Friday, March 28, 2014

Yes, it happened to me!

Dana On Wednesday, I asked, “Has this happened to you?” that is, you’re out en femme and another woman reacts negatively (or positively) because you look better than her.

Dana’s “Sister”

I was at a fund raising event (guest of a friend) of about 300 people in attendance and found myself not alone in the choice of my dress! I really love this dress and actually had to wait about 8 months before it went on sale and I could buy it. It is a very fun and flirty dress to wear and received several compliments on it from other ladies, which of course makes it even more fun and exciting!

So unlike a previous time where the girl was not liking the fact both of us had on a very similar dress, this woman was all smiles and we laughed, complimenting the other on how good we each looked (yes, she was just being nice to me, but it meant the world to me as I think she is beautiful). I told her we could just say sisters if anyone asked and she said YES, the story being set! Above is a picture of us together!

Sindi’s Internet Intrigue

I am on a social site. I received a email from a member saying I should not be playing dress-up- nothing about how I looked. I read it and could not figure out why she wrote that. So I emailed back saying I guessed she did not want to be friends, LOL Turns out her husband had been looking at my page OMG - a jealous woman. And jealous of me???

Carollyn’s Makeup Counter Adventure

I went to Nordstrom’s at Bellevue Square (WA) to get a couple of Clinique items and to ask the cosmetologist for “smokey eye” assistance, since I was going to party that evening with Jamie Grae and her friends in Everett.

I was wearing the black outfit (photo below), but with boots not heels, since it was raining. The skirt was also longer. I rolled it for the party since everyone wears short skirts where we were going. I also wore my black leather jacket.

“Anyway, I walked in to Nordstrom's and scanned the makeup area looking for Clinique. I finally found the counter and approached Michele to purchase pour concealer (which is a must under my makeup) and eye-liner. She was amazing and so helpful... but it was the two ladies at the other counter who went gaga over my appearance.

I told Michele I was ambi-gender and told me she had numerous CD customers and that she was not bothered. The ladies did not have any clients, so they walked over to see what Michele was doing for me. I had removed my jacket so my cleavage was apparent too. The first comment I heard was “Where did you get your nylons and boots?”

I was wearing patterned nylons. They asked me if I could model for them. So, I took off my boots and walked around the counter. I told them where I bought both items.

“Well, when Michele is done with you, please come over to our counter.”

About 15 minutes later, I paid Michele for the product and thanked her for her help with Carollynthe “smokey eye” and went to see the other two ladies.

“You are beautiful,” said one lady. The other said, “I could never look as pretty as you.”

And they were both lovely and classy in their appearance. Compliments continued to flow.

We talked for about 10 minute, mostly about where I buy my clothes, why I was in Washington, and about living in California. I don't think they knew I was CD, or at least they did not lead on to it. I did show them a couple of pictures of me that I had on my camera in different outfits and even gave them one of my “business” cards. The both gave me a hug and said to come back any time.

Obviously, I walked out of Nordstrom's on Cloud 9.

Vicki's Workout

I was never out in a dress, but I was working out in a hotel workout room wearing a light blue leotard and what they called then "Toast" colored tights. I also had on a little elastic belt which was strictly to accessorize the leo and pull the outfit together. I had many different colored belts which mostly matched the different colored tights I would wear.  It really just gave it a cute look.

I began in the room by myself and two women came in together to workout. They struck up a conversation with me.  

One said to both her friend and me, "I think I need to have a talk with my husband about letting me spend more on my workout clothes. It is depressing when a guy has cuter outfits than me."  

Then the other woman said, "He also has better legs than you."  

She then looked at me and said, "Do you like having girly legs?"

The last comment that they made after I finished and said goodbye, "You have a better ass than either of us also. Now that is depressing."


Source: Aunty Marlena
College men femulating in Lucky Break, a 1932 University of
Wisconsin Haresfoot Club stage production.


Source: ShopBop
Wearing Marc by Marc Jacobs.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Our Events



Our Stories

This past weekend, I missed "Moving Transgender History Forward" at the University of Victoria, home of the world’s largest trans archives.

"Scholars from colleges, universities and community organizations across North America and all over the world converged on Vancouver Island March 21-23 to attend the first-ever conference on accessing and archiving trans history.”

Normally, I would not mention past events [unless I was present and being fabulous (is that redundant?)], but in this case, I want to pass along some wise words regarding transgender history from Jan Brown, my friend of renown.

"It's important to know where we have come from and the people who have spurred on the movement. If anyone has historical material, please don't just throw it away thinking no one would be interested.

"Not true! There is a lot of interest to save our history. You just have to find the right place and right now, the University of Victoria is very interested, as are The Center and the University of Michigan Library (Labadie Collection)."

Our Lives

One month from now, on April 26, Transgender Lives: The Intersection of Health and Law Conference will be in full swing at the UConn Health Center in Farmington, Connecticut.

"This all day conference is geared towards service providers, medical and legal professionals, trans and gender non-conforming community, allies and all those interested in the health and law issues facing the trans and gender non-conforming communities."

