Monday, January 21, 2019

I'm So Tired

Sorry, there were no Sunday Funnies yesterday! The past five days have been very hectic and the blog suffered as a result.

Wednesday evening, I went out for my free dinner and when I returned home, I chronicled the evening for the blog before I went to bed because Thursday was Day One of my daughter's move.

Thursday, we rented a box truck from U-Haul, brought it home and loaded it with my daughter's belongings. I never drove anything bigger than a passenger van before, so I was a little nervous getting behind the wheel of the truck, but I got used to it very quickly. The truck had a rear view camera to facilitate backing up and that was a godsend.

Friday morning, Day Two of the move, we drove the truck to my daughter's apartment in Hartford. The building (formerly a factory) had a loading dock and a freight elevator, so we were able to move everything up to her fourth floor apartment by loading the freight elevator twice. Our cousin showed up to help us move and we managed to get everything into the apartment in two hours. Then, we assembled her bed and quit for the day. My daughter rewarded us with dinner at Outback Steakhouse.

We returned to her apartment Saturday to assemble some other furniture and unpack the essentials. We quit after four hours, went home, ate dinner and crashed.

I spent Sunday morning removing the ice covered snow from the driveway and sidewalks. The snow overnight turned to rain this morning, which froze on contact making power outages a possibility. I am crossing my fingers that that does not happen. So far, so good, but I am trying to finish and post this as soon as possible, just in case.

And I'm so tired!

Source: Veronica Beard
Wearing Veronica Beard (Source: Veronica Beard)

Oslo Grace
Oslo Grace, model

Thursday, January 17, 2019

There is such a thing as a free lunch: the rest of the story

Wednesday evening, I had a free dinner date courtesy of the Prudential Financial. The event was held at the Aqua Turf Club, the finest banquet facility in the area, so I dressed appropriately for a nice night out.

I wore a "parker green" belted bell-sleeve sheath sweater dress from New York and Company with "Tomalah Ombre Pumps" from Nine West. I accessorized with earrings, necklace and watch from Avon and a black satchel handbag from Jessica Simpson. I also wore a new hairdo: Noriko Reese in a shade of red called "Cherrywood."

Aqua Turf is only 20 minutes from my home, so I left at 5:30 PM to arrive at 5:50 PM for a 6 PM start. As I drove into the parking lot, I was surprised by the number of people walking into the banquet hall. For a second, I hesitated and thought about not mingling with hundreds of civilians (turned out that there were about 400 people in attendance), but I gathered up my handbag, exited the Subaru and joined the throng heading indoors.

There was a line of civilians checking in along with a lot of Prudential suits milling about and it seems that they all looked up when the tall redhead got in line. One of the suits came over to me, asked my name and directed me to the correct line for my last name (there were three separate lines for three divisions of the alphabet).

I exchanged banter with another tall woman joking about which line to get into because the lines were not clearly defined. She was in my line and I was in hers, so we swapped spots.

The suits checking me in did not blink when it came to my male name that I was registered under. I think they were too busy to care.

After I checked in, another suit escorted me to my table, which was occupied by a 50-something couple. Soon we were joined by two other 50-something couples and one gent who was solo. I was seated between two women and we chit-chatted throughout the evening... some girl talk and some talk about retirement planning.

The speaker, Tom Hegna, was excellent. He was entertaining and informative, has written five books on retirement planning and convinced me that the annuity I owned was a good thing after all.

The food was good, too. I have eaten at Aqua Turf in the past and the food was always over the top, but I assumed that a free dinner might be cut-rate. I was wrong; dinner was excellent.

I also assumed there would be some high pressure salesmanship at the event, but there was none. However, I expect I will receive a call from a Prudential suit in the near future.

The event broke up at 9 PM and I arrived home shortly thereafter.

The evening went very well. No one gave me an odd, knowing look. Rather, everyone treated me as a woman and I had a wonderful time.

Source: DVF
Wearing Diane von Furstenberg (Source: DVF)

Wearing New York and Company dress, Nine West shoes and Avon jewelry
Wearing New York and Company dress, Nine West shoes and Avon jewelry 

There is such a thing as a free lunch

I just arrived home from my free dinner. It's too late to write much about it, but I will say that it went well. Standby for a full report as soon as possible.

