black Friday is a raucous mess of crowds and deals and usually something I avoided. I worked retail many moons ago and found it dreadful and it always seemed to be led by the family matriarchs checking things off their list with the males in tow to carry the loot. I love to shop, but always found the day too much and much better spent hiking in the forest or decorating for Christmas and writing cards. That was before Norah was released upon the world however, and I decided that I would see what all the buzz was about from a female perspective! That’s right, I decided to step out en femme on the busiest shopping day of the year… for women at least, as I think Christmas eve is the busiest day for men, LOL.

And So it Begins

For this outing I opted to head to an outlet center in southern New Hampshire. New Hampshire is a right interesting place. It is largely known as a vacation spot for outdoor activities, but the southern border it shares with Massachusetts is also a Mecca for shopping and is littered with malls and outlets, sometimes in seemingly out of the way towns and places. I opted to head out Friday morning as opposed to Thanksgiving evening, as this would allow me to squeeze out two days en femme rather than one.

My goal was to head out late morning and hope to get an early check in at the hotel. I ended up staying up a bit late packing and got a late start and also found traffic a bit more horrid than expected with an accident on the highway gumming things up as well. When all was said and done I was checked in by 4 PM to begin my metamorphosis.

I’ll spare you all the Miss Piggy bathroom mess this time around, but in the end I was happy with how things turned out. I went with a plaid pinafore over a short sleeve turtleneck that matched the subtle blue lines in the pattern and wore my heeled black suede knee-high boots. I actually bought this pinafore more than a decade ago and has long been a favorite of mine I’ve dreamed of wearing it out one day, so its day had finally arrived and I guess it could be said it has its own significance for that reason. 

I also switched over to my shorter wig, which is just easier to deal with wearing coats and such. All said, I felt quite fetching and with no time to waste, I transferred everything to my purse, took a few pictures, put on my coat and headed out the door.

Best Compliment Ever!

The outlet centre was only a few miles away and as I neared the entrance I was confronted with a long Conga line of cars entering. “Oh boy, what are you in for now?” I thought, but at least knowing I was not the only bloody fool heading out to shop at 7 PM. Things actually moved quickly though, as the Conga line of cars leaving was even longer, so in short order I was parked and heading in. 

I’ll say it was crowded, but not horribly so andI could tell it was much worse earlier. Many stores had ropes set up to form lines to get in! Most were not in use at this hour thankfully, but a few of the stores like Coach and Kate Spade still did.

I wandered in a few stores without incident or anything catching my eye before wandering into the Saks off 5th, which is their outlet version of the famous store. It is very much a department store like Macy’s or Bloomingdale’s and my favorite kind for all the variety. Nothing caught my eye until I found a large display of sunglasses, so I went over to take a look. You’ve seen my current ones perched atop my head in previous pictures, but I’ll say they are actually rather androgynous with the exception of being pink and are sort of square and angular, which does no wonders for my angular face. It was time for something decidedly female and now I could try them on en femme to see how they looked!

Finding a pair I liked, I went over to the counter where two younger GGs were running the till. The girl cashing me out was very friendly and then handed my sun glasses to the other girl to find a case. This girl was quite noticeable, I must say. She was rather attractive and it was clear she put a lot of effort into her look, more so than most. Impeccable style, flawless makeup with false eyelashes, smashing hair and the whole nine yards. She could have been one of Stana’s “Femulate Her” adds. I don’t think she noticed me at first when her workmate handed her the glasses, but when she found a case and brought everything back to the counter, she was now much closer to me and gave me a subtle and surprised look staring at me a few seconds and giving me the once-over before saying, “I really like how you do your makeup.”

I know, I know, sales people always compliment you, but I’ve always gotten it on my jewelry, my coat, etc. I’m happy for any compliment, but really I buy these things and wear them. Makeup and hair (even wigs to some degree) are something you create, unique to you. There is an effort involved. Now I know I will not soon be featured on the cover of Vogue, but I took this as a serious compliment from a girl who recognized the effort that goes into creating Norah. I am normally chatty and will complement back, but was so taken off guard that all I could do was blush and say thank you. She really did make my day though.

Wardrobe Malfunction

Heading out into the cool night, I was walking on air. I love the outlet style malls because everything is close together and set up like a traditional mall, but you go outside between stores which feels so good with all the accoutrements we wear en femme. I went to a busy traditional inside mall a few weeks ago and felt like I was going to melt!

As I strolled through the cool evening, I suddenly felt something creeping down my leg, soon followed by the other and a bit of a cold sensation. Oh hell, my thigh high stockings were falling down! I tried to hoist them up from over my dress, but gravity was winning this battle and they were soon going to begin to show. Maybe these were an older style, maybe it was because they had been stored in my attic, but whatever the case, the grippy section at the top was not doing its job and also was not that super soft grippy stuff I have on most of my thigh highs. I know wardrobe malfunctions happen and are nothing to be embarrassed about, but the last thing I wanted was to be remembered as the femulator with the hosiery issue.