Two of my trans buds (Dru Levasseur are Tony Ferraiolo) are the keynote speakers and their speech will be preceded by a full slate of interesting and pertinent workshops.

The Conference costs only $25, includes a free lunch and is conveniently located on I-84, half way between Boston and New York City, so it is an easy drive for folks living in the upper right corner of the lower 48.

Hope you can make it!

Our Fair

I like attending New England fairs in the fall and my favorite fair to attend is Fantasia Fair in Provincetown on Cape Cod. The longest-running annual trans conference in the world celebrates its 40th anniversary this year and the week-long event runs from Sunday October 19 to Sunday October 26.

Fantasia Fair "continues to be the leading annual program promoting a gender-variant individual's ability to thrive in real-life situations." Unlike most trans conferences that occur in one building (read: big closet), Fantasia Fair occurs all over a very cool seaside resort and has a huge menu of things to do (sleep is optional).

Register as early as possible to save on the registration fee, so don't delay.

You can read about my last trip to Fantasia Fair among these posts. I hope to see you there this year!





Source: Female Mimics

Professional femulator Terry Dunham posing for a photoshoot in 1974.





Source: ShopBop

Wearing Diane Von Furstenberg.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Has this ever happened to you?


You’re out en femme and another woman reacts negatively (or positively) because you look better than her.

Tell me your story. How did she react? What did she say? (I’m all ears.)






Actor Jim Rash femulates again on television’s Community (2009-2014).





Source: Madeleine

Wearing Madeleine.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Random Thoughts from True Colors Conference

2014-03-25 Put the Squeem On

I wore my new Squeem Miracle Vest body shaper for the first time on Friday.

The instructions recommend breaking it in gradually by wearing it one hour the first time, two hours the second time, etc.

I was all-in the first time and wore it for over 10 hours!

Unlike other shapewear I have worn in the past, the Squeem was painless. By day’s end, I had some chaffing below my boobs. To prevent chaffing in the future, I have to adjust the shoulder straps so that the vest sits a little lower on my torso.

Except for that operator error, I was completely satisfied with the Squeem. It gave me a nice shapely figure all around and supported my back in such a way that it improved my posture. And it was pain-free!


The first couple of times I staffed my support group's table at the True Colors Conference (2007 and 2009), Diana and I were "the staff" more or less. I don't know if my trans sisters were afraid to be out in public or what, but volunteers to staff the table were hard to come by.

Just as the trans students attending the conference are no longer afraid to attend en femme, things have changed for the better volunteer-wise, too. Now there is an abundance of volunteers --- so many that at times, there are not enough chairs to seat us all, so SRO!

Shut-Up Already

One of the comments I received regarding my presentation is that I should let the attendees speak more.

Throughout my presentation, I announced that if there were any questions, please interrupt me and ask. As a result, there were questions, as well as comments numerous times during my presentation. And I welcomed them because the presentation is for the attendees; their questions and comments fill in things I missed or did not cover thoroughly or at all.

I do not discourage comments and discussions, but perhaps my announcement infers that I am because I only mention questions. So in the future, I will modify my announcement to encourage comments and discussions, as well as questions.





Source: IMDB

Actor Gary Beach (second from left) femulating in the 2005 film The Producers.





Source: ideeli

Wearing Evan Picone.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Everyone en femme

Up at 5 AM for a busy day, I dressed in my new Sofia Vergara outfit and drove to Diana (of Diana’s Little Corner in the Nutmeg State fame) to carpool to the True Colors Conference at UCONN.

The forecast was for a pleasant day… sunny and temperatures around 50 degrees. I figured my new trench coat would be adequate, however, when we arrived at UCONN, it was more like Yukon. The wind was blowing hard and I can’t recall ever feeling so cold walking the quarter-mile from the parking lot to the Student Union. My guess is that the wind chill was well below freezing.

I checked in, got my presentation package and spent most of the day hanging around my old support group’s table, which was staffed by a very able crew of transwomen including my old Fantasia Fair pal, Karen Marie, who is magical in the way she is able to interact with the adults and kids, who stopped at our table.

I encountered a lot of old friends and sadly, I missed a few who I know were there but who did not appear to me in the crowd of nearly 4,000 attendees. I also made some new friends, like Susan Collins and Lorelei Erisis, so I guess I am “even Steven” as fast as missing old friends and making new ones!

As I mentioned here on Thursday, I changed the name of my presentation from a title that mentioned “femulate” to something that mentioned “crossdressing” figuring that the latter would garner a larger audience than the former because all the attendees knew what the latter meant, but not so much the former. 

My strategy paid off. I did not do an exact headcount, but I estimate that there were nearly 40 people in attendance, which is by far an all-time high for my True Colors Conference presentations. By the way, there were three or four adults in the group and the rest were middle school, high school and college students.

My presentation, Crossdressing Successfully in the Real World, went well. There were a lot of good questions and exchanges throughout my presentation and most of the post-presentation evaluations rated me Above Average or Excellent. 

I hope I helped someone. I noticed a few people taking notes, so some people must have taking away some useful information.

