Sunday, May 21, 2017

Images of a Booth Babe

I did not make my annual trip to Ohio to attend the Hamvention this weekend, so I don't have any new stories or photos from Hamvention to share with you. Instead, I will show you some of my favorite photos from my previous trips to Hamvention.

At the Therapy Cafe in downtown Dayton in May 2009.
At the Therapy Cafe in downtown Dayton in May 2009.
At the TAPR-AMSAT Banquet during Hamvention, May 2010.
At the TAPR-AMSAT Banquet during Hamvention, May 2010.

Dressed to kill for the Hamvention Contest Dinner in May 2011.
Dressed to kill for the Hamvention Contest Dinner in May 2011.
Ready to attend the TAPR Board of Directors Meeting, May 2012.
Staffing the TAPR booth at Hamvention, May 2012.
Staffing the TAPR booth at Hamvention, May 2012.

All dressed up to go to the Four Days in May banquet at Hamvention in 2013.
All dressed up to go to the Four Days in May banquet at Hamvention in 2013.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

The Booth Babe

I did not make my annual trip to Ohio to attend the Hamvention this weekend. Since I have no new stories to tell about attending Hamvention, I decided to repeat the story of my first trip back May 2010. I hope you enjoy it.

There is so much to write about my long weekend en femme, but, first, let me set the scene.

I am well-known in the world known as amateur radio or ham radio. My notoriety in that world is as a writer/author. For over 30 years, I have written for the leading ham radio organization in the USA.

During that time, I have written monthly columns for the their magazine, articles for their books, and complete books, one of which was a best seller, and currently, I write a weekly column for their web site.

I am also on the board of directors of another prominent organization that represents a sub-group (digital experimenters) in ham radio. I also serve as that organization's newsletter editor.

As a result, I am well known in the ham radio world; I was once told to my face that I am a ham radio "legend."

Each May, the biggest ham radio convention in the world occurs in Dayton, Ohio. I attend most years as I did this past weekend. I usually moderate a forum at the convention and staff the booth of the digital experimenters' organization.

By the way, I did not moderate a forum this year because I was undecided about attending at all and by the time I made up my mind to go, it was too late to volunteer as a moderator.

I came out to the other board members and officials of the digital experimenters' organization as well as my editor and her supervisors at the national organization I write for. In addition to coming out, I informed them that I intended to attend the Dayton convention en femme.

Not a discouraging word was heard. In fact, I received much support and offers of assistance, if needed.

Wednesday and Thursday

My weekend started with an early departure on Wednesday. I "cheated" and did not dress en femme because I wanted to get on the road as early as possible and getting en femme would have put a two-hour dent in my departure.

I drove 400 miles to Bedford, PA, where I stayed overnight.

Thursday morning, I dressed en femme and checked out of the Quality Inn. The woman staffing the desk during check-out was different from the woman staffing the desk when I checked in, so there was no confusion about who was staying in my room.

I arrived at the Doubletree Hotel in downtown Dayton about 2:15 PM. At check-in, the woman staffing the desk loved my top.

By the way, I registered at the hotel as "Stana" to add credibility to my femulation. (My credit card has only the initial "S" as my first name, which lets me get away with using "Stana" or any other "S" name I desire.)

In my room, I freshened up, changed from a top, leggings, and flats, to a black and white floral print dress, and black patent platform slingback peep-toe pumps (see photo above left).

I took the elevator down to the lobby and visited the hotel's bar. I perched myself on a bar stool, ordered a drink, and relaxed before heading out to the board of director's meeting.

The bartender treated me respectfully and I nursed my drink, but it was boring. There were two other customers talking about some boring ham radio convention and there was a hockey game on the television.

I left, fetched my car from valet parking, and drove to the hotel uptown for the board meeting.

Entering the meeting room, I found two friends already there, who greeted me enthusiastically. As each of the other board members and officers showed up, they also greeted me as old friends even though I was sporting a "new look."

The new board members were less enthusiastic because we were not old friends, but they were respectful and seemed accepting. Our accountant, who was not aware of my status, also was respectful and the waitstaff, who served our food referred to me as a female, so overall, the weekend started off on a very positive note.

