Thursday, March 10, 2016

Do I confuse you?

True Colors Conference, 2009

I apologize for the confusion.

In Wednesday's post, I wrote, "today is my birthday." Problem is that I wrote that post on Tuesday (my birthday), but published it early Wednesday.

Unless I get distracted by something more important, I usually write blog posts one day before they are published, which is typically just after midnight local time.

You may ask, "What can be more important than writing a blog post?"

I don't know, but stuff happens. Or sometimes stuff doesn't happen and I don't know what to write about. Or sometimes the stuff that happens goes by the name of  "writer's block."

How about the news that Lana Wachowski's sister (former brother) Lilly came out as transgender, too!

It still is winter, isn't it? You'd never know it as records are being broken in this neck of the woods with the temperature climbing past the 81F/27C degree mark.

This is not normal. I recall last year, it snowed the night before the True Colors Conference. But in light of this winter's weather, snow is not much of a concern as the True Colors Conference approaches (on March 18-19).

I am looking forward to the conference where I will be presenting "Makeup Basics for Trans Females," which is described thusly, "Putting on your face can be a cosmetic calamity if you don't have a roadmap. This workshop provides guidance and tips for the transgender female on how to successfully navigate the world of cosmetics so that she can start looking like the female she really is."

In addition to presenting, I will help staff the booth that the local transgenders will have at the conference. So, it will be a full day as a woman.

Source: Jessica London
Wearing Jessica London.


Adolf Dymsza
Adolf Dymsza in the 1937 Polish film Niedorajda.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Introvertively Yours

Believe it or not, I am an introvert. Talk about double whammies  a closeted transwoman, who is also an introvert.

It's no wonder that it took the better part of my life to get out of the closet and the better part of my time outside the closet trying to make the great leap to living full-time as the woman I truly am.

I mention this because today is my birthday (this was written yesterday) and I want to begin celebrating, so I am going to keep this short and redirect you to a spot-on article that I read earlier today, "22 Things Only Introverts Understand." If you are an introvert like me, you will shake your head yes as you read the 22 things. If  you are not an introvert, maybe the article will provide some insight into what we introverts are all about.

Meanwhile, on the latest episode of the soap opera I call Life, my manager du jour informed me that next week, I will begin reporting to a fellow located in our California facility.

And so it goes.

Source: Louisa Spagnoli
Wearing Louisa Spagnoli.

Alexander Bekker
Alexander Bekker

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Accelerate Gender Parity

March 8 is International Women's Day.

Celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women. Yet let's also be aware progress has slowed in many places across the world, so urgent action is needed to accelerate gender parity. Leaders across the world are pledging to take action as champions of gender parity.

Globally, with individuals pledging to move from talk to purposeful action - and with men and women joining forces - we can collectively help women advance equal to their numbers and realize the limitless potential they offer economies the world over. We have urgent work to do. Are you ready to accelerate gender parity?

Click here to Make A Pledge Now!

Source: Belle & Clive
Wearing Komarov.

Zackary Drucker
Zackary Drucker at the 2016 Amazon Studios Golden Globe Awards Party.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Muddy Water

My status at work changes on a weekly basis.

If you have been following my soap opera,you know my boss was let go two weeks ago. She was a great manager and supported whatever I wanted to do about being transgender.

My new boss was my old boss's boss. We have a great working relationship and she also supported me. She once told me that I could dress any way I wanted to at work.

I planned to sit down with her this week and discuss my plans to begin presenting as a woman at work. Problem is that she may no longer be my boss and I will be reporting to a guy on the West Coast who I never met!

I hope that by the end of the day, the situation will be clearer, but I am not holding my breath.

Source: Veronica Beard
Wearing Veronica Beard.

Brendan Jordan
Brendan Jordan on the runway for Marco Marco

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Your Presentation Sounds Feminine

Singer Michał Kwiatkowski femulates Madonna on Polish television's Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo in this video from YouTube. This is one of the most convincing femulations in the Your Face Sounds Familiar franchise that I have seen so far. I had to do some research before I was convinced that Michał was indeed male.

By the way, Michał Kwiatkowski, the Polish singer is not Michał Kwiatkowski, the Polish bicycle racer.

Source: Intermix
Wearing Intermix.

Audrius Janonis femulates Viktorija Mauručaitė on Lithuanian television's Muzikinė Kaukė.

Friday, March 4, 2016

The Sisterhood of the Panty Girdle

Back when I started femulating in the early 1960s, most women wore girdles.

