Friday, February 12, 2016

June 1995 Photoshoot

As I wrote here Monday, before they deteriorated, I scanned nearly 300 photos from the 1990s for preservation. I had not viewed most of the photos in years and they brought back a flood of memories that I will share in this and future posts.

I don't recall much about these photos except that I was home alone on a Saturday in June 1995 and decided to do a photoshoot modeling my new to-die-for dress.

In retrospect, looking at these photos, I see a woman, not a man in a dress, but a woman who enjoys being a woman.

Source: ShopBop
Wearing Monique Lhuillier.

All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Tricia's Favorite Photo (of Tricia!)

Fulfillment of a Lifetime Dream

Tricia Riley, April 2013

Tho’ I have no idea why, since my pre-teens, I have had a fascination with female period dress, especially formal long gowns with crinoline skirts.

Today marks the fulfillment of owning such a garment. Unlike “days of yore” when communications were so primitive, today with the Internet and on-line shopping, Tricia Elizabeth Riley (AKA “Lady Patricia of the Highlands”) has completed her first “dress rehearsal” in a lovely 1700’s style ball gown. A crinoline underskirt would have been too hard to store, so the fact this wonderful creation has collapsible side panniers has more than made up for this.

The colours are a deep pink underskirt and ivory overskirt and top. The bodice is a paisley-covered combination of these colours and features a rose at the bust.

Thus, as soon as practicable this morning, Tricia got herself made up, attached her breast forms and dressed in her best corset and lingerie. Then came the challenge of the dress for the first time. The panniers were tricky for a start, but Tricia soon worked those out.

Then THE moment. On with the dark pink underskirt over the panniers, then the ivory overskirt and detachable “velcroed” bodice. The sleeves are only ¾, so the pink long sleeve gloves purchased to hide the arm hair were a good and necessary investment.

Thence, to the “crowning glory”  curly blond “Marie Antoinette” wig, long dangly pink and rhinestone earrings,(to match the dress) and a glittering rhinestone necklace. In order to complete the “off to the 17th century ball” picture, a pink with white feather “masked ball mask” was put in place.

The entire dress creation was made for me by E.T. Costumes in Melbourne, Australia. The owner, Christine, did a fabulous job at a very reasonable price.

Will someone please pinch me. Surely I am dreaming all this and I will wake up soon!!. But no… it is for real…

Crossdressing nirvana has been achieved!

Hugs to all!!

Lady Patricia

2016 Update: Sadly Christine passed away after she made this lovely outfit for me. The photo was taken about a month after I wrote about wearing the dress for this first time. This was the first of three professional makeovers by a genius makeup artist, who again, sadly for Tricia has since moved interstate.

P.S. Being a “glutton for punishment,” about a year later I bought a gorgeous “Scarlett O'Hara” Civil War gown from Recollections Inc. in the USA.

If anyone is interested in “Chapter 2” of this “tale,” happy to provide same.

Calling all girls! My open invitation to post your favorite photo along with the story behind it and the reason it is your favorite photo still stands, so don't be shy, send me your fave foto. ― Stana

Source: Spiegel
Wearing Spiegel.

Vittoria Schisano
Actress Vittoria Schisano covers Italian Playboy.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Photo Memories: My First Makeover

As I wrote here Monday, before they deteriorated, I scanned nearly 300 photos from the 1990s for preservation. I had not viewed most of the photos in years and they brought back a flood of memories that I will share in this and future posts.

By January 1995, I had been regularly attending support group meetings for over 5 years, but I was still closeted, that is, not going beyond the safe confines of the support group’s meeting place.

A few gurls in my support group attended First Event, an annual transgender convention held in the Boston area and recommended it to me as a way to expand my horizons. I was ready, so I registered for the convention and when the big day arrived, Elaine, another ham radio gurl who I knew as a ham long before I knew her as a gurl, drove us to the convention hotel in Natick, just west of Boston.

After settling in, I began exploring the hotel and here I am in the photo above, trying out the catwalk that was set up for the First Event fashion show. Wow, my hemline is short! I guess some things never change!

Later that day, I sat in and watched Hollywood makeup artist Jim Bridges perform a makeover on another First Event attendee. The transformation was amazing. I was so impressed that I made an appointment for a makeover late Saturday afternoon, so I would look my best for the Saturday night banquet.

It was my first makeover and I was a little nervous going in. How would I look? Would I be disappointed?

Jim's transformation of me was as impressive as the transformation I witnessed earlier. I literally did not recognize myself when he was finished. "Is that really me?" I wondered when I looked in the mirror for the first time after the makeover.

After the makeover, I returned to my room to get dressed for the banquet. I was anxious to show off the new me and when I finally made my grand entrance, my friends and acquaintances did not recognize me either… in a good way.

Source: Rent the Runway
Wearing ML Monique Lhuillier.
Singer Jordan Gray

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Acceptance and Rejection

At the 2015 Transgender Lives Conference
There are two conferences in the Spring that I try to attend and present at: True Colors Conference and Transgender Lives Conference.

There was a call for workshops at these conferences in the fall and I submitted proposals to both. My proposed workshops were basically the same for both conferences.

True Colors Conference accepted my workshop proposal soon after the deadline for workshop submissions had passed.

Transgender Lives Conference rejected my proposal long after the deadline had passed. The reason given for rejection was that my workshop “didn't fit in with health and law.”

Last year, my workshop didn’t fit in with health and law, but it was accepted. A good time was had by those who attended and the workshop “got good reviews.”

Needless to say, I am upset and very disappointed and I will not attend the conference.

Source: Ann Taylor
Wearing Ann Taylor.