Diana and I left Yukon about 5 and ate dinner at an old mill that was converted into a restaurant (Adam’s Mill Restaurant in Manchester). There were no issues - the staff treated us transwomen like ladies and when we left the restaurant, a middle-aged gent (a customer, not an employee) held the door open for us.

I was home around sundown and my big takeaway from True Colors this year was how great it was to see so many of the students en femme. When I started attending True Colors back in 2007, few if any of the students presented en femme. Actually, I don’t recall any presenting en femme, but I did not see everyone, so I might have missed someone.

Fast-forward 7 years and there were students everywhere presenting en femme, which warned my heart and put a big smile on my face.

Source: IMDB

Actor Christopher Hewett (right) femulating in the 1967 film The Producers.

Source: ShopBop

Wearing Diane Von Furstenberg.

Friday, March 21, 2014

True Colors Conference 2014

It was a long busy full day and I am ready to go horizontal, but I will leave you with this photo of yours truly taken this afternoon at the True Colors Conference.

Transgender in the Real World

I will be attending the True Colors Conference today. In light of that, I leave you with an appropriate article that my friend Jila sent me: "5 Shocking Realities of Being Transgender the Media Ignores" by Amy P.

The article may be preaching to the choir here, but I think it is worth reading and a good article to pass on to anyone you are trying to enlighten about being transgender.

Also in light of that article, I want to mention that although Hollywood often does a lousy job of portraying transgender people, they usually do a good job making-up and dressing the actors who portray transgenders.

So when I post a photo here of an actor portraying a transgender woman, please realize that I am posting it to show the quality of the physical presentation and I am not endorsing the film itself and how it may portray transgenders.

And so it goes. And may you go forward this weekend with spring in your step!


Professional femulator Barry Scott, circa 1970



Thursday, March 20, 2014


At the True Colors Conference in 2009 The last few days, my mind has been occupied with the True Colors Conference.

For those of you who just tuned in, "True Colors is a non-profit organization that works with other social service agencies, schools, organizations, and within communities to ensure that the needs of sexual and gender minority youth are both recognized and competently met."

Every March, True Colors hosts a two-day conference at my alma mater, the University of Connecticut, where thousands of GLBT youths and their supporters from throughout the USA meet to attend what is essentially a GLBT youth convention.

This year will be my sixth trip to the Conference. Except for the first trip when I was just testing the waters, I have presented each time evangelizing the normality of crossdressing and encouraging male-to-female crossdressers to get out of the closet and into the sunlight where they can blossom as women.

My presentations have been well-received, but every year as the Conference approaches, I consider tweaks and changes to my presentation to bring it (and me) up to date. And that is what has been occupying my mind lately.

On of the biggest changes this year was changing the name of my presentation.

In the past, the name of my presentation contained the word "femulate." You know what femulate means and I know what femulate means, but someone off the street perusing the Conference program probably won't know what femulate means and will consider attending some other  presentation on a topic they recognize.

So I jettisoned “femulate” and renamed my presentation "Crossdressing Successfully in the Real World." I think everyone will know what that means and might be intrigued to hear me speak.

Wish me luck!






Actor Dave Foley femulating on Canadian television’s The Kids in the Hall, circa 1991.




Source: Boston Proper

Wearing Boston Proper.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Say “Cheese”

IMG_1390_cropped_www How many crossdressers does it take to change a light bulb?

Three – One to climb the ladder to change the light bulb, one to hold the ladder, and one to photograph the event.

Whenever I am out en femme, I bug people – friends, acquaintances and strangers alike to take my photo. My excuse is “to feed the blog.”

You readers want to see photos of girls like us out doing things in public like girls like them, so my reason for getting photographed is legitimate. But that is only part of it; there are other reasons.

I like to see how I look in the photograph. Does the outfit I put together look good together or did I err grievously in my fashion judgment?

Do I pass as a woman? If I pass at least in the photograph that increases my chances of passing in public.

And when I am not en femme, I like to have a photo on hand of myself en femme to remind me of the good days. That is why I have a photo on my desk at work of myself en femme at work on Halloween.

(It is funny how nobody has ever commented about the photo on my desk at work. Frequently visitors to my cubicle will look over my shoulder at that photo which sits on the desk behind me, but no one has ever said a word. I wish I could read their minds.)






Femulator extraordinaire Vincent McDoom.





Source: Madeleine

Wearing Madeleine.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

News from Abroad

Carmen e-mailed me over the weekend with femulating news from France.

The Femultor image that I posted here yesterday was the result of Carmen's e-mail, that is, Alexandre Styker's portrayal of a transwoman in a French television movie, Belinda et Moi, which aired on Saturday.

Carmen also mentioned that on March 8, her and some girlfriends visited Chenonceau Castle and Gardens.

These days, it is not that unusual for transwomen to go out and see the sights, but what happened to Carmen and her friends was very unusual --- a local newspaper (La Nouvelle Republique) publicized their visit in print and on the newspaper's website!

How cool is that!

By the way, Carmen is second from the left in the photo the newspaper published.


Source: Female Mimics
Bambi, a professional femulator, in French street style, circa 1965.


Wearing 10 Crosby Derek Lam (dress) and Joie (booties).