Source: Rue La La
Wearing Escada (Source: Rue La La)

Yours truly dining out Wednesday evening
Yours truly dining out Wednesday evening

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Fashionista Wednesday

Black opaque tights with black patent high heel pumps
I am very busy this week packing for my daughter's move to Hartford, but I will be going out to dinner this evening and am looking forward to dressing to the nines.

In light of my Fashionista Wednesday, I recommend reading Rhonda's must-read "your style" post.

And over at Who What Wear, Kat Collins writes about three fashion blunders that may be aging you (and me).

Meanwhile, Romney recently asked me, "What is the 'rule' for color/shade of stockings in consideration of the color/shade of skirt?"

I really don't consider the skirt or dress color when choosing a hosiery color. I am more concerned with the shoe color, for example, I would never wear a shade of hosiery that is darker than the color of my shoe.

Being a fashionista, I usually wear a nude shade of hosiery because fashionable ladies don't wear any hosiery at all and a nude shade is as close to achieving the same results (I don't think my legs are good enough to go without hosiery.)

One look I love is wearing nude hosiery with nude high heel pumps. It creates the illusion of having longer legs (as if I needed that!).

For dress-up occasions, I often wear black or off-black for a sexier look. Dressing for my company's Christmas luncheon, I wore pin dot pantyhose, which added a bit of pizzazz to an otherwise plain off-black shade of hosiery.

If I wear tights, which I often do in the winter to add a little warmth when wearing a skirted outfit, I usually wear black opaque tights, which look very fashionable when worn with black patent high heel pumps.

I hope that was helpful. If not, ask again.

Source: Pinterest
Black opaque tights with black patent high heel pumps (Source: Pinterest)

Alan Manson
Alan Manson femulates in the 1943 film This Is the Army.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Dressing Daddy

I mentioned that my daughter gave me a Kate Spade handbag — an early Christmas gift to wear to my former company’s Christmas luncheon.

Christmas morning, she gave me three pairs of jeans. When I finally put on a pair last week, I realized that they were woman’s jeans.

Now that she is preparing to move to an apartment, she is going through her stuff to decide what to take, what to discard and what to give away. As a result, she gave me two Coach handbags, two Jessica Simpson handbags, a Victoria Secret makeup bag and a black pleated mini skirt.

Maybe now would be a good time to ask her to show me how to apply liquid eyeliner. She is very good at it; me, not so much.

Source: Boston Proper
Wearing Boston Proper (Source: Boston Proper)

Vicki St. James
Professional femulator Vicki St. James recounts "My First Time: Getting Caught in a Dress."

Monday, January 14, 2019

Dining Out

Recently, I have been receiving invitations from various financial investment businesses offering me a free dinner if I was willing to sit through their sales pitch on how to handle my retirement savings. I thought about taking up an offer and attending as Stana, but I did not because I was not impressed with the restaurants being offered.

The last invitation I received a few weeks ago was different — I was impressed with the restaurant. It is a dining establishment where I have eaten in the past and was always very pleased with the food. So I RSVP'd and will be going to dinner Wednesday evening.

It should be an interesting experience dining and socializing with a room full of strangers. I will let you know how it goes.

Source: New York and Company
I fell in love with this outfit when I saw it in the daily email advertisement from New York and Company. So much so that I ordered the leggings, cardigan and blouse.

The result of Image-Googling "beautiful crossdresser" is this girl from Chile.
The result of Image-Googling "beautiful crossdresser" is this girl from Chile.

Thursday, January 10, 2019


My daughter has been anxious to leave the nest for awhile now, but has been unsuccessful finding a nest to purchase. So she has decided to rent and found a studio loft apartment in a converted factory in Hartford.

We visited the apartment on Monday, fell in love with the place and she will be moving in soon.

Coincidentally, the old factory also houses the offices of an LGBT organization on my list for potential volunteering.

Originally, the organization was low on my list because I was a little leery about the neighborhood and I was not enamored about the commute to and from Hartford.