The meeting ended and I was back in my room by 10 PM. I went to bed as soon as I could because I had to be up at 5 AM for my first day at the convention.

Friday and Saturday (Days)

Friday and Saturday, I spent most of those days staffing our booth and occasionally, I visited the other booths at the convention. Both days were similar and in my mind now and it is hard to separate the two, so I will summarize the days together.  

Males dominate ham radio. Females only represent about 15% of the US ham population. This demographic was clearly evident at the Dayton convention and attending the convention as a woman was a revelation.

For one thing, there were no lines at the restrooms. Also, the restrooms were pristine and the floors were dry even at the end of the day. (Attending the convention in the past as a male, I usually avoided the restrooms after mid-morning because they are disgusting.)

Another thing, I was the object of many a male's attention. Staffing the booth or walking around the convention hall, strange men smiled at me, said "hello," admired me from afar, etc., etc. It was amazing.

During the two days staffing the booth, I met six readers of this blog. Three informed me beforehand by e-mail that they would look for me at the convention; the other three just showed up at my booth and recognized me, which was a little surprising because I had not announced which booth I would be staffing among the more than a hundred booths at the convention.

(Another reader e-mailed me saying that she thought she saw me walking near a specific set of booths around noon on Saturday. I confirmed that I was at those booths at that time on Saturday and wish that she had stopped me to say "hello.")

I am not aware of the comfort levels of the blog readers who met me at the convention, so I don't want to out them here by mentioning their names or worse, their call signs, but I want to thank them all for searching me out and giving me an opportunity to meet and girl-talk with them for awhile.

It was wonderful to meet and chat with the people I already knew, but it was also wonderful to meet and chat with people I did not know explaining the technologies displayed in our booth. I don't know if that qualifies me as a "booth babe," but in all my years of staffing our booth, mine was the first appearance of a female form on the booth's firing line. I wonder if that helped to attract visitors to our booth.

Friday Night

Friday night, our organization has a joint dinner with another experimenter's organization, which usually attracts 100 to 200 attendees at a banquet hall south of Dayton. I attend this dinner every year I attend the convention, so I am familiar some of the attendees, who also attend every year.

I wore my favorite dress du jour: the retro green dress (see photo above center). I accented the dress with a gold scarf, my simulated snakeskin platform slingback peep-toe pumps, and a new matching simulated snakeskin bag.

The hem of the dress is short, so I was showing more leg Friday night than I did the rest of the weekend. I thought I looked very nice.

I drove to the banquet hall, bought a drink, sat at a table up front, conversed with the other folks who sat at my table, and tugged at the hem of my dress the whole time. I knew some of the folks at my table already and the others were new to me, but no one seemed to mind the new me.

The food was excellent as usual and I enjoyed the speaker, who is an old friend (we go back about 20 years).

Funny story... my speaker friend showed up at our booth early Friday morning and I made a point of saying "hello" to him. I thought I detected some confusion on his part and felt that I should have explained what was going on, but he was in a hurry to get to his booth.

I caught up with him before dinner and began to explain, but he interrupted me and said he knew exactly who I was and was very cool with it. The only thing he wanted to know was what name do I go by now.

That typified the whole weekend.

An aside: It was funny how some of my friends and acquaintances recognized me immediately despite my new look, whereas others were clueless as to my identity and we had to be re-introduced. Go figure.

Saturday Night

Saturday night, my plans were to attend the Dayton Contest Dinner, which is the big event for the ham radio contest community attending the convention. My editor, who is a big contester, had invited me to attend.

When I checked out the web page for the dinner, I noticed that most of the men in attendance were wearing jackets and ties, which was unusual for a ham radio affair.

There were no photos of females in attendance; I wondered what I should wear, so I asked my editor. She informed me that she always buys a new cocktail style dress to wear to that dinner.

Still unsure about what to wear, I sent her photos of some of my cocktail dresses. She loved the red dress I wore to my support group's banquet back in March, so that is what I wore to the dinner along with some bling and my black patent platform slingback heels. I also sexed-up my makeup and hair and tried a new trick to accentuate my cleavage. In my humble opinion, I thought I came as close to achieving the term "hot" as I possibly could (see photo above left).