I had to think fast and quickly ducked into a store. I had thoughts of finding a bathroom, but knew this would just happen again, so I just went behind a rack and rolled them down below the top of my boots. Viola! Thankfully I had shaved, so I would just go bare legged. A bit chilly for this sort of thing for sure, but better than the alternative.

Crisis averted, I wandered in a few more stores before closing and took this picture as snow began to gently fall, making things truly feel festive.

This may be my favorite picture to date. It just speaks volumes about me. Also note those are large snow flakes, I’m not afflicted with raging dandruff issues, LOL.

I Think I was the Main Dish

Starving at this point, I found my car and headed down the road, looking for somewhere to eat. I had no idea where I was, but drove down a busy road and spied an Applebee’s. It has been years since I have been to one, but Julie Shaw always speaks highly of them so I headed in. The host was pleasant as he greeted me as ma’am, seating me at a table and the waitress was friendly as well. (Thanks for the tip, Julie!)

I’m always happy to get good service, but they truly stood out. I was surprised when the host came back over to my table to ask if everything was okay. Usually the host or hostess seats you and your waiter/waitress takes over. Maybe he was the manager? Maybe he just wanted a second look at me? I’m not sure. The waitress was very attentive as well and I can not think of another time I have gotten such good service.

All this attention actually made me a right bit nervous at first, and I wondered if I was some sort of sideshow, but nothing in their demeanor led me to believe they found anything comical about me and I think there was just a genuine curiosity. I truly don’t think any of the other patrons saw anything other than a woman and though the host and waitress must have read me, I don’t think femulators are something they encountered often, much less one dressed like a prep school girl who waltzed in like Zsa Zsa Gabor, decked out in a fur-trimmed coat with black leather gloves, LOL. Perhaps they thought I was some sort of duchess?

Okay, so I’m exaggerating somewhat, but I did stand out a fair bit, even as a woman, especially one dining alone. I would have blended in perfectly fine as slightly overdressed in eastern Massachusetts or Connecticut, but New Hampshire is a bit less formal and diverse. Whatever the case, I may have been the most exciting thing to breeze through the door since Bike Week and attracted a bit of attention, though it was not negative and I did my best to represent our tribe in such circumstances. Oh, and I did tip well. I usually do anyway, but I go a bit overboard en femme. Money talks and for the sake of an extra two dollars or so, I’d rather leave that extra bit of a positive impression aside from my charming personality, with someone who served me well.

I rounded out the night with a stop at Target for some nail polish remover. I’m always forgetting this and now have three or four nearly full bottles. I also got another pair of black thigh highs for the next day. These are hard to find now, but I’m happy to say that the Target brand “a new day” still makes these and they worked very well. They are not quite as silky as Leggs or Hanes, but foot the bill and even have a reinforced toe, so give them a try!

I finally ended the long day with a shower and painting my nails before finally getting to bed. Just a few hours out, but I still had the whole next day to look forward to.

(To be continued.)

Wearing Cynthia Rowley
Wearing Cynthia Rowley

Radoslaw Pazura femulating Marlene-Dietrich on Polish television’s Twoja Twarz Brzmi- Znajomo (Your Face Sounds Familiar).
Radoslaw Pazura femulating Marlene-Dietrich on Polish television’s
Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo (Your Face Sounds Familiar).

2 Tall 2 Pass


That was me! 

I believed that at 6 feet 2, I was too tall to pass and every civilian I encountered would know my birth gender. That “belief” kept me closeted for a long time and I only went out en femme to support group meetings or events run by my support group.

My support group’s external events helped, but it was cisgender women like the lady above who really helped to ease me out go the closet. I don’t recall being called “gorgeous,” but I did hear enough encouragement and compliments from females (friends, acquaintances and strangers alike) who convinced me to mix it up with civilians.

And so it goes.

Wearing Gucci
Wearing Gucci

Meg Winters wearing ModCloth on her wedding day

Monday, December 2, 2024

What to Wear to a Christmas Party

Wherever I worked during my 50 years of being gainfully employed, the employer always held a Christmas party. The venues varied (hotels, banquet halls, restaurants, even in the salt mine itself), but one thing did not vary: my desire to get dressed to the nines to attend a Christmas party. So it is a little ironic that I did not attend an employer’s Christmas party en femme until I was retired!

I retired in the summer of 2017, but my employer invited me back to attend the Christmas party in December. I accepted the invitation and had to decide if would I go en femme or en homme

It was not a hard decision. I learned from some close friends at work that some of my co-workers thought I was trans. (Five Halloweens in a row dressed en femme will do that.) Now I just had to decide what to wear.

The morning of the party (a luncheon rather than a dinner), I did my face and my hair and slipped into my undies.

