Friday, September 6, 2013

Early September in Connecticut


Weather-wise, early September is my favorite time of year.

The sky is a perfect shade of blue and the angle of the sun makes the clouds look perfect, too. The days are warm, but the humidity of summer is gone. And the nights are cool --- perfect for sleeping soundly the whole night through.

My sister and I were discussing this perfect weather the other day and I remarked that it was a “9/11 kind of day.”

Although the weather is perfect (in my humble opinion), it always brings to my mind September 11, 2001 because this is the way the weather was on that terrible day.

And things will never be the same again.



Source: Rena

Rena is a Femulate reader who lives fulltime as a woman in Florida.



Source: Pinterest

Wearing a jacket from Newport News.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Say Cheese

My spouse was perusing the Avon outlet catalog and when she spotted a necklace that I bought earlier in the year, she remarked, “Didn’t I see you wearing this necklace?”

I did not recall the occasion, but knowing I owned the necklace in question, I assumed she saw me wearing it.

“I guess so,” was my reply. But I wasn’t so sure.

For the past few years, I have gotten into the habit of photographing every outfit I wear or plan to wear. I do this for a couple of reasons:

- To see if the outfit makes me look fat.

- To post the photo on Femulate (so you can see if the outfit makes me look fat).

What I see in the mirror often looks different in a photograph. Photographing my fashion faux pas allows me to make adjustments (e.g., tighten my corset) so I don’t look fat.

Anyways, I have hundreds of selfies. (I just checked and I am embarrassed to tell you how many I actually have. Let’s just say that the number is four-digits long).

I checked all my photos for the past year and there was nary a one in which I am wearing the necklace.

Go figure!

Source: Pinterest
Two female femulators enjoying the last days of summer.

Source: ShopBop
Wearing Alice + Olivia.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Girls Will be Boys and Boys Will be Girls

By Michelle

boy-of-the-future When my son was 9-years-old, we borrowed a children’s book from the local library. It was one of a series of books written by an internationally known author of best selling children’s stories.

When I was a similar age, I remember avidly reading all the books in this series that I could. I was particularly interested in one of the main characters; here is what Wikipedia says about that character.

“George is an effeminate boy and insists that people call him Georgina. With his long hair and girl's clothes he is often mistaken for a girl, which pleases him enormously. Like his mother, Georgina has a mild temperament. He is gentle and obedient, but very loyal to those he loves. He is compliant to the needs of others and causes no trouble for his mother, nor for his cousins.”

This author has been criticized for being sexist and even using racist language (both of which I think are unfair as she was writing in a different age and therefore, for a different audience). However, as far as I am aware, the character of George was never the cause of similar controversy.

The author in question is Enid Blyton, who wrote many children’s book series after World War 2 and this character was a major one in The Famous Five series based on an idyllic lifestyle of four children (and their dog) in Southern England in the 1940s.

If you know these stories and I don’t know how popular they were in the USA, you will realize that I have not been entirely honest with you. In the above Wikipedia entry, I changed George/Georgina’s gender 180 degrees and rather than being an “effeminate boy,” she was a “tomboy.” The entry from Wikipedia as it originally appeared is below with the words I changed underlined.

Georgina is a tomboy and insists that people call her George. With her short hair and boy's clothes she is often mistaken for a boy, which pleases her enormously. Like her father, George has a fiery temper. She is fierce and headstrong, but very loyal to those she loves. She is sometimes extremely stubborn and causes trouble for her mother as well as her cousins.”

Incidentally, I looked up the antonym of tomboy and suggestions included “girly boy” on one website site where “girly girl” was suggested as an alternative. This is not a phrase I have ever heard relating to boys, although I have for young girls.

“Nancy boy” was also a suggested opposite, which I’ve only heard used as a form of insult - much different than tomboy, which is more often than not used as a compliment, implying independence and strong mindedness.

Had George been the character as described in the second paragraph of this article, I am convinced The Famous Five books would not have been the top sellers that they became. Indeed, I would guess that it would have been the subject of attempts to withdraw it from children’s literature circles.

The desire to become more feminine is always embarrassing (is emasculating an appropriate word here?), whilst wanting to indulge in more traditionally boys’ things (play sport, climb trees) is seen as a positive thing.

To include this character may be seen as a courageous move by Blyton, at a time when few women wore trousers and any man seen pushing a pram may well have been ridiculed. Despite these facts, and I know there have been books written for children on similar themes (e.g., UK author/comedian David Walliams’ The Boy in the Dress), I’m not sure in some areas we’ve come much further over 70 years since The Famous Five books were first published.



