Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Your Passing Success Stories

In Monday’s post, I asked you to send me your passing success stories in order to cheer things up at the end of this dreadful year. 

Some of you told your stories in the Comments section of Monday's post, while some of you sent me your stories via email. I will begin posting the email stories below in the order received. Regarding the Comments stories, I refer you back to Monday’s post.

Thank you all who responded. And it is not too late to send me your story. And as I wrote on Monday, please only send me one – your very best – passing success story, even though you may have a million of them. That way everyone will have a chance to tell their story.

Anna María

Three or four times a year we go to a town about two hours away to visit with a dear friend. It is not often that my wife accepts to go out with me while dressed; she is afraid we may ran into someone we know and for some reason or another, I had not been there dressed for many years.

We arrived early so my wife could visit a store she likes and at the store we ran into our friend. She did recognize my wife right away and though she knew I would be presenting as a female, she did not recognize me at all. 

This is what she emailed to me the next morning. “Truly, it was a shock to realize who you were... and you looked so comfortable in your own skin... be well... see you again.” 

Later we had lunch together at a large table to keep our social distancing. It was a perfect girls’ lunch and my first real outing this 2020, other than once a week dressing up to walk our Cocker Spaniels.


I was shopping one of those huge wig and beauty supply super stores just north of Philadelphia. I was dressed business-like in black slacks, a magenta sweater and demure jewelry. A young sales associate asked me if I needed help. I sat down in a chair and we started trying on wigs. 

I didn’t try to conceal the fact that I was a femulator – heck, my wig was off so I thought it was obvious. It was so much fun trying so many different looks. After a while she asked me “Did you lose your hair from chemo?”

“Oh no,” I answered, “This is just the natural me.” 

It didn’t click that the reason she asked this was because she thought I was a cisgender woman recovering from breast cancer. It dawned on me later. Because she had seen me without a wig, I assumed she knew I was a femulator. So,I asked her, “Do you get many other men customers in here?” 

She replied, “No, not really,” and then a minute or two later with a confused look she asked, “Why do you say it like that?” 

She was confused by the word “other,” so I explained to her that I was a guy who was transgender and that I lived part-time as a woman. 

“Oh… I thought you were a woman,” she stammered. 

Now I’ve played this over in my mind a thousand times. I’ve had sales associates appease me and act surprised when I mentioned that I was transgender. You can tell when someone is being polite. This young lady didn’t have to say that. I kept dropping clues that I was a femulator, but she truly seemed surprised. She thought I was female and for me, to be recognized as a woman was the perfect end to that two-week period.

Angela Booth

I had an appointment to have a new wig styled at my salon. I always go dressed and go to a side room with my stylist. On arrival, I gave my details to the receptionist who checked my appointment and asked me to take a seat. I saw my stylist working away and she waved at me. 

One of the other girls had just finished washing a ladies’ hair. She walked towards me and asked if I was next to have my hair washed...

Gracie Rose

I love when I hear someone say ma’am or refer to me as her. I work hard to blend, but when I hear something like that, I feel that I am truly passing.

A few weeks ago, I was walking a walking trail in a local park en femme. The trail was a 1-mile loop that I completed three times. There was a gentleman going the opposite direction, so we passed multiple times. I smiled and said “good morning” as we passed the first time, as is my standard greeting to everyone on the trail. 

The second time, I smiled as we passed. The third time, he waved for me to stop. I pulled out my earbuds and he asked me, “Has anyone ever told you that you look like Christine Baranski, the actress?”

I told him that no one had told me that before. I was somewhat surprised to hear that. He noticed my confusion and said, “When you smiled back there, you reminded me of her.” 

He paused and said’ “That’s a compliment.” 

I thanked him and we both continued our separate walks. I was elated that I not only seem to have passed, but was compared favorably to a nice-looking actress.

Stay tuned for more of your passing success stories in near future posts.

Wearing ModCloth
Wearing ModCloth

Georg Preuße and Reiner Kohler femulate on West German television's Mary & Gordy.
Georg Preuße and Reiner Kohler femulate on West German television's Mary & Gordy. Search YouTube for “Mary & Gordy” and you will find a slew of videos from the show.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Review: Venus Floral Printed Velvet Dress

I always wanted a Cheongsam style dress and when I saw this offering on the Venus website, I quickly placed an order and received the dress in the mail 10 days later, which is atypical for Venus – usually their orders take longer to arrive.

This is a bodycon dress made of stretchy, figure-hugging velvet in a seductive style designed to show off your every curve. The velvet is so soft and comfortable that although it is like wearing a second skin, it does not feel tight because it stretches as you do.

