Saturday, July 2, 2016

Susanna Said

Susanna Valenti of Casa Susanna fame wrote regularly for Virginia Prince's Transvestia. Her take on the state of crossdressing in the early 1960s still rings true 55 years later. The following is her "Susanna Says..." column from a 1962 issue of Transvestia. I think you will find it as interesting as I did.


Little by little our little world of perfume, jewelry and fashion seems to spring open new doors towards sociability and experience-sharing events. And like so many other human endeavors, it shows up the good and bad, the strength and frailty of its members.
I have often been asked, "how do you 'weed out' curiosity seekers, fakes and otherwise undesirable elements from the stand­-point of our group."  In other words, how do I know that the person who writes or simply shows up at my apartment is the real thing and not a "plant" who might conceivably be harmful to the rest of the group.

If I said outright that I have learned to rely a great deal on my feminine intuition, I would certainly be accused of put­ting on airs of superiority. If I said that I can "smell" a fake a mile away, there would be those who would shake their heads and say that I consider myself a privileged character and that I am indulging in wishful thinking. The truth is that there is a bit of instinct at play in this "weeding out" process, plus the con­clusions you instinctively learn to draw from having met many doz­ens of girls.

So far, I have not been wrong in my judgement. Al­most everyone I've met and consented in introducing to the rest of the girls has turned out to be the real thing. This does not mean to imply that I have not had attempts made by fakes to enter the circle.

This happened just a few nights ago.

My twin brother and his wife had just arrived home after a long working day. They had barely sat down to relax when the door bell rang. A chap, well dressed stands at the door and says,  "May I see Susanna Valenti?"

My twin brother without hesitation extends his hand and says,, "I'm Susanna, please come in." I spoke through him from that moment on. I apologized for not being properly dressed and led him to our living room, There we sat.

He was not nervous, but seemed to be a bit uncomfortable... How did you find out about Susanna?... A magazine I bought on 42nd St... What issue?... I don't remember... there's a a blonde in a garden-like on the cover... That's number 14. Any other issues?... No... I assume you are one of us... Well, yes... Do you indulge often?... Not too often... I assume you want to find out about the resort... Yes, where is it?... In the Catskill Moun­tains about 130 miles from New York... And what goes on there?... We are ourselves, quietly, peacefully, in a friendly atmosphere. Impromptu advice when needed, impromptu entertainment. Nothing planned, just freedom in privacy...

Do you have girls there?... Our­selves, of course, and occasionally wives or understanding girl­friends... I see... Tell me, do you have a wardrobe?... Not too much... What for instance?... Well, just a few items... Do you have any pre­ferences, style, color, materials?... Well, not particularly... I see, and how are you fixed for hair?... I have something, but tell me, where is this place?... I told you, in the mountains. It's a 3-hour ride from New York. Do you drive?... Yes... Do you think you'll have the chance to visit the place?... I guess so... Do you have any makeup problems?... Not particularly... What eye-shadow do you prefer?... Well... How do you handle the padding problem?... Well... And by the way, what size dress do you take?... I don't know...

When did you get started, I mean when did you first find out about yourself?... What do you mean?... I mean the feeling, the realization... I don't exactly know, but tell me, are there many TV's in New York?... Yes... How do you go about meeting them?... Well, you've met me. The others will come later... if you are a TV. If not, forget it. If you are fishing for names and phone numbers you've come to the wrong place. Anonymity is our motto. I never ask a TV his real name, occupation or address. I don't want to know, I'm not interested. If they want to call me, they have my phone number and address. I don't contact them. They con­tact me. I'm not interested one bit in their male personalities... it's the hidden girl we all want to know and meet. Don't you agree?... Yes, I guess so...

Well, my friend... now you've met me... you are most welcome to drop in... if there's any advice you need, I'll be glad to help: shopping, makeup, you know... Anything else?... No, I don't think so... I guess I'd better be going... Nice meeting you... bye... bye.

And there, my friends was a fake if I ever saw one. He gave all the wrong answers, His reactions were not those of a TV. Whatever his purpose was in calling, it most certainly was not transvestism. Even the most shy TV will perk up when you lead the conversation toward frocks and makeup; there's a gleam in his eyes that no fake can possibly imitate.

So you weed them out. You know that those you've accepted are sister souls. But the weeding does not stop there. Not all of the girls meet the basic standards for the group.

What are the standards? And who are you, Susanna Valenti, to set up standards?

