Wednesday, May 25, 2016

When did you make the gender switch?

This year, my Hamvention experience was amazing and filled with so many memories! Where do I begin?

In case you just tuned in, Hamvention is the largest ham radio convention this side of the Arctic Circle and I have been a regular attendee since 1979. Also, I am a well-known writer in the ham radio world having penned among other things, five books and over 1,200 articles.

Since 2010, I have been attending Hamvention as a woman. Although it was scary the first time going in, I quickly realized that most of the attendees did not recognize me as that well-known writer. Rather, they assumed I was a middle-aged woman, probably the wife of a ham, helping out at one of the booths at the convention.

Aha moments only occurred when someone examined my name badge and recognized my call sign. Those moments were few and far between and I was basically invisible at Hamvention. As a result, I passed successfully.

This year was very different.

The folks who run Hamvention chose me (as Stan) to be the recipient of their prestigious Special Achievement Award. I had to decide quickly who would go to Hamvention to accept the honor.

I thought about it for about 30 seconds ― that invisible middle-aged woman who has been attending Hamvention for the past six years would make the trip to Dayton to pick up the award.

So I emailed the Hamvention folks my biography and a current photo to display on their website and print in the convention program, which means that anyone who looked at the website or program would see that the winner of the award was that well-known writer, but now he is a she!

Some people thought that the Hamvention folks had erred using an unknown woman's photo with Stan's write-up and that is my fault. I stuck with Stan because (1) the people who nominated me for the award nominated "Stan" not "Stana" and (2) Stan not Stana, was responsible for the bulk of the accomplishments I was being honored for. As a result, there was some confusion among the civilians attending Hamvention. The following anecdote is an example of their disorientation.

Throughout the Hamvention, I kept running into a husband and wife in my hotel, who I recognized from past Hamventions, but could not remember who they were. So whenever I saw them, I would just wave or say "Hi" and leave it at that.

Saturday evening, as I exited the hotel dressed to the nines to attend the awards dinner, the husband was outside smoking. I said "Hi" and continued to walk to my car, when I heard the husband say, "Stan, when did you make the gender switch?"

I turned around. He did not seem angry, upset or transphobic, but rather curious, so I politely answered his question.

"I've been reading your articles for years and I had no idea!" he added.

And that was atypical. A few people asked me what name did I prefer, but most people accepted me as I was without asking me to explain myself.

And it does not get much better than that!

Source: Express
Wearing Express.

When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
A chorus of gurls in the 1944 film When Irish Eyes Are Smiling.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

I just returned home

I just returned home from my trip to Dayton, Ohio, to attend the Hamvention. I had a wonderful time and have a lot to tell you, which I will do during the next few days. 

Source: Harper's Bazaar
Wearing Lands' End.

Edda Edda
Edda Edda, professional femulator in Weimar Germany

Saturday, May 21, 2016


Stana is away.

Source: JustFab
Wearing JustFab.

Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carl
Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo with Shirley MacLaine
on television's Where Do We Go From Here (1977)

Friday, May 20, 2016


Stana is away.

Source: Intermix
Wearing Intermix blouse, Etienne Deroeux pants and Alexander White sandals.

Berlin 1921
Crossdressers at the 1921 International Congress for Sex Reform on the Basis of Sexology, Berlin.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


At Hamvention, May 2014
My Internet presence will be sporadic from now until Monday as I will be traveling to and from Dayton, Ohio, to attend the annual ham radio convention, Hamvention.

I will try to post when I can, but my dance card is usually so full during Hamvention that I have very little time to get on the net. And in case you missed it, I am receiving an award at Hamvention this year, so my normally full dance card may be even fuller!

And I am cutting this post short because I have to work on my acceptance speech.

And so it goes.

Source: ShopBop
Wearing Free People.

Hari Nef
Hari Nef on Internet television's Transparent (2016).

Monday, May 16, 2016

Tricia’s First Time and Beyond

My earliest memories of crossdressing are circa primary school days.