I researched the neighborhood and it turns out it is rated one of the safer neighborhoods in Hartford. And the commute is not too bad... 25 minutes door-to-door. Since I will be a volunteer, I can probably choose my hours and avoid the morning and evening rush hours, so that makes the commute even easier.

As a result, the organization is now at the top of my list.

Source: Rue La La
Wearing a Prada bag and a Tahari suit (Source: Rue La La).

Freddie Mercury
Freddie Mercury femulating in a music video for The Great Pretender.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

More Face

Tuesday's post mentioned Anja's collection of femulations from television's Your Face Sounds Familiar (YFSF). I would be remiss if I did not mention other online collections of femulations from that show.

My own TV Femulations Pinterest page features all the YFSF images that I have posted here in the past.

Aunty June maintains a flickr page, The Gurls of Your Face Sounds Familiar, containing images of the show's femulations. Aunty's flickr account also has over 9,000 images of femulations from the stage and screen.

Elle's Gossip Gurl blog regularly features videos from YFSF, as well as videos of other femulations that Elle has discovered on the net.

If you visit the YFSF Wikipedia page, it lists the official websites of the various incarnations of the show where you may find images of the show's femulations.

Also, Googling "your face sounds familiar femulation," "your face sounds familiar crossdress" and "your face sounds familiar drag" will also be fruitful.

Source: New York and Company
Wearing New York and Company (Source: New York and Company)

Mihai Trăistariu
Mihai Trăistariu femulates Thalia on the Romanian version of television's Your Face Sounds Familiar.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Got Face

Anja wrote, "I often enjoy browsing your site Femulate and notice that you often feature images from the television show Your Face Sounds Familiar in its various incarnations around the world. I have a Pinterest board that tracks the femulations on the show quite closely, so I thought that you might be interested to know about this and take a look. I may have spotted femulations of interest that you may have missed. The link to my board is"

Anja has indeed spotted femulations on Your Face Sounds Familiar that I have missed... lots of them!

In my opinion, Your Face Sounds Familiar is the best source for excellent femulations in this day and age. It is too bad there is no longer a version of the show on USA television.

Source: Moda Operandi
Wearing  Petar Petrov (Source: Moda Operandi)

Jan Révai
Jan Révai femulates Cher on Czech television's version of Your Face Sounds Familiar.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Tony's Gang

Saturday night, I binge-watched the last six episodes of The Sopranos Season 2 on HBO.

I was not an early adopter of The Sopranos, but I could not remember when I started watching it regularly. The first three episodes I watched Saturday night were new to me, but I did recall seeing the last three episodes, so I must have started watching the series three-quarters of the way through Season 2.

HBO is rerunning the series because it is the 20th anniversary of The Sopranos' first broadcast. Unless they show Season 1 and the first half of Season 2 again, I will probably not binge-watch it again. However, I will watch my favorite episodes, especially the "Pine Barrens" episode (Season 3, Episode 11).

While I was watching The Sopranos, I ate a corn muffin that my wife had baked earlier. Tasted great, but it was very crumbly and some crumbs ended up in my lap. So I brushed them off and as I did, my wedding band went flying off my ring finger.

Having lost so much weight, I noticed that the ring was loose and I had a few close calls, but now it finally happened. I searched the area where I thought it was most likely to have landed, but I could not find it. So I decided to wait until daylight and resume the search under better lighting conditions.

After breakfast Sunday morning, I resumed the search, but it was not in the immediate area where I was sitting. So I expanded my search and finally found the ring on the other side of the room nearly 20 feet from where I was sitting!

To avoid future losses, I put the ring in my jewelry box until I get it resized or buy a ring size adjuster. I've worn that ring day and night for over 35 years and now my ring finger feels naked without it.

By the way, you might consider brushing the crumbs off my lap was slovenly and inconsiderate, but I fully intended to vacuum the crumbs before I went to bed. And since I perform most of the housewife chores in my domicile including vacuuming, I was not being inconsiderate of my wife because I am also a wife.

Wearing Solace London dress, Kenneth Jay Lane earrings and Alexandre Birman sandals (Source: Intermix)

Krystju Wapcarow
Krystju Wapcarow as Lily Ivanova on Bulgarian television's version of Your Face Sounds Familiar (Source: