Monday, July 27, 2020

Shopping During the Pandemic

This came over the Mojo Wire from CBS News a few days ago:
Ann Taylor and Lane Bryant's corporate owner filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy Thursday, the latest retailer to do so during the coronavirus pandemic.
Ascena Retail Group of Mahway, New Jersey, which operates nearly 3,000 stores mostly at malls, had been dragged down by debt and weak sales for years. As part of its bankruptcy plan, the company said that it would close all of its Catherines stores, a “significant number” of Justice stores and a select number of Ann Taylor, Loft, Lane Bryant and Lou & Grey stores.
That’s bad news for girls like us and all girls, in general. I shopped at Lane Bryant when I was heavier, at Ann Taylor when I was lighter and I will miss them both.

Meanwhile, DressBarn, which closed all its stores’ doors last year keeps on chugging along via the Internet.

Initially, their Internet offerings were blah and did not interest me. But lately, they have been showing some edgier clothing – a lot of it intended for younger customers. Seems that they are now selling clothing from other sellers. For example, the dress in the photo above right is from SukiSo. (Click on the boutique menu on the DressBarn website to see what I mean.)

Meanwhile, my femulating is still quarantined. There is no place for a girl to go to show off her girl! Frustrated by it all, I keep buying more clothes that I can’t wear out yet! Two new dresses from Venus should arrive today and a new dress from Haband should be shipped real soon now.

And so it goes!


Boys can can-can, too!
Boys can can-can, too!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Odds of Being “Chatted up”

