By Michelle
We know our weakness, don’t we? Once we are dressed, someone only has to think about taking a photo and we find ourselves automatically preening our hair and checking our make-up – it’s in our genes!
In previous articles, I have explained how I asked friends if I could show them photos of me dressed - and then warned them that if they said “yes,” they might be there for some time. I like to think I’m under control in this aspect of my hobby, but nonetheless, I don’t think I’ll ever refuse to show photos to anyone who shows the slightest interest – normally following heavy hinting on my part.
Having said all that, I am usually very disappointed at the way I present in photos – usually looking very fed up and if posing, I forget to smile or if I do, it usually looks rather forced.
Like most of us, I have a portfolio of pictures, but I can honestly say that I would only want to show about 10% of them. Which is why when a photo does come out well, I treasure it.
The photo I attach with this article is my all-time favourite, although, as I say, it doesn’t have too many to beat. I like it because it isn’t posed and I’m obviously having a good time. However, as I was performing a karaoke version of a Three Degrees song with two other girls at the time, I’m not sure others in the room were enjoying the moment quite as much!
I know that Stana takes selfies to check her outfit and make-up before going out, and that seems sensible. However, I’m usually in such a hurry that organising myself to take a photo is usually beyond my time management capabilities. As a result, I normally judge the best I can by looking in the mirror – and some mistakes can go unnoticed as I go forth into the outside world.
Looking at this photo, though, I think I got away with it on this occasion. I’m really pleased with my make-up, especially my lipstick which seems to have stayed in the right place, and I think matches my dress well. As it was at Christmas, the bright, shiny red effect is appropriate. The necklace and earrings go well for me and the contrasting tights and watch set it off well. I must have been in a hurry, because I wish I’d have applied some nail varnish, which would have added a little more to the effect.
This is how I like to see myself when I’m out and although I know I don’t usually manage it, it’s fun trying to recreate the look and it’s also good to have a photo to remind me of when I did.
Has anyone else got a favourite picture of herself, which they can “show and tell?”

“Miss P. R. Morgan” femulating in The Timbertown Follies in The Netherlands, circa 1916.