Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Charlize Theron I am such a girl. I watch most of the awards shows and never miss the Oscars. I don't care much about who wins what; I watch for the glam to see what the girls and boys are wearing.

This year, I really liked the blue tuxedos that a couple of the guys were wearing (Jason Sudeikis, for example). If I were a guy going to the Oscars, that's what I would wear. As for the girls, I'd wear what Kate Hudson and Charlize Theron wore.

And when are we going to see femulators on the red carpet? You got to believe that some of the guys on the red carpet would prefer to wear evening gowns. I assure you, next time I go to the Oscars, I will attend fully femulated.

Jared Leto won an Oscar for portraying a transwoman in Dallas Buyers Club and some people are up in arms about it because they feel that a transwoman should have played the role.

So when Hollywood gets around to making Femulate: The Movie, I want them to hire me to play myself. Not really; I’m a lousy actress. Actually, I’d prefer they hire Kate Beckinsale to portray me!





Source: flickr

The beautiful Miss Britney Smith.





Source: Pinterest

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Bedeviled by a Blue Dress


Modern Family is one television show I never miss. It is smart comedy and I much prefer smart comedy to dumb comedy that depends on a laugh-track for laughs.

Anyway, the accompanying image shows beautiful actress Sofia Vergara appearing in the latest episode of the program. I could not take my eyes off the television screen during her brief appearance. I fell in love with the outfit she was wearing. The wrap dress was gorgeous and looked great with her black tights and heels.

Wrap dresses are very flattering on me and I wanted Sofia's wrap dress for myself. But what were the chances of finding it and even if I succeeded, it would probably be a designer dress with a three or four figure price tag.

"Dream on, girl," I though to myself.

I prowled the Internet for awhile trying to find the dress without any success until I image-Googled "sofia vergara blue print wrap dress flutter."

The second image that Google displayed was Sofia modeling that very dress! Turns out that the dress is from the Sofia by Sofia Vergara line of women's clothing and it was for sale in my size. I was so happy with my find that I even sprang for the four-figure price tag ($20.24) and I can expect the dress to arrive from Kmart real soon now.

By the way, after I found the dress online, I found two websites that would have simplified my search: Shop Your TV and Worn On TV. Both websites knew where to find Sofia's dress.

Have fun!





This image seems to depict a variation of a womanless wedding. Usually, males play all the parts including the bride, mother of the bride, bridesmaids, flower girl, and female guests. In this variation, the males only play the female parts and females play the male parts. So this would be more appropriately called a “crossdressing wedding” rather than a womanless wedding. My guess is that it occurred in the mid-1950s, but the location is unknown. The initials “VHHC” painted high on the wall in the background offer the only clue.





Source: Amazon

Wearing Guess.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Like I Said


Blogger Peter Lappin of Male Pattern Boldness fame had a real life experience that affirmed some of what I wrote about in my Thursday Future Dressing post.

Here is the link to the Peter's pertinent post and I urge you to read it, but here are a couple of takeaways from the post which told about his visit to a Comme des Garcons store in the city to research his men's skirt sewing project

"Friends, I couldn't even tell which areas in the store were for men and which were for women..."

"The young male sales assistant who helped me was wearing the skirt posted up top, only with black leggings (not quite tights), colored socks and black shoes."

Admittedly, this occurred in New York City and you will not have the same experience in a clothing store in downtown Podunk (or the Podunk mall). But it's a start!





Source: flickr

Student actor femulating in a 2013 stage play at Eaglebrook School in Deerfield, Mass.





Source: ShopBop

Wearing Rag & Bone bag.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Our Gangster in a Dress

Harry Spear and Jean Darling switch genders
in “Crazy House,” a 1928 Our Gang comedy.
When I was a kid, I was a big fan of the Our Gang/Little Rascals comedies. Would you believe that I am so old that I saw my first Our Gang comedy, "Hook and Ladder," in a movie theater as a short inserted between the newsreel, cartoons, coming attractions, second feature and main feature?

Anyway, after my first taste of Spanky and his gang on the big screen, I sought out the series on television and over the years, I probably viewed every episode including the early silent episodes.

One silent episode left a big impression on me. I only saw it two or three times, but I will never forget it. For years, I tried to track it down without much success. Even the Internet was not much help.
Now that a lot of Our Gang episodes are on YouTube, I decided to renew my search and, Eureka! --- I found what I was looking for.

The episode I sought was titled "Crazy House," a silent two-reeler from 1928. Here is the plot description from Matinee Classics:

"In this Our Gang film, Jean Darling is a rich girl who invites the gang to her elegant home for a party. The gang is allowed to go anywhere in the mansion since her parents and servants are not home. Little do they know her father has set traps throughout the mansion for an April Fool’s Day party which scares off the gang. The police end up coming to the house with a surprise at the end of the movie."

That sounds innocuous: just your typical Our Gang plot, but there was a sub-plot that made an impact on my very impressionable pre-teen mind.

The rich girl wants to be a boy. After the gang arrives, she convinces one of the male gang members (Harry Spear) to switch places with her and they crossdress in each other's clothes. After the girl and boy switch clothes, the girl became aggressive and fights with the boy in the dress and tries to start a fight with other gang members to prove her masculinity.

I will always remember seeing the boy in the little girl's short dress and thinking that he looked just like a little girl with short hair. Also, I will always remember how the girl in drag pushed around the boy in drag.

I identified with the boy in drag. As a kid, I was not aggressive and other kids (boys and girls) bullied me and pushed me around. I was a poster child for a sissy and it was inevitable that I would wear a dress.