I ordered a size 16 and as you can see, the hem falls just below the knee. The sleeves are a little short (my arms are too long), but I don't believe that it detracts from the overall look of the dress  

The only qualm I had before ordering the dress was its high neck collar. I was concerned that the collar would ruin my makeup when I slipped into the dress. However, I had nothing to worry about because the collar has a zipper in back to facilitate getting the dress on and off.

I like the dress a lot and I plan to wear it to the next cocktail party I attend.

Wearing Bebe
Wearing Bebe

Yet another one of the “Millions” on the Internet
Yet another one of the “Millions” on the Internet

Monday, December 21, 2020

Revisiting Passing is not important, but...

As I wrote here on Thursday, just getting out en femme is more important than getting out en femme and passing, but it sure feels wonderful on those occasions when you know that you passed! 

In celebration of the holiday season and the near end of this dreadful year, let’s share some good news for a change. Send me one of your passing successes – that time you knew you definitely passed and I will share your story here with our readers.

(Please only send me one – your very best – passing success story, even though you may have a million of them. That way everyone will have a chance to tell their story.)

To kick things off, here is a success story that Kim sent me after she read Thursday's post.

I accept as fact that it is difficult for me to pass, because I am a tall person with many physically male attributes. But that doesn’t mean I do not try. I do the best I can with shapewear, selection of clothing, wig style and makeup, as well as subtle adjustments to mannerisms (some innate) and voice, in an effort to pass.

Yes, I try to pass. I want to pass. I want the freedom to move among the people, unquestionably seen as woman. That’s my ultimate goal. I know I seldom attain that goal, but it’s a great motivator.

And once in a while I actually have succeeded beyond my expectations. For example, one summer night six months prior to covid, I went to a local bar/restaurant for dinner and a few drinks. I was seated near a large group of young women out for a bachelorette party. Somehow I got drawn into their group and spent much of the evening enjoying the revelry with them. Most of the time was spent chatting with the pretty young woman who invited me to join their group. 

I’m not sure why, but at some point I acknowledged what I presume was obvious – that I was transgender. To my surprise, the girl was surprised by my acknowledgement. She said she never for a moment imagined that I was anything other than an attractive, mature woman. She insisted so. I was stunned and pleased and frankly felt so validated as a woman.

I know... I’m not supposed to worry about passing, but when it does happen, it is utterly wonderful.

Wearing Cynthia Rowley
Wearing Cynthia Rowley

Rumano Fabrishh – another one of the “Millions” on the Internet

Friday, December 18, 2020

Some Things

One of my Christmas self-gifts
When I went by the name “Staci,” my email address was When I changed my name to Stana, I created a new email address (, but did not delete the old email address because some people continued to use the old address to contact me.

The old email address is no longer working (I can’t figure out why), so I am abandoning it. If the old address is in your address book, please replace it with


I googled “femulator” the other day and discovered a Kindle book titled Femulator 2.0, whose main character is named “Stan.” What a coincidence!


I mention this almost ever year around this time. Stana seldom receives holiday gifts, so she takes matters into her own hands and self-gifts. This year, I gifted myself a coat, a dress, shoes and makeup. I already reviewed the shoes here and promise to review my other gifts in the near future.


Ten inches of snow fell here on Thursday. I've seen worse. Took me two hours to clean the driveway and walks – that's one way to help maintain my figure!

Wearing Vince Camuto
Wearing Vince Camuto

Found this image on a Pinterest crossdressing board. Looks like an advertisement for a Swedish department store. Also looks like the same person is modeling the Herr and Dam outfits.
Found this image on a Pinterest crossdressing board. Looks like an advertisement for a Swedish department store. Also looks like the same person is modeling the Herr and Dam outfits, but I could be wrong. Anyone have a clue? UPDATE: A number of readers have identified the model as Swedish professional femulator Christer Lindarw. Thank-you.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Passing is not important, but...

Passing is not important to me. However, presenting as a woman is very important to me, whether I pass or not. 

Worrying about passing prevented me from going out as a woman for many years. When I finally realized that passing was not a deal breaker, I so regretted those wasted years. 

Now I relish every opportunity to go out, so needless to say, being cooped up due to the coronavirus is very frustrating. The weekly dress-ups at Femulate Headquarters are getting a little old. Hopefully, things will be better next year.

That being said, yes, passing is not important, but it sure feels good when you do! I can recall many occasions when I got that warm fuzzy feeling because I knew I had just passed and that never gets old.

Like the time shopping in JCPenney when a woman approached me and asked, “Can I ask you a question?”

I had no idea what she was going to ask (“What time is it?” “Where did you buy your shoes?” “Are you a transvestite?”). I girded my loins, smiled and agreed to answer her question.

“You're dressed fashionably, so I'd like your opinion about a pair of slacks I was thinking about buying.”

Wow! I certainly did not see that coming!