I don't set them up arbitrarily, my friends. They are simply the basic tenets of human behaviour that come into play when you are in the company of others. You can be a real TV, but that alone does not make you a nice person to be with. You can even be the quiet type, but still be friendly, show interest in others, forget a bit about yourself... don't drive everybody crazy by repeating ad nauseum your "fabulous" adventures.

Be helpful without being con­descending. Don't set yourself up as a perfect example that should be imitated by everybody else. This is especially important when you are talking to a girl who has just come out of her locked room. She's naturally timid, even the thought of being seen by others is still rather horrifying... it is your duty to go easy, respect what­ever physical or social or family limitations she must endure and don't try to force your pattern onto others. Be delicate and tact­ful. Don't pull out a notebook after a few minutes of conversat­ion on your first meeting and request name, address, phone number and occupation. That's none of your TV business!!!

If, as it often happens, after a few meetings, you find that you consider each other good friends and you do need a place to mail a picture or perhaps a note, ask tactfully if she has any address you could write to and if there's any name you could address the letter to. There are many TV's who just don't want to take the chance of hav­ing their name and address in somebody else's little notebook. It might fall into the wrong hands even if the owner is sincere and means no harm. So, respect that
desire for anonymity and don't persist. Anyway, who cares about the fellow! He's usually a pretty common and rather boring entity. It's the girl within that's fun to know.

Those TV's who are more active should be extremely tactful and not try to push new and inexperienced ones onto adventures (going out, I mean) without adequate practice, or supervision. A TV should, above all be realistic. Most of the time, the gorgeous image of our own selves within our own minds is far from being so gorgeous. There is a great deal of self-deception that must be checked before it's too late. Personally I have been at fault along these lines quite often. After a few successful trips into the outer world, I thought that I was as safe as Marilyn Monroe in a studio set. Perhaps, I have mellowed with time or perhaps, I've taken a better look in the mirror, but my daytime outings have en­tirely ceased. Only evenings or nighttime. Not until and if, I go through electrolysis, will I carelessly defy the sunshine unless I'm in the privacy of the resort.

After observing dozens of girls in action, I've come to the conclusion that the thing that must be watched most carefully is the walk. It is not enough to think that just by shortening your step you've solved the problem. No indeed. High heels will shorten it automatically, anyway... There's more than that... A woman walks from the hips and does not give the initial impetus for the step from the knee as men do. Just observe carefully the women you see walking on the street and you'll confirm this fact. Men propel themselves along using their shoulders... women don't. The arm movement while walking is also a dead giveaway in many cases.

But coming back to the matter of behavior in a group, it is heartbreaking to see a girl making a pest of herself with the rest of the group. The type that grabs a lipstick without asking per­mission from the owner... the kind who wants to be the center of attraction at all times... or the kind who never has a gracious, kind compliment for others and still expects everybody to flatter her every minute of the day. To say nothing of those who find re­freshments purchased by others and simply monopolizes the container and the contents without even a pretense of a "may I?"

These girls weed themselves right out of the group before they know what's happened. Nobody likes them and the circle doors begin to close. Then, mysteriously Susanna is going to be terribly busy... any meet­ings in prospect? No, my dear... nothing for the time being... I would like to come to the resort this weekend... Gee, I'm sorry, we are having other people there this time. I wouldn't advise you to come... And so it goes. No more invitations to stay overnight in NY, etc... and out she goes.

To like to dress is not enough. I've just re-read all of the above and it certainly sounds catty. But it isn't. It's just a friendly bit of advice to the new girls (and to some of the old ones).

Irene, Giselle & Fiona... what a beautiful trio of Canadian sweetness! People you like almost on sight. It was a lovely week­end with them at the resort. Roberta was the life of the party... wonderful sense of humor that helped break the ice for the shy, new ones...Louise from Maine, quiet and nice... a real lady. So was Robin, who walks about as if she were floating on a cloud of radiant happiness. Elaine, finally we met after many letters and phone calls. The kind you instinctively know is going to be a wonderful friend.

And then, the old timers... no need to flatter them because they know I'm a liar... Lee stunning as usual... Dorothea, good com­pany, a good mixer... sometimes I think she pioneered in the "inven­tion of transvestism"... looks much better now that she lost many, many pounds... Bea from the Carolinas on the other hand could do with a few more pounds... she'a got good taste and carries out her part with a tremendous eagerness for perfection. Buff, just as gorgeous as usual... please, smile more often dear... you look too serious... and Gail... well, this ia the end of the article... sorry I can't find words to flatter her and finally our best wishes to Edith... she has just taken the most interesting trip of her life and is living a real dream... good luck.

Susanna Valenti

Wearing Guess by Marciano.
Wearing Guess by Marciano.