Playing the Percentages
By Jeanine Williams
Stana asked her readers in her June 25 post to respond to Paula’s question about those of us who have been approached by men and what the results were, so I thought I would share some of my experiences as a T-girl who is out and about almost as much as Stana.
In the beginning, I used to avoid men as much as possible and if I entered a restaurant or bar by myself (which was uncommon) I would choose a seat that was as far away as I could as I was still trying to let my inner girl out and develop my confidence in public settings. 
As I became more assured of myself I didn’t worry about being read or passing (I don’t consider myself passable, but have found that I do blend in and people usually don’t take notice of me). I will sit where there is an open seat with the hope that another woman will be nearby to chat with. 
However, I have been chatted up by quite a few men and have had very few negative experiences. In fact, most have been pleasant and rewarding encounters and provided me with feelings of empowerment and affirmation of my feminine essence and energy. I’m reluctant to say “validation,” but I suppose that could be considered as well by some in our community who are seeking it that way. Personally, I’m not seeking too much “validation,” but have been more open to allowing myself harmless opportunities to express my femininity.
Before I describe some of my experiences with a bit more detail, I have figured out that men tend to fall into the following categories and percentages (Disclaimer: this is based on my experiences, yours may be quite different and certainly valid). I’ve found that 50% of men are oblivious to us; they are going about their lives, may or may not be enlightened about the transgender community and are not looking to meet women – most don’t present a threat but some may and we must, of course, be careful. That leaves 50% and they break down into 3 groups of about 17% each. 
The first group is men who have identified you as a woman (Woo Hoo!) and sit next to you or chat you up or otherwise indicate they are interested in meeting you. In my case, if the conversation goes past talking about the weather or whatever caused him to chat with me, I will then tell him “by the way, just so you know, I’m a transgender individual. I don’t try to deceive anyone.” (Or something similar depending on the encounter). At that point the alarm bells go off, the sheepish look appears on his face, a “umm, I didn’t know that, sorry to bother you, but hey it’s ok that you want to be you” or many other explanations including that “I’m only into real women,” so don’t be taken aback. Just smile and tell him to have a good day. Moreover, don’t be surprised if they just get up and leave; the rude ones will do that, whereas the gentleman may say, “Ok, thanks for telling me.” All of those responses have happened to me and only one was negative. 
So that means at least 67% of men are absolutely not going to be interested in meeting a transgender woman like you and me. So, on to the next group of 17 percenters.
The next group (#2) have figured it out. They have determined that we are T girls and are cool with it (some may be way to cool with it, so proceed with caution!). I have met quite a few men who fit in here and most of them identify as straight. They embrace the larger definition of femininity and appreciate the effort that we girls place on our appearances and demeanor. They will likely agree with the statement that, “transwomen are women.” 
I will admit that I have enjoyed meeting men like this; they provide an affirmation of who I am at that moment in my life. With that said, for the record, I’ve never gone beyond enjoying their company and compliments, but neither am I threatened by anything more significant than that. 
The man I’m sitting with at the recent Halloween event I attended (a “Tarts and Vicars” theme) falls into this category. He came with his wife and both were very accepting and aware of the transgender community. After his wife went to mingle, he affirmed that by asking, “Halloween costume or life style choice?” I was very honest and identified myself as transgender (I identify as gender fluid), got a compliment and we had a great conversation on many topics. He was not interested in me otherwise and I estimate that goes for the majority of men with whom I’ve interacted. Men like this are secure in their sense of self and are not threatened by people who are different, which I complimented him on – and he said, “thanks, you’re right.” 
On the flip side, this category very much includes the men who are attracted to you and may ask you out or be seeking a relationship. They will act and be motivated in the same way that most cisgender men interact with cisgender women. For them, you are a woman and they are attracted to the femininity you present. These men (as many men) are very visual – wear a nice outfit with heels, do up your hair and makeup and smile and these guys will be checking you out. 
In my case, I would say that 10 to 20 percent of the men I’ve chatted with were interested in me as a woman they would like to know better. These guys have given me opportunities to “get my girl on” so to speak and I admit that I have engaged in some mild flirting, which was fun for both of us.
I’ve had some very interesting and meaningful conversations with these men and have received my fair share of compliments. They were all polite, never did anything inappropriate, held the door for me, pulled out a chair, helped me with my coat and truly made me feel like a lady. There are several men I encountered more than once (like the manager of a bar that I go to for jazz night) who make a point of singling me out and asking how I’m doing and what I’m up to for the weekend.
I have told another bartender that when I’m sitting at his bar at the Sheraton in Duluth, that it’s like being on Free Parking on the Monopoly board. I’m in a safe place with a man who is totally cool with the trans community and can be myself without fear of going to Jail, paying rent or the luxury tax! I’ve been chatted up by quite a few guys at this bar and some know, some don’t and some spend more than a few moments thinking about it, and that brings me to the last group of 17 percenters.
