Friday, June 3, 2022

Close Encounter of the Bear Kind

I live on an acre of land. About half of it is lawn that requires mowing.

I have a walk behind lawn mower. In my youth, I mowed the lawn in less than two hours. On Wednesday, it took me nearly two hours to mow half the lawn. I like to think that the slow down is due more to my osteoarthritis than my old age, but it’s probably a combination of both. 

They say, “Old age isn’t for sissies.” (But what if you are a sissy?) 

But I digress.

After two hours behind my Husqvarna on Wednesday, I quit, parked the mower in my shed and walked back to my house. As I turned a corner of my house, I came face-to-face with a black bear who was heading towards me and my bird feeder.

We were both startled and ran in opposite directions!

It was not the first bear I have seen on my property. Over the years, I have probably had a dozen sightings, but they were always from inside the house looking out.

My Wednesday bear encounter was up close, face-to-face. About ten feet separated us. Wow! I did not wet my panties, but almost! 

We now return you to our regular scheduled programming.

Source: Bebe
Wearing Bebe

Angela, out and about

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Wednesday, June 1, 2022


Attending Trans Pride,
Northampton, Mass., June 2008
June is Pride month. There will be events everywhere to acknowledge pride. (In my neck of the woods alone, I count more than 60 events!)

Pride is “a high or inordinate opinion of one’s own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.” (Source:

Do I have pride? Am I proud of who I am?

When I started down this path, I did not have pride. Rather, I had guilt, that is, “a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, crime, wrong, etc., whether real or imagined.” (Source: I was not proud of what I was doing. So much so that I hid what I was doing.

Thank Goddess for Halloween! It gave me an excuse to come out of hiding and show the world what I was doing. But I still was not proud of what I was doing and I was back in the closet when Halloween was over.

Eventually, I realized that I was misinformed and my guilt slowly transitioned to pride. So much so that today, I am out of the closet and completely open about what I am doing... and proud of it.

Now I just have to decide which Pride event to attend. There are so many to choose from!

And so it goes. 

Wearing Chicwish

Yet another example of a married couple looking more alike the longer they stay together.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Someday Funnies

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

An unknown femulator (right) posing in as a French maid on the cover of Cynthia Payne's Entertaining At Home, which was published in 1987. When I encountered the above image, I knew nothing about Miss Payne, so I looked her up and according to Wikipedia, she was “an English brothel keeper and party hostess who made headlines in the 1970s and 1980s, when she was convicted of running a brothel... in Streatham, a southwestern suburb of London.” After reading the Wikipedia entry, I recall seeing the film Personal Services, which was loosely based on Miss Payne’s life. The film is peppered with French maids and other assorted crossdressers.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Train of Thought

Funny Dept.

I have been posting Someday Funnies three times per week for awhile now. I enjoy creating the funnies and I think some of them are actually funny! But my funnies seldom receive comments (good or bad) from Femulate readers. Go figure.

Ohio Dept.

I am still thinking about missing Hamvention this year. On the other hand, I sure don’t miss driving 750 miles to get home. 

Next year, I plan to go, but I plan to fly (pretty). I just hope the airline industry is in better shape by then because I heard stories from Hamvention attendees whose flights were cancelled going to or from Dayton.

Fly Dept.

Never flown pretty. In fact, I seldom fly at all. (Last time was in 2005.

But I have flown pretty in my head many times and long ago settled on what I would wear (more or less). Of course a wig, makeup, handbag, jewelry. Comfortable heels... not my usual high heels, but mid-heel or kitten heel pumps. Skinny jeans or leggings and a pretty top... maybe a tunic top. Bra, girdle and thigh-highs.

And so it goes.

Source: Ann Taylor
Wearing Ann Taylor

Jakub Nowak
Jakub Nowak femulating on Polish television’s Do Dzwonka.
You can view this femulation on YouTube.
My Polish is a little rusty, but I believe I figured out the plot of this video. Two boys are curious about what goes on in the girls’ bathroom at school. So they dress another boy as a girl (not very convincingly) and send him into the bathroom to see what’s going on. Some time later, he exits the bathroom after the girls give him a thorough makeover. (If your Polish is better than mine and my guess about the plot is wrong or if you can add any details, please comment below.)