Alex Lutz and Bruno Sanches
Alex Lutz and Bruno Sanches in French television's Catherine et Liliane

Monday, February 8, 2016

Polaroids and Kodachromes

1990, The Big Hair Era
A few days ago, I happened upon my collection of film photographs (as opposed to digital photographs).

I noticed that the 40 or so Polaroid SX-70 photographs in the collection were starting to deteriorate, that is, the white frames surrounding the images were coming apart. So I decided to scan all the Polaroids before they deteriorated further.

Then I noticed that the color was fading in some of the Kodachromes in the collection, so I decided to scan all the Kodachromes, too.

I finished the job on Saturday scanning almost 300 photographs in all.

I have not looked at most of these photos in ages and in my opinion, they confirm the old saying “youth is wasted on the young.”

I was in my late 30s through my late 40s in those photos and "Damn!" I look good in those old photos. I can see how my femulating skills improved over the years, but even early on, I could have safely gone out as a woman amongst the civilians, but did not because I thought my height would give me away. What a waste!

I was 39-years-old in the accompanying photo taken at the first support group meeting I ever attended (Connecticut Outreach Society). It was also the first time I had ever left home as a woman that was not Halloween-related.

I recall feeling awkward and very nervous and as a result, sweated profusely at the meeting. I thought that I did not belong with these men in dresses and I swore I would never come back. But I did come back… again and again and again.

Source: Bluefly
Wearing Catherine Malendrino.

Alan Cummings
Alan Cummings

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Number Nine

Nine is the number of years that I have been blogging Femulate.

(Friday was the blog's 9th birthday, but I was so busy the last few days that I forgot about it until now.)

What can I say?

The blog is as popular as ever (averaging over 5,200 hits per day during the past month). I receive lots of e-mails everyday related to the blog.

About once or twice per week, I receive an e-mail from a girl saying that the blog motivated her to get out of the closet and experience the world as the woman she really is.

That makes it all worthwhile!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Lena's Favorite Photos (of Lena!)

Hi again to Stana from Australia. My alter ego name is Lena or Lenni. A reason for the two photos being among my favorites is they are among the first to be taken in my garden at the front of the property. Behind me are trees and bushes etc, which shield the property from the passing public parade either on their way to the shops or the beach.

Like many other people who read your blog, wish to again say how much I enjoy it. Appearing as convincing as possible is so important and then being accepted for who we are. Emulating females seems to be a high priority in crossdressers' lives around the world. As you are still asking for ''best'' photos, I have many favorites and the two herewith were taken late last year at my block of units that I own. I don't think I look too bad for a 77 year old!

Calling all girls! My open invitation to post your favorite photo along with the story behind it and the reason it is your favorite photo still stands, so don't be shy, send me your fave foto. ― Stana

Source: Glamour
Stockholm street style

Source: Pinterest
Womanless beauty pageant contestant Number 7 might have shaved
her legs if she knew she was going to be today's Femulator.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Online Womanless Competition

Being a contestant in a womanless beauty pageant is something many of us aspire to, but may never achieve because womanless beauty pageants are not a common occurence. You can't win, if there is no place to play.

However, I just learned about a place where all of us can play. It is online and is not really a beauty pageant. Rather, it is a style contest being run by Sister House and sponsored by Choies.

Why a Style Contest?

"Because," according to the Sister House announcement, "We want to highlight those women in the transgender and crossdressing community that represent a stylish and elegant modern day woman. You don’t need to be Caitlyn Jenner to be stylish. Our own Stylish Crossdressers better represent our community than most headliners in the daily news, and better understand who we are."

The contest deadline is February 28, so read the rules and e-mail your entry as soon as possible.

Good luck!

And yes, I plan to enter.

Source: Metrostyle
Wearing Metrostyle.

Xuso Jones
Xuso Jones femulates Britney Spears on Spanish television's Tu Cara Me Suena.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


There are transwomen and transmen. May I now suggest the "transfamily."

If being trans is a natural occurrence rather than a nurtured development, doesn't it make sense that it might be genetic, too?

I have an acquaintance who is a closeted crossdresser (don't ask how I know, but I know) and I am aware that his son crossdressed on occasion in his youth. (The son moved across the country, so I don't know if he is still crossdressing or not. All I know is that he is now in his 40s and still unmarried, which may or may not indicate anything trans-wise.)

And I am sure you have heard about crossdressing siblings, crossdressing fathers and sons and crossdressing mothers and daughters.

Now with more and more people coming out as trans, more families are discovering that crossdressing within a family is not a solo occurrence  it can be a family affair.

Source: Intermix
Wearing Cushnie Et Ochs (dress), Kenneth  Jay Lane (earrings) and Sergio Rossi (shoes).

Source: Starla
Femulating at Downey, California, High School in 1995.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Womanless Pinterested

Womanless beauty pageant winners, Sulphur (LA) High School, 1987
Please excuse my lack of blog posts the last few days. I had two freelance projects to do, which occupied most of my free time the last four days.

I finished the projects yesterday and now I can get back in the groove and return to writing posts for my favorite blog!

Regular readers of this blog may recall the huge collection of womanless pageant images that Starla clipped from online high school yearbooks.  She sent her findings to me on a regular basis and I mentioned them here, then posted them on flickr.

I have not heard from Starla since July 2015. I miss her and you probably do too if you are a fan of womanless beauty pageants.

Stan Jones has stepped in and taken Starla's place clipping images from online sources and every day or two, Stan posts a half dozen or so new images on his School Womanless Beauty Pageants Pinterest board. I find it amazing that Stan keeps discovering new images from the last century, but he does!

Follow Stan's Pinterest board to see what you've been missing.

Source: Brahmin
Wearing Brahmin.

Source: Pinterest
Rhyan, fashion model.