Actor Clay Wilcox femulating in the 1984 film The Philadelphia Experiment.





Source: Premium Outlets

Wearing Premium Outlets.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Quick and Painless Out

I was a little surprised by my boss's reaction when I came out to her on Thursday.

She is actually my boss's boss. My actual boss works from his home in Pennsylvamia, whereas my boss's boss works in the same building as I do. As a result, I have more contact with my boss's boss than my boss.

That being said, we got to know each other a little better during our 7 hours on the road to and from Pennsylvania. We talked a lot about business, but we also talked about our home lives and families, so I felt very comfortable coming out to her.

As I wrote here on Saturday, she said she was perfectly fine with my being trans and that I could dress any way I wanted to at work.

I expected her to ask me questions about being trans and I was ready to do a little Trans 101 in response, but she did not ask me anything and that was the end of it.

It does not get much better than that.

Actors Aron Kinkaid, Martin West and Steve Rogers femulating
in the 1965 film The Girls On The Beach.

Source: Boston Proper

Wearing Boston Proper.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Back to School

The kids are all back to school and all the femulating students will be looking forward to any opportunity to don their lady apparel and sashay down the hallways for their school’s upcoming gender swaps, womanless beauty pageants, Halloween festivities, womanless fashion shows… any opportunity for a boy to become the girl of his dreams!

Just in time for the first session, Starla has unearthed 139 new images of femulating scholars from various online school yearbooks. A sample of her finds appears above; the remainder are in the Yearbooks collection on flickr and you may view them in two ways:

Method 1: Open one of the Yearbooks sets (A through Z) and you will find the newest uploads at the end/bottom of the set. (The oldest uploads appear at the beginning/top of the set.)

Method 2: Open this photostream and you will find the newest uploads at the top of page 1. The uploads get older as the page numbers get higher with the oldest uploads on the last page.

By the way, the contents of the Yearbook A through Z sets are organized according to school name, for example, the photos from Sacred Heart High School would be in the Yearbooks S set.
Actor Alain Chabat femulating in the 2003 French film Chou-Chou.

Source: The Cut
Wearing Chanel.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Her Girl Friday


Commenting on yesterday's post, Joan Elizabeth wrote, "I'm wondering though, doesn't your boss have an inkling as to your gender variation life style, she must by now with all the stories you've mentioned. I'm surprise the conversation with her hasn't come up. Are you on a close personal level with her? or just a boss worker relationship."

Funny that Joan Elizabeth should ask.

During a break in a meeting at our Pennsylvania office this week, my boss brought up my 2012 appearance at work en femme on Halloween in a joking manner. There was a lot of joking and kidding going on throughout that day-long meeting and my Halloween costume was mentioned in a light manner with no ill will intended. (Knowing my boss, I am 99% sure that that was the case.)

I was surprised by her mentioning it and I cannot even recall the context of the mention. I had no comeback, but wish I had said something like, "Wait 'til you see what I wear next Halloween."

On the way back to Connecticut yesterday, I told my boss about some office gossip that I had heard while in Pennsylvania and that precipitated a long conversation about some recent false gossip that my boss had to squelch.

I asked if she had heard any gossip about me being trans and that if she had, it was true.

She said that she had not heard any gossip about me, that she was perfectly fine with it and that I could dress any way I wanted to at work.

And so it goes.



Source: Pinterest Brolita (a male femulating as a Lolita).



Source: Boston Proper Wearing Boston Proper.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Out, Not Out, Out


I planned to go out en femme after work Wednesday night.

I traveled with my boss on this business trip to our Pennsylvania facility; she drove her car, so as a result, my out en femme plans were limited to places within walking distance. I had two choices: dine en femme in the restaurant next door to my hotel or dine en femme in my hotel's restaurant.

My first choice was the restaurant next door because I had dined there Monday in boy mode and the food and ambience were excellent. My hotel's restaurant was a distant second choice because it was a serve yourself set-up and had next to no ambience. 

It began raining around 7 AM Wednesday morning and according to the forecast, it was going to rain throughout the day and into the evening. I had no umbrella and my plans to walk to the restaurant next door did not look promising.

Mid-morning, I encountered a co-worker who I did not expect to see at our Pennsylvania facility. I mentioned him here before --- he is gay and I assumed he knew I was trans-something. He was staying in my hotel, so I asked him if he didn't mind having some company when he went out to eat after work. He was glad to have the company, so then I dropped my bombshell.

"You know I'm trans, so I hope you don't mind if I go to dinner in girl mode."