"Girdles were considered essential garments by many women from approximately 1910 to the late 1960s. They created a rigid, controlled figure that was seen as eminently respectable and modest. They were also crucial to the couturier Christian Dior's 1947 New Look, which featured a voluminous skirt and a narrow, nipped-in waistline, also known as a wasp waist.

"Later in the 1960s, the girdle was generally supplanted by pantyhose. Pantyhose replaced girdles for many women who had used the girdle essentially as a means of holding up sheer nylon stockings. Those who want more control purchase "control top" pantyhose. Many women forgo wearing girdles, stockings, and pantyhose entirely." (source Wikipedia)

I know for a fact that all the females in my household wore girdles when I began femulating and I wore a girdle, too (usually my mother's). It held up my stockings, held in my belly, and helped give me a feminine figure. 

When panythose replaced stockings, I continued to wear a girdle and still wear one today, although today, they call it "shapewear." In addition to shaping my body, it provided another function that became very important when my femulation took me out of the house: a girdle provided an effective way of hiding my private parts. It was more effective and more comfortable than wearing a gaff.

Today, few women wear girdles. I know for a fact that none of the females in my household wear girdles or shapewear, but I still do. My guess is that a lot of other "girls" who started femulating back when I started still include a girdle or two in their wardrobe.

Long live the Sisterhood of the Panty Girdle!

Source: Luisa Spagnoli
Wearing Luisa Spagnoli.

Marek Kaliszuk, Katarzyna Skrzynecka and Stefano Terrazzin femulate Lady Marmalade on
Polish television's Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo. Note that Kaliszuk (left) and Terrazzin
(right) are femulators, while Skrzynecka  (center) is cisgender female.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Femulating a Femulator

One thing led to another while searching for something or other on the Internet and I got caught up searching YouTube for femulations on the Your Face Sounds Familiar television show in all of its international versions. I was surprised how many femulations I found.

Since the femulators are being made-up, coiffed and dressed by professionals, most of the femulators look very good. But when they open their mouths, it is usually incongruous because most of them choose to sing in their male voice.

On the other hand, a few attempt to sing in a female voice and those who have pulled it off have been appearing in the Femulator slot below this week.

One of the more unique femulations I have found features a femulation of  a femulator femulating Mae West!

Back in 1937, Polish film Piętro Wyżej (On the Floor Above) featured actor Eugeniusz Bodo femulating Mae West. Almost 80 years later, Polish singer Bartek Kasprzykowski recreated Bodo's femulation of Mae West on the Polish version of Your Face Sound Familiar, Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo. YouTube has both and you can view them below.

If you don't understand Polish, you might want to fast-forward to the 58:50 mark of the film to catch Bodo's femulation.


Source: Diane von Furstenberg
Wearing Diane von Furstenberg.

Eugeniusz Bodo femulates Mae West in the 1937 film Piętro Wyżej (On the Floor Above).

Bartek Kasprzykowski femulates Eugeniusz Bodo femulating Mae West
on Polish television's Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Thank you

I want to thank everyone who has commented and e-mailed me about the elephant in my room. Your input and support is greatly appreciated.

It's hard enough trying to make a decision that will effect the rest of my life without distractions and yet, my job has been a big distraction the past few days.

My company bought yet another company and the inevitable consolidation is now underway. Among the co-workers let go was my boss. She was a top-notch manager and very supportive of my diversity (she suspected I was transgender before I came out to her).

My new manager was her old manager. She is also very supportive of the woman I am. But reorganization follows quickly on the heels of consolidation, so I don't know if this working arrangement has much of a lifespan.

And so it goes.

Source: Beyond the Rack
Wearing Beyond the Rack.

Artur Chamski femulates Helena Vondrackova on Polish television's Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Monday, February 29, 2016

Those Pesky Torpedoes

It is never too late to be what you might have been. ―George Eliot

I spent the weekend doing housework, grocery shopping, and income taxes, while thinking about what to do about the elephant in the room.

One minute, I just want to blurt out everything and the next minute, I didn't want to say a word and just go on being a frustrated woman. And then there were times I wondered if I really am a woman.

I am reading No! Maybe? Yes! Living My Truth by Grace Anne Stevens. I bought the book because Grace transitioned in her mid-60s and I thought that would give me some insight at my age (64, going on 65).