There was a trunk full of women's clothes in the garage of our home and I remember enjoying getting the dresses out and putting them on. My Mother also had an old one-piece swimsuit she kept in our laundry and when she was not home, I'd go in there and try it on. I think I can also recall donning the swimsuit and a wig for a "dress up session" with one of my male cousins who dressed as a beatnik, all this in front of some relatives. Yes, it was that long ago! Worse still!!! ...about that time I found an encyclopedia article on women's period dress quite fascinating, so I guess my love of wearing women's clothes stems from that time.

I can also clearly recall how beautiful my Mum looked when she and my father were attending a formal ball and I guess I wanted to look like her: all beautifully coiffed, perfumed, made up and dressed in a long evening gown. Perhaps that's where my ongoing love of formal wear came from too!

Moving to my early teens, my parents had a holiday cottage where, though it would never be allowed these days, I refused to go for winter weekends as there was "nothing to do." So this gave me the chance to be on my own and dress in all my mother's finery. Tennis balls had to make do for breasts in one of her bras, but that was OK. I especially enjoyed the tightness of her panty girdles and feeling the tautness of the suspenders attached to her stockings.

This went on for some time until, inevitably, some relatives called in to check on me one night and I was well and truly "sprung." Being a typical "father of the age," i.e. the 60's, my father's "severe talking to" about this "hobby" of mine centered on the retribution I would face when I got older if the "boys in the pub" found out about my penchant for things feminine!

A Lady Bracknell femulation in a North Carolina private school production of The Importance of Being Earnest.
A Lady Bracknell femulation in a North Carolina private school production of The Importance of Being Earnest.

I attended a trade-oriented, all-male high school where drama and plays were hardly given a mention. So it can only be imagined how jealous I was when I read a newspaper article about how in the best tradition of all-male private schools of the era, boys were selected to play the female roles in the school's annual production. Males playing Lady Bracknell in the Importance of Being Earnest have had me green with envy ever since!

Onwards into my 20's and once married "this will all fade away." But of course, it did not and the need to be Tricia caused much tension in the marriage and eventually was one of the main reasons for the divorce. Siring two girls did not help because when they matured, there were even more "frillies" about the house!

My career involved a lot of interstate and overseas travel so that's when Tricia would appear, mostly in a hotel room somewhere. Though she did venture out occasionally in such places far from home as London and Toronto and a couple of crossdresser group meetings in Perth, Australia, she's been retired for quite some time now and the location of where she lives and the circumstances of that location, plus her current relationship allows Tricia reasonably frequent occasions to "emerge." Period and evening gowns are still favorites, as is classy cocktail wear and lingerie.

Tricia would love to go out in public more often, but not in the small rural community where she resides. The gossip mill would go into meltdown if she was "sprung" and whilst she may be able to withstand all of the above, the burden on her beloved partner would be most unfair!

Furthermore, Tricia knows that one day, hopefully quite some time away, "advancing years' will decree a move to a retirement village back to the City. How this will affect not only her but her clothes, makeup, jewelry ,etc. wearing and storage remains to be seen.

Happy dressing everyone,


I invite all Femulate readers to share their first crossdressing experience. Try to recall that moment the first time you tried on a woman’s garment and began the process of unveiling and exploring your feminine self. To entice you to share your first time story, I will give away a free copy of my e-book Fantasia Fair Diaries to all whose stories I use in Femulate.

Source: HauteLook

Jerzy Grzechnik
Jerzy Grzechnik femulating Adele on Polish television's Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo.

Saturday, May 14, 2016


I work with engineers. Cubicles populated by hardware and software engineers surround my cubicle. Due to their proximity, eavesdropping is unavoidable, but not very interesting because most of the time they talk about work and their current projects.

When their discussions stray from work-related issues, they seem to be an apolitical bunch. There is one fellow who is fascinated by Trump, but most of the crew keep their political views close to the vest and talk about other non-work matters.

But out of the blue Thursday morning, three engineers have a discussion about how the country is divided... yadda, yadda, yadda... Someone brings up the transgender bathroom issue and I am all ears.

One engineer said, "I don't understand what the big deal is about if a transgender woman is dressed like a woman and uses the women's restroom or if a transgender man is dressed like a man and uses the men's restroom. Who cares?"

End of discussion.

Hurray for our team!

Source: Polo
Wearing Polo.

Ted Brightwell
Ted Brightwell on stage in La Cage Aux Folles.