Thursday, February 17, 2022

Someday Funnies: Avon Calling

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

This Is The Army
Cast member of Irving Berlin’s traveling U.S. military play This Is The Army, femulating starlet and Hollywood actress Carmen Miranda during World War II.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Someday Funnies: An Honest Misstake

Source: Rue La La
Wearing Bardot top and Danielle Bernstein skirt.

December 2009, I am dressed up to dine with friends and to go to a casino for the first time en femme – I had an amazing evening and you can read about it by clicking here.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Someday Funnies: Stan Taylor

Source: J.ING
Wearing J.ING

Time flies! I can’t believe that ten years have passed since I attended my law school reunion. The photo above is me dressed up and ready to go to mix it up with the class of 1977.  I had a wonderful time and you can read about it in three consecutive posts from 2012 (click herehere and here),

Friday, February 11, 2022

Taking a Break

Wednesday’s doctor’s visit ended in X-rays indicating “moderate left knee lateral compartment osteoarthritis.” That translates to a whole lot of pain especially when I sit down and get up from sitting down. This has left me exhausted and I am taking a few days off to rest and get prepared for physical therapy next week.

If anything, I will post new Someday Funnies to keep you entertained. Otherwise, I will be taking it easy.

And did you know there is actually an airline called Transair? I kid you not!

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Three Things

Dear Stana , It's really not appropriate to post pictures of Real Beautiful Women Models , I would recommend Only pictures of femulators . The real pictures of real femulators help me to question and resist my long term transfeminine wishes , like when I go to large crossdressing online sites it Greatly helps me to run from crossdressing .

I have been sitting on the above comment for a couple of weeks, undecided whether to approve it or delete it. Unsure what to do with it, I decided to post it here for your interest.

👠 👠 👠 

I am visiting my doctor today. I think my problem is arthritis. Whatever it is has put the kibosh on wearing high heels out among the civilians. I hope my doctor can help me.

Funny thing: in the previous paragraph, I mistyped “high heels” and it came out “high hells.” (Ain’t that the truth!)

👠 👠 👠 

Last Femulate reader whose photo I posted in the Femulator slot, worried that she was too late submitting her photo (as if there was a deadline). There was no deadline and I continue to welcome photos of Femulate readers, whose photos have not appeared here recently.

Just a couple of rules: 

1. Make sure your photo is ladylike, so nothing pornographic and nothing with too much skin showing.

2. Send me one photo – the photo you consider your best. If you send more than one photo, I will have to choose which one to publish and you may not like my choice.

3. Indicate how you want your name to appear in the caption: first and last name, just your first name, no name, whatever. 

4. If you are out and about in the photo, indicate what you are doing (e.g., “shopping at Macy’s,” “dining at the White House,” etc.). 

5. If you have a blog or website, include its URL and I will mention it in the caption.

Source: ShopBop
Wearing Dodo Bar Or.

Oscar Levant and David Wayne
Oscar Levant and David Wayne femulating in the 1953 film The I Don't Care Girl.

Monday, February 7, 2022

MonaLisa Twins

Viewing music videos on the Internet (YouTube) Saturday night, one thing led to another. In this case, after watching The Beatles lip sync Paperback Writer, YouTube suggested viewing a video by MonaLisa Twins performing Please Mr. Postman/Wipe Out.

I had never heard of the MonaLisa Twins, but I viewed the video and was spellbound by the twin Austrian sisters’ performance videotaped live in Liverpool’s The Cavern Club no less. I was hooked, so much so that I viewed about a dozen more of their videos.

They do a lot of Beatles’ tunes as well as other rock songs from the 1960s and 1970s. Obligatory femulation connection: the Twins also cover The Kinks Lola.

Check them out – you won‘t be disappointed.

Source: Boston Proper
Wearing Boston Proper

Flip Wilson
Flip Wilson femulating on a 1977 episode of television’s The Sonny & Cher Show.