I’ve read a lot of trans biographies and although I always find some similarities between myself and those biographies, there was never a close match between them and I. Not so with Grace Anne Stevens. I won’t go into details, but I see a lot of myself in Ms. Stevens… almost a sisters separated-at-birth scenario.

That should have settled all the doubts in my mind about being a woman, but there are still doubts and there probably always will be. Do I use those doubts as an excuse not to move forward or do I just damn the torpedoes and do it! 

There is a big difference between Ms. Stevens and myself. She was divorced when she took damned the torpedoes, whereas I am happily married. Although I am happy with my marriage, I am not happy about being stuck between genders. If I was not married, I would be living as my true gender today.

And there’s the rub.

Wearing Nordstrom.

Bryan Boy
Bryan Boy wearing Oscar de la Renta.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Primary Femininity

Like Mother, Like Son
I have been reading the old Drag magazines that are accessible at Internet Archive and the following article from a 1978 issue (volume 7, number 26) of the magazine fascinated me.
Boys Should Be Girls
LOS ANGELES  A University of California psychoanalyst says all little boys start life by wishing they were little girls.
This thesis, voice by Dr. Robert Stollar [sic], contradicts the theory of Sigmund Freud, who concluded that all little girls subconsciously wished they were little boys.
Dr. Stollar [sic] told a meeting of the American As­sociation for the Advancement of Science that it was "only natural that all babies would want to be girls because the mother, not the father, is the parent with whom they identify first.''
The doctor says he has treated hundreds of male patients who had trouble switching their ''gender identity" as they grew older. Earlier in life, they had all wanted to be girls, he said.
If this is indeed true, then TVs and TSs are the only people in society who are following their nor­mal God-given urges!
I looked the doctor up and found that he's Dr. Stoller, not Stollar. Wikipedia expands a bit on what the Drag magazine article said.
Drawing on his extensive research with transsexuals and new advances in the science of sex, Stoller advances his belief in "Primary Femininity," the initial orientation of both biological tissue and psychological identification toward feminine development. This early, non-conflictual phase contributes to a feminine core gender identity in both boys and girls unless a masculine force is present to interrupt the symbiotic relationship with the mother.
That fits me perfectly, like a size 14 dress!

Source: MyHabit
Wearing A.B.S. by Allen Schwartz.

Abraham Placencio, Kenneth Ansloan, Matthew Bubb
Abraham Placencio as Angelica del Rio, Kenneth Ansloan as Joan
Crawford and Matthew Bubb as Marilyn Monroe on stage in
The Joan Crawford Marilyn Monroe Christmas Show (1997).

Friday, February 26, 2016

Turning the Corner

My 65th birthday is just around the corner and I have been doing a lot of thinking about how I am going to live the rest of my life after that landmark birthday:

  • As a frustrated woman because I will continue to pretend to be a man most of the time or
  • As a woman

I have accomplished a lot in my life while pretending to be a man, but imagine what I could have accomplished if I was not a frustrated woman.

Truth be told, I suspected I was a frustrated woman most of my life, but it was less than ten years ago when I had my epiphany and realized I really was a frustrated woman. So I am kind of off the hook about all those years before my epiphany, but plead guilty to dragging my feet (pun intended) since my epiphany.

It seems that I have been closely following Scarlett O'Hara's words, "Tomorrow is another day" as I procrastinate.

The thought of living the rest of my life as a woman thrills me. Every morning when I get dressed to pretend to be a man, I pretend I am dressing to live as a woman. As I put on my briefs, I picture myself slipping on a pair of panties. As I pull a T-shirt over my head, I picture myself clasping myself into a bra. As I pull on my socks, I picture myself carefully pulling on a pair of thigh-highs. Etcetera, etcetera.

Oh, how I wish it were true! And I have the power to make it come true.

My employer would not be an issue. Human resources says I can start coming to work as a woman anytime and my boss said she is more than ok with it. And my many Halloweens at work as a woman have prepared my co-workers, so they are already used to that girl and will not be surprised if I go full-time.

Home is where there is a catch. I have not broached the subject with my spouse and I have no idea how she would react.

For what it's worth, about a month ago, her and I are eating dinner, when out of the blue, she asks, "Do you think you might be transgender?"

I blurted out, "Duh."

And that was the end of the conversation. So she knows something is up with me and has been up with me for a long time.

I have to make the next move.

Source: Bergdorf Goodman
Wearing Bergdorf Goodman.

Brendan Jordan
Brendan Jordan