These are the men who may have some degree of doubt about your gender identity. Maybe they want to get closer to confirm their suspicions or maybe they are interested and they overcome their hesitations because they see a woman they find attractive. I’ve had a few that will just come and stand next to me, some sit, some may say hello, but you can tell they are now trying to figure it out by the sidelong glances or the sound of my voice. It’s almost amusing, but you have to maintain your dignity and be ladylike. 
For me it eventually comes to a point that I let them know and then the outcomes can vary, but these are not like the men in group #1 who will be turned off – these guys will maintain some degree of interest and you can see them working through the news, of which they already may have figured out. I think many are working through the sexual orientation issues for themselves, “what does it mean if I don’t turn away or, what if someone I know sees me chatting up a man in a dress,” etc. It’s confusing for them!
I’ve had guys apologize and move on, or stay and chat for a bit so they don’t seem rude, or, and I think these are the most interesting encounters, some seem to come to an understanding with themselves that they are not gay, and they are talking with a woman, albeit a different kind of woman – and they eventually settle into chatting up the woman they found attractive! (Keep in mind the thumbs up ratio will increase if they’ve had a drink or two). 
I have used these opportunities to educate these men about our community during the course of our encounter and have had drinks bought for me as well. Hopefully, I’ve left them with something positive and have actually consoled a few who admitted an attraction to me and wondered why. I confirmed that they likely had very strong attractions to femininity and feminine energy and saw that in me and not to give it another thought. I said, “I consider myself a woman and it’s obvious you like women, so don’t beat yourself up” or some words to that effect. They usually feel better, say they were glad to meet me and we go our separate ways. 
Some of these men just want to talk with a woman. I was chatting with the manager of the jazz club I go to (who seems to fit in group #2), and when he had to leave, another guy moved right in and took advantage of the opportunity. He fit in group 3 – I think he knew, but he just wanted to talk and proceeded to tell me about his wife who had passed away and how difficult his relationship had been with her and I politely listened.
He seemed harmless enough, but I admit I was a tad uncomfortable with him because he stood rather close to me rather than sitting down and was quite tall, too. So, I wasn’t quite as charming as I usually am! I was glad when he left and then I struck up a conversation with another woman, which of course, lasted through closing time. 
My encounters with other woman are usually mutually beneficial and I’ve met with several on other occasions. It’s very comforting to be out and about with another woman or group of women and a lot more fun! Being around men can be tedious at times, but I have met several men who are interesting and enjoyed their company, too. 
I’ve always wondered if a guy I met, several years ago at the Sheraton knew – I never really had the opportunity to tell him because I was initially the third wheel in his conversation with the bartender, and when he went to serve another customer, I picked up where he left off and I never felt like I needed to say anything. I think that was one of the few times I would have accepted an offer to go and sit down privately and have a more meaningful talk. 
He was an attractive intelligent man with whom I felt entirely comfortable and he shared the conversation rather than dominating it. It did give me a bit of a flutter! Alas, we went our separate ways but he mentioned when he’d be in town again so that was yet another positive sign of approval. But for me, it was late April and that was the end of my feminine forays for my “girl seasons” – I went back in the closet til October. 
OK – so time to write about the times when the men I met were absolutely looking for more! I’ll start with the Oscar party that was held in a retro theater this past February. You can see more pictures – if you’re interested, Google then click on the first picture to see all the photos taken and see if you can figure out who my admirer was!
I wore this dress, which is just about the most incredible buy I’ve ever made, never thinking it would fit much less wear it out. Christmas shopping at a Walmart (please, no judgements) two years ago and this was hanging on a sale rack in the Juniors section for $9. So, what the heck, I bought it. Of course I need a corset, which I’m wearing – and I forgot my slim slip (which is why you can make out the outline from it), but it fits rather nicely, is clingy and sexy, but not overtly so and I added rhinestone earrings and bracelets. I received quite a few compliments from several women and the male hosts. 
I saw this guy making his way to me from the bar at the end of the party with two glasses of wine. He offers me one and the final “compliment” went something like this, “Jeanine you are absolutely gorgeous with great legs and if I wasn’t so drunk, I’d be all over you.” Well, alrighty then! Needless to say, I was so taken aback that I wasn’t able to respond right away, but eventually came up with, “Well, I guess I’ll just have to deal with that when you’re sober.” 
OK, girls, what would you have said and done? I will add that he was not threatening at all and actually was a very nice guy. I wasn’t offended and we spent about ten minutes talking during which he said something to the affect that “things are different now” to let me know that he knew and that “society is more accepting now of differences.” So he’s a keeper in group #2! I considered if he were sober, he would have been fun to flirt with to see what other compliments I could illicit, but I’d likely have kept my vanity in check - I guess! 
The professional photographer covering the event took this picture of me as well, just after Prince Charming graced me with his presence, so I thought I’d include it.