I took the hotel shuttle to the hotel hosting the dinner and climbed a grand circular staircase from the lobby up to the mezzanine level where the cocktail hour was in full swing. As I climbed the stairs, a sea of 200 to 300 males congregating in groups around the mezzanine appeared and suddenly it seemed as if they all turned their heads simultaneously to look at me! I smiled back at them and worked my way to the top of the staircase, where I discovered I was the only female attendee present at that point in time.

I am not very active in ham radio contests and did not recognize one face in the crowd. My editor had not yet arrived, so I was on my own.

A lot of guys were checking me out, but not one had the courage to speak to me, so I worked my way to the bar and ordered a drink. Then I worked my way back through the crowd looking for a familiar face, found none, and decided to escape to the ladies' room to regroup.

In the ladies' room, I touched up my lipstick, took a deep breath, and went back out to the mezzanine. By then, the staff had opened the doors to the banquet room and people were filing in, so I joined them and found the table front and center that my editor had reserved. I chose a seat and sat down.

Eventually, the room filled up and my editor sat next to me. She introduced me as "Stana" to all the other people seated at our table. After my introduction, one of the guys at our table commented that he recognized my call sign, but the person he knew with that call sign looked very different. I dunno if he was being a wise guy or was actually confused.

The food and speakers were excellent and there was a mass quantity of door prizes. It seemed that 25% of the 432 folks in attendance won something, including me.

When they drew my ticket and announced my call sign as a winner of a ham magazine subscription, I came out en masse to all the hams at the dinner who recognized my call sign and happened to see me get up to pick up my prize. No one confronted me about the outing, so I assume it was not a big deal to anyone except me.


Overall, the weekend worked out great. Everyone I encountered accepted me one way or another.

All my friends and acquaintances were very ok with the new me.

The strangers who engaged me throughout the weekend, hams and civilians alike, accepted me as a woman, trans or otherwise.

I could not ask for anything more.

Source: Bebe
Wearing Bebe (Source: Bebe)

Stana at the Dayton Hamvention, May 2012
Stana at the Dayton Hamvention, May 2012

Friday, May 19, 2017

More "Feminine"

Ever notice that in photos of femulators with their spouses, the femulator often dresses more "feminine" than the spouse?

Such is the case in my life.

In the last 10 years, I probably added 50 dresses to my wardrobe. In that same time period, my wife added two dresses to hers.

I own scores of high heels. My wife owns none.

I use lots of makeup. My wife uses none.

I wear lots of shapewear. My wife wears a bra.


👠 👠 👠

Faulty RAM

My internal RAM has been intermittent lately. I blame it on aging hardware that is trying to process too many operations simultaneously.

If I made any promises to anyone in the past few months that I have not fulfilled (like promising to post your photo real soon now), please refresh my memory.

👠 👠 👠

No Go

I had to cancel my trip to Ohio to attend Hamvention this weekend. I have a bad case of Hamvention withdrawal, so please be gentle with me.

👠 👠 👠

Thought for the Day

This Monday will be my last back-to-work Monday!

Source: ShopBop
Wearing Temperley London dress, Badgley Mischka clutch and Aquazzura sandals (Source: ShopBop)

Ms. Sindi
Long-time Femulate reader and femulator, Ms. Sindi.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Go Retro

I like retro clothing. I am sure that my circa 1960 upbringing has something to do with my penchant for fashion from the '50's and '60's.

Recently, I discovered Unique Vintage, an online store that sells clothing in styles from the 1920's to 1960's. Some of their clothing would be more appropriate for a costume party, for example, their flapper dresses from the 1920's. However, I would feel very comfortable wearing a lot of their clothing on the street, for example, their floral draped shoulder "Sophia" wiggle dress from their 1950 collection (pictured to the right).

Good news is that their prices are reasonable ($68 for the wiggle dress) and they carry plus sizes for girls like us.

I cannot speak for their quality because I have not yet personally sampled their products, but I plan to do so real soon now.

Source: Intermix
Wearing Petersyn top, FRAME jeans, Jimmy Choo wedges and Le Specs Luxe sunglasses (Source: Intermix).

Faith DeBrooke
The always lovely Faith DeBrooke modeling a gown at the Bettie Page store.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Sandra Cole Will Be Missed

Sandra Cole died on Monday.