We discussed the merits of the slacks. I did not like what she had picked out and suggested something with a bolder pattern. She admitted that she really did not like what she had picked out and liked my suggestion better.

I pointed out a skirt with a pattern similar to what I had in mind and her eyes lit up as she said, “I saw slacks with that pattern. Now I just have to find them again! Thank-you for your help.”

“Good luck,” I said. Then I took a deep breath and screamed to myself, “Oh, my God!”

Wearing Bebe
Wearing Bebe

Miss Keith – another one of the “Millions” on the Internet
Miss Keith – another one of the “Millions” on the Internet

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

I Never was a Man

Velma kindly sent me an article, Until I Was a Man, I Had No Idea How Good Men Had It at Work, written by a transman about how he was treated at work as a cisgender female, compared to how he is now treated as a man. In two words, “no comparison.”

As a male who oozed femininity, I did not experience the male privileges that my male co-workers experienced. As a feminine being, I was treated more like my female co-workers. 

All my life, I was a feminine being and growing up, I suffered the slings and arrows of my bullies for being so. At least in the workplace, the bullies had to constrain their mistreatment to some degree, so work offered relief from the nonsense that this feminine boy suffered out among the civilians, as long as I did not mind forfeiting male privilege and just be like one of the girls. 

It is no wonder that presenting as a woman was a perfect match for me. 

And so it goes.

Wearing ModCloth
Wearing ModCloth

Stefania Visconti
Stefania Visconti

Monday, December 14, 2020

Interview with Me

Interview with Stana

Monika has posted an interview with me on her blog The Heroines of My Life. I had fun participating in the interview and I hope you enjoy reading it. And I want to thank Monika for choosing me and conducting the interview.

Click here to read the interview.

Reviewing the New Payless

If you have been following along here for awhile, you know that I was a big fan of Payless shoes. (Last count, I own 47 pairs.) So it was no surprise that I was sad when they went out of business last year.

But, earlier this year, Payless announced that they were back in business and during the summer, they launched a new website

I was curious about the new Payless and wondered how it compared to the old. So I perused their website frequently, but did not find anything I needed until last week, when I saw a pair of heels that I just had to have – royal blue patent pumps

I ordered my size and the $29.99 shoe only cost $20.99 with their 12 days of Christmas discount. Shipping was free and I received my order three days later via UPS.

When my ordered arrived, I opened the package as quick as a Playboy bunny and noted the quality of my purchase. Belying their price, the shoes were not cheap – they are a good quality shoe, as good if not better than the old Payless products.

The proof is in the footing, so I slipped on a pair of knee highs, slipped on my new shoes and tried them on for about four hours. They were very comfortable throughout the tryout and I had no problem maneuvering in their three-inch heel. 

Overall, I am very pleased with my first purchase from the new Payless.

Their website needs a little work, though. They show the colors of the shoes you can purchase, but don't name the colors. Just showing pictures of the available colors does not suffice; they need to add the names of the colors, too.

Also, I believe there is an error in the description of their Fioni pumps. No way do they have 2-inch kitten heels. They look more like 4-inch stiletto heels.

Wearing Rotate
Wearing Rotate

Another one of the “Millions” on the Internet
Another one of the “Millions” on the Internet

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Someday Funnies

Wearing New York & Company
Wearing New York & Company

Billy House femulated in the 1937 film Merry-Go-Round of 1938.
Billy House femulated in the 1937 film Merry-Go-Round of 1938.
Thank-you Chrissy for the femulation in this film, which you can view on YouTube.

Friday, December 11, 2020


Search for crossdressers on Pinterest, Reddit, TikTok, flickr, Instagram, YouTube, etc. and you will be inundated with images and videos of girls like us – thousands, if not millions of them! Young girls, middle-aged women and senior ladies – we come in all shapes, sizes and ages and our online community is growing larger everyday. 

There is a little girl in every boy and until recently, that girl was locked away, never to see the light of day. Now femulating no longer has the stigma it had in the past. And encouraged by femulating peers, more and more boys are letting their girl out. 

Girls are coming out of the closet by posting their images online. Some stray further out of the closet posting images of them out among the civilians. 

Going out among the civilians acclimates society to what we do. Seeing a femulator out and about is no longer the rarity it was 10 or 20 years ago and such sightings encourage civilians, who may have an itch to femulate, to try it themselves.

Girls just want to have fun and once a boy discovers how much fun it is to be a girl, it is harder and harder to put their girl back in the closet after tasting her lipstick.

For years, females have had the freedom to be as boyish as they desire. I believe that society has reached a point where males now have the freedom to be as girlish as they desire. Many boys don't realize it yet, but as they become more aware, girls like us will be everywhere.  

Wearing Rachel Zoe
Wearing Rachel Zoe

One of the “Millions” on the Internet
One of the “Millions” on the Internet