This was a fun event and I hope to go next year. This theater is welcoming to the trans community as is downtown Duluth in general. I’m looking forward to the re-opening of the Blackwater lounge this Fall (virus concerns permitting) as it’s my favorite place to go and listen to me friend Maxi Childs do jazz with her trio of men, who are also at ease with the transgender community. It’s always so nice for these guys to come up and say, “Hey, where have you been” and good to see you! The waitresses all wear black corsets and all of them seem to know what I like to drink, which is a chocolate martini – the glass alone just makes you feel sexy and the lighting is very conducive to passing. 
This is where, about four years ago, I was pretty much propositioned by a professor at the local university. That was interesting, but no harm done readers. His chat me up line (I was watching a basketball game) was, “So, do you have a horse in the race?” He was British and East Indian I believe. Chatted a few minutes, he settled in and I let him know my status, which didn’t seem to concern him and we talked for another 30 minutes or so. Nice enough, but other things on his mind and eventually my friend Maxi and her husband came by and rescued me from his clutches!
Here’s another example: I walked into the Blackwater one night a bit late, no tables empty except one with two bar stools and one man – so I asked if the seat was taken and he said no and waved me to sit down (I would never have done this 15-20 years ago). It was a good seat and Maxi, mid-song, waved to me as I took my chair. My companion then gave me the following compliment, “I don’t often see such tall regal looking women.” 
OK then, off to a good start, but I figured he may be in group #1 and didn’t know that this tall regal woman was not all she seemed to be. I was content to focus on Maxi, but he wanted to chat, so after the preliminaries, I let him know and he said, “Oh, ok. Well, it’s not like I was going to run my hand up your leg.” Uh huh! Sooo, once again I was at a loss for words and eventually managed to come up with, “Well, it’s not like that hasn’t happened before.” Yes, I know, what the hell was I thinking!
Anyway, a table for four with seat backs finally cleared. My new friend and I took it and about that time my friend Sue came to join me, so his possible advances ended and he excused himself about 15 minutes later. Therefore, he was placed into group #3. I’m sure he would have stayed if it was just me and him and I didn’t feel uncomfortable in his presence. I’ve accepted a few drink offers from men in similar circumstances, but have usually turned them down, particularly if I’m not sure of my surroundings.
Before I wrap this up, here’s a few more chat up encounters that I’ve had through the years. They vary depending on my level of confidence at the time they occurred. 
Many years ago, after I appeared with three other T-girls for a Denver radio show about our community, I went to the downtown Adam’s Mark hotel for a drink and to review my part of the interview. I was wearing my grey suit that I like to wear for professional presentations and, not to sound vain, I looked good. 
The bar was mostly empty and I was watching a World Series game when an older man walked in, took a look around, and quickly made his way to me. He pointed to his watch and then apologized for being late. To this day I feel badly because I just raised my eyebrows and sort of ignored him. He sat a few stools away and attempted to chat me up a few more times, but I was not very confident about engaging with men then, so I hardly spoke to him and he made a point of being disappointed and left. He obviously saw me as a woman and I suspect he would have been placed into group #1 when I told him, but who knows.
Recently, a bartender in Minneapolis, after chatting with him for an hour or so while he worked, said the following to me as he walked by me to serve another customer, “So, whose going to be taking you home tonight?” It was kind of a hit and run proposition!
After he came back my way, I said, “Regarding your last question, it’s still undecided!” Of course, I decided to go back to my hotel and left an hour or so later, but my last drink was on him so my “undecided” comment saved me a few dollars.
The creepiest contact I had was a guy who sat across from me at a bar in Minneapolis when I attended the Creating Change conference. After he asked if the seat in front of and facing me was taken he sat down and just stared at me. I asked if he was attending the conference and he shook his head (no) and I then let him know what the event was about and that I identified as transgender. He just nodded and softly said, “That’s OK.” I excused myself less than two minutes later with an “oh my” and a look at my watch!
As I look back on all my experiences though, I’ve had very few negatives. Most of the men seemed to enjoy being in my presence, indicated it was nice to meet me, the conversations were meaningful and I usually left feeling that I was accepted as a woman. A few men were disappointed that I wasn’t, but most were just fine with my identity and some obviously were seeking to become better acquainted. 
I’ve given that possibility some thought the last couple of years, but that’s likely the “road less travelled by” for me. Still, I’ve always been open-minded and if the circumstances were right, I wouldn’t rule out a romantic rendezvous with a man that I felt safe with. 
There is a provocative sultry side of my feminine spirit and soul where the femme fatale resonates, as I’m sure many of you can appreciate and I admit that it would be fun to let that part of my personality out (or, shall I say, “to let the Jeanine out of the bottle”). There should be no guilt here for those who share similar feelings; it’s just part of who we are and a part of embracing the woman within. For me, it would be kind of like taking a ride on the flume wave at Disney World – it could be a fun experience, but I wouldn’t spend all day in the park!
I hope my observations and experiences have been helpful. I wish all of you well in your respective journeys – for some of us, like me, it’s at the pace of a fast turtle. For others, the hare passed me by quite a while ago!
Remember, “Life can be amusing, if it’s treated like an adventure and not a chore!”