And so it goes.

("Crazy House" is on YouTube here is in two parts on YouTube. You can view Part 1 here and Part 2 here, but note that the crossdressing scenes only occur in Part 2.)


Artist Steven Arnold and beat poet Ruth Weiss switch genders for Halloween in 1965.


Joan Crawford
Actress Joan Crawford in 1932.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Future Dressing

A modern male and female.*

What will life be like for us girls in 25 years? Here are my predictions for where we will be in the year 2039.

It will be completely acceptable for males to dress however they please. Just as it is acceptable for females to wear male clothing today, it will be acceptable for males to wear female clothing in 2039.

There will be different degrees of how males adopt womenswear. At one end of the spectrum are guys who may on occasion wear a macho skirt, a manly pair of heels and a little foundation, while at the other end of the spectrum will be the "femmen" (you know who you are), who will dress in womenswear all of the time. And nobody will hassle anyone for what they wear except maybe scolding those fellows wearing white frocks after Labor Day.

There will no longer be women's and men's restrooms; there will just be restrooms.

Clothing stores will no longer segregate their wares between women and men or girls and boys. Instead, the stores will have adult, young adult, and children's departments.

Sex reassignment surgery (SRS) will be very common in 20 years because folks will be able to get SRS on demand just like cosmetic surgery can be had on demand today. Folks with and without gender dysphoria will be able to change genders and the results will be more satisfactory because of advances in the surgical procedures.

All health insurance plans will cover gender-related procedures, either as basic coverage or as an option like some plans offer vision and dental coverage as an add-on expense today. For example, if you were contemplating SRS, you could opt for gender coverage and it would not be an expensive add-on because the procedure will be so common in 20 years.

By 2039, you will be able to live in whatever gender role you prefer. When someone asks a child, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" the anticipated answer will be "girl" or "boy" and not a career choice. Females can be as macho as they want to be and males can be as feminine as they want to be.

What a wonderful world it will be!

*   I replaced the original photo that appeared at the top of the post after Glori discovered and commented that the photo depicted two transwomen.





Brigham Morris Young femulating as “Madam Pattirini” circa 1900.





Source: Madeleine

Wearing Madeleine.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

My Favorite Angel

Who was your favorite angel?


In my opinion, Farrah Fawcett had more fans than the other two angels combined. She had the hair, she had the poster and she had the most publicity.

Despite Farrah’s popularity, my favorite angel was Jaclyn Smith. In my opinion, Jaclyn was more beautiful and sexier than the other angels. And she was the angel I wanted to be!

Fast-forward about ten years... I was attending my first transgender convention. A Hollywood makeup artist was at the convention doing makeovers for the attendees. After witnessing his demo, in which he transformed an average-looking transgirl into a glamorous queen, I signed up for a makeover (it would be my first makeover ever).

During my makeover, I asked him which Hollywood actresses he had worked with and he rattled off a few names. Then I mentioned that I thought Jaclyn Smith was one of the most beautiful women among the current crop of stars (circa 1985) and he responded that he had done Jaclyn's makeup a few times and that she had lousy skin that required a lot of work!

After bursting my balloon, he patched it up by adding that I had better skin than Jaclyn Smith!





Source: Dinah East

Actor Jeremy Stockwell femulating in the 1970 film Dinah East, which is very interesting from a femulating perspective. According to IMDB, the plot of the film is as follows: A glamorous movie queen of the 1950s is revealed to be a man whose secret led to complicated relationships. As a result, Stockwell is en femme throughout the film and he does an excellent job portraying a female. His good looks, narrow waist and petite frame sells the femulation despite some inexpensive wiggery. The film has been difficult to find, but is now available from Netflix. 





Source: Madeleine

Wearing Madeleine.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Your Face Sounds Femulated

Most mornings, I check out the "Newest Postings From My Blog List" in the Femulate sidebar to see what's new with the girls in the blogosphere.

"Singer: Julio Iglesias Jr. as Amy Winehouse" on Elle’s Gossip Gurl caught my attention and I found myself on YouTube watching Julio femulate Amy on a television show called Your Face Sounds Familiar.

Evidently, Your Face Sounds Familiar is very popular outside the USA and appears on televisions in over 30 countries and languages. The premise of the show is that celebrities appear on the show to impersonate popular singers. And occasionally the celebrities impersonate singers of the opposite gender, as did Julio, Jr.

I had to check this out more thoroughly!

I spent an hour or so on YouTube searching out more cross-gender performances and I was impressed with many of the femulations I found. The makeup and wardrobe people on the shows performed some amazing transformations turning male celebrities into the likes of Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, Tina Turner, Rhianna, Beyonce, Shirley Bassey, and others whose names I did not recognize. (I also did not recognize the names of some of the celebrities who femulated.)

For what it’s worth, some of the male celebrities have performed as the opposite gender more than once on the program… just saying.

There are literally hundreds of Your Face Sounds Familiar videos on YouTube and I probably missed a few of the femulations, but in my opinion, the best came from Spain's version of the program. During an episode which aired last year, Andreo Ermel femulated Amanda Lear. See the video above and the photos below.

I think you will agree that she looks fantastic… her voice, not so much!







Santiago Segura and Julio Iglesias, Jr. femulating as Azúcar-Moreno
on television’s Your Face Sounds Familiar in 2014.





Source: Victoria's Secret

Wearing Victoria's Secret.

Sunday, February 23, 2014