Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Maid to Order

By Gina V

The trans spectrum is a broad one that ranges from hairy panty wearers to full-time post-op transsexuals with the Heinz 57 varieties in between being the costume fetishist. Of course, some could justifiably point out that if a man wears any garment intended for the opposite biological gender, then that is a form of fetishism in itself (if a woman does likewise, it is called “fashion”). However, I am referring to the kind of outfits that would be considered kinky even if real women wore them, i.e. leather dominatrix, rubber doll, schoolgirl, non-religious nun, etc.

Such practitioners usually lurk behind closed doors to indulge their (mostly sexual) interests, although I did once witness one dressed in full-blown “little girl” get-up hanging out in a gay bar. As such, they often pay for private amenities in order to prance about or whatever in their chosen form of expression. 

When I first started lodging with my ex-landlord, he was running a (cross) dressing service with several outfits of that nature available for his clientele. At that point, I still felt like Alice in Wonderland as a result of recently coming out of the closet, although ironically, that was not an available costume. 

Although I have had my fetishistic dressing fantasies over the years (who hasn’t?), to be honest, that kind of thing is not usually my cup of tea. I have always been more at home with the traditional housewife look as long as I can remember, although I suppose that would be considered a fetish in itself in a world where women wear the trousers in more ways than one?

However, I thought one day, after my landlord had gone out for the afternoon that it would be a jolly jape to dress up in an outfit. And once I had done so, I locked the front door so when he returned, he had no choice but to wait until it was opened for him and be greeted by a curtseying housemaid! 

Once he got over the surprise, he grabbed his camera and snapped away while I posed coquettishly and pretended to do various household chores. So a fun time was had by all, but it never went any further than that.

However, when editing the photos for this article, I couldn’t help but notice that I seemed to be quite comfortable in the role. So maybe if I’m on my uppers in the future, that might be an occupation worth considering?

Source: Saks Fifth Avenue
Wearing Saks Fifth Avenue

Yet Another French Maid
Yet Another French Maid

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Monday, August 30, 2021

Stolen Car

By Paula Gaikowski

I’m from New Jersey, and of course a big Bruce Springsteen fan. I remember friends coming home from trips “down the shore” and playing the 8-track tape “Greetings from Asbury Park.” I was hooked and continued to be to this day. 

The other night alone with my earbuds, a bottle of Chablis, and about 100 Bruce songs I sat out on the deck and listened alone with my thoughts.

Back in 2008 as many of you know from reading my posts, I came out of my shell and started going out in public as Paula. Business trips took me all over the country and world. I was able to experience so many of my dreams as a woman. I attended dinners, classes, concerts, I shopped and socialized. I was able to spend 3-day weekends living as a woman. I began therapy and was able to talk about and come to terms with my transgender nature.  A bad back in 2018 grounded me and then the pandemic grounded us all.

A little know Springsteen song “Stolen Car” resonated with me the other night. It’s about someone who’s stuck in life with an unsolvable problem.  If you’re brave enough, pour yourself a cold one, grab your earbuds, and I’ll let you peek inside my head. Click the title for a video to the song.

Stolen Car

I met a little girl and I settled down
In a little house out on the edge of town
We got married, and swore we'd never part
Then little by little we drifted from each other's hearts

(Getting married will make this all go away, it will cure me.)

At first I thought it was just restlessness
That would fade as time went by and our love grew deep
In the end it was something more I guess
That tore us apart and made us weep

(In the end it was something more, my being transgender that caused us pain)

And I'm driving a stolen car
Down on Eldridge Avenue
Each night I wait to get caught
But I never do

(I go out as a woman, everywhere, and I become purposely careless, I’m waiting to get caught, for drastic and seismic change, but it doesn’t happen)

And I'm driving a stolen car
On a pitch black night

(I’m stealing away as a woman, taking something, I want but they say I can’t have, I am isolated with my secret, in the pitch-black night.)