Source: Moda Operandi
Wearing Resort 21

Massimo Bellinzoni
Massimo Bellinzoni (right) femulating in the 1992 Italian film What A Night.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Good At It

One reason that I femulate is because I am good at it.

Growing up, I loved playing baseball, but I was not good at it. I could hit the ball a mile, but I threw like a girl. A woman has to know her limitations, so I did not play much ball after age 13.

Coinciding with my disappearance from the diamond was my appearance in a dress. In my teens, I was experimenting as often as possible with my mother’s and sister’s wardrobes and cosmetics.

My Polaroid selfies proved to me that I was getting pretty good at crossdressing. So I kept at it because it was enjoyable doing something I was good at. But I was closeted and had no idea how my female presentation would play in the real world.

Still closeted in my late teens and early twenties, I received a few invitations to Halloween parties. What a great opportunity to test my femulating skills, so I accepted every invitation I received, attended the parties as a woman and received rave reviews.

Many people were impressed with my meticulous not-a-man-in-a-dress “costume,” but what was more telling and gratifying were the people who wondered, “Who is the woman not wearing a costume?” This happened at nearly every Halloween party I attended and motivated me to keep at it.

I believe that anybody can learn the skills to look like a woman. Women do it everyday, so why can’t a guy do it, too. Of course, women have a lot more practice doing it. But if a guy studies the art of female presentation and learns the tricks that professional femulators use for their finely-tuned male-to-female transitions, a fellow can present a reasonable facsimile of a woman, too.

That’s what I did – study, practice, study some more and practice, practice, practice. But I also had a few things going for me that helped me become a very good femulator.

👧 I “take after” my mother. She was a beautiful woman and I look a lot like her. She also had great legs and as a young woman, she was nicknamed “Leggy” by appreciative male co-workers. Like her, I have great legs and would you believe that a transman dubbed me “Leggy.” (Like mother, like son.)

👧 I have female breasts. I never sought medical advice about my 40B’s, but I assume I have gynecomastia. It is caused by male estrogen levels that are too high or are out of balance with testosterone levels (which probably accounts for the other thing I have going for me).

👧 I am naturally feminine. All my life, I had been accused of being feminine. The way I walked, talked and moved were decidedly girly according to the social norms police. I did not purposely act feminine. I just acted in a way that was natural to me, but my way was not the way of an all-American boy.

Even as an adult, I still did not think I acted in a feminine manner until I finally saw a video of myself speaking en femme at Hamvention. (You can view the video on YouTube. My appearance starts at the 6:39 mark and last about 2-1/2 minutes.)

I had never seen my female self “live” and I was anxious to see for myself if I had feminine mannerisms. After viewing the video, I have to admit that the social norms police were correct. That is all-woman up at the podium, not a man femininely dressed.

By the way, after that presentation, a fellow came over to talk to me. I have probably encountered him at every Hamvention I have attended during the past 10 to 15 years.

Anyway, the gent asked me, “How are you related to Stan Horzepa?”

I sure did not see that coming!

Yeah, I guess I’m good at it.

Source: Venus
Wearing Venus

Kira Sadovaya
Kira Sadovaya, model

Femulators in the “City of Brotherly Love” 100 years ago
Femulators in the “City of Brotherly Love” 100 years ago

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Be Safe

By Paula Gaikowski

Back in better times, when I traveled the world, I had several trips to Reading England. I always stayed in the Forbury Hotel adjacent to Forbury Gardens, a delightful park. I would often walk through the park as Paula on my way to the train station and often stopped and took pictures.

I wrote several Femulate articles about my adventures in Reading my favorite would Bond Girls, about a concert Jenny and I went to.

Waiting for Jenny at the gates of Forbury Garden
I received an email from Jenny, who told about a horrible LGBT triple murder that occurred in the park. Three people dead after Forbury Gardens attack.

It is very unnerving seeing such a place that I associated with beauty, peace and friendship being the sight of such a brutal tragedy. I must have crossed by the Forbury Lion scores of times dressed as Paula. This could have happened to me; a crossdresser would surely be a target.

The park was always a safe place for me to go as Paula, I have so many warm memories of the park, the hotel and the nearby abbey ruins. Reading will always hold a special place in my heart, a town large enough to provide restaurants and shops, but not too large to as London would have been for Paula. I always felt at home, mostly because of Jenny’s friendship and hospitality.

I remember walking home from that concert one evening with all sorts of seedy characters on the street. Walking down the street in heels, hose and a dress, it made me appreciate how vulnerable women sometimes are. I wonder now if this thug was out there or if any other predator saw us and perhaps contemplated a hateful LGBT thought, but didn’t act on it.

After the pandemic passes, I hope to go back on the road and have a few more adventures in Reading. Perhaps I’ll take a moment and lay some flowers and remember that we are all queer.