When I went to Fantasia Fair for the first time back in 2008, I attended a group session for trans people who were attending Fantasia Fair without their Significant Others (SOs). Titled "Cinderella - Alone in Paradise," the session was run by Sandra Cole, who according to the Fantasia Fair website "is a sexologist, nationally AASECT Certified as a sex educator and sex counselor, and for thirty-eight years has been faculty in University academic medicine. For the past 25 years she has been friend and colleague with the transgender community, working with transgender individuals and their partners on topics of sexual health, intimacy and relationships. Over a period of 20 years she has conducted scores of important group discussions at Fantasia Fair, where she experiences many wonderful friendships, amazing programs and creative events."

Six of us attended the session and we each poured our hearts out telling our stories about our relations with our SOs. I broke down near the end of my turn to speak. I am not going into details except to say that Sandra was very supportive of me and said that considering my circumstances (which she said were "difficult"), there is nothing wrong in what I do in order to be the real me. She made me feel great about what I do and I am so glad that I decided at the last minute to attend her group session instead of attending the "Fierce Evening Makeup" presentation.

The session went 30 minutes over its two-hour allotment and I think we all would have been willing to stay and talk things out longer except that we all had other commitments.

I will always be indebted to Sandra for running the group session and relieving me of some of the guilt that weighed me down for a very long time.

God bless you, Sandra Cole.

Source: Nine West
Wearing Nine west (Source: Nine West).

Thomas Kuc and Benjamin Flores, Jr.
Thomas Kuc and Benjamin Flores, Jr. in a 2016 episode of television's Game Shakers(Thank you Zoe!)

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Don't Age Yourself!

"5 Ways Your Makeup Might Be Aging You" by Jenny Jin is a informative article that appeared on PureWow a few days ago.

So yesterday, I received a Facebook message from a girl who wondered about my birth year (1951). She was one year younger and claimed that I "don't show any bit of age." She was "growing dismayed" because she just looks old and wanted to know what I have done to look so young.

I told her that 1951 was correct. And then I explained that I never smoked and seldom drink alcoholic beverages (maybe one bottle of beer per month). Also, I watch my weight and have weighed the same (plus or minus 5 pounds) for most of my adult life (actually, I now weigh minus 10 pounds).

I moisturize my face and neck every morning and use eye cream to minimize wrinkles (I have been doing that for about ten years).

And as luck would have it, I already avoid 4 out of the 5 ways makeup might be aging me, as described in Jenny Jin's article referenced above. And I plan on making that 5 out of 5 as soon as possible.

Source: Veronica Beard
Wearing Veronica Beard (Source: Veronica Beard).

Lilo Wanders
Lilo Wanders, professional femulator

Monday, May 15, 2017

Give Me Credit

Jan has a credit card in her female name. Recently, the credit card company asked for proof (Social Security number) that she is indeed Jan.

The problem is that Jan is legally a male; all her government paperwork indicates that she is male and that male is not named "Jan."

The credit card company does not care one iota that Jan is transgender and that Jan is her trans-female name.

No resolution in Jan's favor seems to be in sight.

I don't know what Jan's male first name is, but my male and female first names start with the same letter (S), so I have credit cards using just the initial of my first name with my last name. That works for me in girl and boy mode and probably would work for anybody with male and female names starting with the same letter.

And if a credit card company asks for proof that I am S, I've got that covered.

source: Venus
Wearing Venus (source: Venus).

source: Northeastern University Library
The cast of Northeastern University's 1924 all male production of the musical comedy Listening In (source: Northeastern University Library).

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mother's Day

"Everyone thinks we're sisters, but actually, we're mother and son." (from New Yorker)

(I have told this story here on past Mother's Days, so you may have read it before and I apologize for the rerun. But just like some of the reruns on television, some are worth repeating.)

Mom was the most influential person in my life and influenced my penchant for crossdressing in a number of ways.

She was beautiful and did not need makeup. Lipstick, powder, and rouge were all she ever used. I know because I enjoyed watching her put on her minimal makeup.

She always dressed like a fashionable lady and that was difficult to accomplish because money was tight when I was a kid. As a result, Mom sewed her own clothes, as well as clothes for my sister. 

