Monday, April 13, 2020

Thrush Diet – Lose 10 Pounds in a Week!

Needless to say, I was relieved to learn the result of the coronavirus test was negative. I want to again thank you all for your well wishes, prayers and support.

Last week was miserable. It all started Monday. In the afternoon, I noticed two small lesions on my tongue. Monday evening, my body temperature was warmer than usual.

By Tuesday, my body temperature was hovering around 100℉ with occasional jumps up as high as 102.7℉. My temperature remained high for two days. Meanwhile, the lesions in my mouth multiplied and it was painful to eat or drink as almost anything I ingested irritated the lesions.

Thursday morning, my body temperature was back down to normal and has remained that way ever since, however, the lesion problem grew worse.

With no improvements overnight, I called my doctor Friday morning. He insisted that due to my age and my recent bout with high body temperature that I get tested for coronavirus.

That was depressing!

I drove to his office and a staff member brought the prescription out to my car. Then I drove to St. Mary’s Hospital in Waterbury and got in queue for their drive-through coronavirus test.

There were only six cars ahead of me and I was in and out in less than a half hour.

I went home and waited for the results and they were posted online mid-morning Sunday.

Monday morning, the doctor’s office called to repeat the good news and to get me a prescription for my mouth problem. I picked up the prescription and will be sucking down 70 clotrimazole lozenges over the next 14 days.

I have thrush, a fungal infection! I have no idea how I got it. None of the possible causes make sense. But it is nasty and prevented me from eating and drinking normally. As a result, I lost 10 pounds in 7 days!

Source: Cynthia Rowley
Wearing Cynthia Rowley

Harry Ritz femulates Alice Faye in the 1937 film On The Avenue. You can view the femulation on YouTube.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

What’s Newest!

Received very good news this morning: I don't have coronavirus!

Thank you all for your well wishes and support.

(Big sigh of relief!)

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Someday Funnies

Source: Ann Taylor
Wearing Ann Taylor

Bruce Davison femulates in a 1985 episode of television’s Alfred Hitchcock Presents. You can view the episode on the dailymotion. Thanks to Aunty Marlena for informing me about this femulation. 

Friday, April 10, 2020

What’s Newer

This morning, I had an online video examination by my primary care doctor.

He concluded that I had symptoms of coronavirus and needed to be tested.

I drove to his office and one of the staff came out to my car and handed me a prescription for the test. Next I drove to a hospital in Waterbury and got in line for their mobile corona virus test (conducted inside their parking garage).

Only six cars ahead of me, so it did not take long. I never had to get out of the car, but that test swab up the nose is nasty.

Expect test results in 24 to 72 hours, but I probably won't hear anything until Monday because my doctor's office is closed over the weekend.

(Lots of unprintable expletives under my breath!)

Thursday, April 9, 2020

What’s New

This will be short and sweet.

My body temperature started going up Monday evening. During the next two days, it fluctuated between 100℉ and 102.5℉.

Tylenol is my friend and I awoke Thursday morning back to normal... 98.6 ℉ degrees.

I had no other symptoms of the coronavirus, but I was worried nonetheless.

I am wiped out by the experience and plan to take a break for a day or two.

And so it goes.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

My Trans Days of Visibility

Diana wrote this about Trans Day of Visibility (TDoV), “For those of us who have transitioned it really doesn’t make too much sense, for us everyday is a TDoV. For those who crossdress what are they supposed to do, get dressed up and walk up and down the a street?”

Well, yeah.

I never walked up and down the street on TDoV. In fact, I don’t recall dressing pretty at all on the official TDoV. My TDoV occurred on October 31, when I crossdressed as authentically as possible and went to work. 

First two times I did it (in 2000 and 2003), the office was having costume contests, so I had a legitimate excuse. Then I did five years in a row (2012-2016) without a safety net, that is, there were no costume contests.

What was I thinking?

First time, I encountered knowing smiles from a couple of my female co-workers as well as comments from other co-workers hinting that I looked too good for a one-shot female impersonation. So right from the get-go, I realized that I was outing myself, but I did not care. In fact, I was very open about it. 

More than once, co-workers asked, “Who did your makeup?” I could have said my wife or daughter, but instead, I admitted that I did my own makeup. 

One time, my pantyhose developed a run and I halted its progress by applying some clear nail polish to the run. When I mentioned it to the woman in the next cubicle, she remarked, “How did you know to do that?”

After my fourth or fifth on-the-job femulation, my wife commented, “Don’t your co-workers suspect something?” I figured my co-workers were idiots if they did not have some suspicions and that was confirmed when I finally came out to my boss and she responded, “I'm not surprised.” 

And it was probably not a surprise to my other co-workers. After retirement, I was invited back to the company Christmas party and no one blinked when I showed up en femme. They socialized with me as if everything was normal — Stan is in drag again — nothing to see here. 

So my Trans Days of Visibility were an unmitigated success.

Source: New York & Company
Wearing New York & Company

Sadri Alisik and Yusuf Sezgin femulating in the 1970 film Fistik Gibi, a remake of the 1964 film Fistik Gibi Masallahthe Turkish version of Some Like It Hot. You can view both films on YouTube — the 1964 version and the 1970 remake.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Nine West Bliss Pointy Toe Pump
in metallic paint snake print
I shop online a lot. Not just for clothes for milady, but for just about everything else.

When I pay up, I always look for a coupon code (via Google) to save money. Sometimes I am successful, but most of the time, I am not. Then along came Honey.

Honey is an app that works with your web browser. Whenever you are ready to pay up, Honey interrupts the transaction and automatically searches for any applicable coupon codes. It invariably finds free shipping and usually finds other applicable coupon savings, too.

For example, I had my eye on a pair of heels (photo above) that Nine West was selling for $89. I checked the website everyday hoping that the heels would go on sale and Sunday morning, they were on sale for $49 (plus shipping and sales tax). That was good enough for me, so I added a pair to my shopping cart and proceeded to check out. Honey kicked in, did its thing and saved me $15.68! Instead of $89 plus shipping and sales tax or $49 plus shipping and sales tax, the heels only cost me $42.88 total!

I was a very happy shopper and I recommend Honey to everyone who shops online. Click on this link to accept my invitation to join Honey and you will be able to save money online, too.

Source: Moda Operandi
Wearing Agua

Pretty Artur Chamski femulates Helena Vondrackova on Polish television’s Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo (Your Face Sounds Familiar). You can view the video on YouTube.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Miss Stana Muses

Help! I Need Somebody Dept.

Saturday morning, my wife asked me for assistance. She did not know how to tighten her bra straps and wondered if I knew how to do it. Of course, I knew how and I adjusted hers to her liking.

Needless to say, I was very surprised that she did not know how to do it herself since like me, she has been a bra wearer for over 50 years! I guess she was just lucky and all her previous bras fit fine from the get-go.

Sean Hayes Femulates Dept.

Sean Hayes plays a woman in a new film titled Lazy Susan. You can view the trailer on YouTube and read all about it at the Advocate.

For those who are keeping score, Hayes is femulating in this flick because he playing a cisgender woman and not a transwoman! Watching the trailer, I’d say his femulation is very good.

(Thank you, Jen, for alerting me about this film.)

Source: Macy's
Wearing Jessica Howard

Five fellows femulating, circa 1925
Five fellows femulating, circa 1925

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Look What I Found Dept.

Weather-permitting, I walk up to the dead end and back every day (about 1 mile roundtrip according to the pedometer). If I have the time and energy, I take a detour into the 5000 acres of woods that surround my neck of the woods. Since I have plenty of time these days (don’t we all), more often than not I take the detour instead of the boring dead end route.

I seldom encounter wildlife in the woods (a pheasant, red tail hawk and bald eagle were recent exceptions). Seems that the deer and black bears prefer my back yard to the woods!

I do encounter the remains of motor vehicles. A rusted out Hudson Hornet and the chassis of a 1959 Volkswagen Beetle were my most recent vehicle sightings. (I know it was a ’59 “Bug” because the part number on its transaxle told me so.)

“Big deal,” you say.

I would agree with that assessment except that I found these vehicles in the middle of the woods with no roads or trails in sight. It’s as if a helicopter (or UFO) dropped the Hudson and Beetle into the woods from above!

Look at the Birdie Dept.

Commenting on my previous post, some readers asked to see me in my new outfit. Your wish is my command and I promise that after the outfit is delivered, I will do a photoshoot modeling all my recent acquisitions that have yet to see the light of day.

Source: Cynthia Rowley
Wearing Cynthia Rowley

Glamorous Femulations
Glamorous Femulations

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

When life gives you lemons, Shop!

I receive emails everyday tempting me to buy a new dress, a new pair of heels or a new something else. I consider perusing the offerings, but resist because I don’t know when I will have the opportunity to go out dressed to the nines again.

As it is, I have a  backlog of new outfits to wear out and did not need to add to that backlog. So I promised myself that I would not buy anything for milady until the pandemic blows over.

Then I received an email from JustFab advertising a 60% off everything sale. I was a good girl and deleted the email without visiting their website.

But after two weeks without leaving the premises, my bushel basket of lemons was overflowing. I needed a break from the inaction, so when the 60% sale arrived in my inbox again, I took the plunge and visited the JustFab.

The first thing I encountered was the outfit you see on the right: a pink tweed cropped jacket and matching tweed high-waisted shorts.

“I wish I had the legs to pull off that outfit,” I thought to myself.

Then I reconsidered, “Maybe I do have the legs to pull off that outfit!”

So I added the outfit to my virtual shopping cart, paid the virtual cashier and sipped a glass of lemonade waiting for the man to deliver to milady.

Source: New York & Company
Wearing New York & Company

Sailor femulating aboard the S.S. Caronia, circa 1955
Sailor femulating aboard the S.S. Caronia, circa 1955

Monday, March 30, 2020

It’s time to admit it

“Let’s stop beating around the bush. We don’t just have the worst President in the history of the United States. We have no President. We have a psychotic evil blob at the wheel who goes around insulting and taunting everyone as his own ship sinks and people drown.”

On Sunday, “Donald Trump bragged that perhaps only a hundred thousand Americans will die because of the actions he’s taken, instead of a couple million Americans. Wait, what action? He’s done nothing. All of the shutdowns and lockdowns have been done at the state or local level. Governors are scavenging for their own medical supplies. States are forced to compete with each other for resources because there’s no coordination at the federal level.

“Actually, this is worse than if there were no President of the United States. Imagine if the office were simply vacant. In such case any competent officials in the federal government would be doing the best they could with this crisis, of their own accord. Instead they all have to answer to the psychotic blob, who refuses to do the job but who insists on incoherently and vindictively interjecting himself into the decision making process anyway.”

The above text comes from the Palmer Report by Bill Palmer and matches my sentiments exactly.

I live in the epicenter of the Trump Virus and people are scared to death, while that narcissistic woman-hating transphobe sits in the White House giving himself a “10” for the job he has done handling this disaster. If he had been on the case from the get-go instead of claiming that the virus was a “hoax” week after week, we would not be in the predicament we find ourselves in today.

Damn you, Donald, and damn everyone who defends you.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Woodman

Stana Goes to the Movies

On Monday, Woody Allen’s memoir Apropos of Nothing was published. Being a big fan of The Woodman’s films, I ordered the Kindle edition of the book and read its 400 pages in three days.

Let me say up front that I never paid much attention to the allegations of sexual assault against Allen. I considered the source (Mia Farrow) and did not put much stock in her claims. After reading Allen’s memoir, I am convinced that Farrow is a liar and that Allen is innocent, just as the authorities determined.

That out of the way, I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I had many laugh-out-loud moments reading it. And it moved me to pull out my collection of Woody Allen DVDs to revisit his films.

Connecting Woody Allen films to the main topic of this blog, I can recall three crossdressing moments in his films.

In Celebrity, 6-foot-tall actress Famke Janssen is mistaken for a crossdresser.

One of the seven stories in Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid To Ask, involves the misadventures of a crossdresser played by Lou Jacobi (photo above).

In Broadway Danny Rose, Milton Berle femulates Glinda “the Good Witch” from The Wizard of Oz riding a float in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. (Broadway Danny Rose is one of my favorite films. It is a laugh riot and features Nick Apollo Forte, who lived in my old neighborhood.)

Besides Broadway Danny Rose, my other favorite Allen films are Annie Hall, Love and DeathHannah and Her Sisters, ManhattanMidnight in ParisRadio Days and Zelig. My mother hated his films – I could never understand why, but each to her own.

Source: Boston Proper
Wearing Boston Proper

Bill Switzer and Daniel Clark femulate on television's Eerie Indiana: The Other Dimension in 1998 (view it here).

Friday, March 27, 2020


Stana Goes to the Movies

Peacock is a 2010 film starring Cillian Murphy, Ellen Page, and Susan Sarandon. I knew nothing about this film going in except that Murphy crossdressed in it; after his great crossdressing performance in Breakfast on Pluto, I thought I would give Peacock a peek.

It was a very interesting film and held my attention from beginning to end. It really was not a film about being trans, although there are trans elements in the film that many of us can identify with.

I am not a psychologist, nor do I play one on television, so I am not sure what to call the mental condition that Murphy played in the film. I guess he had a multiple personality disorder (distinct male and a female personalities) and his deceased abusive mother was the cause.

Murphy's femulation was very good. As a female, he/she passed and none of the other characters in the film figured him/her out. In reality, I think that someone might have put two and two together, but that did not occur in this story.

One thing that bothered me about Murphy's femulation is that he/she wore male underwear (a T-shirt and briefs) under his/her female clothing. In my humble opinion, someone with his/her disorder would wear female underwear when he/she was in female mode, but that is just my opinion.

The underwear issue did not ruin the film for me and I recommend Peacock to all.

Source: Cynthia Rowley
Wearing Cynthia Rowley

Cillian Murphy
Cillian Murphy femulating in the 2005 film Breakfast on Pluto.