Source: Rue La La
Wearing Kay Unger

Veit Alex
Veit Alex, male womenswear model

Monday, July 20, 2020

Young Is As Young Does

By Carollyn Olson

Carollyn Olson, the author of today's post
Ooooooooooooh, I wish I knew then what I know now. But, then again, would I have put everything I have learned in near 40 years of crossdressing to practice.

I was a late bloomer when it came to crossdressing, starting at age 32. When I started, the Internet was non-existent and Payless Shoe Source didn’t carry women’s shoes over size 10.

Now, at age 72, so many things have changed and there are so many opportunities for younger crossdressers to develop in to “the woman they want to be” at an earlier age. And, for the older crossdressers, we now have to change to continue refining ourselves.

A friend of mine once told me, “When you go to sleep at night and if you haven’t learned something during the day, the day was not worth living.”

That’s why I take advantage every day to learn something to enhance my ability to age slowly and continue to enjoy being out and about as an accepted crossdresser.

Even though I have always tried to dress appropriately for my age, when I was younger I desired to be more “sexy” and show more “cleavage” than I do now. The biggest plus from my early crossdressing days was that I have always been accepted when out in public. I don’t know if I can give credit to my mother, who always looked younger than she was, or to my genes. Either way, I have never received negative comments or treated meanly for dressing as a woman when out and about.

For me, there are good physical signs that make me feel even more natural when dressing.

Gravity and old age have helped with creating more natural breasts. For years I have worn 38C breast forms, but now I have enough sagging male tissue to fill a 38B. And if I want to go larger, I can wear a padded bra or add a little extra.

Another friend of mine has become so natural, she has developed perfectly formed 38C breasts and is often asked if her breasts are real or if she have implants.

When younger, I had to shave the blonde hair on my legs about once a month. Now, due to aging, the hair on my legs has virtually disappeared. What a pleasure to not have to “lather-up” when showering.

What to wear has never been a problem for me. I have always tried to dress appropriately and more conservatively.

I love dresses, so it is easy to find lovely outfits, many from my friends. I can’t keep track of the dresses I have received over the years and I have always been complimented on my appearance. My favorite may be the high-low dress,I purchased last year and have worn so many times when visiting my hair salon or going out with friends.

Dress hemlines and low-cut sweaters and blouses are still in vogue, but I don’t wear short skirts or expose my breasts as often as I did in the past. Both are still fun, but should be worn discreetly.

There are definitely a number of negatives from getting older, but I try not to worry and try to compensate the best I can.

The biggest drawbacks are “wrinkles” and “turkey neck.” One always wants to look their best and as young as possible, so I use aging creams, taping on my forehead to lift my eyebrows and taping under my jaw line to get rid of the “turkey.”

Makeup and dressing seem to take longer than in the past. I once could apply my makeup and get dressed in less than an hour, but now it has stretched out an additional 30 minutes or so. However, the older I get, the more of a perfectionist I have become. I will always want to look my best.

Mostly gone are the days of wearing 4-inch heels on almost every occasion, but that doesn’t bother me. What's an inch less anyway when it comes to keeping your balance and still looking stylish in one overall appearance? I have to remember I’m not 35-40 any longer.

Confidence remains the key to crossdressing no matter what age you are. Being older I have found an even greater desire to be out in public even though I never was “closeted” or afraid to get out and do things when I was younger. I always felt that “if I worked so hard to get dressed, why wouldn’t I go out and enjoy myself.”

Being an older crossdresser, I have also developed a number of relationships with other “girls” who have become confidants and dear friends from around the world.

When I was younger, I felt so alone and prayed to find crossdressing friends. As the Internet developed, it played a big part in opening the world to crossdressers and thank God it did.

I recall the first Internet website I discovered was Vicki Rene’s “Prettiest of the Pretty.” I could not believe the beautiful men-turned-women on the site. It definitely helped me with my desire to look “the best I can be.”

What does the future hold? I know I will never give up my desire to crossdress. It is imbedded in me. I figure if a friend of mine who is in her 90s can continue to enjoy being a woman, why can’t I.

Source: Rue La La
Source: Rue La La

Casa Valentina
The ladies of the 2015 Boston stage production of Casa Valentina

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Friday, July 17, 2020

Memories and Dreams

By Marie Anne Greene

In her (my) Teen-Years, high school, that is particularly from sophomore and on, Marie (I) knew-suspected that part or all of her wanted to be or was a girl although society, family and public would not permit it. Knowing this was the world she was in and would have to survive and excel in purposefully suppressed, in the physical sense any feminine inclinations however this was not so in the imaginary world of the stage, movies and the best of all her inner theater of the mind.