Gayle Channing, professional femulator, circa 1964
Gayle Channing, professional femulator, circa 1964

Friday, July 1, 2016

Flicks for Chicks

I am a big movie fan.

I like a varied genre of film. There are only a few that I do not like: action (for the sake of action) films and slasher films. I also don't care much for feature-length animated films, but I love cartoons (especially Warner Brothers cartoons).

Although I love dressing as a woman, I do like films that appeal to manly men, for example, war films, especially World War II films, westerns, spy films (Connery's 007 are my favorites), mob films, cop films, science fiction, horror films, etc.

My guilty pleasure is the chick flick. (I am writing this just after watching Joy.)

Perusing the lists of great chick flicks, I've seen most of them, liked most of the ones I've seen, and consider some of them as my favorite films of all time!

As a femulator, I guess liking chick flicks is just another expression of my inner chick.

(Caveat Emptor: This is a redo of a 9-year-old post.)

Wearing Rachel Zoe.
Wearing Rachel Zoe.

P.C. Air's transgender flight attendants Nathatai Sukkaset, Dissanai Chitpraphachin, Phuntakarn Sringern and Chayathisa Nakmai
P.C. Air's transgender flight attendants Nathatai Sukkaset, Dissanai Chitpraphachin, Phuntakarn Sringern and Chayathisa Nakmai

Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Perfect Dress

Ann Taylor has this striped dress on sale and I think it is a perfect dress for girls like us.

The vertical stripes on top create the illusion of narrowing our wide shoulders and the horizontal stripes below create the illusion of widening our narrow hips. The lack of sleeves may be problematical for some girls, but if your arms are thinner than the average gurl, then this dress may be for you.

Wearing Milano.
Wearing Milano.

Fred Armisen (left) in a 2009 episode of television's Saturday Night Live. Between SNL, Portlandia and other TV and film appearances, Fred has probably femulated more than any other current actor or comedian
Fred Armisen (right) in a 2009 episode of television's Saturday Night Live. Between SNL, Portlandia and other TV and film appearances, Fred has probably femulated more than any other current actor or comedian.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

50 Summers Ago

When I read A Year Among the Girls by Darryl Raynor in 1968, I was a high school senior and trying to figure things out about my gender. The book did not help me figure things out, but it did make me aware that there were more guys dressing as girls than I had originally suspected. (I originally suspected only me and my best friend Billy.)

Little did I know then that the book was based on the writer's experiences at Casa Susanna. As soon as I read Casa Susanna 37 years later, I suspected that it was the location of A Year Among the Girls. My suspicion turned out to be correct.

I have been collecting images of Casa Susanna ever since. Here are some of my favorites from those summers in Upstate New York long ago. I hope you enjoy them.

Source: Eloquii
Wearing Eloquii.

Thunderballs, a James Bond spoof with a woman playing 007 and men playing the Bond girls.

Monday, June 27, 2016

My Vacation

Last week, I did not take time off from work and I did not go to some exotic vacation spot. My "vacation" was a vacation away from writing this blog. After writing a daily blog post for over 9 years, I just needed a break from blogging.

And I am in no hurry to start up again, so new posts may be few and far between this week.

Source: ModCloth
Wearing ModCloth.

Adam Bailey
Adam Bailey plays Mary Sunshine in a 2013 UK stage production of Chicago.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Friday, June 17, 2016


Fashions come and go and then they come back again. If you are old enough (like me), you have witnessed it yourself.

My mother taught me to wear hosiery (stockings or pantyhose) whenever I go out, so that's what I have done all my feminine life.

I have nice legs, but they are not perfect and hosiery hides some of the flaws. Hosiery also helps keep my legs warm when the weather does not, so I have never considered going without knee-highs, thigh-highs or pantyhose.

But as I went along on my merry way, I did not realize that younger women were abandoning hosiery and going out with their legs bared. I guess if you got it, flaunt it, but until I read somewhere that pantyhose sales were plummeting, I had no idea.

But pantyhose may be making a comeback, thanks to Princess Kate. The Princess has legs to die for and she wears hosiery most of the time, so some women have taken notice of that fashion fact and are gamulating Kate.

Fashion writer Alison Syrett is one of those women and she wrote about her experiences for Good Housekeeping in an interesting article titled "I Tried the Secret Behind Kate Middleton's Flawless Legs."

The article confirmed my feelings about wearing hosiery, but if you are unsure about baring or adorning your legs, I recommend reading this fun article.

Source: StyleWe
Wearing StyleWe.

Paddock, Atlantic City
Yes, she was a boy in Atlantic City in the mid-1960's.