He said he did not mind at all, but then he added that he had no idea that I was trans despite my three Halloween en femme appearances at work!


All was well until mid-afternoon when my boss informed me that she had scheduled a meeting at 5 PM that I had to attend.


I informed my dinner date that I probably would be late and if it was too late, I would dine in boy mode.

The meeting ended at 6:15 PM. It was 6:40 PM when we returned to our hotel. It would take me about 90 minutes to switch from boy mode to girl mode, which translates to 8:10 PM more or less.

I did not want to make my friend wait that long, so I abandoned my plans to dine en femme and we went to dinner with me in boy mode.

Despite being in boy mode, it still gave me a chance to do outreach. My friend knew more about trans than the average civilian, but I still educated him about some things he did not know and now I have another ally in the battle of the genders.

After dinner, I had nothing much to do, so I decided to see how fast I could switch from boy mode to girl mode. I amazed myself and made the transition in 55 minutes!

I took some photos modeling the three dresses I packed for the trip, then I took the elevator to the lobby, but it was late and the lobby was deserted. So I returned to my room, removed my makeup and clothes, slipped into my nightgown and went to bed.

And so it goes.



Male model Artyom Eduardovic.



Female model Suzy Parker.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

It's Business

I arrived safe and sound at my hotel mid-afternoon Monday. I will attend business conferences Tuesday and Wednesday and a business dinner Tuesday evening. I will be on my own Wednesday evening and plan to go out en femme, so please stay tuned.

Monday, August 26, 2013


I went to the casino Saturday night in boy mode. My wife and sister had free tickets to see Styx and REO Speedwagon. I planned to play slots while they attended the concert.

My wife and sister had an excellent time at the concert and I had an excellent time playing slots. In fact, it was the most productive time I ever had playing slots.

I also had an excellent time girl-watching. Probably like many of you, I girl-watch to get inspired for when I am girl-dressed.

Saturday night at the casino there were lots of ladies dressed to kill. There were larger groups of young ladies involved in wedding shower or bridesmaids outings, there were smaller groups of ladies having a girls' night out and finally, there were single ladies accompanied by males out for a Saturday night date.

High heels, high hemlines, and a high fashion presentations were the norm. I wanted to go home and return dressed to kill myself!

Instead, I went home and packed for my business trip this week. My packing included two new dresses and everything else I need to go out en femme after work during my trip.

Funny how all my boy stuff takes up about one-quarter of the space in my suitcase, whereas my girl stuff fills the rest of the space and is crying out for even more space!

Actors Kenneth Williams and Charles Hawtrey femulating
in the 1960 British film Carry On Constable.

Wearing 3.1 Phillip Lim.


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Maybe Transsexual

Source: wikiHow

"How to Know if You Are Transsexual" should be more like "How to Know if MAYBE You Are Transsexual," but it is an interesting read nonetheless and I love the drawings accompanying the text.

By the way, during the upcoming week, this girl’s blog may be a little thin (unlike the girl). I will be on a business trip Monday through Thursday and my blogging time may be limited.

But on a positive note, I hope to slip into some womenswear in the evening after work, so I may have some new adventures en femme to report to you. Keep your fingers crossed.



Source: Marlena

Actors Alex Grelle and Steve Love femulating on stage in L'imitation of Life, 2013.



Source: Nine West

Wearing Nine West (Stana’s favorite cordwainer).

Friday, August 23, 2013

Fall Fashion Finds

avon_printed_ruchged_waist_dress avon_exotic_edge_dress

A recent preview of Avon products included two new dresses for the fall.

I bought one of each. They arrived Wednesday and when I tried them on, I was happy with the fit.

I am traveling on company business next week and will pack a couple of new dresses in case there is an opportunity after work to express myself.




Femulating model Andrej Pejic on the cover of GQ Australia, October/November 2013.




Model Suzy Parker, circa 1958.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bradley Manning Plans To Live As A Woman


WASHINGTON, Aug 22 (Reuters) - Bradley Manning, sentenced to 35 years in military prison for the biggest breach of classified U.S. documents in U.S. history, said in a statement on Thursday she is female and wants to live as a woman named Chelsea.

"As I transition into this next phase of my life, I want everyone to know the real me. I am Chelsea Manning, I am a female," Manning, 25, said in the statement read on NBC News' "Today" show.

"Given the way that I feel and have felt since childhood, I want to begin hormone therapy as soon as possible," Manning said. "I also request that starting today you refer to me by my new name and use the feminine pronoun."

(Wow! – Stana)