Just recently, this morning in fact, after a comfortable night’s sleep ala fem, in a delicately smooth red floor length, bare armed shift (a girl gift from Tanya) which just floated down after, over raised arms, dropping it over her head and shoulders finally gently settling, no just hoovered a millimeter or less over her tanned skin providing a most delightful feeling of femininity. No tucking, pulling, squeezing as it settled and fell perfectly highlighting her Feminine silhouette, soft bare shoulders, pleasantly rounded breasts, natural slimming of the waist with a polite proportioned flaring of the hips.

After sweeping the skirt to the side and swinging her tanned legs in tandem to the carpeted floor casually sliding her manicured silver pearled toes into her most (only) pair if soft, pink pearled slippers (more than four years old) and still going strong, she rose and stretched from toes to finger tips with a little butt wiggled included. Oh! How wonderfully female. A joyous thrill.

As she did the morning routine, night light off, tea pot on, window blinds up, same for door blinds, a quick step on to the porch to check the temperature and get a taste of the cool but warming air, felling the breeze tug at the skirt and play with her shoulder length honey blonde tresses. All pleasant little perks and reminders of the joys of being a girl. Wonderful, just wonderful.

Somewhere in this brief period of glorious natural reverie several memories from those high school years surfaced in vivid full technicolor detail along with their companying melodies. One was a stage production performed at an outside oceanside amphitheater at a place called Jones Beach on Long Island outside of New York City. The title was as best I can recall—Bells, Bangles and Beads – The setting was Middle Eastern Harem with many dancing Girls all with the most graceful movements and obviously delicious costumes. I just envisioned what it would like to be one of the dancers, of course there was no way or person I could express these thoughts, wishes, dreams. That was just the times.

Another was a similar experience although this time it was another Colorful singing dancing extravaganza, a fantasy movie, its title was: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. As the titled suggested there were at least seven pretty young vivacious actresses, all wearing colorful somewhat stylized western costumes with full skirts, trim waists and appropriate breasts. There was a lot of dance numbers where the girls were swept into air with skirts and legs flying. I was envious of how pretty they looked and much fun they were apparently having (in the story that is) I knew all that dancing and singing was work but it still could be fun.

Well I do not know what brought these long-ago memories and dreams to light this morning but they did prompt me to remember a skirt I had purchased about two months back which I had not worn, except to try it on. It was a colorful, full sweep skirt which swished as a reminder of femininity as one walked. I did not quite race to closet to find it but it was in a deliberate search mode. My homing instinct must have been on high as my eyes quickly zeroed in on it and my left hand quickly grabbed the hangar, swirled the skirt like it was a Matador’s cape and stepped into it. Immediately, noticed it zippered up smoothly a nice feeling as I recalled when I tried it on there was a little tugging and pulling and sucking in of the waist at the time. None of that this time. It was a wonderful feeling and warranted a Girlish spin in front of the mirror. The image passed muster and felt I just had to capture this entire story immediately, SO dear reader propped my derriere clad skirt and red top at my PC, limbered up my pink pearl tipped fingers and created this little piece as they say “As a stream of consciousness”. Hope you have enjoyed it. Capture your own special memories and have fun.

Source: Paige
Wearing Paige

Two youths femulating on Halloween. Don’t know when, but my guess is in the 1960s or 1970s. How I wished I could have gone trick or treating en femme at their age. And I so regret not accepting my friend’s invitation to do so back then. (You can read all about that here.)

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Thor’s Day

Bill sent me this photo of happy Men in Dresses
Men in Dresses Dept.

I agree with MikkiB’s comment to the Men in Dresses post,  “For me, forget about those "femme-ish" fashions -- where's my dress??”

I am not a fashionista when it comes to men’s fashions. Jeans, t-shirts and sneakers are my usual menswear, but when it comes to womenswear... well, you know.

No Posts Dept.

I have three big projects to finish by Monday. So please excuse me – new posts will be scarce for a few days.

Don't you love this outfit?

Mr. Niki Gordon
Mr. Niki Gordon, professional femulator, circa 1955