I started having second thoughts about the outfit I had put together for the party: a hunter green lace dress that I wore to my support group’s Christmas party about 30 years ago. It was dressy, not over the top and very suitable for an office Christmas luncheon. I slipped it on and discovered that the lining was falling apart (strike one), the zipper was not working properly (strike two) and it looked like an old dress (strike three). I threw it away.

I slipped on the other outfit I had put together: a black top with gold decorations around the color, a pleated gold metallic miniskirt, an animal print scarf, off-black tights, gold jewelry and black patent T-strap pumps with a block heel. After I put on the outfit and looked in the mirror, I realized it would have been a mistake if I had not worn it. It was probably over the top, but it made me feel like a million bucks and a few years younger.

The weather was unseasonably warm (in the low 50’s), so I was able to wear my blue trench coat instead of a heavy winter coat. Perfect because the trench coat grazed my knees. Although I was very comfortable wearing the miniskirt outfit to the luncheon, I was less comfortable wearing it around the mall and my trench coat would hide it while I went shopping before the luncheon.

First stop was the nail salon in the Waterbury mall to buy a gift certificate for my daughter. In the past, I avoided that mall, as well as all the other stores in Waterbury because I spent the first half of my life in Waterbury and I did not want to run into anyone I knew from my male life.

I realize that even if I did run into an acquaintance, they probably would not recognize me, but they might recognize my wheels. My license plate displays my ham radio callsign, so anyone who knows my call (most of my family and friends) might wonder who was the blond driving my car.

But I did not give a damn anymore. If I ran into an old friend or acquaintance, I would say “Hello” rather than run away. Then I  could cross another person off my Coming Out To Do List.

So I went to the mall, found the nail salon, purchased a gift certificate and no one batted an eye. And I did not run into any old friends or acquaintances.

I did not browse the mall because time was of the essence and I had two more stops to make before going to the luncheon.

I drove to Big Lots in Wallingford (the city where I was formerly employed and where the luncheon was being held) to purchase CD/DVD jewel cases. Big Lots has the best price for jewel cases and since the store was on the way to the luncheon, I stopped by to stock up.

I picked up two packages of jewel cases and went to the cashier to pay up. The cashier was a 20-something fellow and I think he was flustered by my presence. Instead of spouting out the usual, “Were you able to find everything you wanted?,” he said something that I did not understand, so I asked, “What did you say?”

He replied, “I meant to say ‘Were you able to find everything you wanted?’”

I don’t know if he was flustered because I was a crossdresser or a ravishing beauty or a ravishing crossdresser. Whatever... I was amused as he settled down and handled the rest of the transaction in a professional and pleasant manner.

I have my car serviced at the dealer where I bought it in Wallingford. Whenever I have my car serviced, the dealer always gives me a coupon for a free car wash.  So after Big Lots, I went to the car wash to use a coupon.

There is only a brief encounter with a human being (to turn in the coupon), so I did not expect any issues and there were none, although the human being I dealt with is the same guy who I have encountered during past car cleansings. Evidently, he did not recognize me, my car or my license plate.

It was now high noon. I was five minutes away from the luncheon location, so I would be fashionably late.

I arrived at the banquet hall, parked my car and as I walked to the entrance, I encountered a female co-worker, who was a big fan of my female presentations, also on her way into the hall. I confessed to her that I was nervous and she said I had nothing to be nervous about, but that did not comfort me much.

I entered the hall and almost every seat was full and the contents of every full seat looked up as I removed my trench coat and revealed my Christmas party outfit. There was a definite buzz in the air. The fellow who organized the luncheon greeted me and pointed out the empty seats that were available. I was always on very good terms with him, so I took the empty seat next to him at his table.

I was the only woman at that table, but I had worked with all the guys at the table for years. In fact, I worked with one fellow at two previous places of employment, so we have known each other for over 35 years. The other fellows were always supportive when I dressed en femme at work for Halloween, so I felt comfortable with the group. As I settled in, one of guys offered to buy me a drink (“A glass of pineau, please”). That never happened when I attended past Christmas luncheons en homme!

One hyphenated word described the luncheon: anti-climatic.

It was as if I showed up in boy mode. Except for one female co-worker, who said she loved my skirt, no one mentioned my outfit or the fact that I was presenting as a woman. Everyone called me “Stan” and socialized with me as they always had in the past.

I was seated at the first table in the room, so everyone had to pass by me to get to the bar and the buffet. About half the attendees greeted me in one way or another — waving, shaking my hand, giving me a hug, asking me how I like retirement, etc. Folks I have known for a long time stopped by and spent a longer time conversing with me.

A few co-workers confirmed my suspicion that they suspected I was trans, so it is likely that most of my co-workers shared the same thought. I guess being trans did not make a difference.

What a great bunch of people I worked with!

Wearing Aliétte
Wearing Aliétte

Bud Flanagan femulating in the 1946 film Here Comes the Sun.
Bud Flanagan femulating in the 1946 film Here Comes the Sun.