I did not sleep well Tuesday night and when I rose Wednesday morning, I felt so tired that I considered cancelling my day out en femme. But since my day off from work was already approved, I stuck to my plans.
Shave, coffee, shower, coffee, makeup, coffee, dress-up, coffee --- all in slow motion. I wore my new DressBarn dolman sleeve hunter green sweater dress, Hue black tights, Nine West black patent stiletto pumps, and lots of colorful bling (see photo).
I was out the door at 9:45 AM and at the casino at 11 AM. The selfie accompanying this post was taken just minutes before I slipped into my coat and car and drove to Mohegan Sun.
There was not much traffic in the casino gaming rooms, so there was no problem finding unoccupied slot machines. I expected that the casino would be a little busier considering it was the holiday season, but I was wrong. The "crowd" that did show up was an odd mix: guys in their 20s and 30s and little old ladies with walkers. There also were a handful of women of various ages who were dressed-up, so I did not feel out of place.
The lighting in the Mohegan Sun gaming rooms is dim, so from afar, I look like a big blonde of the female gender. As a result, guys check me out and that was the case on Wednesday. I noticed some guys checking me out from afar and a few that made a close approach for a better look, but no one got any closer.
The slot machines were not very cooperative, so after an hour of putting money in and not getting money out, I took a break and did some window-shopping in the mall that connects the two huge gaming rooms.
I visited a few stores, but did not find anything of interest to gift to the occupants of my Christmas list.
I did buy some makeup for myself at Sephora and I had accumulated enough points to add some "free" makeup to my shopping bag. Sephora is my favorite makeup store --- the sales reps are very helpful and the young woman who greeted me on Wednesday stuck to my side until I found exactly what I needed. She also graciously accepted my request to take my photo.
I returned to the slot machines and had better luck in the afternoon, but overall, it was not a profitable day. And the lack of sleep was taking its toll, so I decided to make my exit at 3 PM.
When I got in my car, I realized that my gas tank was low and I might not make it home on what was remaining. So the last thing I did en femme on Wednesday was pump gas!
Any questions?

Actor Stephen Dorff femulates actress Candy Darling in the 1996 film I Shot Andy Warhol.

Wearing Maggy London.