And I'm telling myself I'm gonna be alright

(Someday, I’ll be a woman I’ll be alright I tell myself)

But I ride by night and I travel in fear

(I do this all-in secret, metaphorically at night, and I live everyday fearing it’s going to come crashing down.)

That in this darkness I will disappear.

(“I” being Paula my true self will be lost)

Source: Bebe
Wearing Bebe

James Brown
James Brown, Nigerian femulator

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Friday, August 27, 2021

Yearbooks and More

I hope you are enjoying the revived flickr Yearbooks Collection. There have been nearly one million views since the Collection went live on Monday, so it seems to be a big hit.

Since I have unlimited storage, I also posted some personal photos on flickr. They are under three categories: Stana CosmopoliteStana Fashionista and Stana Office Girl. I will probably add more categories in the near future.

You can access all the contents of the Femulate Image Library using the links in the blog’s sidebar (under the heading Flickr Image Library.)

Source: Joie
Wearing Joie

Phillip Sacks
Lovely Phillip Sacks struts his stuff at Downey (California) High School.
A sample from our flickr Yearbooks Collection.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Send in the Clowns

Not a drag queen doing outreach

I have done many outreach sessions at various colleges and universities – typically for Human Sexuality classes. Usually I was accompanied by post-op, pre-op, no-op, male-to-females and/or female-to-males – a smorgasbord of trans individuals.

I don’t know how the professors prepared their students for our appearances, but oftentimes, the students were not expecting us – especially us male-to-females. The students’ questions and comments indicated that they were expecting drag queens and not the ladies that appeared before them. It was a teachable moment and our presentation enlightened the students, who were expecting someone more flamboyant. 

What was the source of their expectations?

The source was the media’s fixation on drag queens, that is, the media’s desire to publicize drag queens with inferences that the queens represent the trans community. My guess is that in many cases, the media does not know the difference or care about the difference between the trans community and the drag community. Their only concern is publishing their story and the truth be damned.

I have nothing against drag queens doing their thing. You go, girls! But I am not a drag queen and have an issue when they are held up as an example of me. So I strongly disagree that “any news is good news” – that the publicity drag queens receive is a good thing for the trans community or me.

Source: Intermix
Wearing Agua by Agua Bendita

Santiam High School in Mill City Oregon in 1993.
Femulating at Santiam High School in Mill City Oregon in 1993.
A sample from our flickr Yearbooks collection.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Thank You

Thank you so much for your generosity. 

Reader contributions to the Femulate Coffee Break! fund were sufficient to cover the Flickr Pro annual fee. So I subscribed to Flickr Pro and rebuilt the collection of photos that Starla Trimm culled from online high school yearbooks. The photos represent womanless school events from 1929 to the present – mostly womanless beauty pageants, Halloween festivities, gender bender days and stage productions.

The 4500+ photos are arranged by the name of the school and sorted into 26 albums, A to Z, but not X (there is also an Unknown Location folders for a handful of images whose location are not known).

There are some duplicates in the collection and I am slowly weeding them out.

Anyway, without further ado, click here to access the Yearbook albums.

And thank you again.

Revisiting Henri

Tropical storm Henri was a bust. Contrary to the weather forecasts, it never reached hurricane status and remained a tropical storm as it spent most of Sunday working its way across the Southern New England dumping just 1.8 inches of rain on my weather station. Its winds were not bad and we never lost power, although other parts of the state were not so lucky.

Source: Rue La La
Wearing J.McLaughlin

Pike-Delta-York High School
Femulating at Pike-Delta-York High School in Delta, Ohio.
A sample from our flickr Yearbooks collection.

Saturday, August 21, 2021


Tropical storm/future hurricane Henri is heading my way and is forecast to hit my neck of the woods tonight. 

Last time a hurricane hit here (in 1985), we lost power for three days. A lot has changed in the power infrastructure since then, so we may not lose power at all or the outage will be shorter. Nevertheless, my daily posts may be interrupted if we lose power. I already have a post queued up for Monday, but beyond that is in the hands of Mother Nature and our power provider.

And so it goes.