I guess I was jealous of my sister and wished that Mom would sew something for me, but there were few sewing patterns for boys' clothing. However, I would have been perfectly happy if she sewed a pretty dress for me like she did for my sister.

My Dad was a great guy, but he was not around much when I was growing up. He worked all the overtime he could get to make ends meet. For a few years, he also had a second job. 

I can remember way back to my earliest memories when I actually thought that my father was a visitor because his appearances at home during my waking hours were so rare. So, during my formative years, Dad was at work, while my Mom was at home raising my sister and me.

Since I was raised in an environment where the father figure was absent most of the time, it is no wonder that I tended to follow in the footsteps of the only parental figure available to me, my Mom. As a result, I admired her and wanted to do the things she did. I did not know it at the time, but she was my role model.

I was a creative kid and Mom encouraged my creative side. I loved sports, especially baseball, but I was not very good at it (I could hit the ball a mile, but I threw "like a girl"). So early on, I knew what my strengths were. 

I spent a lot of time writing and drawing and my mother supported and encouraged me. Eventually, I became a successful professional writer with a lot of thanks going to Mom.

I looked like my Mom's side of the family and inherited many of her features like her long legs and her facial features. When I do my makeup just so, I look a lot like her; people would mistake us for mother and daughter, i.e., if she were alive and I dressed en femme in her presence.

Besides influencing my creative side, she also influenced my penchant for being feminine.

Mom often commented that because I had such nice legs, I should have been a girl. If she had made that comment once, I probably would have forgotten about it, but it seemed to me that she made that comment whenever she saw my legs bare. Don't you think that may have influenced me?

She also made comments about the way I walked. She said I "tippy-toed," i.e., I walked on my toes. I assumed from her comments that tippy-toeing was not the correct way for a male to walk, but I did not know how to walk any other way. She never showed me how I was supposed to walk, so I just kept on tippy-toeing.

I don't tippy-toe any longer. As I grew older, I must have figured out how to walk like a male. However, all my early years tippy-toeing may have facilitated my walking in high heels because ever since I slipped on my first pair of pumps, I never had a problem walking in heels.

I did not think that Mom knew about my crossdressing, because she never broached the subject despite the fact that I often got into her stuff and even ruined some items that I found out the hard way, were too small for me. I was very much in the closet then and I was just as happy that she did not know. But, she knew.

As newlyweds, my wife and I crossdressed for a Halloween party and when I mentioned our party plans to Mom over the phone, she asked if I had taken my box of "stuff" with me when I moved out.

I don't recall my response, but at that moment, I knew she knew. She never mentioned it again and neither did I.

However, once in awhile right up to her death, she would ask me, "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

I always thought she was referring to my crossdressing when she asked and I always said, "No."

In retrospect, I wish I had confided in Mom about me becoming a woman. She was so loving and so supportive that I think she would have helped me. (She was a great seamstress by the way and I can only dream about the outfits she might have sewn for her male daughter.) But, I did not confide in her and I regret it now.

But, if there is a heaven, I am sure Mom smiles down on me when she sees her firstborn dressed en femme enjoying her time as a woman.

So, Happy Mother's Day, Mom.

Your Loving Daughter,


source: ShopBop
Wearing BB Dakota (source: ShopBop).

Mother and her son
Mother and her son, a womanless beauty pageant contestant

Friday, May 12, 2017

Transition of Transition

It seems to me (with emphasis on "to me") that the meaning of "transition" has changed over time.

In olden days when I still lived in a closet, transition meant that you took hormones, had surgery and did all that the law allowed to officially change your name and sex designation.

Today, the definition of "transition" is a lot looser. You don't have to take hormones and/or you don't have to have surgery and/or you don't have to legally change your name or sex designation. You don't even have to live full-time in your trans gender.

So I guess I transitioned some time ago and didn't even know it!

Regarding my transition, one thing I would do differently is not change my first name and use Stanley rather than Stana.

And so it goes.

Thought for the Day

And so it goes.

Source: Harper's BAZAAR
(Source: Harper's BAZAAR)

Robert Caso
Robert Caso femulating in the 1993 film The Naked Truth.